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Monocolumn behavior in waves: Experimental analysis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A series of tests with a model of a monocolumn platform with a moonpool were performed at the LabOceano/COPPE, at the Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, with the objective of determining the entrance area at the bottom of the moonpool that minimizes vertical motion in waves. The tests include measurements of monocolumn surge, pitch and heave motion, vertical motion of the water column inside the moonpool, with different mooring systems, in regular, irregular and transient waves.This paper presents experimental results of the monocolumn vertical motion and the internal water column motion in the moonpool in transient waves and results of vertical motion of the water column inside the moonpool with the model held still in transient waves. These measurements allow an analysis of the impact of the moonpool's bottom opening on the monocolumn vertical motion in waves.The theoretical analysis of a mass–spring–damper system with two degrees of freedom, similar to the studied system, has shown some analogy with den Hartog's damped vibration absorber; however, there are significant differences in terms of added mass and coupled terms of added mass and damping coefficients dependent on oscillation frequencies.  相似文献   
城市包装废弃物减量化及回收体系构建的国际比较   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
本文从政策法规,回收体系,经济调控机制以及公众参与等方面对国内外包装废弃物减量回收的实践进行了系统的分析和比较。结果表明:体现生产者责任的循环经济体系,经济激励手段的充分运用,建立完善的回收体系以及全社会的公人 参与是发达国家取得成功的经验。借鉴国际上比较成熟的经验对我国城市包装废弃物减量化及回收体系的构建具有重要的理论和实践意义。  相似文献   
Attenuation of noise is a persistent problem in seismic exploration. The authors use conventional denoising method to remove noise which may cause vibration near the discontinuity called pseudo-Gibbs artifact.In order to remove the artifact,the study proposed a method combining the seislet transform and total variation minimization. Firstly,the data are converted into the seislet transform domain. Secondly,the hard threshold was used for eliminating the noise and keep useful signal,which is the initial input for the next step. Finally,total variation minimization dealed with denoised data to recover boundary information and further eliminated the noise. Synthetic data examples show that the method has feasibility in eliminating random noise and protecting detailed signal,and also shows better results than the classic f-x deconvolution. The field data example also shows effective in practice. It can remove the noise and preserve the discontinuity signal at the same time.  相似文献   
在抵御粗差影响方面,L_1范数最小化方法比最小二乘更具可靠性。求解L_1范数最小化问题,主要有选权迭代法和线性规划法两种方法。针对相关观测,通常采用权阵的对角线元素来构造L_1范数最小化问题的目标函数,这种处理方法容易忽略观测值之间的相关性。如果采用Cholesky分解消去观测值之间的相关性,则容易造成粗差的转移,进而影响抗差功效。本文对上述两种方法进行了比较分析,数值实验结果表明将相关观测转换为独立等权观测,有利于增强线性规划的稳健性,而在探测粗差方面则具有等价性。由于基于选权迭代的方法收敛性较差,故不适合求解L_1范数最小化问题。  相似文献   
数学形态学提供了一种以形态或集合论为基础的对图像进行分析理解的工具,主要包括扩张、腐蚀、开启和闭合4个算子.基于数学形态学理论,提出一种改进的二值图像骨架提取和重建算法,并取得了很好的效果.  相似文献   
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改进CT技术的最终目标是用较低的辐射剂量重建出更高质量的图像以降低患癌症的风险。近年来受压缩感知理论的启发,减少投影角度重建一直是减少辐射量的一个热门课题。但是,当辐射剂量固定,减少投影角度并不总是意味着更好的图像质量。本文研究固定辐射剂量下图像质量和扫描角度数目的关系。数值实验表明对于固定的辐射剂量,起初图像质量随着扫描角度数目的增加而提高,但是当扫描角度数目足够大之后图像质量反而下降了。在等角全扫描模式下,对于我们测试的辐射剂量和图像,产生最佳图像质量的最佳扫描角度数目是300,这对于实际的应用具有借鉴意义。  相似文献   
We present a method for automatic reconstruction of permanent structures, such as walls, floors and ceilings, given a raw point cloud of an indoor scene. The main idea behind our approach is a graph-cut formulation to solve an inside/outside labeling of a space partitioning. We first partition the space in order to align the reconstructed models with permanent structures. The horizontal structures are located through analysis of the vertical point distribution, while vertical wall structures are detected through feature preserving multi-scale line fitting, followed by clustering in a Hough transform space. The final surface is extracted through a graph-cut formulation that trades faithfulness to measurement data for geometric complexity. A series of experiments show watertight surface meshes reconstructed from point clouds measured on multi-level buildings.  相似文献   
This study presents a hybrid framework for single tree detection from airborne laser scanning (ALS) data by integrating low-level image processing techniques into a high-level probabilistic framework. The proposed approach modeled tree crowns in a forest plot as a configuration of circular objects. We took advantage of low-level image processing techniques to generate candidate configurations from the canopy height model (CHM): the treetop positions were sampled within the over-extracted local maxima via local maxima filtering, and the crown sizes were derived from marker-controlled watershed segmentation using corresponding treetops as markers. The configuration containing the best possible set of detected tree objects was estimated by a global optimization solver. To achieve this, we introduced a Gibbs energy, which contains a data term that judges the fitness of the objects with respect to the data, and a prior term that prevents severe overlapping between tree crowns on the configuration space. The energy was then embedded into a Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) dynamics coupled with a simulated annealing to find its global minimum. In this research, we also proposed a Monte Carlo-based sampling method for parameter estimation. We tested the method on a temperate mature coniferous forest in Ontario, Canada and also on simulated coniferous forest plots with different degrees of crown overlap. The experimental results showed the effectiveness of our proposed method, which was capable of reducing the commission errors produced by local maxima filtering, thus increasing the overall detection accuracy by approximately 10% on all of the datasets.  相似文献   
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