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海岛生态环境的脆弱性分析与调控对策   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
海岛是海洋生态系统的重要组成部分,处于海陆相互作用的动力敏感地带,敏感性强,稳定性差,在当前人类活动和频繁的自然灾害等各种动力耦舍的作用下,其生态环境的脆弱性表现出复杂性和多样性的特征。对目前我国海岛生态环境存在的问题进行了分析,指出其脆弱性包括固有脆弱性和特殊脆弱性,并提出可行的海岛生态环境保护与恢复重建的对策,以实现资源环境与社会经济的可持续发展。  相似文献   
海州湾海域赤潮灾害与成因探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
2004~2006年海州湾海域共发生有记录的赤潮7起,涉及海域面积近2000 km2,海洋生态环境受到严重威胁.本文根据近年来海州湾赤潮发生的情况和相关资料,阐述了海州湾赤潮的发生及其影响、赤潮主要藻种,从物理、化学、气候、生物等因素上分析和讨论了海州湾赤潮发生的原因,并在此基础上提出了相应的防治对策:(1)加强赤潮的研究工作;(2)控制陆源污染物的入海,防止海水富营养化;(3)加强赤潮监测.  相似文献   
This paper details Australian research that developed tools to assist fisheries managers and government agencies in engaging with the social dimension of industry and community welfare in fisheries management. These tools are in the form of objectives and indicators. These highlight the social dimensions and the effects of management plans and policy implementation on fishing industries and associated communities, while also taking into account the primacy of ecological imperatives. The deployment of these objectives and indicators initially provides a benchmark and, over the life of a management plan, can subsequently be used to identify trends in effects on a variety of social and economic elements that may be objectives in the management of a fishery. It is acknowledged that the degree to which factors can be monitored will be dependent upon resources of management agencies, however these frameworks provide a method for effectively monitoring and measuring change in the social dimension of fisheries management.Essentially, the work discussed in this paper provides fisheries management with the means to both track and begin to understand the effects of government policy and management plans on the social dimension of the fishing industry and its associated communities. Such tools allow the consideration of these elements, within an evidence base, into policy arrangements, and consequently provide an invaluable contribution to the ability to address resilience and sustainability of fishing industries and associated communities.  相似文献   
声学应答释放器是一种对可靠性要求很高的海洋环境监测设备,文中对国家海洋技术中心研制的声学应答释放器进行了可靠性分析。首先介绍了声学应答释放器的电路构成及功能;然后依据可靠性建模相关理论完成电路部分可靠性模型建立,依据可靠性模型,预计了设备的固有可靠度;最后有针对性地提出改进措施,用于指导声学应答释放器设计,为释放器技术研究提供计算模型与可借鉴的经验。  相似文献   
《Urban geography》2013,34(1):66-82
Measuring the level of segregation often encounters two methodological issues: measures are sensitive to changes in the geographical scale of the data and the effectiveness of the measure in reflecting spatial segregation. Several spatial measures have been suggested to measure spatial segregation, but whether they are more or less sensitive to changes in spatial scale has not been investigated, while some spatial measures are relatively scale-insensitive. Using