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1 IntroductionGeographicalinformationsystem (GIS)isanefficientwayandimportanttechniquetomanage,displayandanalyzeAntarcticspatialdata.GIScanbeusedtomakeandre newmapproductsquickly ,evaluateenvironment,supportlogisticmanagementandfieldoperation,providechancetoextractnewknowledge,andtopromoteinformationex changeamongnationsunderthedemandoftheMadridProtocol(AADC 2 0 0 1 ;MAGIC1 998;1 999) .WorkingGroupofGeodesyandGeographicInformation (WG GGI)ofScientificCommitteeonAntarcticResearch (…  相似文献   
An algorithm to cluster profile data into groups that minimize the sum of the intra-group variances was applied to near-surface soil ice content data collected near Barrow, Alaska, in wet tundra terrain. When the algorithm was requested to produce 2–5 groups and group mean profiles, the results were consistant with the modern theory of ice segregation. This process produces much of the variability of near surface soil ice stratigraphy in nature. These results strengthen the case for employing the algorithm on other profile data sets as an aid in hypothesis formulation.  相似文献   
A radial pattern of ice flow of the last ice sheet in the largest source area of ice (c. 5000 km2) in the British Isles in western Scotland is demonstrated by the dispersal of indicator erratics and by patterns of striae, friction cracks and ice-moulded landforms. Three major ice domes and the principal ice divide are identified in the western Grampians. The ice domes coincided with the highest mountain blocks while it is inferred that the alignment of many of the pre-existing valleys controlled much of the outflow of ice, forming ice streams within the ice sheet. The importance of the Rannoch Moor basin as a radial provider of ice to surrounding areas was apparently less significant than has hitherto been considered. Ice flowed into and across the southern part of the basin from the principal ice divide located to the west and south. No evidence has yet been found that would support a model of an eastward-migrating ice divide either during the build-up or during the deglaciation of the Late Devensian ice sheet.  相似文献   
J Wang  M Ikeda  S Zhang  R Gerdes 《Climate Dynamics》2005,24(2-3):115-130
The nature of the reduction trend and quasi-decadal oscillation in Northern Hemisphere sea-ice extent is investigated. The trend and oscillation that seem to be two separate phenomena have been found in data. This study examines a hypothesis that the Arctic sea-ice reduction trend in the last three decades amplified the quasi-decadal Arctic sea-ice oscillation (ASIO) due to a positive ice/ocean-albedo feedback, based on data analysis and a conceptual model proposed by Ikeda et al. The theoretical, conceptual model predicts that the quasi-decadal oscillation is amplified by the thinning sea-ice, leading to the ASIO, which is driven by the strong positive feedback between the atmosphere and ice-ocean systems. Such oscillation is predicted to be out-of-phase between the Arctic Basin and the Nordic Seas with a phase difference of 3/4, with the Nordic Seas leading the Arctic. The wavelet analysis of the sea ice data reveals that the quasi-decadal ASIO occurred actively since the 1970s following the trend starting in the 1960s (i.e., as sea-ice became thinner and thinner), as the atmosphere experienced quasi-decadal oscillations during the last century. The wavelet analysis also confirms the prediction of such out-of-phase feature between these two basins, which varied from 0.62 in 1960 to 0.25 in 1995. Furthermore, a coupled ice-ocean general circulation model (GCM) was used to simulate two scenarios, one without the greenhouse gas warming and the other having realistic atmospheric forcing along with the warming that leads to sea-ice reduction trend. The quasi-decadal ASIO is excited in the latter case compared to the no-warming case. The wavelet analyses of the simulated ice volume were also conducted to derive decadal ASIO and similar phase relationship between the Arctic Ocean and the Nordic Seas. An independent data source was used to confirm such decadal oscillation in the upper layer (or freshwater) thickness, which is consistent with the model simulation. A modified feedback loop for the sea-ice trend and ASIO was proposed based on the previous one by Mysak and Venegas and the ice/albedo and cloud/albedo feedabcks, which are responsible for the sea ice reduction trend.  相似文献   
青藏高原不同时段气候变化的研究综述   总被引:24,自引:3,他引:21  
李潮流  康世昌 《地理学报》2006,16(3):337-345
