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下庄矿田基底的控矿作用及其有关地质问题   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
徐达忠  薛振华 《铀矿地质》1994,10(3):150-155
本文提出武夷及其邻区存在两个裂陷槽及一裂隆,鹰潭-南城-安远-河源韧性断裂带为东部的火山岩型与西部的花岗岩型铀矿床的地质分界线,指出了加里东运动在本区的突出作用是使裂隆基底岩石发生混合花岗岩化作用。根据下庄矿田及其外围发现较深变质的岩石和较大规模韧性剪切糜棱岩带,得出下庄矿田是古老基底加里东热穹隆区多次构造、岩浆活动的产物。由于铀成矿作用赋存于初、脆性两种构造中,建议重新划分矿化类型以指导勘查工作。  相似文献   
苏北溱潼凹陷的拉张量研究及构造运动强度分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
运用正演平衡剖面方法,本文对苏北溱潼凹陷三条剖面的演化过程进行了模拟,恢复计算出各断层各期次的伸展量,该箕状凹陷各发展阶段的拉张量以及对应于三期主要构造运动的拉张量。结果表明,构造运动具有延续性,仅在某些组段的表现更为强烈。在时空上,拉张活动具有很大的不均衡性,在凹陷的西南部,中部及东北部地区,拉张量及沉积特征均有很大差异,构造运动的强度也各不相同。  相似文献   
南岭成矿带是太平洋及印度洋板块对中国大陆板块联合作用的结果。囊括大量稀有-有色金属矿床的中心弧形构造-岩浆岩系正是这个“钳式”应力场作用的集中体现,“深部叠加-重熔”——以板块持续运动和相对高速率运动产生并贮集能量为前提,以俯冲板块不断带入新的挥发物质为条件,随着动力热和挥发组分的不断回流—汇集—贮集而使仰冲板块深部预热的原地或途中固化-半固化的先期熔融的岩浆岩发生了二次甚至多次的熔融作用。  相似文献   
大同盆地现今构造活动及地壳应力场特征   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
大量震源机制结果推断出大同分轩现代地壳应力场和主压应力方向为NE-NEE,仰角变化不定,主张应力方向为NW-NNW,仰角很小的结论。这与区域构造应力场NE-NEE向挤压作用的结果相符,另据大同一阳高6.1级、5.8级地震的震源机制结果得出,大同一阳高地震的孕震应力场与华北区域应力场相一致,而不是受本地局部小区域应力场的控制的结论。  相似文献   
华南沿海沉积盆地的新构造运动及其与地震的关系   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
陈伟光 《华南地震》1995,15(2):55-61
华南沿海大多数中新生代沉积盆地属于断陷盆地,分析这类盆地的演化发育可以将其划分为完成型、继承型和新生型三类,它们的新构造运动特征,尤其是第四纪以来的活动性有明显差异。通过地质地貌方法初步估算了三类盆地的垂直构造运动的速率,在进行对比后认为,其构造运动的强度与地震活动有密切关系。指出三类盆地主要分布地区的两条地质界线对划分我国东南沿海地震可能有一定意义。  相似文献   
为了探讨用古地磁方法确定第四纪时期地壳块体相对运动状况,选择了分别处于陇西块体和鄂尔多斯块体内的兰州九州台和陕西洛川两个黄土剖面作为实验对象。在这两个黄土剖面的4个相同年代的层位采集定向大样,作黄土沉积剩余磁化矢量测量,并用虚磁极法拟合,初步结果表明,约110万a来陇西块体相对于鄂尔多斯块体作顺时针旋转,其转动量达9.0±4.7°  相似文献   
则木河断裂的现今活动方式及其地形变鉴别标志探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
张崇立  任金卫 《地震地质》1995,17(4):427-431
根据地壳形变测量资料,探讨了则木河断裂的现今活动方式及其定性的地形变鉴别标志问题。结果表明:则木河断裂的现今活动具有明显的分段性特征,即以大箐为界分为南北两段,北段以粘滑活动为主,南段以蠕滑活动为主;沿则木河断裂带垂直位移速率空间分布特征的显著差异,可以作为鉴别断裂现今活动方式的标志之一,其位移速率的相对大小,可作为鉴别断裂现今活动方式的一种参考标志  相似文献   
A. P. Dykes 《Landslides》2007,4(3):279-290
The West Mouth of the Great Cave at Niah in Sarawak, northwest Borneo and the North Passage that leads to the West Mouth contain large deposits of guano. The main deposit, several metres thick in places, forms the sloping floor of the entire North Passage. A mass movement deposit identified in the West Mouth, having a volume of 600 m3, originated as a guano mudflow up the North Passage in the order of 40,000 years ago. This failure of the guano slope was investigated to determine whether particular conditions or events could be identified as the most likely causes. The physical, hydrological and geotechnical properties of samples of the material were determined so that the stability of the slope could be assessed. Stability analyses showed that shearing failure of the slope would require inputs of water to the slope in quantities for which no feasible explanation can be suggested. However, the properties of the guano are similar to those of loess, indicating a high susceptibility to ‘hydrocollapse’. Very shallow failure of the slope, possibly as several smaller mudflows, could therefore have occurred due to additional water in quantities that could realistically be supplied as rainwater spray, possibly with a seismic trigger. The climate must therefore have been wetter than it is at present. These findings have implications for the interpretation of sediment deposits in other relict caves.  相似文献   
Radial movement of an unconfined leaky aquifer was studied with respect to hydraulic forces that are induced by well recharge and discharge. New analytic solutions in the velocity and displacement fields were found and applied to describe transient movement in an unconfined leaky aquifer. Linear momentum and mass balance of saturated porous sediments, the Darcy-Gersevanov law, and the analytic solution of hydraulic drawdown for unsteady flow within the unconfined leaky aquifer were introduced to find the new solutions. Analytic results indicate that the nonlinear relation between the initial hydraulic head (h0) and the well function has an insignificant effect on the aquifer transient movement when the drawdown s<0.02h 0. When the well function is simplified with different assumptions and pumping conditions, the new solutions correspondingly reduce to cases that are similar to the Hantush-Jacob, Muskat, and Theis transient movement of a confined leaky aquifer. It was found that large leakance is important in slowing radial movement and reducing aquifer deformation. Flow velocity in the aquifer is more responsive to leakance than to cumulative displacement within the aquifer. The zones and boundary with tensile stress can be located using the same approach applied to a confined aquifer for risk assessment of earth fissuring.
