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The circulation and salinity distribution in the Hooghly Estuary have been studied by developing a two‐dimensional depth‐averaged numerical model for the lower estuary, where the flow is vertically well mixed. This has been coupled with a one‐dimensional model for the upper estuary, where the flow is assumed to be unidirectional and well mixed over the depth and breadth. The Hooghly River receives high freshwater discharge during the monsoon season (June to September), which has significant effect on the salinity distribution in the estuary. The model‐simulated currents, elevations, and salinities are in good agreement with observations during the dry season. However, during the wet season the computed salinities seem to deviate slightly from the observed values.  相似文献   
Using NCEP/NCAR reanalysis data and the sand-storm frequency data fi'om 37 weather stations in the Tarim Basin for the period 1961-2009, the relationship between the frequency of spring sandstorms in the Tafim Basin and the associated atmospheric circu- lation pattems is analyzed in this study. We found significantly negative correlations between sandstorm frequency and the 500-hPa geopotential height over the Paris Basin and midwestem Mongolia, while there were positive correlations over the Ural River region. The rising of the 500-hPa geopotential height in midwestem Mongolia and its falling over the Ural region corre- spond to a weakening of the large-scale wave patterns in the Eurasian region, which directly causes the frequency of the sand-dust storms in the Tarim Basin to decline. Also, the abrupt decline in the spring sandstorm frequency in the Tarim Basin observed in the last half-century is associated with profound changes in the atmospheric circulation in these key regions. At the interannual scale, the strengthened cyclonic atmospheric circulation patterns in the western part of Mongolia and the anticyclonic patterns over the East European plains at 500-hPa geopotential height, are responsible for frequent sandstorm occurrences in the Tarim Basin.  相似文献   
The local reach gradient of small gravel bed rivers (drainage area 0-8-110 km2) in the Eifel, West Germany, is adjusted to transport the river bed sediments. Transport of gravel becomes possible under high flow conditions (Shields entrainment factor ≈-03). Mean bed material size for riffle sections increases with distance downstream. For small drainage areas channel slope is a negative exponential function of drainage area, while for the larger region the additional influence of bedload size has to be considered. Good agreement with Hack's data (1957) for Virginia and Maryland, U.S.A., is achieved (S = 0.0066 (D50/A)- 40., r = 0.67).  相似文献   
张伟民  谭立海  边凯  牛清河 《中国沙漠》2016,36(5):1207-1215
