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黄土高原地区地质灾害多发频发,危害严重,应用亚米级的高分二号(GF-2)卫星影像数据,提取地质灾害信息,并对室内解译结果进行了野外查证。本文提出了以GF-2卫星数据为主要信息源,进行地质灾害解译的技术方案;并以宁夏南部黄土高原区为例,验证了该方法的适用性,为规模化地开展基于国产高分系列卫星的黄土高原地区地质灾害遥感解译提供了可行的技术方案;通过GF-2卫星影像与常用的国内外卫星数据用于地质灾害信息判释的对比研究,认为GF-2卫星影像对于地质灾害信息的识别能够满足地质灾害遥感解译的要求,GF-2卫星影像的应用具有较高的性价比和显著的经济社会效益。  相似文献   
李春初 《热带地理》2013,33(5):636-639
对湛江港(湾)的成因提出如下假说:1)第四纪晚更新世时期,湛江地区可能发生过一次天体撞击地球的突变事件,撞击地点在麻斜海;2)从撞击坑中升起的大量尘烟被风向北吹送,在湛江港(湾)以北地区沉落下来,形成了面积颇广、厚约50 cm的风成黄土层;3)受此撞击事件影响,南三岛分裂成3个小岛,还诱发了周边的火山活动;4)湛江港(湾)上端伸入陆地的溺谷湾区域,出现“X”形裂痕,该裂痕在其后的低海面时期,遭受地表流水的侵蚀作用而加深、拓宽,再于冰后期海侵时成为溺谷湾。以上猜想,主要依据对以下3方面的现象及问题的观察与思考得出:一是湛江以北大面积、铺天盖地而来的风成黄土源于何处;二是麻斜海象是一个“坑”,坑中物质及其周边环境有一些异常;三是湛江溺谷湾发育的基础像一条裂谷。  相似文献   
In South-East Asia, sedimentary basins displaying continental Permian and Triassic deposits have been poorly studied. Among these, the Luang Prabang Basin (North Laos) represents a potential key target to constrain the stratigraphic and structural evolutions of South-East Asia. A combined approach involving sedimentology, palaeontology, geochronology and structural analysis, was thus implemented to study the basin. It resulted in a new geological map, in defining new formations, and in proposing a complete revision of the Late Permian to Triassic stratigraphic succession as well as of the structural organization of the basin. Radiometric ages are used to discuss the synchronism of volcanic activity and sedimentation.The Luang Prabang Basin consists of an asymmetric NE-SW syncline with NE-SW thrusts, located at the contact between Late Permian and Late Triassic deposits. The potential stratigraphic gap at the Permian–Triassic boundary is therefore masked by deformation in the basin. The Late Triassic volcaniclastic continental deposits are representative of alluvial plain and fluvial environments. The basin was fed by several sources, varying from volcanic, carbonated to silicic (non-volcanic). U–Pb dating of euhedral zircon grains provided maximum sedimentation ages. The stratigraphic vertical succession of these ages, from ca. 225, ca. 220 to ca. 216 Ma, indicates that a long lasting volcanism was active during sedimentation and illustrates significant variations in sediment preservation rates in continental environments (from ∼100 m/Ma to ∼3 m/Ma). Anhedral inherited zircon grains gave older ages. A large number of them, at ca. 1870 Ma, imply the reworking of a Proterozoic basement and/or of sediments containing fragments of such a basement. In addition, the Late Triassic (Carnian to Norian) sediments yielded to a new dicynodont skull, attributed to the Kannemeyeriiform group family, from layers dated in between ∼225 and ∼221 Ma (Carnian).  相似文献   
针对东乡县湿陷性黄土回填碾压质量要求及控制工序,用运碾压厚度试验、含水率试验、碾压遍数试验、碾压速度试验等,从湿陷性黄土回填碾压的两个控制工序,即黄土回填和黄土碾压出发,全面系统的分析了压实度影响因素并提出了施工控制措施。研究表明,在相同压实条件下,适宜的回填厚度有益提高压实度质量和效益;确定最佳含水率后,在施工中不影响施工质量的前提下,相对扩大土的含水率控制范围,既能达到整体压实稳定,又能加快施工进度;在相同的回填条件下,同一深度的压实度随压实机械功能增大,压实度越高;在相同压实功能条件下,同一深度范围内碾压遍数越多,压实度越高;增加压实功能的办法提高土基强度的效果有一定限度,吨位增加到一定限度以上,效果提高愈为缓慢;碾压速度加倍时,碾压遍数相应加倍,应针对具体碾压材料层和所用压路机,通过铺筑试验区域选择合适的碾压速度。  相似文献   
应立娟  唐菊兴 《矿床地质》2015,34(6):1309-1320
矿床成矿系列理论在中国经过三十多年的发展,已被广泛应用于找矿勘查实践。文章在以往矿床成矿系列研究的基础上,对中国铜矿床的成矿系列进行了补充与完善,厘定出30个以铜为特色的矿床成矿系列。结合全国地质与成矿演化,分析铜矿床成矿系列在主要地质历史时期的特点与时空分布规律,其中,前寒武纪7个铜矿床成矿系列,矿床类型以变质型和岩浆型为主;古生代8个铜矿床成矿系列,矿床类型以海相火山岩型为主;中生代13个铜矿床成矿系列和新生代2个铜矿床成矿系列,矿床类型均以斑岩型和矽卡岩型为主。西藏地区铜矿找矿突破显著,新增2个全国范围的铜矿床成矿系列。矿床成矿系列的复合,是中国铜矿床成矿系列研究的重要成果和特色。  相似文献   
