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Wind movement and velocity can have a profound effect on some aspects of the soil erosion process. In the case of wind‐driven rain, differences in raindrop trajectory are expected: wind‐driven raindrops achieve some degree of horizontal velocity, which increases their resultant impact velocity and they strike the soil surface at an angle deviated from the vertical under the effects of both gravitational and drag forces. However, not much is known about the physical impact of raindrops on a soil in situations where this impact is at an angle, and it is also not precise known if oblique raindrops have stronger erosive effects than vertical ones. A series of tests was conducted to assess the effect of wind velocities on sand detachment from splash cups in a wind tunnel facility equipped with a rainfall simulator. Splash cups packed with standard sand were exposed to windless rains and to rains driven by horizontal wind velocities of 6, 10 and 14 m s?1 to evaluate the sand detachment by wind‐driven raindrops. The average angle of rain inclination from vertical was calculated from the direct intensity measurements implemented with windward and leeward‐facing raingauges placed at different slopes. A kinetic energy sensor measured energy of windless and wind‐driven rains. Results showed that the kinetic energy flux calculated by the resultant impact velocity of drops adequately described the sand detachment from the splash cups by wind‐driven raindrops. However, an additional analysis of Pearson correlation coefficients using the velocity components rather than the resultant velocity of wind‐driven raindrops indicated that the energy flux related to the horizontal component of wind‐driven raindrops had a greater correlation with sand detachment than that related to the normal component. This finding contradicted the general assumption that the component of velocity normal to the surface is related to the detachment. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
SW Iberia is interpreted as an accretionary magmatic belt resulting from the collision between the South Portuguese Zone and the autochthonous Iberian terrane in Variscan times (350 to 330 Ma). In the South Portuguese Zone, pull-apart basins were filled with a thick sequence of siliciclastic sediments and bimodal volcanic rocks that host the giant massive sulphides of the Iberian Pyrite Belt. Massive sulphides precipitated in highly efficient geochemical traps where metal-rich but sulphur-depleted fluids of dominant basinal derivation mixed with sulphide-rich modified seawater. Massive sulphides formed either in porous/reactive volcanic rocks by sub-seafloor replacement, or in dark shale by replacement of mud or by exhalation within confined basins with high biogenic activity. Crustal thinning and magma intrusion were responsible for thermal maturation and dehydration of sedimentary rocks, while magmatic fluids probably had a minor influence on the observed geochemical signatures.The Ossa Morena Zone was a coeval calc-alkaline magmatic arc. It was the site for unusual mineralization, particularly magmatic Ni–(Cu) and hydrothermal Fe-oxide–Cu–Au ores (IOCG). Most magmatism and mineralization took place at local extensional zones along first-order strike-slip faults and thrusts. The source of magmas and IOCG and Ni–(Cu) deposits probably lay in a large mafic–ultramafic layered complex intruded along a detachment at the boundary between the upper and lower crust. Here, juvenile melts extensively interacted with low-grade metamorphic rocks, inducing widespread anatexis, magma contamination and further exsolution of hydrothermal fluids. Hypersaline fluids (δ18Ofluid > 5.4‰ to 12‰) were focused upward into thrusts and faults, leading to early magnetite mineralization associated with a high-temperature (> 500 °C) albite–actinolite–salite alteration and subsequent copper–gold-bearing vein mineralization at somewhat lower temperatures. Assimilation of sediments by magmas led in turn to the formation of immiscible sulphide and silicate melts that accumulated in the footwall of the layered igneous complex. Further injection of both basic and sulphide-rich magmas into the upper crust led to the formation of Ni–(Cu)-rich breccia pipes.Younger (330 to 280 Ma?) peraluminous granitoids probably reflect the slow ascent of relatively dry and viscous magmas formed by contact anatexis. These granitoids have W–(Sn)- and Pb–Zn-related mineralization that also shows geochemical evidence of major mantle–crust interaction. Late epithermal Hg–(Cu–Sb) and Pb–Zn–(Ag) mineralization was driven by convective hydrothermal cells resulting from the high geothermal gradients that were set up in the zone by intrusion of the layered igneous complex. In all cases, most of the sulphur seems to have been derived from leaching of the host sedimentary rocks (δ34S = 7‰ to 20‰) with only limited mixing with sulphur of magmatic derivation.The metallogenic characteristics of the two terranes are quite different. In the Ossa Morena Zone, juvenile magmatism played a major role as the source of metals, and controlled the styles of mineralization. In the South Portuguese Zone, magmas only acted as heat sources but seem to have had no major influence as sources of metals and fluids, which are dominated by crustal signatures. Most of the magmatic and tectonic features related to the Variscan subduction and collision seem to be masked by those resulting from transpressional deformation and deep mafic intrusion, which led to the development of a metallogenic belt with little resemblance to other accretionary magmatic arcs.  相似文献   
李伟  王新昆 《新疆地质》2002,20(1):16-22
通过构造解析的研究,确定赛马山地区中元古代所发生的阿尔金运动共有三幕变形,第一幕发生在长城纪早期,为EW向伸展机制下中部构造相的大规模顺层滑脱韧性变形,形成了赛马西山顺层滑脱韧性变形带,具超塑性流动变形特征和多层结构样式,第二幕发生在长城纪末,为主期变形,在NS向挤压机制下,在浅部构造相形成了EW向紧闭褶皱(局部倒转褶皱),并卷入早期的顺层滑脱韧性变形带,褶皱后期,由于应力的集聚,在浅表层次下,沿兴地塔格群内岩层软弱面发生剪切而形成了滑脱面,产生由南向北的逆冲,形成了具叠瓦扇结构的永红山飞来峰构,第三幕,蓟县纪末由于SN向强烈挤压后出现“松驰”引张而产生EW向挤压应力,形成NS向开阔褶皱,叠加于主期褶皱之上,形成了赛马西山-永红山穹盆构造。  相似文献   
Water erosion provides major links in global cycles of carbon (C), nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P). Although significant research on erosion mechanisms has been done, there is still little knowledge on C, N and P fluxes across landscapes to the ocean and their controlling factors in subtropical climates. A four‐year study quantifying and comparing particulate and dissolved C, N and P from multiple scales (microplot, plot, microcatchment, subcatchment, catchment, sub‐basin and basin) was performed in Thukela basin (≈30 000 km2), South Africa. The basin climate was largely subtropical‐humid [mean annual precipitation (MAP) > 980 mm yr‐1], but temperate (MAP >2000 mm yr‐1) on the highlands. Open grassland, cropland and bushland were the major land uses. On average, 65, 24 and 4 g m‐2 yr‐1 C, N and P were displaced from original topsoil positions, but only 0.33, 0.005 and 0.002 mg m‐2 yr‐1 were, respectively, exported to the ocean. The fluxes decreased by 95, 97 and 84%, respectively, from plot to microcatchment outlet; and decreased further in downstream direction by >99% from microcatchment to basin outlet. The hillslope (microplot to microcatchment) fluxes correlated strongly with rainfall parameters. Particulate contributions dominated hillslope fluxes at 73, 81 and 76% of total annual C, N and P, respectively. Although particulate C dominated in the