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Mass and energy fluxes between the atmosphere and vegetation are driven by meteorological variables, and controlled by plant water status, which may change more markedly diurnally than soil water. We tested the hypothesis that integration of dynamic changes in leaf water potential may improve the simulation of CO2 and water fluxes over a wheat canopy. Simulation of leaf water potential was integrated into a comprehensive model (the ChinaAgrosys) of heat, water and CO2 fluxes and crop growth. Photosynthesis from individual leaves was integrated to the canopy by taking into consideration the attenuation of radiation when penetrating the canopy. Transpiration was calculated with the Shuttleworth-Wallace model in which canopy resistance was taken as a link between energy balance and physiological regulation. A revised version of the Ball-Woodrow-Berry stomatal model was applied to produce a new canopy resistance model, which was validated against measured CO2 and water vapour fluxes over winter wheat fields in Yucheng (36°57′ N, 116°36′ E, 28 m above sea level) in the North China Plain during 1997, 2001 and 2004. Leaf water potential played an important role in causing stomatal conductance to fall at midday, which caused diurnal changes in photosynthesis and transpiration. Changes in soil water potential were less important. Inclusion of the dynamics of leaf water potential can improve the precision of the simulation of CO2 and water vapour fluxes, especially in the afternoon under water stress conditions.  相似文献   
湖泊疏浚堆场淤泥污染及潜在生态风险评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
疏浚淤泥内通常含有不同类型的有毒有害物质,在堆场直接堆放过程中可能会对周围环境产生有害影响.本文针对太湖及巢湖相应疏浚堆场内淤泥进行研究,探讨淤泥中重金属、多环芳烃以及多氯联苯等污染物含量及潜在生态风险;根据重金属的风险指数法和持久性有机污染物的风险商法,对各污染物的潜在生态风险进行定量分析.研究结果表明,太湖白旄堆场以及孔湾堆场淤泥内重金属及多环芳烃含量较小,潜在生态风险较低;巢湖南庄堆场淤泥内各类有害物质含量较大,种类较多,对于周围环境具有较高的潜在生态威胁.多氯联苯则在各个疏浚堆场淤泥中具有很高的积累量,潜在生态风险较高,应引起管理者的重视.  相似文献   
用重复重力测量测定垂线偏差时变的精度   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
李月锋  丁行斌 《天文学报》2005,46(4):460-473
列举两种垂线偏差时变测定的微分公式,从理论上对用重复重力测量的方法测定垂线偏差时变的精度进行了探讨.在目前情况下,垂线偏差时变测定精度可以达到0.005".远区域的点对它的影响可以忽略不计,通过对重力网的模拟计算,进一步得到验证.探讨了有效积分半径对垂线偏差时变测量精度的影响,并在此基础上讨论了重力网优化的问题.  相似文献   
海拉尔盆地乌尔逊凹陷古流体动力场数值模拟   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
首先对地下水动力场进行数学描述,以水动力为主线,建立适合该地区的数学模型,选择正确的地质模型参数,主要采用数值计算和模拟等手段,在恢复出乌尔逊凹陷主要目的层在不同地质历史时期古水动力的基础上又恢复出古流体势的演化历史。整体上,在乌尔逊凹陷,各主要地质时期的油势演化特征为西部地区大于东部地区,乌南大于乌北,且低势区的发育有较好的继承性。最后,依据油气聚集理论,进行油气运移聚集系统的划分、油气运移方向的分析,从而得出有关研究区油气运移聚集条件的认识,主要从流体动力的角度考虑,指出有利聚集区,认为在乌尔逊凹陷苏4~苏18井区、苏132~苏17~铜2井区及巴1~巴2~巴4井区为有利油气运移聚集区。  相似文献   
张健  石耀霖 《地球物理学报》2002,45(02):226-232
青藏高原在南侧印度板块和北侧欧亚板块的双向挤压下整体抬升,边界挤压力所作的功增加了高原内部重力位能.但高位能态的物质会不断向重力势能最小的平衡态转移,并产生流变变形.由于受南北边界的挤压力约束,高原内部的高位能驱使喜马拉雅山和昆仑山之间的地体产生东西向伸展变形.利用三种不同方法对青藏高原重力位能进行计算,结果表明,一定流变学条件下,青藏高原目前所具有的重力位能可以产生各地体中观测到的地表构造变形速率.  相似文献   
The dynamic response of an end bearing pile embedded in a linear visco‐elastic soil layer with hysteretic type damping is theoretically investigated when the pile is subjected to a time‐harmonic vertical loading at the pile top. The soil is modeled as a three‐dimensional axisymmetric continuum in which both its radial and vertical displacements are taken into account. The pile is assumed to be vertical, elastic and of uniform circular cross section. By using two potential functions to decompose the displacements of the soil layer and utilizing the separation of variables technique, the dynamic equilibrium equation is uncoupled and solved. At the interface of soil‐pile system, the boundary conditions of displacement continuity and force equilibrium are invoked to derive a closed‐form solution of the vertical dynamic response of the pile in frequency domain. The corresponding inverted solutions in time domain for the velocity response of a pile subjected to a semi‐sine excitation force applied at the pile top are obtained by means of inverse Fourier transform and the convolution theorem. A comparison with two other simplified solutions has been performed to verify the more rigorous solutions presented in this paper. Using the developed solutions, a parametric study has also been conducted to investigate the influence of the major parameters of the soil‐pile system on the vertical vibration characteristics of the pile. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
以LandSat多时相影像为数据源,采用基于规则的面向对象分类方法,监测会理县2000~ 2015年地表覆盖变化.结合1∶50 000 DEM数据,分析了会理县地表覆盖构成与转移、变化动态度及潜在退耕地情况.监测分析结论能为会理县加强空间管制、促进土地资源集约利用、指导生态文明建设等提供决策信息支撑.  相似文献   
胡红  赖鑫生 《测绘工程》2016,25(11):43-49
为降低可达性度量的实现难度,弥补现有GIS软件没有集成可达性分析模型或方法的不足,在详尽分析有关模型或方法与GIS集成研究现状的基础上,提出以改进潜能模型作度量模型,按GIS内部集成方式,使用面向ArcGIS 10的Python脚本编程技术集成开发可达性分析工具的设想,对可达性潜能模型分析原理、工具开发环境配置、使用数据的预处理要求、工具的具体设计流程和实现方法等作了详细叙述。最后以评价某市小学教育资源空间布局合理性为例,阐述工具在实际应用中应采取的使用方法和流程,实例评价结果验证工具开发的有效性。  相似文献   
陈曹军 《地质与勘探》2021,57(4):751-761
滇西盈江地区是近年来离子吸附型稀土矿床找矿突破较大的地区,典型代表为腾冲岩浆弧内新发现的新泡山稀土矿床,为一中型离子吸附型稀土矿床,是滇西高海拔地区新发现的典型矿床。新泡山稀土矿床的发现对今后高海拔地区的找矿工作具有重要的示范意义。通过对新泡山稀土矿床的地质特征、风化壳结构特征、矿体垂向变化特征进行研究,认为新泡山稀土矿床类型为富钕轻稀土离子吸附型稀土矿床,并伴生有重稀土钇。滇西盈江地区与花岗岩有关的离子吸附型稀土矿主要受控于母岩稀土元素丰度、气候以及地形地貌。"沟-谷-盆"地貌两侧及周缘低缓山丘和平缓山坡、山脊是有利的成矿部位。结合区域找矿成果,认为研究区稀土矿找矿潜力较大,可达超大型远景规模,在后续的找矿工作中应加强对重稀土元素钇的评价。  相似文献   
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