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溶井微污染水供水就地处理技术研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
溶井是西南岩溶区主要的分散式供水方式。本文在对典型地区溶井水污染特征分析基础上,通过对现有分散供水水处理工艺原理的分析,提出了溶井供水的水污染防治措施,并结合中试试验,对溶井快渗池的设计思路、设计参数、水处理工艺以及施工中的注意事项进行了详细说明。试验表明,溶井在采取水处理措施后,出水浊度均低于5度,微量有机物去除率大于35%,氨氮可削减60%以上,细菌总数最大可截留95%;溶井快渗池工艺在溶井水处理过程中不需要添加任何药剂,避免了混凝剂和消毒剂对水质产生的副作用和卫生问题,出水水质主要指标基本达到生活饮用水卫生标准。   相似文献   
某石化污染场地含水层自然降解BTEX能力评估   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
地下水污染问题是国家关注的重要环境问题之一,监测与评估含水层自然降解污染物能力是防治地下水污染的基本手段,也是国外地下水中修复技术研究热点课题。以华北平原某石油化工类场地为案例,通过调查场地水文地质条件、土壤及地下水污染现状,监测场地地下水中苯系物(BTEX)浓度及相关化学参数变化,运用微生物水文地球化学方法和水文地质方法,估算了该场地含水层自然降解苯系物量。这一研究成果为评估我国石油类场地地下水污染的自然修复能力提供了实证和基础数据。  相似文献   
川西前陆盆地天然气成藏过程   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
川西前陆盆地具有丰富的天然气资源,发育上三叠统巨厚的煤系烃源岩,以生气为主,并发育多套储盖组合。天然气成因类型主要是煤成气,目前的气田分布主要受古隆起、沟通下部烃源岩和上部储集层的隐伏断层以及储集条件的控制。川西前陆盆地具有多期成藏、燕山期或喜山期聚集、喜山期调整等特点。来自上三叠统煤系源岩的天然气聚集主要在燕山期,形成原生气藏或下生上储型气藏;后经过喜山期的逆冲作用,对浅层储集层进行改造,产生的断裂沟通深部气藏与浅层圈闭,在对深层(主要在上三叠统)原生气藏进行改造的同时形成浅层(侏罗系)次生气藏。  相似文献   
在氧化沉淀法去除铁的过程中,氧化反应分别在自然曝气、充气和除钙的条件下进行,对照结果进行分析,得出最佳的除铁配方,同时还着重对氧化反应速率及其影响因素(pH,Eh等)进行了探索性研究,为以后试验提供了一定的依据。  相似文献   
The age-accumulation effect of 40Ar in hydrocarbon source rocks was discussed in accordance with the decay law of radioactive elements. In terms of the mean values of 40Ar/36Ar, the old Sinian gas reservoirs (mean values of 40Ar/36Ar: 7009) were definitely distinguished from the Permian gas reservoirs (mean values of 40Ar/36Ar: 1017) in Weiyuan, Sichuan Province, and the gas source of the Permian gas reservoir (mean values of 40Ar/36Ar: 5222) in well Wei-7 with the Weiyuan structure is defined as the Sinian system. Based on the values of 40Ar/36Ar, the coal-type gases (The source rocks are of the C-P system; mean values of 40Ar/36Ar: 1125) are definitely distinguished from the oil-type gases (The source rocks are of the Tertiary system; mean values of 40Ar/36Ar: 590) in the Tertiary reservoirs of the Zhongyuan Oilfield. Besides, 40Ar/36Ar values also have a positive effect on the oil-source correlation of oil reservoirs in ancient hidden mountains. According to the crust-mantle interchange information reflected by 3He/4He values, petroliferous provinces in China can be divided into three major tectonic regions. (1) The eastern active region: The crust-mantle volatile matter exchanges actively, and the 3He/4He values are mainly around 10-6, partly around 10-7. (2) The central stable region: The 3He/4He values are all around 10-8. (3) The western sub-stable region: The 3He/4He values are mainly around 10-8, and around 10-7 on the edges of the basins. Helium contents of some gas wells in China’s eastern petroliferous region reach the industrial abundance (He≈0.05%–0.1%), the 3He/4He values reach 10-6, and the equivalent values for the mantle-source components in helium gas can reach 30%–50%. As viewed from this, a new type of crust-mantle composite helium resources has been proposed. Geneses of some CO2 gas reservoirs in the east of China and some issues concerning mantle-source methane were discussed in the light of the helium and carbon isotopes of CO2 and CH4 in natural gases. In the discussion on helium isotopic characteristics of inclusions in the reservoirs, it was discovered that the 3He/4He values are close to those in natural gases. That is to say, this phenomenon is related to regional tectonism. The 3He/4He, CO2/3He and CH4/3He data were used to discuss the tectonic activities of fault zones in a certain number of regions in China.  相似文献   
