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在槽式太阳能热发电领域,硝酸镁基熔盐逐渐引起关注。通过六水硝酸镁煅烧法制备无水硝酸镁,采用拉曼、DSC与XRD表征脱水产物,系统研究了环境压力、脱水温度与时间对六水硝酸镁脱水和水解的影响。结果表明,六水硝酸镁在煅烧过程中水解为碱式硝酸镁Mg_3(OH)_4(NO_3)_2,在水溶液中进一步分解为Mg(OH)_2。随着煅烧温度和时间的增加,脱水产物中的含水量逐渐减少,同时水解产物Mg_3(OH)_4(NO_3)_2含量逐渐增加。真空环境下煅烧,可显著降低硝酸镁的水解反应。六水硝酸镁在真空环境下230℃煅烧1.5 h,所制备的无水硝酸镁中水解产物含量为3.63%。制备的硝酸镁可进一步用于硝酸镁基熔盐的研究。  相似文献   
在生产碳酸锂的工艺中,尤其除硫过程中,锂会伴随其它盐类析出,造成锂的大量夹带损失.因此盐湖高锂卤水中硫酸根的脱除对锂的高效富集,提高锂的收率有重大意义.研究以盐湖高锂卤水为原料,通过加入氯化钡,采用化学沉淀法除去卤水中的SO2-4.详细考察了原料配比(SO2-4与Ba2+的摩尔比)、加料方式、加料时间、反应时间、搅拌速...  相似文献   
Fault-controlled hydrothermal dolomitization in tectonically complex basins can occur at any depth and from different fluid compositions, including ‘deep-seated’, ‘crustal’ or ‘basinal’ brines. Nevertheless, many studies have failed to identify the actual source of these fluids, resulting in a gap in our knowledge on the likely source of magnesium of hydrothermal dolomitization. With development of new concepts in hydrothermal dolomitization, the study aims in particular to test the hypothesis that dolomitizing fluids were sourced from either seawater, ultramafic carbonation or a mixture between the two by utilizing the Cambrian Mount Whyte Formation as an example. Here, the large-scale dolostone bodies are fabric-destructive with a range of crystal fabrics, including euhedral replacement (RD1) and anhedral replacement (RD2). Since dolomite is cross-cut by low amplitude stylolites, dolomitization is interpreted to have occurred shortly after deposition, at a very shallow depth (<1 km). At this time, there would have been sufficient porosity in the mudstones for extensive dolomitization to occur, and the necessary high heat flows and faulting associated with Cambrian rifting to transfer hot brines into the near surface. While the δ18Owater and 87Sr/86Sr ratios values of RD1 are comparable with Cambrian seawater, RD2 shows higher values in both parameters. Therefore, although aspects of the fluid geochemistry are consistent with dolomitization from seawater, very high fluid temperature and salinity could be suggestive of mixing with another, hydrothermal fluid. The very hot temperature, positive Eu anomaly, enriched metal concentrations, and cogenetic relation with quartz could indicate that hot brines were at least partially sourced from ultramafic rocks, potentially as a result of interaction between the underlying Proterozoic serpentinites and CO2-rich fluids. This study highlights that large-scale hydrothermal dolostone bodies can form at shallow burial depths via mixing during fluid pulses, providing a potential explanation for the mass balance problem often associated with their genesis.  相似文献   
正In recent decades,meromictic ponds attract the attention of researchers in different directions,because here the character of the physical,chemical and biological processes differ from those of typical mixing waters(Kuznetsov,1970;Hutchinson,1969).In Transbaikalia widely distributed soda and salt lakes with different salinity.Notable among them is Lake Doroninskoye,which has a pronounced stratification for a  相似文献   
黄恒  颜佳新  余文超 《古地理学报》2020,22(5):1001-1011