本文通过对秦巴陕、甘、川、豫、鄂五省已知砂金矿床资料的整理和综合,简要的总结了区内砂金矿床的成因,形态类型,不同类型砂金矿床的地质特征及砂金矿的富集规律。对砂金矿的普查找矿工作有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   
Shoreface sandstone deposits within the Early Carnian part of the Snadd Formation of the Norwegian Barents Sea can be traced for hundreds of kilometres in the depositional strike direction and for tens of kilometres in the depositional‐dip direction. This study uses three‐dimensional seismic attribute mapping and two‐dimensional regional seismic profiles to visualize the seismic facies of these shoreface deposits and to map their internal stratigraphic architecture at a regional scale. The shoreface deposits are generally elongate but show variable width from north‐east to south‐west, which corresponds to a sediment source in the northern part of the basin and a southward decrease in longshore sediment transport. The Snadd Formation presents an example of how large‐scale progradational shoreface deposits develop. The linear nature of its shoreface deposits contrasts with more irregular, cuspate wave‐dominated deltaic shorelines that contain river outlets, and instead implies longshore drift as the main sediment source. In map view, discrete sets of linear features bounded by truncation surfaces scale directly to beach ridge sets in modern counterparts. The shoreface deposits studied here are characteristic in terms of scale and basin‐wide continuity, and offer insight into the contrast between shallow marine deposition under stable Triassic Greenhouse and fluctuating Holocene Icehouse climates. Findings presented herein are also important for hydrocarbon exploration in the Barents Sea, because they describe a hitherto poorly understood reservoir play in the Triassic interval, wherein the most prominent reservoir plays have so far been considered to be found in channelized deposits in net‐progradational delta‐plain strata that form the topsets to shelf‐edge clinoforms. The documented presence of widespread wave‐dominated shoreface deposits also has implications for how the relative importance of different sedimentary processes is considered within the basin during this period.  相似文献   
内蒙古中西部钼多金属矿床地质特征及其动力学背景   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
侯万荣 《地质与勘探》2010,46(5):751-764
本文首次对内蒙古中西部白乃庙铜-钼-金矿床、大苏计钼矿床、西沙德盖钼矿床、柳坝沟金-钼矿床、哈达门沟金-钼矿床、查干花钼-钨矿床和流沙山钼-金矿床的产出环境、地质特征、成因类型和时空分布特点进行了简要总结,对成矿作用与构造-岩浆活动的关系进行了概略性论述。柳坝沟、哈达门沟和白乃庙矿床均在前寒武纪变质岩地层中产出,大苏计、查干花、西沙德盖和流沙山矿床直接产于海西-印支期中酸性侵入岩中,尽管上述矿床在产出环境和地理位置上存在有一定差别,但是它们均与花岗岩类侵入岩体(或岩脉)具有密切的空间分布关系,属与中酸性侵入岩有关的钼多金属矿床。另外,根据矿床(点)的空间分布特点,可划分出5个钼多金属矿化集中区:即大苏计-明星沟钼矿化集中区、白乃庙-谷那乌苏铜-钼-金矿化集中区、哈达门沟-沙德盖金-钼矿化集中区、马尼图-查干花钼-铋-钨矿化集中区和流沙山-黑鹰山钼-金-铁矿化集中区。研究结果表明,成矿作用与板块消减、碰撞和缝合过程中所诱发的构造-岩浆事件密切相关,是地壳特定演化阶段构造-岩浆活动的产物。  相似文献   
韧性剪切带型金矿床是新疆准噶尔-东天山地区重要金矿类型。本文以科克萨依、康古尔、红石金矿为典型矿床,研究它们的流体包裹体均一温度、爆裂温度、包裹体成分、包裹体水的来源等,并进行了硫、铅同位素及近矿围岩碳同位素、矿体石英包裹体中CO2、CH4气体的碳同位素分析。结果表明,硫、铅为深源,暗示了本区金成矿物质的地幔来源。部分碳为有机碳,反映了本区年轻碳质沉积地层中有机碳参与了金的迁移与成矿作用。综合研究表明,在本区特定的后碰撞地质背景下,在构造挤压与伸展作用中形成的韧性剪切带中的金矿床金成矿物质源于深源,成矿流体主要是变质水。岩浆作用、变质作用、碳质围岩地层有机碳参与成矿,变质流体与岩浆热液及天水等流体的不同程度的混合与叠加,形成本区特征的韧性剪切带型金矿床。  相似文献   
青海省东昆仑南坡金铜铅锌多金属成矿带经历了漫长而复杂的地质构造演化历史,产有丰富的金、铜、铅、锌、钼等金属矿产,但在铜钴矿预测中仍存在一些关键科学问题需进一步研究解决。本文在详述了区域地层、侵入岩、变质岩、构造、矿产等区域成矿地质背景的基础上,分析了青海东昆仑南坡成矿带地质工作程度低、研究程度低、成矿预测的基础科学问题不清、矿产勘查项目所引用的基础资料与研究工作所引用的基础资料明显不一致和主要矿床类型及预测方向等主要科学技术问题,探讨了该成矿带铜钴矿产预测现状与预测思路,从而提出了青海东昆仑南坡成矿带开展铜钴矿预测的工作方向。  相似文献   
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