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基于SOA的数字城市公共平台设计与实现   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杨丽娜  彭玲  池天河  孙旭 《测绘科学》2011,36(6):230-232,186
针对城市信息化建设中存在的建设周期长、开发成本高、运行维护困难等问题,本文从软件架构、系统功能、服务性能等方面进行研究,设计并开发基于SOA的数字城市公共平台。平台采用松散耦合的WebSer-vices、Ajax等技术,结合数据资源控制访问、平台架构分离等策略,实现对多源异构空间数据的分布式集中管理和授权共享,封装形成统一的服务接口及应用框架,辅助业务系统的快速搭建与无缝集成;并在二维GIS基础上扩展添加三维GIS服务。  相似文献   
本文以SOA开放式架构与OGC标准规范,提出了极地海冰-海洋参数遥感反演模型分布式共享服务体系。服务体系以"模型服务"为核心,探讨了模型服务接口和模型服务的互操作问题。为了简化极地海冰-海洋参数遥感反演模型的分布式共享过程,提出了极地海冰-海洋参数遥感反演模型共享服务平台的概念。共享服务平台处于模型与模型应用客户端之间,可以实现两者之间的数据转化和功能协同,以及实现模型算法与其他功能的分离,使模型开发者可以专注于模型算法的设计和实现。最后,以海冰密集度遥感反演模型和冰间湖识别模型为例,实现了极地海冰-海洋参数遥感反演模型分布式共享方法。  相似文献   
采用内蒙古多伦县1987年、1995年、2000年和2005年的TM影像,运用GIS方法提取了各年的多伦县土地利用动态变化数据。采用中国陆地生态系统的服务价值测算方法对多伦县土地利用数据进行分析处理,测算了多伦县土地利用变化引起的生态系统服务价值变化。结果表明,1987~2005年间多伦县土地利用变化十分剧烈,耕地、林地、城镇用地、水域面积呈增加趋势,草地、未利用地面积呈减少趋势。土地利用类型主要由未利用地和草地向林地、耕地变更,并且草地和未利用地面积持续减少,林地和城镇用地面积呈持续增加趋势;多伦县生态系统服务价值1987~1995年间呈下降趋势,而1995~2005年间呈增加趋势,其生态系统服务价值处于可持续发展状态;耕地、林地和草地生态系统服务价值占多伦县总生态系统服务价值的比例较大,耕地、林地和水域的生态系统服务价值均呈增加趋势,而草地和未利用地生态系统服务价值呈减少趋势;各土地利用类型生态系统服务价值敏感性指数都小于1,表明多伦县生态系统服务价值对服务价值指数缺乏弹性,研究结果可信。  相似文献   
沈阳市装备制造业集群发展研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文以沈阳市为例,运用主成分分析的方法研究装备制造业综合发展水平,用区位熵、罗仑兹曲线、集中化指数等方法研究沈阳市装备制造业的集群状况,用投入产出法研究沈阳市装备制造业集群对生产性服务业的需求状况。得出以下结论:①沈阳市装备制造业的发展整体上呈上升趋势,在2001—2005年期间,2002年综合发展水平最低,2004年综合发展水平最高。在构成装备制造业的各产业中,除电子机械制造业以外,都是装备制造业发展的重要组成部分。②沈阳市装备制造业具有产业聚集效应。沈阳市装备制造业应以通用设备制造业、专业设备制造业、交通运输制造业为支柱和增长点,构建装备制造业基地,带动其他类别装备制造业及相关产业的发展与振兴,并最终发展和完善装备制造业产业集群。③沈阳市装备制造业虽然具有一定规模的集聚优势,但没有形成各类型企业密切合作和分工完善的网络体系,并不能真正发挥产业集群优势。影响装备制造业集群创新的主要原因是地方企业配套网络组织体系尚未形成和创新要素的缺乏。④沈阳市对生产性服务业的投入远不能适应装备制造业集群发展的要求,滞后于装备制造业的发展。生产性服务业的发展可以降低装备制造业集群的交易成本,为其提供必要的智力服务和劳动力资源,有助提升装备制造业集群竞争力。沈阳市应在发展装备制造业的同时,大力发展生产性服务业,通过生产性服务业的发展,促进产业链向高端发展,提升装备制造业集群的发展水平。  相似文献   
对生态补偿的基本语义进行解析,提出了一种以损失性境遇与补偿关系域为基本元素的分析模式。强调生态补偿的研究与实践必须物质与价值层面并举,且以前者为指归。生态补偿在自然科学方面的深层机理与准则还有待深入研究,才能指导生态补偿在经济、法律等其他层面的正确认识与实践。指出生态效益价值计量与生态补偿没有实质性的联系;“生态效益补偿”是一个容易引起误解的观念或概念。补偿标准基本的考量在成本、包括机会成本一面,不在效益一面;既实现生产者剩余又实现消费者剩余,是合珲补偿的基本前撂。  相似文献   
广州市中心城区基本医疗服务空间分布研究   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
以广州市最新一轮行政区划结果与医疗机构相关数据为基础,运用ARCGIS和SPSS软件,通过构建基本医疗服务优势度模型,对广州市中心城区医疗服务状况进行评价。得到以下结论:(1)形成以老城区组成的团块状高优势度区域为中心,优势度分值自中心向外围区域呈现环状递减,并且优势度高分值区域有向市区东部及北部延伸的趋势;(2)基本医疗服务能满足大部分居民的需求,特别是越秀、海珠、荔湾的部分区域优势度高,但个别区域基本医疗服务现状差强人意,亟待改善。  相似文献   
Hydroelectric power is an important energy source to meet the growing demand for energy, and large amounts of water are consumed to generate this energy. Previous studies often assumed that the water footprint of hydroelectric power equaled the reservoir’s water footprint, but failed to allocate the reservoir water footprint among the many beneficiaries; dealing with this allocation remains a challenge. In this study, we developed a new approach to quantify the water footprint of hydroelectric power (WFh) by separating it from the reservoir water footprint (WF) using an allocation coefficient (ηh) based on the ratio of the benefits from hydroelectric power to the total ecosystem service benefits. We used this approach in a case study of the Three Gorges Reservoir, the world’s largest reservoir, which provides multiple ecosystem services. We found large differences between the WFh and the water footprint of per unit of hydroelectric production (PWFh) calculated using ηh and those calculated without this factor. From 2003 to 2012, ηh decreased sharply (from 0.76 in 2005 to 0.41 in 2012), which was due to the fact that large increases in the value of non-energy ecosystem services, and particularly flood control. In 2009, flood control replaced hydroelectricity as the largest ecosystem service of water from the Three Gorges Reservoir. Using our approach, WFh and PWFh averaged 331.0 × 106 m3 and 1.5 m3 GJ−1, respectively. However, these values would almost double without allocating water footprints among different reservoir ecosystem services. Thus, previous studies have overestimated the WFh and PWFh of reservoirs, especially for reservoirs that serve multiple purposes. Thus, the allocation coefficient should not be ignored when calculating the WF of a product or service.  相似文献   