microcatchment‐catchment reach (55%), N (54%) and P (69%) were dominated by dissolved forms. The lower basin zone was dominated by dissolved flux contributions at 93, 81 and 78% for C, N and P for the sub‐basin outlet. These results suggested spatially varying drivers of C, N and P losses from the landscape to the ocean, via the river network. Deposition was envisaged the dominant hillslope level loss process, which gradually gave way to mineralization and biotic uptake in the river network as flux contributions shifted from being predominantly particulate to dissolved forms. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Using hydraulic parameters is essential for describing soil detachment and developing physically based erosion prediction models. Many hydraulic parameters have been used, but the one that performs the best for describing soil detachment on steep slopes when the lateral expansion (widening) of rills is not limited has not been identified. An indoor concentrated flow scouring experiment was performed on steep loessial slopes to investigate soil detachment rates for different flow rates and slope gradients. The experiments were conducted on a slope‐adjustable plot (5 m length, 1 m width, 0.5 m depth). Sixteen combinations of 4 flow rates (10, 15, 20, and 25 L/min) and 4 slope gradients (17.6%, 26.8%, 36.4%, and 46.6%) were investigated. The individual and combined effects of slope gradient and flow hydraulic parameters on soil detachment rate were analysed. The results indicated that soil detachment rate increased with flow rate and slope gradient. Soil detachment rate varied linearly and exponentially with flow rate and slope gradient, respectively. Multivariate, nonlinear regression analysis indicated that flow depth exerted the greatest influence on the soil detachment rate, followed by unit discharge per unit width, slope gradient, and flow rate in this study. Shear stress and stream power could efficiently describe the soil detachment rate using a power equation. However, the unit stream power and unit energy of the water‐carrying section changed linearly with soil detachment rate. Stream power was an optimal hydraulic parameter for describing soil detachment. These findings improve our understanding of concentrated flow erosion on steep loessial slopes.  相似文献   
Vegetation restoration is identified as an effective approach to control soil erosion and affects soil detachment and resistance to concentrated flow on the Loess Plateau. However, the effects of vegetation restoration at gully heads in loess-tableland remains unclear. This study was performed to investigate the effects of nine vegetation restoration types at gully heads on soil detachment rate (Dr) and soil resistance to concentrated flow (i.e. soil erodibility, Kr and critical shear stress, τc). Undisturbed soil samples were collected from nine vegetation-restored lands and one slope cropland (as the control) and were subjected to a hydraulic flume to obtain Dr values of gully heads under six inflow discharges (0.5–3.5 L s-1). The results showed that the Dr values of nine revegetated gully heads were 77.11% to 95.81% less than that of slope cropland, and the grassland dominated by Cleistogenes caespitosa and the shrubland dominated by Hippophae rhamnoides had a relatively greater decrease in Dr than those of other seven restoration types. The Dr value of nine revegetated gully heads could be better simulated by stream power than by flow velocity and shear stress and was also significantly affected by soil disintegration rate (positively), soil bulk density, saturated hydraulic conductivity, organic matter content, and water-stable aggregate stability (negatively). Additionally, roots