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摩尔-库伦准则广泛用以说明断裂构造的形成,然而却不能解释自然界广泛分布的大变形。最近提出的岩石变形新理论--最大有效力矩准则,其数学表达式为Meff=0.5(σ1-σ3)L.sin2α.sinα。式中,σ1-σ3代表变形岩石的屈服强度,L为单位长度,α为σ1与变形带间的角度。该准则证明最大有效力矩出现在σ1轴左右54.7°方向,55°±10°区间力矩无显著变化,天然和实验的全部观测值全部位于该区间内。相关地质构造包括:膝褶带、伸展褶劈理、膏盐层中的屈服带、低角正断层、高角逆断层、结晶基底中的菱网状剪切带、地震反射剖面中的鳄鱼嘴构造和前陆盆地中的拆离褶皱等。据该准则可确定有关构造形成时的应力状态和运动学涡度,并扩展说明深俯冲超高压岩石的折返-出露机制。  相似文献   
根据地震资料、钻井和野外调查等研究,认为天井山构造带广泛发育重力滑动构造、断层转折褶皱、倒转背斜和双重构造等构造样式.天井山构造带变形具有垂向分层特点:上部构造主要为断层转折褶皱,02tjs10测线附近变形强度最大,向两端变形逐步减弱;下部构造为多个逆冲岩片叠置所构成的双重构造.通过构造物理模拟实验,证实天井山构造带在北西—南东向挤压应力作用下变形序列为前展式逆冲叠瓦式构造组合;天井山构造带存在多个滑脱层系,才会形成分层变形、垂向叠置的不协调收缩构造变形.该研究可以为天井山构造带乃至龙门山油气勘探提供指导.  相似文献   
Abstract. The Liwu Cu‐rich sulfide deposit occurs within the Jianglang dome in the eastern margin of the Tibetan plateau. The dome consists of a core, a middle slab and a cover sequence. The main deposit is hosted in the core with minor ore bodies in the middle slab. The protolith of the core consists of clastic sedimentary rocks with inter‐layered volcanic rocks. All of the ore bodies are substantially controlled by an extensional detachment fault system. The ore bodies within the core are distributed along the S2 foliation in the hinge of recumbent fold (D2), whereas ore bodies with en echelon arrangement are controlled by the mylonitic foliation of the lower detachment fault. Ore bodies within the middle slab are oriented with their axes parallel to the mylonitic foliation. Pyrite and pyrrhotite from the ores contain Co ranging from 37 to 1985 ppm, Ni from 2.5 to 28.1 ppm, and Co/Ni ratios from 5 to 71. These sulfides have δ34S values ranging from 1.5 to 7.5 % whereas quartz separates have δ18O values of 11.9 and 14.3 % and inclusion fluid in quartz has δD value of‐88.1 %. These features suggest that the deposit was of hydrothermal origin. Two ore‐forming stages are recognized in the evolution of the Jianglang dome. (1) A low‐temperature ore‐forming process, during the tectonic transport of the upper plate above the lower detachment, and the initial phase of the footwall updom‐ing at 192–177 Ma. (2) A medium‐temperature ore‐forming stage, related to the final structural development of the initial detachment at 131–81Ma. Within the core, the ore bodies of the first stage were uplifted to, or near, the brittle/ductile horizon where the ore‐forming metals were re‐concentrated and enriched. A denudation stage in which a compressional tectonic event produced eastward thrusting overprinted the previous structures, and finally denuded the deposit. The Liwu Cu‐rich sulfide deposit was formed during a regional extensional tectonic event and is defined as a tectono‐strata‐bound hydrothermal ore deposit.  相似文献   
The Araguás experimental catchment has been monitored to study badland dynamics in the Central Pyrenees. Previous studies of weathering processes within the catchment reported strong regolith dynamics associated with seasonal variations in the temperature and moisture regimes. A preliminary analysis of hydrological response and suspended sediment transport data recorded at a gauging station also demonstrated seasonal trends. The main objective of the present study is to understand the effect of regolith dynamics on sediment detachment and infiltration processes, based on field studies using simulated rainfall. The experiment design was based on seasonal differences in the physical conditions of surface regolith and the general trends of hydro‐sedimentological responses. Rainfall simulations were conducted on small plots using a pressure nozzle. Similar experimental rainfall conditions were set for all plots (rainfall intensity around 45 mm h–1). The results showed strong variations in the infiltration and detachment responses closely associated with the regolith conditions and crusting development. Infiltration showed seasonal differences in time lag and intensity: average infiltration rates ranged from very low (2·05 mm h–1) to moderated high values (44·04 mm h–1) associated to regolith development conditions. Maximum sediment concentration, as an indicator of particles produced by detachment, also ranged from moderate (3 g l–1) to extreme values (145 g l–1). Mean and minimum infiltration rates showed negative correlations with initial moisture content. Sediment concentration showed a positive correlation with time lag, ponding, and sealing time, and a negative correlation with initial moisture. In terms of seasonal trends, infiltration and erosion responses were relatively stable during spring and autumn, whereas wide variations were recorded in infiltration rates and sediment detachment during summer and winter. As a general conclusion, the obtained results indicate that seasonal differences in detachment and infiltration depend on the nature of regolith development. