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Studying the factors influencing desertification progress of a region and its resulting zoning can be effective in helping to reduce the damage of this phenomenon. This study attempted to investigate the factors influencing desertification progress; hence, it proceeded to zone Sistan and Baluchestan Province using three analytic hierarchy processes, Expert Choice software and a geographic information system. First, factors affecting desertification progress were checked and they were then used to determine the most important aspects in order of priority as follows: climatic elements (temperature, evaporation, wind, precipitation and humidity), morphology (topography and slope) and human factors (land cover). Then, a zoning map of desertification‐prone lands was prepared. The results showed that, in terms of hazard progress of these lands, there were five desertification hazard regions in Sistan and Baluchestan Province with an area of about 187 502 km2 and high hazard regions covering approximately 29.2% of the province were located in the north of the province. High hazard regions with an approximate area of 3.20% of the total area of the province were mostly located in Saravan, Khash, and the surrounding areas; medium hazard regions with an approximate area of 19.6% were in Iranshahr and the southeastern part of the province; low hazard regions with an area of about 18.2% were in the southern parts of the province; and very low hazard regions with an approximate area of 12.7% were in Nikshahr and the southern parts of the province.  相似文献   
“土地分离”与“土地共享”是2种不同的土地利用思维方式,反映人类土地利用的决策选择。中国有大量包含土地分离和共享思维的实践,但缺乏将这些实践案例纳入统一体系的研究范式。土地分离与共享框架最初用来探索粮食生产与生物多样性保护的权衡关系。经过10多年的发展,其理论内涵和研究内容不断丰富,是地理资源与环境领域重要的研究议题。论文在解析土地分离与共享框架内涵的基础上,综述土地分离与共享框架的相关研究成果,探讨土地分离与土地共享的策略选择。研究发现土地分离与共享相关研究存在从农业环境主题向城市管理主题转化的趋势,而且除了强调单一生物多样性保护和农业生产外,还有少数研究开始关注碳储存、土壤保持等其他生态系统服务类型;尽管土地分离与土地共享策略各有其优势和局限,但在目前的研究和实践中,土地分离比土地共享更受青睐。论文基于土地的多功能性进一步扩展该框架在城市用地管理中的应用,可为复杂社会—生态系统可持续发展提供路径指导。  相似文献   
应用GIS技术研究广东省海岸带湿地资源与环境   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
广东省湿地生态环境复杂多样,资源丰富,但多年来由于人类活动的影响,湿地保护存在着严重的威胁,湿地资源与环境有恶化的趋势。文中在分析广东省海岸带湿地资源与环境现状的基础上,提出了湿地保护的技术方法,即利用GIS技术建立广东省海岸带湿地资源与环境信息系统,系统功能涉及湿地资源与环境的现状分析、评价预测、保护规划和开发利用等方面。文中以湿地土地资源评价模型之一自然适宜性评价模型为例,充分应用GIS强大的空间信息管理和分析功能,将湿地土地资源各种适宜性评价因子的分布等级图加权叠加分析得到评价的向量表达式,进而建立湿地土地资源自然适宜性的评价模型。系统以Arcview作为工具软件,提供模型所需要的用户界面和二次开发环境,模型应用于湛江市区得到较好的效果。利用GIS技术建立湿地资源与环境信息系统,用于湿地评价保护及开发利用,在国内外均是一个新的应用领域。  相似文献   
利用塔里木河流域近60 a的地表径流、气温和降水量资料,通过趋势分析、突变检验、年代际分析等方法分析了塔里木河流域地表径流变化的时空差异性,探讨了塔里木河流域天然径流变化对气温、降水量变化的响应。研究表明:近60 a来塔里木河流域三源流径流整体存在增加的趋势,但干流径流存在减少的趋势;塔里木河流域三源流增加强度在1993年前后从强到弱依次为阿克苏河、叶尔羌河、和田河,进入2000年后从强到弱依次为和田河、叶尔羌河、阿克苏河;塔里木河流域三源流径流强度增加主要受降水增加和由气温增加引起的融雪径流增加的双重影响。  相似文献   
This paper sets out to evaluate the freedom of voice for Peruvian stakeholders affected by hydrocarbon development. This occurs through the utilization of a political ecology of voice (PEV) theoretical framework based upon the theory of voice by Albert Hirschman and political ecology. PEV can be defined as the study of economic, political, social, and geographical factors over a specific time period and their impact upon the use of voice by stakeholders. Peru’s case study was focused on its main oil-producing Loreto Region and incorporated evaluation of hydrocarbon voice mechanisms (prior consultation and environmental impact assessments) supported by interview testimony of stakeholders and state officials. PEV analysis reveals a political environment which is dangerous, inflexible, and intolerant of Peruvian stakeholders voicing over hydrocarbon development. This is due to the state’s zealous pursuit of its “selva (rainforest) hydrocarbon and development vision” which severely undermines Peruvian stakeholder’s freedom of voice.  相似文献   