the 1990 Census data of 30 selected U.S. metropolitan areas, this paper demonstrates that these spatial measures, similar to the aspatial measure, report higher levels of segregation when smaller areal units are used in the analysis. Some spatial measures are even more sensitive to scale changes than aspatial measures. Certain patterns of the scale sensitivity were identified, but no general rules can be formulated. A preliminary explanation of the scale effect on spatial segregation measures is offered.  相似文献   
This paper examines the utility of a number of pattern measures for local exploratory analysis of binary spatial data. Based on a review of existing pattern measures in cartography, geography, image analysis, and landscape ecology, two fundamental classes of such measures, termed compositional and configurational, are identified. The paper focuses on configurational measures and it is suggested that as many as five such measures (join counts, patch numbers, patch sizes, patch proximity, and distribution of the classes relative to the focal cell of the window) are required to differentiate between all possible local categorical maps. This suggestion is explored by examining aspects of the statistical behaviour (probability distributions and correlations between extreme values of pairs of measures) of a set of 12 configurational measures. Their use is also demonstrated by means of an empirical example.  相似文献   
张正雄 《探矿工程》2021,48(7):121-125
帷幕灌浆是坝基防渗处理的一种常用技术手段,而岩溶地区因其岩溶发育致使岩溶裂隙和通道纵横交错,且难以获取其规律性,灌浆过程中往往会出现注浆量偏高的现象。为了能够既有效控制帷幕灌浆成本,又确保帷幕灌浆施工质量,就需要采用科学、合理、可靠的施工技术措施和手段,对高注浆量的情况进行重点控制和改进。本文结合某水电站岩溶坝基帷幕灌浆中突出的高注浆量现象,通过有针对性地从技术措施和控制手段等方面的综合探索与应用,最终达到了坝基防渗的目的,并最大限度地节约了帷幕灌浆的时间,有效控制了高材料消耗所带来的高成本问题,为类似项目的帷幕灌浆积累了一定的经验。  相似文献   
罗小杰  罗程 《中国岩溶》2021,40(2):171-188
为了给岩溶地面塌陷预测、监测、防治和应急措施提供理论依据,全面总结了岩溶地面塌陷的发育规律,认为岩溶、土体和诱发因素是岩溶地面塌陷的三要素。岩溶为土体丧失提供通道和储藏空间。土的工程地质性质决定了土体塌陷方式:“黏土块”坍塌、砂颗粒漏失、软弱土流失;土体塌陷方式决定了土体塌陷机理;据土体塌陷方式提出了由“土洞型塌陷”“沙漏型塌陷”和“泥流型塌陷”构成的岩溶地面塌陷三机理理论:黏性土和密实砂性土层中,在外力作用下,土洞顶板拱效应失效而产生的地面塌陷现象称为土洞型塌陷;由于诱发因素的触发导致可溶岩上方松散砂层中砂颗粒漏失而产生的地面塌陷现象称为沙漏型塌陷;可溶岩上方软弱土体在外力作用下向可溶岩中流失而产生的地面塌陷现象称为泥流型塌陷。三机理理论关注土体塌陷方式,既解释了岩溶地面塌陷现象,更回答了土体“如何塌”的问题。诱发因素是塌陷的外部影响因素,不是塌陷机理的构成要素;诱发因素产生作用力;作用力改变土颗粒运动状态,使土颗粒由“静止→运动”,土体由“稳定→塌陷”。依据三机理理论,提出了岩溶地面塌陷综合地质预测方法,建立了基于三个塌陷机理的土体塌陷确定性预测模型,系统总结了岩溶地面塌陷监测、防治和应急措施方法,形成了从理论到实践的、完整的岩溶地面塌陷思想体系。  相似文献   
通过大量野外调查和对已有成果的分析,发现该地区地质环境破坏严重,并有恶化的趋势.该地区主要地质环境问题包括地质灾害、水环境污染、海水入侵和海岸蚀退,多数为人为因素引发,自然灾害是次要灾害.最后针对不同的地质环境问题提出综合保护建议.  相似文献   
以浙江岬湾砂质海岸象山皇城海滩为例,运用抛物线模型,分析得出皇城海滩的冲淤演化动态,并通过历史岸线形态对比探讨皇城海塘对其的影响,最终提出防止海岸侵蚀的对策。研究结果表明,皇城海滩北部有一定的侵蚀,其平面形态还未达到静态平衡,处于不稳定状态;皇城海滩北段海塘修建得过于靠海,致使海滩最重要的泥沙补给源——后滨沙丘被阻断,甚至消失,同时大潮水位可直接淹没海塘堤脚,加上海塘前为近破波,滩面水流和泥沙运动剧烈,最终导致堤前滩面的冲刷。基于此,防止海岸侵蚀的最佳对策是在拆除、重建海滩北部部分海塘后再进行适当的海滩养护。通过对皇城海滩的稳定性研究,了解海塘建设的影响,可为浙江岬湾海滩资源的合理开发、海岸防护工程建设提供一定的科学依据。  相似文献   
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