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G. Robert Brakenridge 《Icarus》2011,215(1):101-106
Early predictions that some supernovae release large quantities of prompt high energy photons are now corroborated by optical identification of core-collapse supernovae associated with extragalactic GRBS (beamed γ-ray bursts) and XRFS (beamed or un-beamed X-ray flashes). Given the in-galaxy supernova frequency and GRB and XRF recurrence statistics, significant Earth-incident events during the past several million years very likely occurred and nearby events should have affected the Earth and other planetary atmospheres, including terrestrial surface solar UV, the Earth’s climate, and its ecology. The Younger Dryas Stadial (∼12,900 to 11,550 calendar yr BP) began with sharply cooler temperatures in the Earth’s northern hemisphere, regional drought, paleoecological evidence compatible with increased UV, and abrupt increases in cosmogenic 14C and 10Be in ice and marine cores and tree rings. In North America, stratigraphic and faunal sequences indicate that a major pulse of mammalian extinctions (at least 23-31 genera) began very close to 12,830 calendar yr BP and was sudden: deposits one century younger are devoid of diverse extinct fauna remains. A 10 s beamed GRB within 2 kpc of the Earth delivers 100 kJ m−2 fluence to the Earth’s atmosphere, where it causes spallation and catalytic reactions depleting 35-50% O3, and producing excess NOx species (which favor cooling, drought, and surface fertility), 14C, and 10Be. An un-beamed, 1050 erg hard photon impulse at ∼250 pc produces similar terrestrial atmospheric effects. A well-characterized massive star supernova, the unusually close Vela event (d = 250 ± 30 pc; total energy of 1-2 × 1051 erg; age constrained from remnant nebula shock velocities considerations at 13,000-16,000 yr and from the pulsar characteristic age at ∼11,400 yr) may have initiated the Younger Dryas climate change, and caused the extinction of the terminal Rancholabrean fauna.  相似文献   
As a recent trend, the continuous increase of new technologies for space observations of new missions to Mars, Venus, and Titan, has stimulated vigorous experimental and theoretical studies on the collision process induced by interactions between plasma and planetary atmosphere. In order to facilitate the comprehension of these processes, this brief paper chose a collection of cross section data not always easily accessible. With the purpose of making a useful collection of such data we have collected both experimental and theoretical estimate for most of the expected collisions processes.  相似文献   
Automatic tracing of the foot of the continental slope   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The UNCLOS III (Article 76, Section 4(b)) defines the foot of the continental slope as the point of maximum change in the gradient at its base. It is impossible to locate so defined afoot and thus to trace the foot‐line objectively by eye. In this study we show a method designed automatically to detect and trace the foot‐line of the continental slope from an irregular array of bathymetrical data. Our algorithm first transforms the bathymetric surface to a maximum curvature surface. On this new surface, the foot‐line corresponds to one of the ridges; instead of tracing the foot‐line on the bathymetric surface, we now can trace the ridges on the maximum curvature surface. The tracing of the ridges can be done automatically and objectively and the foot‐line is identified as being one of these ridges. We devote particular attention to the case when the ridge‐line is not defined, i.e., to the case when the point of maximum gradient change becomes a region of maximum gradient change.  相似文献   
冰岩界面的冰川动力学是冰川系统的重要组成部分, 海螺沟冰川地处温暖湿润的海洋环境, 冰川运动速度较快, 冰川底部接近压融点, 是研究冰下过程的较理想地点. 在海螺沟冰川大型磨光面上浅显侵蚀坑内发现了碎屑物质. 对碎屑物质理化特征研究表明: 粒度特征、地球化学与石英砂SEM 分析表明沉积在冰岩界面上的物质来自于冰川底部的底碛层, 而不是冰上环境的产物. 偏光显微镜下观察到的冰下沉积物呈现出一系列塑性变形(微旋转、褶皱)和脆性变形(线性结构、支撑结构、断层)微观结构和构造. 两种变形结构的存在是碎屑物质在形成过程中其含水量波动情况的反映. 冰下碎屑物质是冰下融出、滞碛作用的共同产物. 在整个冰下碎屑物质形成与变形过程中, 由于冰下水系季节性变化带来的冰岩界面上冰川融水含量的波动起了决定性作用.  相似文献   
冻土水热传输和水热耦合过程是寒区水循环的核心环节和重要组成部分,土壤温度和湿度(含水量)的观测和模拟是冻土水热过程分析的基础. 以中国科学院寒区旱区环境与工程研究所黑河上游生态-水文试验研究站葫芦沟试验小流域为依托,选取季节冻土区的高寒草原、高寒草甸和多年冻土区的沼泽化草甸、高山寒漠等4种典型寒区下垫面,分别布设自动气象站,并调查相关土壤和植被参数,利用SHAW和CoupModel模型对试验点的土壤水热条件进行模拟计算.结果表明:4个试验点多层土壤含水量和地温SHAW模型计算值与实测值对比平均相关系数R2分别为0.65和0.90;CoupModel模型计算值与实测值对比平均R2为0.72和0.93. 总体上,地温的模型估算结果略好于含水量;相对于SHAW模型,CoupModel模型是更适合寒区各种下垫面的一维SVATs模型.  相似文献   
由于缺少有效钻孔资料,对于南海扩张的时间一直存在较大的疑问.在南海三大海盆中,西北次海盆面积最小、磁条带特征不明显,因此对其扩张年代的争议最大.最新采集的高密度(小于10 km测线间距)船测地磁资料清晰地显示了西北次海盆磁条带的存在.在OBS和多道地震资料的约束下,利用船测地磁资料,本文对西北次海盆的地壳年龄进行了重追踪.根据定量的比较,西北次海盆的主体扩张始于35.8 Ma(C16n,2n),在34.7 Ma(C15)时其西南部开始扩张,扩张最终同时终止于33.2 Ma(C13n),整体的全扩张速率在40~50 mm/a之间.这表明南海的扩张可能首先起源于西北次海盆,在其结束扩张后,东部次海盆才开始打开(约30 Ma).得益于数据精度和密度的提高,利用化极后的磁力异常以及反演的磁化强度可以对西北次海盆进行二级中脊段的划分.我们共划分出六个中脊段和一个明确的转换断层.中脊的分段性与OBS反演的地壳厚度的变化相一致.转换断层东侧,中脊主体分为四个中脊段,每个中脊段长度均在30 km左右.转换断层西侧,存在一个长约50 km的中脊段和一个不确切的中脊段.中脊段上磁化强度的变化幅值和中脊段长度在整体上成正比.每个中脊段中央的磁化强度弱于中脊段两端的磁化强度,这与扩张速率相近的大西洋中脊的磁化强度特征一致.  相似文献   
