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Wave Energy Converters (WECs) have excellent potential as a source of renewable energy that is yet to be commercially realised. Recent attention has focused on the installation of Oscillating Water Column (OWC) devices as a part of harbor walls to provide advantages of cost–sharing structures and proximity of power generation facilities to existing infrastructure. In this paper, an incompressible three–dimensional CFD model is constructed to simulate a fixed Multi–Chamber OWC (MC–OWC) device. The CFD model is validated; the simulation results are found to be in good agreement with experimental results obtained from a scale physical model tested in a wave tank. The validated CFD model is then used for a benchmark study of 96 numerical tests. These investigate the effects of the PTO damping caused by the power take–off (PTO) system on device performance. The performance is assessed for a range of regular wave heights and periods. The results demonstrate that a PTO system with an intermediate damping can be used for all chambers in the MC–OWC device for most wave period ranges, except for the long wave periods. These require a higher PTO damping. An increased incident wave height reduces the device capture width ratio, but there is a noticeable improvement for long wave periods.  相似文献   
Tertiary volcanic rocks in northwestern Firoozeh, Iran (the Meshkan triangular structural unit), constitute vast outcrops (up to 250 km2) of high-Mg basaltic andesites to dacites that are associated with high-Nb hawaiites and mugearites. Whole-rock 40Ar/39Ar ages show a restricted range of 24.1 ± 0.4–22.9 ± 0.5 Ma for the volcanic rocks. The initial ratios of 87Sr/86Sr and 143Nd/144Nd vary from 0.703800 to 0.704256 and 0.512681 to 0.512877, respectively, in the high-Mg basaltic andesites–dacites. High-Th contents (up to 11 ppm) and Sr/Y values (27–100) and the isotopic composition of the subalkaline high-Mg basaltic andesites–dacites indicate derivation from a mantle modified by slab and sediment partial melts. Evidence such as reverse zoning and resorbed textures and high Ni and Cr contents in the evolved samples indicate that magma mixing with mafic melts and concurrent fractional crystallization lead to the compositional evolution of this series. The high-Nb hawaiites and mugearites, by contrast, have a sodic alkaline affinity and are silica undersaturated; they are also enriched in Nb (up to 47 ppm) and a wide range of incompatible trace elements, including LILE, LREE, and HFSE. Geochemistry and Sr–Nd isotopic compositions of the high-Nb hawaiites and mugearites suggest derivation from a mantle source affected by lower degrees of slab melts. Post-orogenic slab break-off is suggested to have prompted the asthenospheric upwelling that triggered partial melting in mantle metasomatized by slab-derived melts.  相似文献   
长白山火山活动历史、岩浆演化与喷发机制探讨   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
