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Yoko-Dovyren层状纯橄岩-橄长岩-辉长岩地块位于西伯利亚克拉通南部的一处褶皱构造框架中(俄罗斯贝加尔湖地区北部)。该地块的结构在其厚度最大的中部得到了着重研究。剖面底部主体成分为斜长橄榄岩,并依据内部的堆晶成分变化从下往上可分为五个主要的地层序列:纯橄岩→橄长岩→橄榄辉长岩→橄榄辉长苏长岩→石英辉长苏长岩以及含易变辉石的辉长岩。该地块的矿化包括铜-镍矿化、低硫型富铂族元素(PGE)矿化以及铬铁矿化等。另外,该地块也含多种非金属矿物原材料,如硼矿化、透辉石、各种镁质硅酸盐岩等。它们也包括纯橄岩、异剥橄榄岩和橄长岩,并以较高的品质产出,有望采掘加工成为建筑材料(水泥、混凝土、沥青混凝土和建筑陶瓷)。综合利用矿物原材料可增加矿床价值,并有助于建设环保型采矿工作体系。  相似文献   
正Lithium is an important element with a wide variety of applications,especially in lithium ion batteries and in the exploration of nuclear energy.Salt lake brine is the most abundant lithium source available in world,comp-rising70%~80%of all known lithium deposits.Lithium can be abstracted from brines with low magnesium content and processed into kinds of lithium compound in Atacama and Hombre Muerto of South America(Nie et al.,2013).  相似文献   
Synchrotron high‐resolution and micro‐X‐ray fluorescence elemental mapping of two coeval coralloid speleothems from Lamalunga Cave (Italy) are complemented with petrographic, morphological and microstratigraphic studies. The importance of these speleothems relies on their direct and indirect association with a complete Neanderthal skeleton (‘Altamura Man’) found inside the cave. The coralloids grew discontinuously between 64·6 ka and the Holocene and reveal exceptionally high concentrations of Mg, Sr and Si, particularly on convex surfaces, where evaporation is more intense. The incorporation of trace elements depends on several factors including location, shape and geometrical evolution during their growth, as well as climate and environmental parameters. This resulted in calcite precipitation with Sr compositions from 100 to 1200 ppm and an average concentration of 7000 ppm Mg. An unusually high Si content (up to 16%) is possibly derived from volcanic ash transported as particulate and in solution inside the cave. The most common fabrics observed consist of non‐fluorescent elongated columnar calcite forming clean isopachous bands and fluorescent fibre‐like crystals associated with laminated, lenticular bands high in Sr, Mg and Si. Variability in Sr, Mg and Si concentrations appears to induce fabric changes in the coralloids. Elongation and lattice distortion of the crystals was found to coincide with high Mg concentrations. The transition from compact elongated to open to fibre‐like, is here interpreted as due to high concentrations of Si and Sr, which are preferentially incorporated in the speleothem at crystal boundaries and intra‐laminae. It is here inferred that coralloid fabric changes and their elemental content potentially record local rainfall variations through time, with the clean compact calcite marking high infiltration and open fibre‐like and micrite fabrics recording dry periods.  相似文献   