综述了近年来通过冰芯、树轮、湖泊沉积等记录对青藏高原不同时段气候变化研究取得的成果.并特别着重于末次间冰期以来青藏高原的气候变化特征。在末次间冰期.青藏高原气候变化剧烈,降温迅速升温缓慢;末次冰期温度变化与格陵兰冰芯记录具有较好一致性,同时也具有高原的独特性;新仙女木事件发生时间与欧洲和格陵兰冰芯的记录基本一致;全新世总体比较温暖;近2000年来温度变化在波动中逐渐上升;近代温度有加速升高的趋势。总体上青藏高原各种尺度上的气候变化要早于我国其它地区.变化的幅度也较大。  相似文献   
自2002~2003年度首次启用遥感技术监测黄河凌情以来,到目前已连续进行了10个年度。10个年度的生产实践表明:国产高分辨率卫星遥感数据能够有效跟踪黄河凌情的发展过程,实现黄河凌情的日动态监测、重点时段的精细监测和突发凌汛灾害时的实时监测。黄河凌情尤其在封开河阶段,日变化非常显著,中巴资源卫星作为国产高分辨率可见光民用遥感卫星的代表,以其大视场、高空间、高时间分辨率的特点,动态监测凌情,基本做到每天实现一次全覆盖监测的能力,配合其他如中国遥感卫星等高分辨率可见光、雷达数据,初步实现了凌情发展预估、开河前的河道槽蓄水量计算、封开河期间冰凌险情监测以及发生凌汛灾害时灾情信息采集与评估,为黄河防凌调度、决策会商提供了有力的技术支持。  相似文献   
利用HJ-1A/1B卫星CCD数据进行黄河凌汛监测,提出了基于主成分分析和决策树的冰凌提取方法。实验结果显示,利用HJ-1A/1B卫星CCD数据能有效地提取出黄河的冰凌范围,对黄河凌汛监测具有较大的应用潜力。  相似文献   
Debris in basal ice produced by glaciohydraulic supercooling is typically characterized by high proportions of silt. A prominent hypothesis for this silt‐dominance is that frazil ice growing in supercooled water preferentially traps silt from sediment‐laden water percolating through it. It has therefore been suggested that silt‐dominance may be diagnostic of glaciohydraulic supercooling. The aim of our work is to test this hypothesis that freezing sediment‐laden supercooled water necessarily produces ice dominated by silt. We do this by simulating two freezing processes under laboratory conditions: (1) percolation of sediment‐laden water through frazil ice; (2) turbulent supercooling and subsequent freezing of sediment‐laden water. In experiments repeated using different particle sizes (sand, silt and clay in individual experiments) both processes entrained sand most effectively and silt least effectively. In experiments using a sediment mixture dominated by medium to coarse silt, both processes produced ice facies dominated by particle sizes between fine sand and coarse silt. These results suggest that silt‐dominance should therefore not be expected for supercooled freeze‐on, and is not a reliable diagnostic signature for supercooling. The silt‐dominated character of basal ice types associated with supercooling may result from other controls such as a silt‐dominated sediment supply or subglacial water flow rates, rather than the freezing process.  相似文献   
Three different reconstructed wind-stress fields which take into account variations of the North Atlantic Oscillation, one general circulation model wind-stress field, and three radiative forcings (volcanic activity, insolation changes and greenhouse gas changes) are used with the UVic Earth System Climate Model to simulate the surface air temperature, the sea-ice cover, and the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation (AMOC) since 1500, a period which includes the Little Ice Age (LIA). The simulated Northern Hemisphere surface air temperature, used for model validation, agrees well with several temperature reconstructions. The simulated sea-ice cover in each hemisphere responds quite differently to the forcings. In the Northern Hemisphere, the simulated sea-ice area and volume during the LIA are larger than the present-day area and volume. The wind-driven changes in sea-ice area are about twice as large as those due to thermodynamic (i.e., radiative) forcing. For the sea-ice volume, changes due to wind forcing and thermodynamics are of similar magnitude. Before 1850, the simulations suggest that volcanic activity was mainly responsible for the thermodynamically produced area and volume changes, while after 1900 the slow greenhouse gas increase was the main driver of the sea-ice changes. Changes in insolation have a small effect on the sea ice throughout the integration period. The export of the thicker sea ice during the LIA has no significant effect on the maximum strength of the AMOC. A more important process in altering the maximum strength of the AMOC and the sea-ice thickness is the wind-driven northward ocean heat transport. In the Southern Hemisphere, there are no visible long-term trends in the simulated sea-ice area or volume since 1500. The wind-driven changes are roughly four times larger than those due to radiative forcing. Prior to 1800, all the radiative forcings could have contributed to the thermodynamically driven changes in area and volume. In the 1800s the volcanic forcing was dominant, and during the first part of the 1900s both the insolation changes and the greenhouse gas forcing are responsible for thermodynamically produced changes. Finally, in the latter part of the 1900s the greenhouse gas forcing is the dominant factor in determining the sea-ice changes in the Southern Hemisphere.
Jan SedláčekEmail:
2008年的低温冻雨冰雪灾害性天气对吉安市青原区林业生产造成了极大损失。以青原区8个乡镇森林为调查对象,调查不同区域、不同海拔、不同坡度、不同林种、不同树种的受灾若干特征,了解各种树种的防御雪灾的能力,提出恢复重建的具体措施,认为需要政府支持、科学经营和加强管护。  相似文献   
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