地形在金字塔沙山形成发育过程中起着重要的作用。金字塔沙山通常形成于山前地带,应属于地形屏障影响下形成的一种沙丘类型。首先,上升气流的发育是山前风阻区气流的主要特征,地形屏障是上升气流发生发展的主要原因。沙山的坡脚、坡中及坡顶分别是上升气流的启动区、发育区及衰退区。上升气流是沙山增高增大发育的主要机制。其次,金字塔沙山多发育于局地环流发育较强的地带,局地环流与区域风况配置是形成复杂沙丘类型的重要因素。本区局地环流偏南风不仅持续时间长,且受到鸣沙山微地形的影响,下坡气流较强。实地观测结果破解了常规气候台观测数据难以揭示上升气流及局地环流对金字塔沙丘形成发育的影响。第三,下附地形在沙山形成发育过程中决定着沙丘发育的“临界尺度”,即丘体达到“临界尺度”的时候,坡面上升气流及风速放大作用逐渐显现,促使丘体增高增大发育,随着沙丘形态与上升气流的互馈作用进一步增强,金字塔沙丘逐渐形成演化为高大沙山。实地观测进一步证实了金字塔沙山是纵向(横向)沙丘形变的一种形式。并提出了金字塔沙山在地形条件下形成演化的一种新模式。  相似文献   
This study is focused on climate-induced variation of sea level in Stockholm during 1873-1995. After the effect of the land uplift, is removed, the residual is characterized and related to large-scale temperature and atmospheric circulation. The residual shows an overall upward trend, although this result depends on the uplift rate used. However, the seasonal distribution of the trend is uneven. There are even two months (June and August) that show a negative trend. The significant trend in August may be linked to fresh water input that is controlled by precipitation. The influence of the atmospheric conditions on the sea level is mainly manifested through zonal winds, vorticity and temperature. While the wind is important in the period January-May, the vorticity plays a main role during June and December. A successful linear multiple-regression model linking the climatic variables (zonal winds, vorticity and mean air temperature during the previous two months) and the sea level is established for each month. An independent verification of the model shows that it has considerable skill in simulating the variability.  相似文献   
新物质主义是对消费地理研究中呼吁"重返物质"的补充和超越,论文旨在从新物质主义的视角审视消费地理的研究进展.首先,简要介绍行动者网络理论、拼装体理论、超越人类理论和非表征理论等新物质主义的相关理论基础,发现新物质主义强调物质的能动性、动态性及其对消费网络的影响能力,受此影响,消费地理研究对空间性、社会性、主体性和物质性...  相似文献   
2011年春季中国北方沙尘天气过程及其成因   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
2011年春季,中国共出现了7次沙尘天气过程,其中沙尘暴4次,强沙尘暴2次,沙尘天气频次总体偏少、强沙尘暴偏多,影响范围较广。通过对2010/2011年冬季及2011年春季天气气候特征的分析表明:①2010/2011年冬季,冷空气偏强,气温偏低,有利于土壤冻结,同时新疆大部、内蒙古西部及东北部分地区降水偏少,使得前期地面植被状况偏差,进入2011年春季,中国北方大部地区降水仍偏少,地面植被状况虽未得到改善,但气温仍偏低,土壤解冻较晚,而2011年春季冷空气较常年偏弱,使得2011年沙尘暴发生时间较常年偏晚,且沙尘天气过程偏少;②中国北方沙尘天气常发区域土壤湿度较常年偏高,土壤状况良好,土质不够疏松,是2011年春季沙尘天气偏少的一个重要因素;③2011年春季蒙古国及内蒙古大部地区纬向风为偏西风的负距平区,不利于起沙及沙尘粒子向东输送。  相似文献   
甘肃春季沙尘暴环流特征及其时间尺度诊断分析   总被引:8,自引:8,他引:8  
根据43a甘肃春季沙尘暴日数距平序列选取了甘肃春季沙尘暴多发年和少发年。对甘肃春季沙尘暴多发年和少发年前期冬季(12月至翌年2月)和同期春季(3~5月)500hPa环流距平场合成结果表明, 前期冬季东亚大槽、同期春季蒙古气旋是影响沙尘暴发生多少的主要系统。西风指数和东亚北风指数计算结果表明, 沙尘暴多发年与少发年指数差异明显, 沙尘暴与冬季风联系紧密。甘肃春季沙尘暴小波变换分析, 清楚地反映沙尘暴不同频域的变化特征及其交替作用; 不同频域小波系数变化说明21世纪初沙尘暴将趋于增加。  相似文献   

利用江西省83个气象观测站1961—2018年春季(3—5月)逐日降水资料和NCEP/NCAR逐日再分析资料,对江西春季降水异常的大气环流特征及其对ENSO事件的响应进行了研究。结果表明:江西春季降水异常偏多年,中层500 hPa中高纬地区受欧亚型环流(EU型)影响,乌拉尔山附近阻塞高压系统活动频繁,贝加尔湖地区低槽偏强,西太平洋副热带高压(简称西太副高,下同)偏强,有利于北方冷空气南下并与偏南暖湿气流在江西上空交汇;低层850 hPa菲律宾以东西太平洋地区为异常反气旋环流控制,造成南海水汽向江西地区输送加强。而江西春季降水异常偏少年,其环流特征表现则与之相反。ENSO是影响江西春季降水的重要强迫信号,厄尔尼诺(拉尼娜)衰减年,春季东亚地区低层850 hPa西太副高偏强(弱),有(不)利南海上空水汽向江西地区输送,低层辐合(辐散)和高层200 hPa辐散(辐合)形成的动力抬升条件是造成江西地区降水偏多(少)的主要原因。

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