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This article explored China's urban employment dynamics with particular focus on the city size effect.Big data derived from the largest recruitment website were used to ex-amine the direct and indirect impacts of city size on employment demand by using mediating and moderating models.We also investigated the roles of the government and location fac-tors which have seldom been considered in literature.Results showed that the concentration degree of new jobs is higher than that of stock employment and population across cities,implying a path dependency mechanism of job creation and employment expansion.Mean-while,numerous job posts in inland central cities are probably a symptom of more even dis-tribution of employment in future China.Econometric models further verified the significant correlation between city size and job creation.Moreover,industrial diversity,fixed asset in-vestment,and spatial location have heterogeneous effects on employment demand in cities of different sizes and different levels of administration.These results can not only deepen our understanding of the crucial role of city size in urban employment growth but also demon-strate the future trend of labor and population geography of China.Policy implications are then proposed for job creation in cities of China and other developing countries.  相似文献   
运用大数据文本挖掘和分析工具,对比新冠疫情期间武汉和非武汉地区居民所发布的微文,探究了武汉樱花在不同居民群体间情感效应的作用机制,研究发现:1)本地居民樱花微文的关注点多而分散,非本地居民的关注点少而集中;2)武汉樱花对不同地区居民情感的影响与疫情发展状况紧密相关;3)武汉樱花在疫情期间对武汉居民具有情感支持效应,对非武汉地区居民具有情感凝聚效应;4)疫情改变人的情感和景观解读背景,并赋予景观新的意义,新的景观意义反作用于居民,构成情感闭合回路。最后提出建议,抗疫恢复工作应多关注居民心理层面的缺失,从居民与城市、景观的情感关系入手,向武汉居民传达城市美好生活理念。  相似文献   
基于2002~2017年三维大气再分析模型、水文模式及GRACE卫星重力数据,采用负荷格林函数和卫星重力反演方法分析青藏高原大尺度地表流体的重力效应特征。结果表明,青藏高原地区大气扣除季节项前后的重力效应峰对峰变化介于1.9~10.7 μGal和1.1~4.6 μGal,其负荷效应呈现出显著的季节性特征;土壤水和积雪扣除季节项前后的重力效应峰对峰变化介于0.9~9.9 μGal和0.7~8.3 μGal,其负荷效应呈现出显著的季节性和年际变化特征;GRACE时变重力场扣除季节项前后的重力变化峰对峰变化介于4.4~24.1 μGal和3.4~18.3 μGal,考虑观测误差、构造运动和信号泄漏误差的影响,其显著的季节性和年际变化反映了多种地表流体的综合影响。  相似文献   
深入实施人才强测战略,扎实推进测绘地理信息事业改革创新发展,加强测绘地理信息行业职工教育培训工作,成为促进测绘地理信息事业全面发展的关键点。本文以黑龙江省为例分析了测绘地理信息行业职工培训的现状及存在的问题,并提出了建议与对策。  相似文献   
RegCM4.3, a high-resolution regional climate model, which includes five kinds of aerosols(dust, sea salt,sulfate, black carbon and organic carbon), is employed to simulate the East Asian summer monsoon(EASM) from 1995 to 2010 and the simulation data are used to study the possible impact of natural and anthropogenic aerosols on EASM.The results show that the regional climate model can well simulate the EASM and the spatial and temporal distribution of aerosols. The EASM index is reduced by about 5% by the natural and anthropogenic aerosols and the monsoon onset time is also delayed by about a pentad except for Southeast China. The aerosols heat the middle atmosphere through absorbing solar radiation and the air column expands in Southeast China and its offshore areas. As a result, the geopotential height decreases and a cyclonic circulation anomaly is generated in the lower atmosphere. Northerly wind located in the west of cyclonic circulation weakens the low-level southerly wind in the EASM region. Negative surface radiative forcing due to aerosols causes downward motion and an indirect meridional circulation is formed with the low-level northerly wind and high-level southerly wind anomaly in the north of 25° N in the monsoon area, which weakens the vertical circulation of EASM. The summer precipitation of the monsoon region is significantly reduced,especially in North and Southwest China where the value of moisture flux divergence increases.  相似文献   