Résumé Le mouvement radial dans un aquifère semi-perméable libre a été étudié en considérant les forces hydrauliques induites par la recharge et le prélèvement au niveau d’un puits. De nouvelles solutions analytiques des champs de vitesse et de déplacement ont été trouvées et appliquées pour décrire le mouvement transitoire dans un aquifère semi-perméable libre. Pour trouver les nouvelles solutions, le moment linéaire et le bilan de masse dans les sédiments poreux saturés, la loi de Darcy-Gersevanov, et la solution analytique du rabattement hydraulique pour un écoulement transitoire dans un aquifère semi-perméable libre sont pris en compte. Les résultats analytiques montrent que la relation non-linéaire entre le potentiel hydraulique initial (h0) et la fonction de puits a un effet insignifiant sur le mouvement transitoire de l’aquifère quand le rabattements s <0.02h0. Si la fonction de puits est simplifiée en tenant compte de différentes hypothèses et conditions de pompage, les nouvelles solutions se réduisent en conséquence à des cas similaires au mouvement transitoire dans un aquifère semi-perméable captif selon Hantush-Jacob, Muskat, et Theis. Il s’est avéré qu’une drainance élevée est importante pour le ralentissement du mouvement radial et la réduction de la déformation de l’aquifère. La vitesse d’écoulement dans l’aquifère est plus sensible à la drainance qu’au déplacement cumulé dans l’aquifère. Les zones et la frontière présentant des contraintes de traction peuvent être localisées en utilisant la même approche appliquée à un aquifère captif pour l’évaluation des risques de fissuration du sol.

Resumen Se ha estudiado el movimiento radial en un acuífero no confinado con fuga en relación a las fuerzas hidráulicas que son inducidas por la descarga y recarga del pozo. Se encontraron nuevas soluciones analíticas en los campos de desplazamiento y velocidad, las cuales se aplicaron para describir el movimiento transitorio en un acuífero no confinado con fuga. Se han introducido cálculos de balance de masa y momentum lineal de los sedimentos porosos saturados, la Ley Darcy-Gersevanov, y la solución analítica de descenso hidráulico para flujo sin régimen permanente dentro del acuífero no confinado con goteo para encontrar las nuevas soluciones. Los resultados analíticos indican que la relación no lineal entre la presión hidráulica inicial (h0) y la función del pozo tiene efecto insignificante en el movimiento transitorio del acuífero cuando el descenso s < 0.02h0. Cuando se simplifica la función del pozo en base a diferentes supuestos y condiciones de bombeo se reducen las nuevas soluciones a casos que son similares a el movimiento transitorio Hantush-Jacob, Muskat, y Theis de un acuífero confinado con goteo. Se encontró que las fugas grandes son importantes en la disminución del movimiento radial y en la reducción de la deformación del acuífero. La velocidad de flujo en el acuífero responde más a las fugas que al desplazamiento acumulativo dentro del acuífero. Pueden localizarse zonas y límites con esfuerzos tensionales usando el mismo enfoque aplicado a acuíferos confinados para evaluación de riesgo de generación de fracturas en el terreno.

In order to track the space-time variation of regional strain field holistically(in a large scale) and to describe the regional movement field more objectively,the paper uses a nonlinear continuous strain model focused on extracting medium-low frequency strain information on the basis of a region with no rotation.According to the repeated measurements(1999~2001~2004) from GPS monitoring stations in the Sichuan and Yunnan area obtained by the Project of "China Crust Movement Measuring Network",and with the movement of 1999~2001(stage deformation background) as the basic reference,we separated the main influencing factors of the Kunlun Mountain M-S8.1 earthquake in 2001 from the data of 2001 and 2004,and the results indicate:(1) the Kunlun Mountain M-S8.1 earthquake has a discriminating effect on the Sichuan and Yunnan area,moreover,the deformation mode and background had not only certain similitude but also some diversity;(2) The movement field before the earthquake was very ordinal,while after the earthquake,order and disorder existed simultaneously in the displacement field;The displacement quantities of GPS monitoring stations were generally several millimeters;(3) The principal strain field before earthquake was basically tensile in an approximate EW direction and compressive in the SN direction,and tension was predominant.After the earthquake,the principal strain field in the Sichuan area was compressive in the EW direction and tensile in the SN direction,and the compression was predominant.In the Yunnan area,it was tensional in the NE direction and compressive in the NW direction,and tension was predominant;(4) The surficial strain before the earthquake was dominated by superficial expansion,the contractive area being located basically in the east boundary of Sichuan and Yunnan block and its neighborhood.After the earthquake,the Sichuan area was surface contractive(the further north,the greater it was),and south of it was an area of superficial expansion.Generally speaking,the Kunlun Mountain M-S8.1 earthquake played an active role in the accumulation of energy in the Sichuan and Yunnan area.Special attention shall be focused on the segment of Xichang-Dongchuan and its neighborhood.  相似文献   
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