Water samples taken at 19 locations in the Mawheraiti River catchment at weekly intervals during 1979–80 were analysed for sodium, magnesium, potassium, calcium, phosphate, nitrate, and ammonium ion concentrations and for electrical conductivity. Seasonal discharge effects were apparent, and lithology and land management practice also influenced solute concentrations. Solute concentrations were generally very low; nitrate and soluble phosphate were rarely greater than 0.05 mg.L‐1 and ammonium was rarely greater than 0.01 mg.L‐1. The 4 major cations (Na, Mg, K, and Ca) usually summed to less than 6 mg.L‐1 much of which was supplied by precipitation. Forest management (clearfelling and slash‐burning) caused significant increases in solute concentrations, but concentrations declined rapidly during succeeding months and approached pretreatment levels after 2–3 years. The higher concentrations associated with forest management in small experimental catchments were rapidly diluted downstream; together with the low natural solute concentrations this suggests that harmful downstream effects of management practices are unlikely under low flow conditions.  相似文献   
镁合金作为最轻的金属结构材料,具有比强度高、比刚度高、减震性能好、电磁屏蔽等优点。随着海洋强国战略的实施,先进镁合金结构材料逐步在海洋装备上开始应用。已列装的新型高强AZ80镁合金,通过与QBe1.7铍青铜紧固件连接,共同构成整体在典型海洋大气环境中服役。在高盐、高湿的海洋环境环境中,镁合金与电位更正的QBe1.7铍青铜偶接后,极易发生电偶腐蚀。电位相对更负的高强AZ80镁合金,作为电偶腐蚀的阳极被加速溶解。本研究对高强AZ80镁合金电偶腐蚀样品经过12个月青岛海洋大气暴露试验,发现空白对照组、电偶1组(紧固件铍青铜直径Ψ=10mm)和电偶2组(紧固件铍青铜直径Ψ=20mm)的平均腐蚀速率分别为108.1071、133.8929、173.6250g/(m~2·a)。电偶对表面的主要腐蚀产物为:Mg(OH)_2、MgSO_4和MgCl_2。空白样品、电偶1组和电偶2组平均腐蚀深度分别为:0.175、0.330、0.315mm/a。样品中部腐蚀深度最大,边部腐蚀深度则相对较小。不同样品在青岛试验站的腐蚀产物对基体保护能力的量度(n值)分别为1.1337、1.1378、1.0895,表明随着暴露时间的延长,试样在海洋大气环境中的腐蚀速率会加快,试样表面的腐蚀产物对基体根本起不到保护作用。通过灰色关联分析法,计算了青岛海洋大气腐蚀站点的环境因素与AZ80镁合金腐蚀深度和腐蚀失重之间的关联度,结果表明:青岛海洋大气环境因素对高强AZ80镁合金空白样品腐蚀失重影响前三位分别为:SO_4~(2-)非水溶性硫酸盐转化率;对电偶1组样品影响前三位的环境因素分别为:SO_2硫酸盐转化率NO_2;对电偶2组样品影响前三位的环境因素分别为:水溶性降尘SO_2NH_3。对比电偶对2组和1组,唯一的差别是电偶对的面积比,但决定镁合金腐蚀速度的大气成分完全不同,相关机制会在未来工作中详细研究。  相似文献   
2003年5月将Karl and Tien(1992)提出的Mg(OH)2共沉淀方法应用于东海赤潮高发区水体中磷酸盐的调查。本实验条件下方法的检测限为0.004μmol/L。将该方法与传统的磷钼兰方法进行对比,常规磷钼兰法高于共沉淀法。说明水体中可能存在大量酸性条件下不稳定的磷化合物,且其不能被Mg(OH)2共沉淀,如1-磷酸核糖。此时,共沉淀法的测定值更接近水体中真实的正磷酸盐含量。共沉淀法可为赤潮爆发过程中低磷阶段的样品分析提供较可靠数据。用共沉淀法提供的测定数据分析赤潮爆发过程中水体中磷酸盐的变化,长江口磷酸盐总的分布趋势是沿岸含量较高,向外海逐渐递减。赤潮爆发过程中,随着赤潮藻类增殖,水体中磷酸盐被大量消耗,表层磷酸盐浓度迅速降低;赤潮消亡阶段,表层水体磷酸盐浓度逐渐回升,而底层由于藻类死亡后逐渐沉降磷酸盐浓度升高。  相似文献   
刘宁  张勇  杨建元 《盐湖研究》2006,14(4):61-65
综述了利用我国盐湖镁资源,以乙酰丙酮及其衍生物、有机胺和醋酸根为配位剂,采用有机配合物为前驱体合成纳米氧化镁的方法,前驱体形成的机理以及特点和优势。通过介绍此合成法在合成纳米金属粉体、其它金属氧化物粉体、无机盐粉体、氧化物薄膜或复合氧化物薄膜以及特殊结构化合物等方面广泛应用的实例,并预测了该法在合成其它高值化镁产品中的应用前景。  相似文献   
温轲  王宅中 《岩矿测试》1999,18(3):225-228
在PH10.3的NaB4O7-NaOH介质中,Mg^2+与4,5-二溴苯基荧光酮形成络合物,于-0.95V出现一灵敏的阴极波。Mg^2+的质量浓度在8.2-58μg/L时与峰电流呈线性关系,检出限为2.1μg/L。  相似文献   
EDTA络合滴定法是应用范围比较广的传统方法,但该方法对样品中钙镁摩尔比的适用范围约为1:10-10:1,时于超过该范围的钙镁比样品测定的准确度会有所下降;传统EDTA络合指示剂滴定法测定高钙低镁体系中钙镁含量时,终点不易判断,测定结果平行性差,甚至出现钙镁总量小于钙量的情况。通过往样品中加入一定量Mg’标准溶液的方法,改善了滴定反应效果。结果表明,Mg^2+的加入能明显提高滴定终点变色灵敏度。加标回收试验表明,镁的回收率达到99.96%,钙的回收率达到99.40%。该方法准确度高,操作简单,适用性强。  相似文献   
纳米氢氧化镁表面改性研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
采用硬脂酸钠、十二烷基磺酸钠、油酸钠和硅酸钠4种改性剂对纳米氢氧化镁进行表面改性,讨论了改性剂加入量、改性温度、改性时间对活化指数的影响;应用沉降速率、吸油率、粉末接触角等指标对改性前后的纳米氢氧化镁进行分析,并应用TEM、XRD对改性前后的氢氧化镁进行表征。结果表明,硬脂酸钠在80℃、改性时间4 h、添加量5%时,改性效果最好;改性后氢氧化镁粒径变小,沉降速率减慢,吸油率下降,粉末接触角增大。  相似文献   
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