Riparian corridors have the potential to function as thermal refuges, moderating extremes of local temperature variation. However, although demonstrated at individual sites, and over short periods, the consistency of this effect at wider temporal and spatial scales is poorly understood. The aim of this study is to assess the temperature differences between riparian corridors and adjacent non-riparian habitats and to explore the influence of environmental characteristics on these differences. Air temperature was monitored hourly at 20 paired locations (riparian and non-riparian) for two consecutive years. Urban index and canopy cover were characterised by calculating the percentage of impervious surface area and tree canopy cover within a 100 m radius from the centre of each sampling site. Canopy cover reduced summer thermal stresses in both urban and rural areas whereas high urban index tended to increase the daily thermal indices. Rivers had a significant mitigating effect on the urban riparian thermal condition, particularly in extreme hot weather. Riparian corridors were generally 1 °C cooler than non-riparian locations in summer and could be up to 3 °C cooler at some sites in extreme hot weather. Furthermore, riparian corridors at some sites were warmer than non-riparian locations in winter. These findings suggest that the proximity of rivers can modify riparian thermal environments, potentially reducing the heat stress of riparian corridors across landscapes.  相似文献   
李秋雨  朱麟奇  刘继生 《地理科学》2017,37(10):1552-1559
在旅游业与经济增长作用关系分析基础上,探究了旅游溢出理论,将其产生机制归纳为知识溢出、市场溢出和竞争效应3个方面。实证分析中,构建了包括入境旅游、物质资本、人力资本、科技创新和对外开放的分析框架,运用中国大陆31个省域2000~2014年面板数据对入境旅游的经济增长效应进行实证检验。全局分析得出中国入境旅游在邻近省市以集聚与合作为主,邻近省域入境旅游发展对本地经济增长具有辐射带动作用,且这种空间溢出效应大于直接效应;入境旅游业发达的地区,入境旅游的经济增长效应更大。局部分析发现,随着入境旅游的发展,入境旅游的经济增长效应不断强化,中部部分地区提升幅度最大;入境旅游的经济增长效应存在空间差异性,东部沿海地区贡献最大,西北地区相对最小。  相似文献   
吕海萍  池仁勇  化祥雨 《地理科学》2017,37(11):1649-1658
以中国31个省域为空间样本,运用趋势面、引力模型和探索性空间数据分析法研究中国创新资源协同空间联系的动态变化特征,通过构建创新资源协同势能与区域经济增长空间面板计量模型,实证探讨创新资源协同空间联系与区域经济增长关系。研究结果表明:2003~2014年中国各省域创新资源协同状况整体呈现“东南高,西北低”的空间分布特征;创新资源协同空间联系呈现显著的区域不平衡性,空间网络结构分布格局变化显著:从简单雏形逐渐发育为“鸡爪型”、多核心复杂化的“网络型”空间结构;创新资源协同势能呈现显著的空间正相关,主要向东部沿海地区集聚;实证结果显示中国区域经济增长存在显著的空间溢出效应,创新资源协同空间联系对区域经济增长表现出显著的促进效应,可以通过直接效应、间接效应和总效应空间溢出促进区域经济增长。  相似文献   
把小流域水文生态研究,分解为小流域水分行为、生态效应及其优化调控研究3个方面。在分析国内外研究现状与问题的基础上,指出了其需要系统加以探讨的若干内容,认为由此可构建流域水文生态学的基本框架,进而发展流域水文生态学。  相似文献   
Turbulence structure in stably stratified boundary layers isexperimentally investigated by using a thermally stratified wind tunnel. Astably stratified flow is created by heating the wind tunnel airflow to atemperature of about 50 °C and by cooling the test-section floor to asurface temperature of about 3 °C. In order to study the effect ofbuoyancy on turbulent boundary layers for a wide range of stability, thevelocity and temperature fluctuations are measured simultaneously at adownwind position of 23.5 m from the tunnel entrance, where the boundarylayer is fully developed. The Reynolds number, Re, ranges from 3.14× 104 to 1.27 × 105, and the bulk Richardson number, Ri,ranges from 0 to 1.33. Stable stratification rapidly suppresses thefluctuations of streamwise velocity and temperature as well as the verticalvelocity fluctuation. Momentum and heat fluxes are also significantlydecreased with increasing stability and become nearly zero in the lowest partof the boundary layer with strong stability. The vertical profiles ofturbulence quantities exhibit different behaviour in three distinct stabilityregimes, the neutral flows, the stratified flows with weak stability(Ri = 0.12, 0.20) and those with strong stability (Ri= 0.39,0.47, 1.33). Of these, the two regimes of stratified flows clearly showdifferent vertical profiles of the local gradient Richardson number Ri,separated by the critical Richardson number Ri cr of about 0.25. Moreover,turbulence quantities in stable conditions are well correlated with Ri.  相似文献   
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