Determination of the rate and total amount of limestone pavement surface lowering is a critical issue in developing models of regional landscape change in limestone terrain. Erratic‐capped pedestals have frequently been used for this purpose but problems concerning definition and measurement of pedestal height, and the absence of a secure timeframe for erratic emplacement, have resulted in conflicting interpretations. We have used cosmogenic (36Cl) to establish the emplacement age of erratic boulders and the total amount of pavement surface lowering at sites in northwest England. Since erratic emplacement at 17.9 ka the limestone pavement has been lowered by 22–45 cm (average: 33 ± 10 cm), assuming lowering was continuous. Although indicating some spatial heterogeneity, the results contrast with earlier reported values based on the measurement of pedestal heights and inferred age for deglaciation. We consider that changes in climate and the character and duration of regolith covers to have been important influences in promoting surface lowering. It is argued that nivation (chemical and mechanical snow‐related processes) associated with several cool/cold periods is likely to have played an important role in surface lowering. Complicating factors associated with surface lowering (thickness and longevity of snow and regolith covers) are identified but as yet cannot be quantified. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
In this work, we perform an analysis of large dark dunes within Moreux Crater and Herschel Crater on Mars using High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment (HiRISE) and Context Camera (CTX) data sets. These data allow us to conduct a detailed analysis of dune morphology and slip faces, concluding that the studied dune fields are influenced by topographically‐controlled complex wind directions. Our morphological analysis reveals that inside Moreux Crater in particular, the topographic setting dominates the wind flow direction, leading to the development of a sand transport pathway encircling the central peak of the crater. The dune fields in Herschel Crater are also affected by winds controlled by variable topography as suggested by the presence of complex dunes and dune fields. Our analysis indicate that the studied dune systems is not the result of paleo‐wind regimes. Furthermore, we perform thermal inertia measurements using thermal emission spectrometer (TES) data, which indicate that the studied dune fields consist of medium sand 250–500 µm in diameter. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
This investigation is an analysis of the influence of landform instability on the distribution of land-use dynamics in a hydrographical basin, located in the Mexican Volcanic Belt mountain range (central Mexico), currently affected by substantial changes in land use and deforestation. A landform map was produced, in addition to seven attribute maps - altimetry, drainage density, slope, relief energy, potential erosion, geology and tectonics - which were considered as factors for determining landform instability through Multi-criteria Evaluation Analysis. Likewise, the direction and rhythm of land-use dynamics were analyzed in four dates - between 1976 and 2000 - and cross tabulations were made between them, in order to analyze the trends and processes of land-use dynamics. Afterwards, the databases obtained were cross tabulated with the landform variables to derive areas, percentages and correlation indices. In the study area, high-instability landforms are associated with most ancient volcanic and sedimentary landforms, where high altitude, drainage density, slope and potential to develop gravitational and fluvial processes are the major factors favouring a land-use pattern, dominated by the conservation of extensive forest land, abandonment of human land use and regeneration of disturbed areas. In contrast, low-instability landforms correspond to alluvial plains and lava hills covered by pyroclasts, where low potential erosion to develop fluvial processes, added to water and soil availability and accessibility, have favoured a land-use pattern dominated by the expansion of agroforestry plantations and human settlements, showing a marked trend towards either intensification or permanence of the current land use and with little abandonment and regeneration.  相似文献   
李兴财  赵宁 《中国沙漠》2013,33(6):1731-1734
风沙流对植物生理过程具有非常重要的影响,但是对其影响机理目前并无相关理论模型给予解释。本文基于植物茎秆的刚性导管模型讨论了风沙静电场对植物茎流速率的影响。结果表明:随着外部电场增强,茎流速率指数增加,即外部电场越强,水分输运速度越快;植物茎秆导管半径越大,水分输运速度越快,且电场的影响越明显。本文结果在一定程度上解释了风沙流胁迫对植物的影响远大于净风影响的实验结果,可为沙化地区的植被保护提供一定的帮助。  相似文献   
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