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The article discusses the importance of services as agents of internationalisation. Services are seen as dynamic agents of change, and services and commodities are considered composite in production processes. Modes of entering the global scene such as trade in services, foreign direct investment, forming of alliances, franchising and intrafirm trade are focused on, and limits to globalisation are highlighted. Some services, particularly advanced business services, more easily fall prey to institutional and cultural constraints than others. Empirically, Norway is analysed as an arena of international services against the background of its historical tradition particularly in shipping and affiliated activities. Recently, however, manufacturing has gained in importance, mainly in exports and to a lesser extent in imports, due to the petroleum economy. This appears to indicate that export of services has lost momentum over time. The development profile in shipping is highly negative. The negative picture changes somewhat when not only the trade balance, but also investment abroad is considered. In this respect, services have grown in relative importance, notably in the financial sector and in telecommunications. When juxtaposing outgoing and incoming investments, petroleum-related services have gained an increased export and investment surplus in recent years, from a balance in the mid-1990s.  相似文献   
Global environmental change leads to degradation of tropical forests in many countries. In response to this pressure, programs for payments for ecosystem services (PES) are developing and organizations are emerging which manage forests in order to supply ecosystem services, rather than only harvest timber. Typically such services are carbon sequestration, biodiversity conservation, pollination, and watershed protection. Public or private actors interested to invest in or donate money for the provisioning of such services are faced with the problem of choosing the appropriate organization supplying ecosystem services. The goal of this paper was to develop an assessment framework based on the balanced scorecard concept including drivers, impact, performance and context variables. Results of a survey of international market actors were used to determine assessment criteria and their weights. Putting the focus of this paper on drivers and impacts, we assessed Latin American organizations that “sell” ecosystem services from tropical forests in terms of their general management, marketing, forest management, client and stakeholder satisfaction, and forest ecosystem status. We found that supplying organizations vary widely with respect to their achievements in these areas. However, the variance of assessment results is influenced even more by the variance in weights the international market actors allocate to the assessment criteria. The insights of this study can contribute to the continuous improvement of management processes in supplying organizations and can support investors and donors in their decision-making with respect to organization supplying ecosystem services.  相似文献   
金宝轩 《测绘科学》2010,35(3):125-128
地理信息服务应用中,单一的功能服务往往无法独立完成复杂的地理信息应用,需要不同粒度的服务组合及协调机制。本文重点研究地理信息服务的组合建模方法,提出基于Petri网的地理信息服务组合建模理论。首先,给出基于Petri网的地理信息服务的定义和图形化描述,然后结合三维地理信息的应用,给出了三维空间分析服务组合的实例分析,最后通过烟草行业的地理信息服务应用验证基于Petri网的服务组合模型的可行性。  相似文献   
利用卫星遥感资料和地面气象观测资料,基于CASA模型及其他数理方法估算了浑善达克沙地2000-2013年生长季(4-10月)植被净初级生产力(NPP),并对其时空变化特征进行了分析,讨论了气候因子和人类活动对植被净初级生产力的影响。结果表明: 14年间,研究区生长季的植被净初级生产力呈波动中增加趋势,多年平均NPP为239.8 gC·m-2·a-1。整个研究区表现为高NPP值(大于150 gC·m-2·a-1)的植被面积在增加,低NPP值(小于150 gC·m-2·a-1)的植被面积在减少。在空间分布上,研究区的北部、中部和南部边缘区域的植被NPP增加趋势较明显,而东部和西部部分区域未发生明显的趋势性变化。总体而言,研究区植被净初级生产力变化趋势与降水量的关系更密切,其相关系数达到0.86,是驱动植被NPP年际波动的最直接因素。而与温度呈负相关,相关系数为-0.42。综合考虑气候因素和人类活动对沙地NPP的影响发现,温度降低、种饲料面积、年末牲畜存栏头数和羊的数量的减少是NPP值提高的关键因素。  相似文献   
针对储层评价工作中存在数据处理繁琐、易出错的问题,根据参数间的内在关系,利用Excel内嵌的VBA语言编写了储层评价数据处理程序.该程序以井斜数据、井数据、分层数据、砂体数据、测井解释成果表及夹层数据为基础,分析储层评价工作中数据间的关系,设计了相应的算法,实现了井斜校正、按层统计砂体厚度及计算砂地比、夹层统计、自动扣除夹层及有效厚度计算、储层特征参数和储量计算参数集总、坐标添加及常用绘图软件数据格式转化等功能.  相似文献   
