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龙凡  韩天成 《地下水》2004,26(1):43-47
本文通过联剖、电测深、磁法和测温法等综合工作成果,分析、推断出汤上屯热水构造的产状、性质和热水出露条件,圈定出了热水分布范围.  相似文献   
重力、航磁资料在花岗岩型铀矿成矿研究中的应用   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
舒孝敬 《铀矿地质》2004,20(2):99-109,119
本文利用重磁场资料对我国南方一些花岗岩体的侵位状态和岩浆动力场进行了分析,并按动力场的强弱对岩体进行了分类。根据重力资料对苗儿山-越城岭、诸广山和贵东花岗岩体的反演计算,讨论了这些岩体的深部分布形态,提出了岩浆流动的3种方式,指出了富大铀矿床、大型铀矿聚集区的赋存部位及其与航磁异常的密切联系。  相似文献   
吴国富 《矿产与地质》2004,18(4):397-399
大厂矿区一条长1.5km的运输巷道内进行了高精度磁测找矿试验,并进行了地质钻探验证。结果表明:在将局部磁性干扰压抑后,所获相对磁异常是可以取得找矿效果的。  相似文献   
This paper presents relative secular variations of the total intensity of the geomagnetic field against a background of results of magnetic anomaly interpretation along seismic profile P4. Profile P4 crosses a Variscan folding zone in the Paleozoic Platform (PLZ), the Trans-European Suture Zone (TESZ), and the Polish part of the East European Craton (EEC). Secular geomagnetic field variations measured in 1966–2000 along a line adjacent to seismic profile P4 were analysed. The study of secular variations, reduced to the base recordings at the Belsk Magnetic Observatory, showed that the growth of geomagnetic field at the East European Craton was slower than in the Trans-European Suture Zone and the Paleozoic Platform.A 2D crustal magnetic model was interpreted as a result of magnetic modelling, in which seismic, geological and geothermal data were also used. The modelling showed that there were significant differences in the magnetic model for geotectonic units, which had been earlier determined based on deep seismic survey data. It should be noted that a fundamental change of trend of the relative secular variations was observed at the slope of the Precambrian Platform. After analysing the geomagnetic field observed along profile P4, the hypothesis that the contact between Phanerozoic and Precambrian Europe lies in Poland's territory can be proven.  相似文献   
Giacomo Corti   《Tectonophysics》2004,384(1-4):191-208
Centrifuge analogue experiments are used to model the reactivation of pre-existing crustal fabrics during extension. The models reproduced a weakness zone in the lower crust whose geometry was varied in order to investigate its role in controlling the architecture of rift segments and related transfer zones. The typical rift system geometry was characterised by two offset rift segments connected by a major transfer zone in which boundary faults were oblique to the extension vector and displayed a significant transcurrent component of movement. The transfer zone was also characterised by cross-basin faults with both trend and strike-slip component of movement opposite to that displayed by the master faults. Typically, different structural patterns were obtained by changing the offset angle φ between the rift segments, supporting that the structural pattern at transfer zones is strongly influenced by the orientation of pre-existing discontinuities with respect to the stretching vector. In the models, the aspect ratio (ratio of length vs. width) of the transfer zone shows a positive correlation with the offset angle (i.e., the more the inherited fabric is parallel to the extension direction, the longer and narrower the transfer zones). In case of staircase offset of the rift segments (φ=90°), the structural pattern was characterised by two isolated rift depressions linked by a narrow transfer zone in which border faults with alternating polarity overlapped. Prominent rise of the ductile lower crust was also observed at the transfer zone. Many of these geometrical features display striking similarities with natural rift systems. The results of the current experiments provide useful insights into the mechanics of continental rift architecture, supporting that rift propagation, width and along-axis segmentation may be strongly controlled by the reactivation of pre-existing pervasive crustal fabrics.  相似文献   
Abstract   Magnetic susceptibility and the anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility were measured on an 800-cm-thick succession of cumulate gabbro in the Sadm area of the Oman ophiolite. The section contained three distinct cumulate units. The susceptibility tends to decrease upward in each from a melanocratic layer (several tens of centimeters thick) to a leucocratic layer (a few meters thick). The susceptibility decreases in accordance with the decreasing number of magnetite grains, which are the alteration product mainly of olivine minerals. This suggests the cyclic downward accumulation of olivine in the cumulate gabbro. The apparent strain deduced from the patterns of magnetic and grain fabrics was the result mostly of simple shear, so that the layering of gabbro is understood to be formed primarily by a crystal cumulus process followed by simple shear deformation.  相似文献   