Agri-environmental policies and planning influence agricultural landscape management, and thus the capacity to deliver landscape services and to contribute to rural viability. Numerous models and frameworks have been developed to improve comprehension of the mechanisms and interrelationships between policies, landscape and socio-economic values and benefits. As social-ecological systems, landscapes are closely depending from the socio-institutional and territorial context of the specific rural locality. The paper proposes an enhanced framework for assessing these mechanisms by acknowledging the critical role of the regional macro-environment. A literature review and the revisiting of evidence from eight European case studies are applied to establish a comprehensive understanding and exemplification of the links between the policies, landscape, ecosystem services and value flows. Results highlight the need for integrative, inter- and transdisciplinary research approaches. Efficient landscape policies require enhanced regional embeddedness and targeting, acknowledgement of user demands and the capability of regional community and governance structures for policy implementation and natural capital valorisation.  相似文献   
在因特网环境下,如何对服务描述是基于web服务的应用集成的关键问题之一。Web服务合成技术为这一问题提供了很好的解决方案。以基于语义的web服务合成理论为基础,在分析制造业信息资源特点的基础之上,以库存管理领域为应用实例,选取面向服务的网络本体语言提出了制造业web服务合成语义描述的一种方法。  相似文献   
Predicted climate change and the associated sea level rise poses an increased threat of flooding due to wave overtopping events at sea and river dikes. To safeguard the land from flooding it is important to keep the soil erosion resistance at the dikes high. As plant roots can be very effective in reducing soil erosion rates by concentrated flow, the main goal of this study is to explore the variability in root system characteristics of five dike vegetation communities along the Scheldt River (Belgium) and to assess their effectiveness in controlling soil erosion rates during concentrated flow. This study is the first one to investigate systematically the erosion‐reducing potential of the root properties of representative dike vegetation communities in a temperate humid climate. Results show that the presence of Urtica dioica resulted in large differences in root length density (RLD) among dike vegetation communities. Observed RLD values in the topsoil ranged from 129 to 235 km m‐3 for dike vegetation communities without U. dioica, while smaller values ranging from 22 to 58 km m?3 were found for vegetation communities with U. dioica. The erosion‐reducing effect of the dike vegetation communities was estimated based on a global Hill curve model, linking the RLD to the soil detachment ratio (SDR; i.e. the ratio of the soil detachment rate for root‐permeated topsoils to the soil detachment rate for root‐free topsoils). Concentrated flow erosion rates are likely to be reduced to 13–16% of the erosion rates for root‐free topsoils if U. dioica is absent compared to 22–30% for vegetation communities with U. dioica. Hence, to maintain a high resistance of the soil against concentrated flow erosion it is important to avoid the overgrowth of grassland by U. dioica through an effective vegetation management. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
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