基于渔获群落多样性指标的深水流刺网渔具作业性能分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据在东海区开展的3种型深水流刺网选择性试验数据,对3种型深水流网渔获组成、多样性及渔获性能进行了分析比较研究。结果表明:(1)本次试验共捕获33种渔获物,包括鱼类28种、头足类3种、甲壳类2种,其中3种型刺网均捕获种类8种;(2)3种型刺网优势种存在差异,日本方头鱼和黄鲷为共同优势种;(3)3种型刺网捕获种类多样性指数(D值、H’值、J’值)均不存在显著性差异(P>0.05),但渔获种类差异明显,3种型刺网两两比较种类Sorensen相似度均低于50%;(4)同型刺网相邻网目尺寸Bray-Curtis相似性较高,随着网目间距增加,相似度逐渐减低,以重量和尾数计算的相似性基本趋于一致;(5)3种型刺网随网目尺寸的增加(50~70mm),其W统计值(-0.113~0.040)总体上呈现依次增大的趋势,干扰程度逐渐较低。从生态多样性保护角度,增大网目尺寸是目前保护东海区底层生物多样性最有效的方式之一。  相似文献   
青藏高原作为世界海拔最高的区域,是全球气候变化的敏感区之一。定量估算这一区域的净生态系统碳交换量(NEE)有利于理解陆地生态系统碳平衡对未来气候变化的响应。本文构建了一个模拟该地区NEE动态变化的净碳收支模型(NCBM)。该模型由来源于MODIS影像的增强型植被指数(EVI)、陆地表面水分指数(LSWI)以及来源于地面观测的空气温度和短波辐射共同驱动,并利用青藏高原地区的3种植被类型(包括高寒灌丛、高寒湿地和高寒草甸)的碳通量长期观测数据对模型进行了校准和验证。结果表明,在模型校准站点年,NCBM模型可以模拟NEE观测值81%的变化,均方根误差(RMSE)为0.03molC/m2/d,模型效率(EF)为0.81。在模型验证站点年,NCBM模型可以预测NEE观测值84%的变化,RMSE为0.03molC/m2/d,EF为0.81。在大多数情况下,NCBM模型可以清晰地模拟各植被类型的NEE季节和年际变化。此外,NCBM模型因为结构简单,模型驱动变量易于获取等优势,具有在区域尺度上模拟NEE时空变化的潜力。但是该模型还需要进一步的改进和发展,特别需要提高对植被非常稀疏地区NEE变化的模拟能力。  相似文献   
燕乃玲  虞孝感 《湖泊科学》2004,16(Z1):143-152
生态功能区划是我国正在开展的一项关于资源与环境管理的重大基础性工作.生态功能区划的理论和方法是当前生态学、环境科学、地理学等学科面临的一项新的热点课题.本文首先讨论了生态功能区划的概念,从认识区划看,生态功能区划属于生态系统区域划分的范畴,从实践的角度,则强调人文活动对生态系统可持续能力产生的影响,指出自然生态区不是生态功能区,生态功能区须反映人类的利用和价值判断.生态功能区划,不单是以自然要素或自然系统的"地带性分异"为基础,更是以生态系统的等级结构和尺度原则为基础,用生态系统完整性的评价测量人类活动对生态系统的影响,将生态功能区划的科学基础落在"基于生态系统的管理"平台上.文章提出了基于流域的我国生态功能区划的初步思想,讨论了区划的原则和方法,建立了生态系统完整性评价和功能区划分的指标体系.其基本内容是,认识并按照生态系统的自然边界划分生态系统单元;进行生态系统完整性评价;在此基础上划分不同的生态功能区,确定主导生态功能.  相似文献   
全生育期内作物需水量的研究是农业水资源有效利用和进行合理灌溉的重要依据。基于三江平原22个气象站点2000—2015年逐日气象观测资料及中国区域地面气象要素数据集,利用国际粮农组织 (FAO)Penman-Monteith模型和分段单值平均作物系数法,分别对三江平原水稻、玉米和大豆的作物需水量进行计算,分析作物需水量年际变化特征,采用通径分析法研究作物需水量的变化成因。结果表明:(1)三江平原16 a来年均参考作物蒸散量为537.4 mm,日均为 3.5 mm,呈波动减少趋势。(2)生长季内,水稻在分蘖期需水量最大,为177.1 mm,玉米在七叶期需水量最大,为99.7 mm,大豆在结荚期需水量最大,为96.1 mm;水稻、玉米和大豆的净灌溉需水量分别为195.4 mm、130.8 mm和72.2 mm,对灌溉的依赖程度水稻>玉米>大豆。(3)由通径分析结果可知,三江平原作物需水量的主要影响因素为净辐射、气温和日照时数。  相似文献   
The environmental impacts of artisanal fishing gear on coral reef ecosystems were studied in the multi-gear fishery of southern Kenya to evaluate which types of gear have the greatest impact on coral reef biodiversity. The gear types studied were large and small traps, gill nets, beach seines, hand lines and spear guns. Levels of coral damage, proportion of juvenile fish and discards, size and maturity stage at first capture were quantified and compared amongst the gear types. Results indicate that fishers using beach seines, spears and gill nets cause the most direct physical damage to corals. Spear fishers showed the highest number of contacts to live corals per unit catch followed by fishers using gill nets (12.6 ± 1.8 and 5.9 ± 2.0 coral contacts per kg fish caught per trip respectively). Apart from discarding 6.5% of their daily catch in the sea, as it was too small, beach seine fishers also landed the highest percentage of juvenile fish (68.4 ± 15.7%), a proportion significantly higher (p < 0.001) than in any other gear. The size and maturity stage at first capture for 150 of 195 species caught by all gear types was well below the lengths at which they mature. For example, 100% of Lethrinus xanthochilus, 99% of Lethrinus nebulosus and 94% of Lethrinus harak caught were juveniles. Across all gear types, 50.1 ± 22.7% of the catch consisted of juvenile fish, indicating serious growth overfishing. Field assessment of levels of coral density showed that fishing grounds where beach seines were still in use had a significantly lower density than where beach seining was not used. This correlation is likely to arise in part because seines cannot be used in the most coral rich areas, and in part because coral loss is a consequence of seine use. On a per gear basis therefore, beach seines had the most impact on coral reef biodiversity. This study emphasizes the need to enforce restrictions on destructive gear and mesh sizes.  相似文献   
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