We present a detailed study of a 1B/M6.9 impulsive flare combining high time resolution (1 ms) and instantaneous emission source localization observations at submillimeter frequencies (212 GHz), obtained with the solar submillimeter telescope (SST), and Hα data from the Hα solar telescope for argentina (HASTA). The flare, starting at 16:34 UT, occurred in active region (AR) 9715 (NOAA number) on November 28, 2001, and was followed by an Hα surge. We complement our data with magnetograms from the Michelson Doppler Imager (SOHO/MDI). SST observed a short impulsive burst at 212 GHz, presenting a weak bulk emission (of about 90 sfu) composed of a few shorter duration structures. The integrated Hα and the 212 GHz light curves present a remarkable agreement during the impulsive phase of the event. The delay between both curves stays below 12 s (the time resolution of the Hα telescope). The flare as well as the surge are linked to new flux emergence very close to the main AR bipole. Taking into account the AR magnetic field evolution, we infer that magnetic field reconnection, occurring at low coronal levels, could have been at the origin of the flare; while in the case of surge this would happen at the chromospheric level.  相似文献   
Satellite-data allows the magnetic field produced by the dynamo within the Earth’s core to be imaged with much more accuracy than previously possible with only ground-based data. Changes in this magnetic field can in turn be used to make some inferences about the core surface flow responsible for them. In this paper, we investigate the improvement brought to core flow computation by new satellite-data based core magnetic field models. It is shown that the main limitation now encountered is no longer the (now high) accuracy of those models, but the “non-modelled secular variation” produced by interaction of the non-resolvable small scales of the core flow with the core field, and by interaction of the (partly) resolvable large scales of the core flow with the small scales of the core field unfortunately masked by the crustal field. We show how this non-modelled secular variation can be taken into account to recover the largest scales of the core flow in a consistent way. We also investigate the uncertainties this introduces in core flows computed with the help of the frozen-flux and tangentially geostrophic assumptions. It turns out that flows with much more medium and small scales than previously thought are needed to explain the satellite-data-based core magnetic field models. It also turns out that a significant fraction of this flow unfortunately happens to be non-recoverable (being either “non-resolvable” because too small-scale, or “invisible”, because in the kernel of the inverse method) even though it produces the detectable “non-modelled secular variation”. Applying this to the Magsat (1980) to Ørsted (2000) field changes leads us to conclude that a flow involving at least strong retrograde vortices below the Atlantic Hemisphere, some less-resolved prograde vortices below the Pacific Hemisphere, and some poorly resolved (and partly non-resolvable) polar vortices, is needed to explain the 1980-2000 satellite-era average secular variation. The characteristics of the fraction of the secular variation left unexplained by this flow are also discussed.  相似文献   
南半球对流层气候年代际变化及其与太阳活动的联系   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
通过南半球对流层温度场谱分析和逐次滤波分析发现,南半球对流层大气温度场半个多世纪以来呈现明显的持续升温趋势,升温幅度由低层到高层逐步增加,其中地面层1 000 hPa年升温率为0.013℃/a,对流层中部500 hPa年升温率为0.019℃/ a,对流层上部300 hPa年升温率为0.036℃/ a;滤除南半球大气温度场的趋势变化,发现南半球大气温度场从地面层直至对流层顶广泛盛行着十分显著的与太阳磁场磁性22年周期变化相一致的变化周期。太阳磁场磁性周期变化趋势略有超前,分析认为,这是南半球对流层大气气候系统对太阳磁场周期性变化的响应。进一步分析还发现,南半球从地面层1 000 hPa到对流层顶,再到平流层中部10 hPa各层次大气温度变化22年周期分量振荡位相基本一致,周期振幅由低层到高层迅速增大,说明太阳磁场变化对对流层高层比低层影响大,对平流层影响更大。其中地面层1 000 hPa温度场的22年变化周期是在滤除趋势变化和11年周期之后才显现出来的,所以太阳磁场磁性周期变化对地面层气候的影响较小并且经常处于被掩盖状态;南半球地面层1 000 hPa温度场滤除趋势变化之后显示出十分显著的与太阳活动11年周期相一致的变化周期,分析认为,这是南半球对流层大气气候系统对太阳活动11周期性变化的响应。对流层上层300 hPa温度场滤除趋势变化和22年周期之后也显示出11年变化周期,而对流层中部500 hPa则无此周期反应,说明太阳活动11年周期对地面层1 000 hPa大气气候影响最明显,对流层中上层影响较弱。  相似文献   
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