with diameters of 0 to 0.5 mm showed a greater effect on Dr than those with larger diameters. Compared to cropland, the nine restored types reduced Kr by 76.26% to 94.26% and improved τc by 1.51 to 4.68 times. The decrease in Kr and the increase in τc were significantly affected by organic matter content, water-stable aggregate, mean weight diameter of aggregate and root mass density. The combination of grass species (Cleistogenes caespitosa) and shrub (Hippophae rhamnoides) could be considered the best vegetation restoration types for improving soil resistance of gully heads to concentrated flow. © 2019 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
吴晓冬  朱光 《地质学报》2024,98(1):31-49
在胶东半岛西北部,围绕着玲珑岩基所发育的早白垩世伸展构造,属于独特的双向变质核杂岩。这一变质核杂岩的东、西边界上,分别发育了倾斜相背的招平与焦家伸展拆离剪切带。双向变质核杂岩的剥露是否也有均衡隆升的贡献,一直没有明确的认识。本次工作以采自这两条边界拆离剪切带不同部位的糜棱岩样品为分析对象,分别应用刚性残斑长短轴比值法(具体又分别使用了Wallis投图法和刚性颗粒网格法)和石英c轴组构与主应变比值法对同一样品进行了运动学涡度测量。对于招平拆离剪切带,应用刚性残斑长短轴比值法获得的涡度值为0. 57~0. 73,而应用石英c轴组构与主应变比值法获得的涡度值为0. 80~0. 93。对于焦家剪切带,应用刚性残斑长短轴比值法获得的涡度值为0. 58~0. 74,而应用石英c轴组构与主应变比值法获得的涡度值为0. 79~0. 93。对于剪切带的同一样品,这两种测量方法给出的结果明显不同。应用刚性残斑长短轴比值法数据所获得这两条剪切带的减薄率,也明显高于应用石英c轴组构与主应变比值法数据的计算结果。理论分析与实例表明,刚性残斑长短轴比值法所获得的涡度值代表了剪切带的早期变形,而石英c轴组构与主应变比值法所得结果指示了晚期变形。由此表明,玲珑双向变质核杂岩边界拆离剪切带演化中,伴随着纯剪组分的明显降低,指示了剪切带产状的变陡,为均衡隆升的结果。均衡隆升发生在核杂岩演化的晚阶段,是早白垩世郭家岭期同构造花岗闪长岩侵位的响应。本文结果指示,双向与不对称变质核杂岩具有相似的演化规律,都经历过晚阶段均衡隆升,对中—下地壳的剥露具有重要的贡献。  相似文献   
Seismic study on oceanic core complexes in the Parece Vela back-arc basin   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Yasuhiko  Ohara  Kyoko  Okino  Junzo  Kasahara 《Island Arc》2007,16(3):348-360
Abstract   In the present study the seismic structure of oceanic core complexes (OCC) in the Parece Vela Basin, Philippine Sea have been imaged. Together with recent work on the Atlantis Massif OCC on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, including deep drilling, this work provides an unprecedented opportunity to advance our understanding of OCC internal structure. A continuous, strong and relatively smooth reflection that was ca 0.15 s (two way time) below the sea floor of an OCC in the Chaotic Terrain of the Parece Vela Basin was identified. This reflection, termed the D-reflector, is similar to that observed beneath Atlantis Massif. A faster P-wave velocity (>6 km/s) is observed very shallow beneath the Chaotic Terrain OCC, suggesting that the core of these OCC is dominantly gabbroic. The D-reflector might be common beneath OCC, owing to localized alteration along fractured zones within gabbro. We further observed a series of three detachment events in the Chaotic Terrain. The first and second detachments exhumed shallow basaltic crust to deeper gabbroic core, whereas the last one only exhumed shallow basaltic crust.  相似文献   
1 mTRODUCTIONAs a woridwide concem, excessive water erosion induces land degradation, causes losses of plantnutrients, and Ieads to off site enVironmental problems such as sedimentahon streams and reservoirs. mllerosion, which results from concentraed flow in a lindted and confined space, plays imPortant roles inthe erosion systCm on uPland areas. Data listed in Table l show its contribution and imPoftance to thetOtal slope soil losses. In the last decades, stodies on the physical mecha…  相似文献   
大庄子金矿成矿作用地质地球化学特征及成因   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
胶东平度大庄子金矿床产于胶莱盆地西北缘荆山群变质岩中,主矿体的展布受一低角度层间滑动断层控制,该断层发育于黑云二长片麻岩和斜长角闪岩所夹持的透镜状大理岩中.成矿作用地球化学研究表明:大庄子金矿δ34S组成比胶西北其他金矿高,且高于老地层和中生代花岗岩的δ34S值,反映大气降水循环淋滤作用使硫同位素发生了一定程度的分馏;矿石铅为异常铅,铅同位素组成与同胶东群及玲珑、焦家等中生代花岗岩有关的金矿相比,范围变化大.碳氧同位素组成介于岩浆碳酸岩与荆山群大理岩之间.同位素地球化学研究表明成矿物质具多源性,这与该类金矿所处的构造边缘(转换)环境有关.石英流体包裹体均一温度为280~160℃,包裹体成分和氢氧同位素组成反映成矿流体来自变质水、大气降水和岩浆水的混合.  相似文献   
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