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王红梅  刘烁  刘邓 《地球科学》2015,40(2):305-316
选取酸性矿坑水环境中常见的次生含铁硫酸盐矿物———黄钾铁矾[KFe3(SO4)2(OH)6]为研究对象,用硫酸盐还原菌 Desulfovibriovulgaris 和异化铁还原菌Shewanellaputrefaciens CN32对其进行还原实验,探讨作为重金属治理潜在材料的 黄钾铁矾的微生物稳定性.实验采用非增长型培养基,在中性、厌氧、30℃的条件下进行.采用湿化学方法测量水溶液及还原产 生的总Fe2+ ,利用X射线衍射(X-raydiffraction,简称XRD)来分析反应后残余固体物质的矿物组成,用扫描电镜(scanning electronicmicroscopy,简称SEM)观察固体残余物的形貌特征.结果表明,没有微生物的参与,黄钾铁矾的稳定性较好.异化铁 还原菌S.putrefaciens CN32和硫酸还原菌D .vulgaris 在营养极其匮乏的中性厌氧条件下均能还原黄钾铁矾晶格中的 Fe3+ ,显示出黄钾铁矾被微生物还原的可能性.S.putrefaciens CN32还原黄钾铁矾晶格中Fe3+ 的最大还原速率和最终Fe3+ 还原率分别为0.001mmol·L-1·h-1和0.37%.与S.putrefaciens CN32不同,D .vulgaris 对黄钾铁矾的还原能力较强,不 含有电子穿梭体(Anthraquinone-2,6-disulfonate,简称AQDS)的实验体系中Fe3+ 的最大还原速率和最终Fe3+ 还原率分别为 0.017mmol·L-1·h-1和16.80%,而添加了AQDS的实验体系的则分别达到了0.026mmol·L-1·h-1和24.30%,这可能与 黄钾铁矾中含有SO42- 有关.D .vulgaris 优先还原黄钾铁矾晶格中的SO42- 产生的H2S是强还原剂,也可促进Fe3+ 的还原, 微生物以及H2S的双重作用可能是导致D .vulgaris 体系中Fe3+ 还原率较高的原因.XRD分析表明,黄钾铁矾经过S.putrefaciens CN32的作用,物相没有发生变化;而经过D .vulgaris 作用后,黄钾铁矾的特征峰消失,固相残余物中出现了菱铁 矿(FeCO3)、蓝铁矿[Fe3(PO4)2·8H2O]等次生矿物.由于培养基中没有添加任何的磷酸盐,因此蓝铁矿的出现可能是由于培 养基中添加的少量酵母浸膏降解后产生的磷酸根与D .vulgaris 还原黄钾铁矾产生的Fe2+ 相互作用的结果.这些认识对深入 理解地球表层铁的生物地球化学循环具有重要意义,为矿山环境重金属的污染治理提供了实验依据.   相似文献   
Previous studies on multiple sulfur isotopes (32S, 33S, and 34S) in sedimentary pyrite at the end-Permian suggested a shoaling of anoxic/sulfidic deep-water contributing to the extinction. This scenario is based on an assumption that the sedimentary sulfur cycle was largely controlled by benthos activity, though a stratigraphic correlation between the sulfur records and ichnofabrics of the sediments at the end-Permian has not yet been examined. We report the multiple sulfur isotopic composition of pyrite in the Permian–Triassic boundary interval at Chaotian, South China. Our data can be generally explained by a mixing of sulfur in sulfide from two different sources: one produced via sulfate reduction in an open system with respect to sulfate and the other produced in a closed system. In particular, the former with the substantially low δ34S (<−40 ‰) and high ∆33S (up to +0.100 ‰) values was likely produced via water-mass sulfate reduction or via sulfate reduction in oxic sediments with common burrows. The frequent occurrence of small pyrite framboids (mostly <5 μm in diameter) in the Lopingian (Late Permian) Dalong Formation of deep-water facies supports the enhanced water-mass sulfate reduction in an anoxic deep-water mass. The negative ∆33S values are observed only in the oxic limestones, and no substantial ∆33S change is observed across the extinction horizon despite of the disappearance of bioturbation. Our results are apparently inconsistent with the previous shoaling model. We expand the model and infer that, when the deep-water was sulfidic and its shoaling rate was high, a substantial amount of hydrogen sulfide (H2S) was supplied onto the shelf via the shoaling; that resulted in the positive ∆33S value of the bulk sediments. The observed ∆33S variation on a global scale suggests a substantial variation in H2S concentration and/or in upwelling rate of shoaling deep-waters during the Permian–Triassic transition.  相似文献   
