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主要研究了地面基准站GPS观测值模拟情况,分析了GPS观测值模拟的意义、原理及流程、用到的数学模型等,并用编写的模拟软件模拟了武汉站的GPS观测值情况。结果表明,本模拟方法所模拟的GPS观测值和实测值很接近,能满足不同层次人员对GPS模拟观测值的需要。 相似文献
Alexandre Ediberidze 《Mathematical Geology》1992,24(6):719-729
System analysis can provide an efficient control of the distribution of an oil company's drilling resources. The technique presented here (using cable as an example) is applied to the construction and synthesis of a material- and technical- resources control system, and to the mathematical modeling of the man-computer interface. 相似文献
This paper presents two models of texture of carbon materials possessing porosity. For both models, RMAX, RINT and RMIN values of reflectance have been calculated by modified Ting's 3A method [Ting, F.T.C., 1978. Petrographic techniques in coal analysis. In: C. Karr (Ed.), Analytical Methods for Coal and Coal Products, Vol. 1. Academic Press, New York, 1978, pp. 3–25]. It has been found that the reflectance indicating surface (RIS) for the studied models of texture changes from a biaxial negative up to a biaxial positive one (the type A texture) depending on the shape and size of pores. In particular case, for the type B texture and the isometry of pores, a uniaxial negative RIS is merely obtained. 相似文献
The basic mathematic models, such as the statistic model, the time-serial model, the spatial dynamic model etc., and some typical analysis methods based on 3DCM are proposed and discussed. A few typical spatial decision making methods integrating the spatial analysis and the basic mathematical models are also introduced, e.g. visual impact assessment, dispersion of noise immissions, base station plan for wireless communication. In addition, a new idea of expectation of further applications and add-in-value service of 3DCM is promoted. As an example, the sunshine analysis is studied and some helpful conclusions are drawn. 相似文献
2013年7月7~11日,四川盆地大部分地区出现了持续性强降雨天气(以下简称四川“7.9”暴雨).此次过程的降水中心稳定少动、降水强度及总量大、持续时间长,累积降水量最高达到了1000ram以上,造成严重灾害.为分析位于孟加拉湾地区的大气河对四川“7.9”暴雨的影响.利用NCEP/NCAR再分析资料,通过研究孟加拉湾大气河水汽对这次暴雨的作用及影响,得到的结果表明:此次持续性暴雨过程中,孟加拉湾大气河受西太平洋副高东撤影响,并在200 hPa和850 hPa高低空急流的共同作用下,不断向四川地区输送水汽.这种水汽输送一直持续到11日才停止,此时降水也趋于结束.在整个暴雨过程中,850 hPa上孟加拉湾大气河输送的水汽由于云贵高原阻挡,而绕开云贵高原在南海地区与西太副高外围的水汽以及南半球的越赤道气流汇合后,在低空急流左侧辐合气流作用下输送到四川盆地,为暴雨产生提供水汽.同时,700 hPa上的水汽直接越过云贵高原到达四川盆地.孟加拉湾大气河的这两种输送方式为四川盆地持续性暴雨提供了充足的水汽供应. 相似文献
地球数字产品的空间数学基础 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
在分析当前地球数字产品空间数学基础局限性的基础上,将地图投影概念由传统的曲面到平面的变换扩展为曲面到曲面的变换,提出一套适合于大型GIS和地球数字产品的“地图投影”模型的实用模型,该模型的视图采用等距离切圆柱投影,度量空间是椭球面几何系统,符合计算机环境下GIS视图与度量空间分离的特性。鉴于全球多分辨率连续可视化,精密可视化量算,三维、多维地球数据统一,标准的空间定位框架和只有在统一的空间系统内全球资源、生态环境数据才能进行精确的地理分析等四个方面的需要,从地图投影进到本模型将是方向和技术趋势。 相似文献
地图作为地图数据库、地理信息系统、遥感等最基础和最重要的数据源 ,其精度问题已成为各学科共同关注的问题。本文提出了地图数字化的数学基础 ,详细讨论了两种常用的数据采集模型 :并以世界地图数字化系统为实例 ,介绍了系统的构成 ;并重点讨论了破译地图数学基础的原理和方法。 相似文献