一定的自然环境孕育了与之相适应的民族文化,而民族文化又对自然环境具有改造作用。民族文化与自然环境的相互适应是文化与环境持续存在的原因。本文通过深入到处云南南部亚热带山地地区的元阳县哈尼族地区的调查,提出和分析了哈尼文化与自然环境相互适应的结果一哈尼梯田文化景观的特征,并探讨了哈尼文化与自然环境两者梯田景观的关系,证实了哈尼梯田文化景观是哈尼文化与自然环境协调发展的结果,具有重要的理论和实际意义。  相似文献   
对云南石林地质公园景区及其保护区内喀斯特山地典型森林类型凋落物组成与数量及其动态,地表死地被物现存量与持水特性等进行了研究。结果表明,本区域保护较好的滇青冈(Cyclobalanopsis glaucoides)林的年凋落量达7.26 t/hm2;而以团花木新姜子(Neolitsea homiantha)为主的次生林只有1.98 t/hm2;云南松(Pinus yun-nanensis)人工林和干香柏(Cupressus duclouxiana)人工林年凋落量分别是2.49 t/hm2和4.07 t/hm2。这些森林的凋落节律相似,都呈明显的“双峰型”。在地表死地被物现存量方面,干香柏林因其叶片难以分解而具有较高的地表现存量,为13.59 t/hm2,随后依次为滇青冈林(7.57 t/hm2),团花新木姜子次生林(5.02 t/hm2)和云南松人工林(4.83 t/hm2),死地被物的持水量与其现存量的大小顺序一致。根据森林年凋落量与死地被物现存量的数量关系,表明保护较好的滇青冈林内枯枝落叶的分解率明显大于次生林和人工林,周转期也短,涵养水分能力也较强。因此,应加强对喀斯特山地自然森林的保护,同时也注意对现有人工林的改造,引进一些阔叶树种,提高群落结构的整体效应。  相似文献   
西南季风对中国自然环境影响的区域变化研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
西南季风作为亚洲季风重要组成部分,对中国自然环境也有较大影响。西南季风建立以后,因青藏高原高度不足以阻止西南季风这一深厚的大气环流系统,加之西南季风厚度随着山地尤其是横断山脉的上升而不断增厚、增强。南支西风急流的气旋性质对西南季风深入有引导作用,西南季风较东南季风活动性强,影响区域范围大,影响到太行山以西中国大部分地区。中更新世时,青藏高原隆升至海拔平均约3000m的高度,同时期也出现了第四纪最大冰期与最大温暖期,高原热力和动力作用得到了进一步加强,西南季风厚度加大,西南季风对中国自然地理环境深化起到重要作用。晚更新世以来青藏高原隆升至现今的平均约4500-5000m的高度,特别是喜马拉雅山脉的隆起,足以阻挡大部分西南季风进入西藏高原和中国内陆地区,西南季风影响范围退缩到长江上游以南的西南地区局部和青藏高原东部地区。  相似文献   
绿色国民经济核算基本问题研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
绿色国民经济核算为自然资源存量价值与耗竭价值核算、环境污染损失价值核算及环境质量恢复与改善价值核算;绿色国民经济核算理论应依据马克思主义的经济理论、价值补偿理论、效用价值理论和可持续发展理论;自然资源存量和耗竭价值核算可采用支付意愿和供求定价模型法;环境污染造成的生产和固定资产损失价值核算可采用市场法;环境污染对人体健康造成的损失价值核算可采用人力资本法;绿色国民经济核算指标体系包括自然资源核算指标和环境保护核算指标;系统讨论绿色国民经济核算内涵、基本理论和方法以及指标体系以促进绿色国民经济核算的深入研究。  相似文献   
Assessment of vulnerability for natural ecosystem to climate change is a hot topic in climate change and ecology, and will support adapting and mitigating climate change. In this study, LPJ model modified according to features of China's natural ecosystems was employed to simulate ecosystem dynamics under A2, B2 and A1B scenarios. Vulnerability of natural ecosystem to climate change was assessed according to the vulnerability assessment model. Based on eco-geographical regions, vulnerability of natural ecosystem to climate change was analyzed. Results suggest that vulnerability for China's natural ecosystems would strengthen in the east and weaken in the west, but the pattern of ecosystem vulnerability would not be altered by climate change, which rises from southeast to northeast gradually. Increase in ecosystem vulnerable degree would mainly concentrate in temperate humid/sub-humid region and warm temperate humid/sub-humid region. Decrease in ecosystem vulnerable degree may emerge in northwestern arid region and Qinghai-Tibet Plateau region. In the near-term scale, natural ecosystem in China would be slightly affected by climate change. However, in mid-term and long-term scales, there would be severely adverse effect, particularly in the east with better water and thermal condition.  相似文献   
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