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Landslides are an increasing problem in Nepal’s Middle Hills due to both natural and human phenomena: mainly increasingly intense monsoon rains and a boom in rural road construction. This problem has largely been neglected due to underreporting of losses and the dispersed nature of landslides. Understanding how populations cope with landslides is a first step toward developing more effective landslide risk management programs. The present research focuses on two villages in Central-Eastern Nepal, both affected by active landslides but with different coping strategies. Research methods are interdisciplinary, based on a geological assessment of landslide risk and a socio-economic study of the villages using household questionnaires, focus group discussions and transect walks. Community risk maps are compared with geological landslide risk maps to better understand and communicate community risk perceptions, priorities and coping strategies. A modified typology of coping strategies is presented, based on previous work by Burton, Kates, and White (1993) that is useful for decision-makers for designing more effective programs for landslide mitigation. Main findings underscore that coping strategies, mainly seeking external assistance and outmigration, are closely linked to access to resources, ethnicity/social status and levels of community organization. Conclusions include the importance of investing in organizational skills, while building on local knowledge about landslide mitigation for reducing landslide risk. There is great potential to increase coping strategies by incorporating skills training on landslide mitigation in existing agricultural outreach and community forest user group training. 相似文献
Social capital can enhance community resilience to environmental change. Productive and trusted relations among social actors and effectual social norms can help local residents share resources, information and risks. The main objective of our study is to understand the ways in which social attributes and risk considerations influence adoption of resilient economic measures by individuals for reducing potential losses due to catastrophic rainstorm and flooding. This article provides evidence from China on how social capital contributes to anticipatory adaptation to environmental change. The inquiry is based on structured interviews with local residents of Tianjin, a flood-prone port city in China, and a standard regression analysis. Findings show that the intention to make preparation increases with the levels of social expectation, social relationship, and institutional trust. Perceived risk and damage experience, however, have no significant impacts. This suggests that building social capacity and trust will be more effective in enhancing community resilience than merely increasing awareness of hazard risks. We call for greater efforts on strengthening the capacity of formal and informal communal institutions. The structural changes required, however, are challenging. 相似文献
华侨文化堪称世界多元文化交融的典范.广东作为中国最大的侨乡,华侨移民历史悠久,华侨文化积淀深厚,但相应的旅游资源整合与系统规划明显缺位,旅游产品开发乏力.在对广东华侨文化资源禀赋特色、旅游开发现状及存在问题进行系统分析的基础上,从战略层面提出了全方位的开发思路与对策:实施政府主导战略;构筑运作有序的华侨文化旅游网络;打好"世遗"牌以提高广东华侨文化旅游开发的价值品位;拓宽华侨文化旅游开发视野;积极创新华侨文化旅游开发体制与开发模式. 相似文献
全国山洪灾害调查评价成果及规律初探 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
山洪灾害调查评价是1949年来水利行业最大的非工程措施项目,是规模最大的全国性防灾减灾基础信息普查工程,历时4年,涉及全国30个省305个市2138个防治县(区),国土面积755万km2,人口近9亿。运用普查、详查、外业测量、分析计算等多种手段,掌握了中国山洪灾害防治区范围、人员分布、下垫面条件、社会经济、历史山洪灾害等基本情况,科学分析了山丘区小流域的暴雨洪水特性,评价了现状防洪能力,计算了预警指标,划定了危险区,为山洪灾害预警预报和应急救援决策提供了基础信息支撑。本文系统介绍了全国山洪灾害调查评价的核心要点,综述了调查评价成果,归纳了调查评价成果要素类型,揭示了全国山洪灾害防治区、人口、历史山洪灾害事件与预警能力的空间分布一致性,即山洪灾害各要素集中分布于青藏高原-四川盆地过渡带、川滇交界地区、黄土高原区、东部沿海地区及华北等地区,最后初步探讨了该成果的应用前景。全国山洪灾害调查评价成果将为中国山洪灾害监测预警预报体系建设及防灾减灾能力提升提供丰富的基础数据支撑。 相似文献
分析和计算宽频带静电反馈倾斜仪测量中正交方向上的倾斜对测量结果的影响。结果表明,正交方向的倾斜使测量结果产生误差,需对仪器加以改进,以减小正交耦合误差。 相似文献
在桩基领域,随着基础设施建筑对桩基础承载能力和桩孔垂直度的质量控制要求越来越高,现有常规桩基成孔监测技术已不能满足要求;在钻探领域,随着深井、超深井、科学钻探井及水平井的成井要求越来越高,由于地层因素、工艺技术等导致的实际钻孔轨迹偏离设计轨迹的井斜问题愈发突出,井斜的监控变得越来越严格,现有仪器已不能很好地满足钻孔轨迹测量的高精度要求。针对上述问题,本文梳理了随钻测斜技术发展现状,并结合地质岩心钻探、旋挖桩孔施工工艺特点,提出实现绳索取心钻探钻孔轨迹和大直径长钻孔灌注桩孔垂直度高精度实时监测的方案,这一思路的推广将对指导施工操作、保证钻孔/桩孔的整体质量产生积极影响。 相似文献
文章从如何做好防震减灾科普知识的宣传与培训教育工作,提高群众在地震发生时的自救、互救能力和抢险救灾能力等方面进行了论述,并提出了相应的想法和建议。对切实提高社会公众防灾减灾的能力、普及防震减灾知识有一定的参考价值。 相似文献
汕头市花岗岩残积土的工程特性及路堑边坡稳定分析 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
花岗岩残积土在汕头市分布广泛,具有不均匀性及各向异性、扰动性、软化特性和崩解性。在天然状态下它们具有较低的压缩性、较高的承载力和较大的抗剪强度,但遇水后力学性质显著降低。花岗岩残积土的扰动性通常导致室内试验指标失真,使压缩模量低于变形模量,因此,花岗岩残积土的变形模量和地基承载力应通过原位测试(主要是标准贯入试验)来确定,并为此建立了本区花岗岩残积土地基容许承载力与标准贯入击数的对应关系。同时对汕头市花岗岩残积土路堑边坡失稳的原因进行分析并提出切实可行的防护办法。 相似文献