广义的长白山火山在我国境内包括著名的天池火山、望天鹅火山、图们江火山和龙岗火山,是我国最大的第四纪火山岩分布区。图们江火山和望天鹅火山活动都始于上新世,喷发活动分别介于上新世—中更新世(5.5~0.19 Ma)和上新世—早更新世(4.77 ~2.12 Ma)。天池火山和龙岗火山属于第四纪火山,喷发活动从早更新世(~2 Ma)持续到全新世。图们江火山岩为溢流式喷发的拉斑玄武岩,望天鹅火山、天池火山和龙岗火山母岩浆都是钾质粗面玄武岩,但经历了不同的演化过程。天池火山和望天鹅火山都经历了钾质粗面玄武岩造盾、粗面岩造锥和晚期碱性酸性岩浆(碱流岩和碱性流纹岩)的喷发;龙岗火山来自地幔的钾质粗面玄武岩浆则未经演化和混染直接喷出地表。图们江火山岩以溢流式喷发的拉斑玄武岩为主,少量玄武质粗安岩等。天池火山造盾之后,地壳岩浆房和地幔岩浆房具互动式喷发特点,来自地幔的钾质粗面玄武岩浆一方面在天池火山锥体内外形成诸多小火山渣锥,另一方面持续补给地壳岩浆房发生岩浆分离结晶作用和混合作用,分别导致双峰式火山岩分布特征和触发千年大喷发。火山岩微量元素和Sr-Nd-Pb同位素示踪揭示,长白山东(图们江火山、望天鹅火山和天池火山)、西(龙岗火山)两区显示地幔非均一性,东区岩浆源区具有软流圈地幔与富集岩石圈地幔混合特征,西区岩浆源区具有相对亏损的较原始地幔特征。西太平洋板块俯冲—东北亚大陆弧后引张是长白山火山活动的动力学机制。  相似文献   
幔源CO_2释出机理、脱气模式及成藏机制研究进展   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
针对幔源CO2如何从地幔岩浆中脱出并进入沉积地层中形成CO2气藏聚集这一关键问题,总结了国内外研究进展和前缘方向。研究表明,地幔深部的碱性玄武岩浆和碱性岩浆才是深部流体和CO2等挥发份大量赋存、渗滤和释出的场所。浅成侵入岩、次火山岩和火山通道等是CO2释放和聚集的有利位置,岩浆期后和岩浆衰弱期的热液活动阶段是CO2大量释放和聚集的有利时期。幔源CO2进入沉积盆地中具有3种脱气模式,即沿岩石圈断裂直接脱气模式、热流底辟体脱气模式和壳内岩浆房-基底断裂组合脱气模式。CO2的固有物化性质决定其运移相态多样,具有运移和聚集过程同步的特征。只有在满足大量的化学消耗及地层水或原油的溶解和耗散之后才能形成CO2有效聚集。幔源CO2成藏和分布主要受岩浆气源体和气源断裂体系的控制。今后,在超临界CO2及其对油气运移聚集的作用、CO2与深大断裂及火山岩的关系、CO2脱气运移机制、CO与常规烃类油气的耦合差异成藏机制等方面仍需要进一步的研究和探索。  相似文献   
东昆仑造山带花岗岩中广泛发育暗色微粒包体,含有丰富的壳幔岩浆混合作用的证据,被认为是研究岩浆混合作用的天然场所。适逢近阶段同源花岗岩谱系填图方案在造山带岩浆混合(浆混)花岗岩图区实践时深受质疑,本研究以东昆仑加鲁河地区浆混花岗岩为例,开展浆混花岗岩区专题填图试点工作,旨在探索一套适合浆混花岗岩填图的岩石单位划分方案。从野外地质、岩相学、岩石和矿物化学等不同角度论证了加鲁河花岗闪长岩及其内部包体形成于开放体系下的壳幔岩浆混合作用。在填图工作中,将图区内的岩浆岩划分为浆混花岗岩和非浆混花岗岩2个超单元。以岩浆混合作用为理论依据,将浆混花岗岩超单元划分为基性端元、酸性端元和浆混产物3个二级单位,对于2个端元岩石单位按照其矿物组成、结构构造等方面的差异(岩浆演化导致)再次划分最基本岩石单位——侵入体,对于浆混产物单位,建议可按照岩浆混合程度差异或者内部包体变化规律灵活划分基本岩石单位——浆混体。由此建立了一套可与同源花岗岩谱系单位相兼容的浆混花岗岩谱系单位划分方案,为岩浆混合花岗岩区开展填图工作提供了初步探索方案。  相似文献   
长白山火山的历史与演化   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
长白山火山跨越中朝两国,在我国境内包括天池火山、望天鹅火山、图们江火山和龙岗火山,火山活动从上新世持续到近代,是我国最大的第四纪火山分布区。长白山火山的母岩浆是钾质粗面玄武岩,将长白山火山岩区称钾质粗面玄武岩省,岩浆结晶分异作用和混合作用主导了岩浆演化过程。天池火山之下地壳岩浆房和地幔岩浆房具双动式喷发特点,一方面来自地幔的钾质粗厨玄武岩浆直接喷出地表;另一方面钾质粗面玄武岩浆持续补给地壳岩浆房,发生岩浆分离结晶作用和混合作用,导致双峰式火山岩分布特征和触发千年大喷发。西太平洋板块俯冲-东北亚大陆弧后引张是长白山火山活动的动力学机制。  相似文献   
借助冲绳海槽火山岩地球化学分析结果,讨论了海槽不同区段岩浆的温度、压力、密度和黏度等物理化学参数,以确定海槽岩浆的物理性质及其对海槽不同区段岩浆演化过程的影响.海槽北段的岩浆相对于中段表现出高压力、低温度的特征.由于海槽岩浆挥发分含量较高,北段岩浆的密度和黏度要高于中段的.但总的来说,海槽岩浆具有低密度、低黏度的特点,因此岩浆更容易穿透岩石圈,而且有利于岩浆结晶分异作用的进行.对海槽岩浆相对运移速度的研究显示,在外部条件及含水量相同的前提下,在海槽中段岩浆上升速度要大于北段的,这从岩浆物理化学性质的角度解释了为何海槽中段火山活动要强于北段的.  相似文献   
岩浆混合作用研究综述   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文详细阐述了近年来国内外对岩浆混合作用的研究进展,集中在混合作用的验证及地幔物质参与对混合作用的影响。从能量、物质运移的角度认识岩浆混合作用,以揭示上地幔、地壳的信息,并为认识区域构造一岩浆演化提供约束。综合归纳了岩浆混合作用主要的研究方法,系统总结了混合作用发生的规律及主要影响因素,并应用已有理论和数据进行简单的数值模拟,合理解释岩脉的不混合特征。作为壳一幔间物质与能量交换的重要形式,阐述了岩浆混合与底侵作用的关系,并介绍了常见的岩浆混合作用岩石成因模型。最后说明了岩浆混合作用今后的发展趋势和存在问题。  相似文献   
A precise knowledge of methane exchange processes is required to fully understand the recent rise of atmospheric methane concentration. Three of these processes take place at the lithosphere/atmosphere boundary: bacterial consumption of methane and emission of bacterial or thermogenic methane. This study was initiated to quantify these processes on a regional scale in the Ruhr Basin and the Lower Rhine Embayment. Since these areas are subject to bituminous coal and lignite mining, natural and anthropogenically-induced methane exchange processes could be studied. The methane emission and consumption rates and their carbon isotope signal were measured at the lithosphere/atmosphere boundary using flux chambers. On most of the soils studied, methane consumption by bacteria was identified. Thermogenic methane was released only at some of the natural faults examined. In active and