天然磁铁矿化学改性及其在水体除砷中的应用   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
铁氧化物及其复合氧化物(如菱铁矿、水铁矿)的表面电荷高、比表面积大,在特定条件下对亚砷酸盐和砷酸盐有较强的结合能力和亲和性,以铁氧化物作为吸附剂处理高砷水已经成为研究热点之一。天然磁铁矿的主要成分为Fe_3O_4,但其本身活性较弱,直接应用于处理高砷水的除砷率低。本文对天然磁铁矿采取酸化、碱化、不同温度灼烧、不同灼烧时间等简易的方法进行改性,达到有效去除水中砷的目的。实验结果表明:经0.5 mol/L盐酸浸泡、150℃灼烧10 min的改性磁铁矿分别处理As(Ⅲ)溶液和As(Ⅴ)溶液时,As(Ⅴ)去除率达98%,吸附能力显著增强,达到预期目标;溶液中As(Ⅲ)浓度从1000μg/L下降到250μg/L,去除率达75%,即As吸附能力明显优于未改性的天然磁铁矿,与其他改性铁矿除砷能力相近,而改性方法更加简便、易行。本文研究的改性天然磁铁矿吸附剂为控制高砷水的砷含量提供了一种切实可用的吸附材料。  相似文献   
石油类污染场地的自然衰减作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在野外石油类污染场地地质、水文地质调查的基础上,对场地地下水中总石油烃的吸附、生物降解等自然衰减作用进行研究。开展了砂质粉土、粉砂、细砂等场地包气带、含水层介质对总石油烃的吸附动力学实验、等温吸附实验、不同矿化度吸附实验、生物降解实验和挥发实验等。实验结果显示,砂质粉土、粉砂、细砂的吸附平衡时间分别为4、7和10 h;通过计算确定了每种介质对总石油烃的等温吸附模型。矿化度对介质吸附总石油烃能力的影响表现为,矿化度越高吸附量越高。生物降解实验结果表明,在场地水土条件下,降解能力最强,且降解符合一级衰减动力学方程。研究表明,地下水受到污染后,吸附、降解、挥发等自然衰减作用对地下水石油类污染物的去除具有非常重要的作用。  相似文献   
油气盆地低渗透储层裂缝预测研究现状及进展   总被引:12,自引:2,他引:12  
我国拥有相当数量裂缝型低渗储层的地质储量,在我国油气生产中起举足轻重的作用。系统开展低渗储层中裂缝特征和分布规律研究预测,无疑对我国的低渗透储层油气勘探开发具有指导作用。目前,国内外在油气盆地低渗透储层中对裂缝预测及评价已经形成了很多富有特色的方法,但是由于裂缝成因的复杂性、发育的多阶段性,对低渗储层裂缝的预测及评价研究还处于探索阶段。本文较为系统地综述了油气盆地低渗透储层裂缝预测研究现状与进展、不同成因的裂缝预测方法、裂缝研究存在问题和解决方法。  相似文献   
This study examines the removal of dissolved metals during the oxidation and neutralization of five acid mine drainage (AMD) waters from La Zarza, Lomero, Esperanza, Corta Atalaya and Poderosa mines (Iberian Pyrite Belt, Huelva, Spain). These waters were selected to cover the spectrum of pH (2.2–3.5) and chemical composition (e.g., 319–2,103 mg/L Fe; 2.85–33.3 g/L SO4=) of the IPB mine waters. The experiments were conducted in the laboratory to simulate the geochemical evolution previously recognized in the field. This evolution includes two stages: (1) oxidation of dissolved Fe(II) followed by hydrolysis and precipitation of Fe(III), and (2) progressive pH increase during mixing with fresh waters. Fe(III) precipitates at pH < 3.5 (stages 1 and 2) in the form of schwertmannite, whereas Al precipitates during stage 2 at pH 5.0 in the form of several hydroxysulphates of variable composition (hydrobasaluminite, basaluminite, aluminite). During these stages, trace elements are totally or partially sorbed and/or coprecipitated at different rates depending basically on pH, as well as on the activity of the SO4= anion (which determines the speciation of metals). The general trend for the metals which are chiefly present as aqueous free cations (Pb2+, Zn2+, Cu2+, Cd2+, Mn2+, Co2+, Ni2+) is a progressive sorption at increasing pH. On the other hand, As and V (mainly present as anionic species) are completely scavenged during the oxidation stage at pH < 3.5. In waters with high activities (> 10−1) of the SO 4= ion, some elements like Al, Zn, Cd, Pb and U can also form anionic bisulphate complexes and be significantly sorbed at pH < 5. The removal rates at pH 7.0 range from around 100% for As, V, Cu and U, and 60–80% for Pb, to less than 20% for Zn, Co, Ni and Mn. These processes of metal removal represent a significant mechanism of natural attenuation in the IPB.  相似文献   
为研究高压水射流切割、破碎南海天然气水合物储层的过程,采用著名的LS—DYNA显示动力分析有限元程序,对淹没状态下,水射流破碎海底含水合物沉积物过程进行数值模拟研究,研究了不同射流速度对高压水射流作用下含水合物沉积物破碎效果的影响规律。随着射流速度的增大,冲蚀深度逐渐增大,两者呈线性递增关系。含水合物沉积物冲蚀体积是轴向冲蚀与径向冲蚀共同作用的结果,射流速度越大,对含水合物沉积物的轴向与径向冲蚀作用增强,加大了含水合物沉积物冲蚀体积递增速率。  相似文献   
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