在分散度不同的区域内进行区域采样用于水中硫酸根离子的测定,结果令人满意。应用此方法测定硫酸根离子的线性范围为200.0~3000mg/L;进样频率为120次/h;相对标准偏差为1.70%  相似文献   
结合新近评估的东亚地区污染源资料,作者利用一个耦合的区域化学输送模式系统以探讨东亚地区春季期间气象过程、气相与液相化学过程、非均相化学过程、气溶胶过程和干湿沉降过程对二氧化硫输送及转化过程的影响,并研究二氧化硫和硫酸盐气溶胶的空间分布及变化特征.模拟的二氧化硫和硫酸盐气溶胶的浓度值与2001年春季飞机和地面获取的观测值进行了比较.比较结果显示,模拟值与观测值具有很好的一致性,模式系统很好地反映了二氧化硫和硫酸盐气溶胶的分布特征和变化规律,再现了许多观测到的重要特征,为进一步分析模拟结果奠定了基础.  相似文献   
Thirty-seven Kupferschiefer samples from southwestern Poland were analyzed by microscopy, Rock-Eval approach and instrumental neutron activation analysis to understand the geochemical and morphological characteristics of kerogen present in the samples. The analytical results indicate that there are two different types of kerogens. One type was only subjected to thermal alteration processes, and the other was further oxidized after deposition of the sediment.In the oxidized samples migrabitumen was transformed into pyrobitumen. Rock-Eval analyses show a significant decrease in HI values in the oxidized samples and an increase in OI values in relation to the samples that were not influenced by oxidation. Variations in S2 versus Corg contents indicate a change in kerogen from Type II to Type III with progressing oxidation. The presence of pyrobitumen and the depletion of hydrogen in the altered kerogen allow one to conclude that the kerogen was used as hydrogen donor for thermochemical sulfate reduction(TSR).  相似文献   
对陕西省白河县月儿潭风化严重的绿松石样品进行了岩石薄片观察、化学成分测试、X射线粉晶衍射和红外吸收光谱分析等研究.结果表明,绿松石风化分解由天蓝色退色成黄绿色,最后变成白色,结构也由致密细腻变得松散多孔,主要原因是发生了硫酸根对磷酸根的交代作用,最终的交代产物主要是磷钙铝矾.  相似文献   
湿法浸取硫酸镍工艺研究中,净化提纯工艺采取了蒸发浓缩浸液、分步沉淀杂质的技术方案。中试表明,采用此种工艺生产效率很低,还导致生产流水线上的设备匹配性差。为此,作者提出了二次浸取的技术方案。实验室及中试试验表明:采用二次浸取工艺替代蒸发浓缩工艺,行之有效。  相似文献   
金属镁是新世纪重要的绿色金属能源,而冶镁白云岩是生产金属镁不可缺少的原料,是山西省能源重化工基地的一种十分重要的矿产资源.盂县羊泉冶镁白云岩矿床位于吕梁、太行断块-五台山块隆东侧,白云岩矿体赋存于寒武系上统-奥陶系下统三山子组,总体上呈走向NW、倾向SW的单斜构造.含矿岩石主要为中-厚层细-粗晶白云岩,粉晶-细晶或中粗晶粒状结构,块状或薄层状构造.矿床的形成演化经历了沉积-白云岩化-重结晶三个阶段.矿体平均品位ω(MgO)为21.20%、ω(SiO2)为0.67%、ω(K2O+ Na2O)为0.076%,品位变化较均匀.该区共求得冶镁用白云岩矿资源量约3.45亿吨,属一大型矿山,具有较大的开发前景.  相似文献   
硫酸镁对硼酸介稳区性质的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
通过浊度法测定10℃~45℃范围内MgSO4-H3BO3-H2O体系中硼酸的溶解度及介稳区宽度,得到硼酸的成核方程,并计算其表观成核级数。实验结果表明,硫酸镁的存在降低了硼酸的溶解度;随着硫酸镁浓度的升高,硼酸的介稳区宽度先变宽后变窄;硫酸镁的加入使硼酸的表观成核级数增加。  相似文献   
本文采用石墨炉原子吸收光谱法测定地球化学样品中痕量银。选择硝酸镁和硫脲混合溶液为基体改进剂,银的灰化温度为800℃,研究了最佳的分析测定条件。该方法检出限为0.01μg/g。用该方法对国家地球化学标准样品的测定结果与标准值相符。  相似文献   
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