abandoned bituminous coal mining areas methane emissions were restricted to small areas, where high emission rates were measured. The carbon isotope composition of methane at natural faults and in mining subsidence troughs was typical of thermogenic methane (−45 to −32 ‰ δ13C). Methane exchange balancing revealed that natural methane emissions from these two basins represent no source of atmospheric importance. However, methane release by upcast mining shafts dominates the methane exchange processes and is by about two orders of magnitude greater than methane consumption by bacterial oxidation in the soils.  相似文献   
Although ultrahigh‐pressure (UHP) metamorphic rocks are present in many collisional orogenic belts, almost all exposed UHP metamorphic rocks are subducted upper or felsic lower continental crust with minor mafic boudins. Eclogites formed by subduction of mafic lower continental crust have not been identified yet. Here an eclogite occurrence that formed during subduction of the mafic lower continental crust in the Dabie orogen, east‐central China is reported. At least four generations of metamorphic mineral assemblages can be discerned: (i) hypersthene + plagioclase ± garnet; (ii) omphacite + garnet + rutile + quartz; (iii) symplectite stage of garnet + diopside + hypersthene + ilmenite + plagioclase; (iv) amphibole + plagioclase + magnetite, which correspond to four metamorphic stages: (a) an early granulite facies, (b) eclogite facies, (c) retrograde metamorphism of high‐pressure granulite facies and (d) retrograde metamorphism of amphibolite facies. Mineral inclusion assemblages and cathodoluminescence images show that zircon is characterized by distinctive domains of core and a thin overgrowth rim. The zircon core domains are classified into two types: the first is igneous with clear oscillatory zonation ± apatite and quartz inclusions; and the second is metamorphic containing a granulite facies mineral assemblage of garnet, hypersthene and plagioclase (andesine). The zircon rims contain garnet, omphacite and rutile inclusions, indicating a metamorphic overgrowth at eclogite facies. The almost identical ages of the two types of core domains (magmatic = 791 ± 9 Ma and granulite facies metamorphic zircon = 794 ± 10 Ma), and the Triassic age (212 ± 10 Ma) of eclogitic facies metamorphic overgrowth zircon rim are interpreted as indicating that the protolith of the eclogite is mafic granulite that originated from underplating of mantle‐derived magma onto the base of continental crust during the Neoproterozoic (c. 800 Ma) and then subducted during the Triassic, experiencing UHP eclogite facies metamorphism at mantle depths. The new finding has two‐fold significance: (i) voluminous mafic lower continental crust can increase the average density of subducted continental lithosphere, thus promoting its deep subduction; (ii) because of the current absence of mafic lower continental crust in the Dabie orogen, delamination or recycling of subducted mafic lower continental crust can be inferred as the geochemical cause for the mantle heterogeneity and the unusually evolved crustal composition.  相似文献   
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