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Significant short-term fluctuations are characteristic of geological history since Precambrian times. Only the younger Quaternary climatic fluctuations are known in more detail as a result of a high grade time resolution. Climatic change can also be postulated with respect to older, cold periods during which polar inland ice sheets developed. From a discussion of endogene and exogene interpretations it is shown that global climatic changes, and the sea-level changes induced by them, as well as changes in the position and extent of climatic zones throughout the world provide a control mechanism for sedimentation which is consistent with cyclic sedimentation in Late Palaeozoic times, and also if the basin subsides non-cyclically. The model allows an explanation of the development of the Permo-Carboniferous sedimentary cycles without numerous short-term vertical oscillations of the earth's crust. In reality, exogene and endogene controls on sedimentation act together in great variety of combinations.  相似文献   
Although a traditional geological survey of terraced coastal slopes is an essential part of studies aimed to reconstruct relative sea-level changes, the stratigraphic and chronological data so obtained frequently prove inadequate to completely unravel the sometimes very complex history of sea-level fluctuation, especially where erosion has prevailed over deposition and/or deposits are difficult to date. On the basis of our experience we think that much additional information can be gained through geomorphological interpretation of the profiles of those slopes. In order to facilitate such interpretation, a computer simulation model is developed that is able to predict the morphogenic response to a variety of possible relative-sea-level histories. The results can be used to envisage some new interpretation keys for the analysis of real situations and, hopefully, as bases for the conception of general models of coastal slope evolution under the action of a variable sea level. Though preliminary, the results so far obtained permit identification of the geomorphological consequences (in terms of resulting slope profile) of ordered successions of transgressions and regressions of different amplitude, rate, order and style. Moreover they provide interesting insights into the role that different styles of tectonic uplift may play in the phenomenon of multiple terracing of coastal slopes.  相似文献   
全球旋回地层学是指在对全球沉积岩进行综合系统研究之基础上,通过估算沉积盆地中源于物源区的沉积物类型和沉积环境条件变化,来预测地层学特征的一种过程一结果模型。其研究内容包括对全球地质演化时期全球海平面变化、全球气候条件、全球构造运动、全球古地理背景、全球沉积环境特征、全球古生物事件及全球矿产形成过程进行动态模拟,强调古气候在地质记录中的意义,注重沉积记录的全球同时性研究;强调各种事件在沉积作用中的意  相似文献   
从更广泛和较高的层次对地质时期地球表层的生命活动和环境变化进行多学科的综合性研究,在全球系统分析的基础上为“协调人类与自然关系”的战略主题提供决策依据。以高分辨率地层学框架的研究的基础,综合多种学科对事件、间事件及其载体和介质的定量研究,为生物与环境的耦合机制的认识及有关模式的建立提供科学依据。化石燃料作为事件产物,其分布规律亦为重要研究内容之一。  相似文献   
热带太平洋地区SSTA和风应力场的海气耦合模态   总被引:13,自引:4,他引:13  
按国家气象局“八五”攻关力专家组提出的有关近海热带气候强度突变的标准,对1970-1991年在我国的近海发生强度突为的热带气旋进行了分类统计,发现如下气候特征:平均每年有8-9个热带气旋移到我国近海时发生强度突变,其中突然减弱的居多,占总个数的79.6%,突然增强的只占总个数的20.4%,突然增强只发和天5-10月,而突然减弱到5-12月均可发生;突然增强主要出现在浙闽沿海、南海中部,珠江口外西侧  相似文献   
The Mw 7.4 Izmit earthquake of 17 August 1999 struck a part ofthe North Anatolian fault in the area of Izmit Bay (NW Turkey). Historicalinformation shows that the fault which moved during the generation of thisearthquake consists of two fault segments moved during the generation oflarge (M 7) earthquakes in 1719 and 1754, respectively. Since then onlythe central part (between Izmit and Lake Sapanca) of this fault ruptured bythe generation of a smaller shock (M = 6.6) in 1878.The spatial stress variations based on the calculation of changes in theCoulomb Failure Function (CFF) associated with this earthquake aresupported by the distribution of strong aftershock foci. Large positive valuesof CFF to the east and west of the mainshock epicenter are inagreement with the notion that secondary faults were triggered there by thegeneration of the main event. Large positive values of CFF are alsoobserved in the adjacent western fault segment where the 1766 event wasgenerated, evidencing the occurrence of the next strong earthquake in thissegment.  相似文献   
通过对厦门市1989年、1993年、1997年TM遥感影像和2003年ETM+遥感影像的解译分析统计,用单一土地利用动态度、转移矩阵等对1989-2003年厦门市湿地动态变化进行了分析,并进行了主要驱动力分析。结果表明:1989-2003年间,由于经济发展、人口增长以及农业生产比较利益的驱动和农业内部结构调整的影响,水库水塘、养殖、滩涂等湿地类型被非湿地侵占;养殖面积从1989年的4230hm2持续增加到2003年的9768hm2,主要是通过占用非湿地、滩涂、盐田和水库水塘增加的;红树林面积大幅度减少,从1989年的84hm2持续减少到2003年的17hm2,主要是由于养殖、非湿地的侵占以及遭受破坏变为滩涂。  相似文献   
森林地下碳分配(TBCA)是森林碳循环的重要通量,对森林碳吸存有十分重要作用.TBCA是森林生态系统GPP中一个最大的汇,可占GPP的21%~61%,土壤呼吸的2/3来自TBCA.目前国际上常用的TBCA测定方法为碳平衡法,在假定地下碳库处于稳定状态时,TB-CA可由土壤呼吸减去凋落物量获得,但该方法存在一系列问题.影响森林TBCA的因素有生产力、森林类型、树龄和森林演替阶段、土壤养分和水分有效性、林分密度和树种组成、气候变化因素等.TBCA中各个组成部分均较难以测定和量化,通常假定TBCA中根系呼吸与根系生产力各约占50%,而TBCA中菌根菌和根系分泌物的贡献则仍不清楚.有关TBCA各组分去向及影响机理的研究亦很少.TBCA未来的研究应致力于揭示TBCA的根本驱动因子和其对全球变化的响应机理,以及TBCA转化为土壤新碳的效率及控制因素;同时应提高TBCA测定方法的确定性,特别是应将碳同位素法、微根管法及碳平衡法三者相结合.  相似文献   
塔里木盆地南缘沉积物磁化率变化与历史时期环境演化   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
磁化率作为一种重要的环境指标,在恢复气候环境演变方面得到了较为广泛的应用。本研究表明,塔克拉玛干沙漠南缘沉积物的低频磁化率对于本地区环境的演变反映较为敏感,因此本文以低频磁化率为主导指标,结合其它地质记录,对尼雅地区的古气候环境进行了恢复,研究结果表明:近4000年来尼雅地区的气候环境以干旱化为主,但期间仍有几次相对干湿的波动,共经历了3次相对湿润期和3次相对干旱期。据此恢复出的古气候环境与其它环境指标恢复出的结果具有较好的吻合性,不仅具有鲜明的区域性特征,同时也具全球性的一致性。  相似文献   
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