滇黔桂地区晚古生代浅水碳酸盐岩台地与深水硅泥质盆地共存的古地理格局,是在加里东期褶皱基底上发生裂陷及差异沉降而发展起来的。广西宜州—柳州一带既是晚古生代上扬子碳酸盐岩地台南缘1条重要的沉积相分界线,也是晚古生代桂中和桂北地层分区、古生代—中生代雪峰山南段构造体系和桂中坳陷构造体系的分界线。文中通过对宜山—柳州一带晚古生代地层的区域对比和成因分析,恢复了桂中宜山—柳州地区晚古生代沉积盆地的演化历史。狭长型宜州裂陷槽盆地西起丹池断裂,向东经龙头、北牙、宜州延伸至柳州。自中泥盆世开始,首先在东西两端开始裂陷下沉,至早石炭世发展成型。受北侧来自江南隆起带陆源碎屑物质充填影响,其表现为南北不对称并在早石炭世晚期被填平。在宜州裂陷槽内发育多处早石炭世沉积型碳酸锰矿,含矿地层分布、地层序列及其沉积背景明显与裂陷槽演化有关。它们既是盆地演化历史的见证,也体现了桂中地区裂陷海槽的特色,值得在后续锰矿成因研究中予以重视。  相似文献   
李鹏  刘全有  毕赫  孟庆强 《地质学报》2021,95(3):632-642
黑色富有机质页岩是页岩油气生成和赋存的主要母体,是强还原环境水体的沉积产物,在其形成过程中,细菌硫酸盐还原作用(BSR)对水体环境影响明显,但BSR强度如何影响有机质的保存尚未得到关注。我国陆相湖盆富有机质泥页岩广泛发育,形成过程中常常伴随有火山活动或者海侵等事件,大量硫酸盐进入湖盆,改变水体的沉积环境,不同环境下BSR对黑色页岩有机质保存的影响明显不同。本次研究选取鄂尔多斯盆地延长组长7段页岩、松辽盆地青山口组和嫩江组页岩作为对象,同时与现代沉积物进行对比。研究表明,TOC与TS之间关系复杂,但细菌硫酸盐还原强度指数(SRI)与TOC呈现幂指数变化,且表现出两阶段变化的特征。当SRI大于1.375时,TOC整体偏低,指示了强硫酸盐还原作用消耗大量有机质;当SRI小于1.375时,TOC明显较高,指示了弱硫酸盐还原作用对有机质消耗相对较少,更有利于有机质保存。火山活动和海侵作用均向水体提供了大量硫酸盐,但对陆相湖盆页岩中有机质的保存影响不同。火山活动影响的长7段页岩SRI普遍小于1.375,BSR对有机质消耗相对弱,页岩TOC高。而受海侵影响的青山口组一段底部和嫩江组一段底部页岩SRI...  相似文献   
利用硫酸镁和造纸草浆黑液制备含镁氧化合物的吸附剂,通过化学分析、表面性质分析、X射线衍射和红外光谱等对吸附剂进行了表征.考察了吸附剂焙烧温度、投加量、吸附时间以及pH值等因素对活性黄ST-4RFN吸附性能的影响,吸附过程可用Freundlich模型来描述.  相似文献   
原子吸收分光光度法快速测定铬铁矿中钙、镁、锰   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
熊艳 《安徽地质》2006,16(4):270-272
通过在标液中加入相应的Sr来消除离子干扰,采用原子吸收分光光度法快速测定CaO、MgO、MnO的含量,方法经国家标准物质验证,其RSD<2%(n=6)。其结果与标准值相符。方法达到了准确、简便、快速、实用性强。  相似文献   
A field study on the geochemical properties of a chemically-stressed limnic environment was performed in Lake Silbersee, which receives leachate water of high inorganic loading from an upgradient landfill site. The highly concentrated sulfate ion in groundwater, when entering the pore water system of the lake, gives rise to an intensive microbial sulfate reduction. A diagenetic approach was used to explain the existence of a marine-like aqueous system within a geologically slightly acidic aquifer, consisting of a well-buffered lake water and an alkalinity producing, excess sulphide containing sediment pore water system.  相似文献   
The soils on the southeastern coastal plain of Palawan, Philippines are developed on alluvium derived from various lithologies of the Palawan Ophiolitic Complex. There is little lateral mixing of the alluvium. The soil pattern is interpreted as the result of increasing weathering and leaching with age on deposits of different lithological origins. In the ultramafic catchment the younger soils are infertile due to several unfavourable characteristics, including high contents of heavy metals and Mg, deficiencies of P and micro‐nutrients, and impermeability. These soils improve with increased weathering and leaching, and the older soils have better physical and Mg characteristics. In felsic alluvia the reverse is found, and the soils on younger deposits are the most fertile, while the older soils have unfavourable combinations of subsoil compaction, acidity and dominance by aluminium. These patterns are reflected in the current land use, with areas of sparse settlement and cultivation on the less fertile soils on younger ultramafic and older felsic alluvia. These areas have been avoided or abandoned, rather than overlooked, by farmers and cannot be considered as “empty lands”. Their sustainable development will require careful management. Most of the more fertile land is already cultivated.  相似文献   
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