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Physically based soil erosion simulation models require input parameters of soil detachment and sediment transport owing to the action and interactions of both raindrops and overland flow. A simple interrill soil water transport model is applied to a laboratory catchment to investigate the application of raindrop detachment and transport in interrill areas explicitly. A controlled laboratory rainfall simulation study with slope length simulation by flow addition was used to assess the raindrop detachment and transport of detached soil by overland flow in interrill areas. Artificial rainfall of moderate to high intensity was used to simulate intense rain storms. However, experiments were restricted to conditions where rilling and channelling did not occur and where overland flow covered most of the surface. A simple equation with a rainfall intensity term for raindrop detachment, and a simple sediment transport equation with unit discharge and a slope term were found to be applicable to the situation where clear water is added at the upper end of a small plot to simulate increased slope length. The proposed generic relationships can be used to predict raindrop detachment and the sediment transport capacity of interrill flow and can therefore contribute to the development of physically‐based erosion models. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
《Basin Research》2018,30(5):1042-1073
The Late Triassic outcrops on southern Edgeøya, East Svalbard, allow a multiscale study of syn‐sedimentary listric growth faults located in the prodelta region of a regional prograding system. At least three hierarchical orders of growth faults have been recognized, each showing different deformation mechanisms, styles and stratigraphic locations of the associated detachment interval. The faults, characterized by mutually influencing deformation envelopes over space‐time, generally show SW‐ to SE‐dipping directions, indicating a counter‐regional trend with respect to the inferred W‐NW directed progradation of the associated delta system. The down‐dip movement is accommodated by polyphase deformation, with the different fault architectural elements recording a time‐dependent transition from fluidal‐hydroplastic to ductile‐brittle deformation, which is also conceptually scale‐dependent, from the smaller‐ (3rd order) to the larger‐scale (1st order) end‐member faults respectively. A shift from distributed strain to strain localization towards the fault cores is observed at the meso to microscale (<1 mm), and in the variation in petrophysical parameters of the litho‐structural facies across and along the fault envelope, with bulk porosity, density, pore size and microcrack intensity varying accordingly to deformation and reworking intensity of inherited structural fabrics. The second‐ and third‐order listric fault nucleation points appear to be located above blind fault tip‐related monoclines involving cemented organic shales. Close to planar, through‐going, first‐order faults cut across this boundary, eventually connecting with other favourable lower‐hierarchy fault to create seismic‐scale fault zones similar to those imaged in the nearby offshore areas. The inferred large‐scale driving mechanisms for the first‐order faults are related to the combined effect of tectonic reactivation of deeper Palaeozoic structures in a far field stress regime due to the Uralide orogeny, and differential compaction associated with increased sand sedimentary input in a fine‐grained, water‐saturated, low‐accommodation, prodeltaic depositional environment. In synergy to this large‐scale picture, small‐scale causative factors favouring second‐ and third‐order faulting seem to be related to mechanical‐rheological instabilities related to localized shallow diagenesis and liquidization fronts.  相似文献   
Geological mapping coupled with structural investigations carried out in the Voltri Massif (eastern Ligurian Alps, Italy) provide new data for the interpretation of the tectonic context controlling main fabric development during exhumation of its high-pressure core. The Voltri Massif is here interpreted as a c. 30 km-long eclogite-bearing, asymmetric dome formed by the progressive verticalisation of the regional, second-phase mylonitic foliation developed during retrogressive greenschist metamorphic conditions. In this light, the exhumation history is driven by a ductile-to-brittle extensional process, operating through low-angle, top-to-the-W multiple detachment systems. A Late Eocene–Early Oligocene age for this extensional episode is proposed on the basis of structural correlations, stratigraphic and radiometric constraints. In this scenario, the Voltri Massif is interpreted as an extensional domain developed to accommodate the Late Eocene–Early Oligocene arching of the Western Alps–Northern Apennines orogenic system.  相似文献   
昌马断裂位于祁连山西段,是祁连山系列次级断裂与阿尔金断裂东段的重要构造转换断层之一,于1932年发生7.6级地震。位于昌马断裂中东段的臭水柳沟古地震探槽揭示了2次地震事件:一次为1932年昌马地震事件,另一次为(902±44)a B.P.以来发生的事件,这弥补了昌马断裂全新世晚期古地震事件缺失的现状。结合前人的研究结果可确定昌马断裂全新世至少发生7次古地震事件,推测地震复发间隔为1ka左右,部分事件未能揭示。通过探槽揭示的低角度断层、地层变形和部分断裂的地貌特征可知,受阿尔金断裂NEE向挤出的影响,昌马断裂部分段落表现出低角度的逆冲推覆活动,形成其特有的低角度走滑现象,以吸收阿尔金断裂东段的左旋位移。这也说明昌马断裂在承担阿尔金断裂与祁连山西段系列断层的构造转换中起着重要作用。  相似文献   
祝桑弧位于松潘-甘孜造山带南部,楞古-孜河弧形背斜位于弧顶部位。楞古-孜河背斜主褶皱、内部小褶皱及叠加褶皱的特征表明其形成经历了印支晚期自北向南的滑脱作用,燕山早期南北向挤压作用及燕山中晚期南西-北东向挤压作用等三次构造变动。其成因可能与扬子板块与劳亚板块的俯冲、碰撞有关。  相似文献   
宋珏琛  李江海  冯博 《地质学报》2021,95(8):2273-2283
海底热液系统是地球热量平衡的重要组成,也是地球化学循环和成矿作用发生的主要场所,与洋中脊系统在空间上具有很强的联系.慢速-超慢速扩张洋中脊中确认的活跃热液喷口数量约占全球总数量的三分之一,查明热液发育位置及发育岩性与岩浆-构造活动的耦合关系,对于研究海底热液活动演化过程和海底找矿具有很好的指示意义.本文将全球慢速-超慢...  相似文献   
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