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东北三省城市土地利用效益评价及耦合协调关系研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
在阐述城市土地利用效益系统耦合协调性内涵及其交互作用机理的基础上,构建综合评价指标体系,运用均方差决策法、耦合协调度模型,对东北三省2003~2015年城市土地利用综合效益及其主成分间耦合协调关系进行测度,并分析其时空演化过程。研究认为:城市土地利用综合效益表现出随时间“先升后降”的特征,区内三省间差异明显,中心和门户城市长期处于较高水平。城市土地利用经济效益亦存在“先升后降”的时序变化特征,空间上表现为“南高北低”,低值区范围缩减明显;社会效益差异不显著,在南北方向上表现出“凸”字型分布特征;区域生态环境效益整体较高,高值区由集中趋向分散。城市土地利用经济、社会、生态环境效益间耦合协调关系在各时间节点均表现为失调,且以中度失调为主,但中心城市和门户城市的三效益耦合协调关系相对较好,向协调方向发展,哈长与辽中南城市群地区协调性优于其他区域,吉林省与辽宁省东部的部分城市协调关系趋向恶化。城市土地利用效益间关系失调主要受复合因素的作用,经济效益滞后是制约土地利用效益耦合协调关系提升的主因,生态环境效益滞后不是限制土地利用效益耦合协调性提升的主要因素。  相似文献   
周亦  吕从  王慧敏 《测绘通报》2019,(1):97-100
“资源一号”02C卫星自成功发射以来,被广泛应用于土地资源、矿产资源、地质环境调查,以及国土资源、地质灾害应急监测等应用领域。“资源一号”02C卫星是一颗填补我国高分辨率遥感数据空白的卫星,是根据国土资源主体业务需求定制的第一颗国产高分辨率业务卫星。本文以吉林省和浙江省某试验区“资源一号”02C卫星数据为例,对“资源一号”02C卫星数据融合影像进行了土地利用遥感监测变化信息检测能力的方法试验。根据试验区数据变化信息提取试验结果,对“资源一号”02C卫星影像在土地利用动态遥感监测中的变化检测能力和适用性开展了试验、分析和评价工作。  相似文献   
农村土地制度改革与乡村振兴   总被引:6,自引:4,他引:2  
乡村发展现实困境与乡村振兴战略目标之间存在巨大鸿沟。论文总结了1949年以来农村土地制度改革与乡村发展的演进态势与时代特征,基于农村土地制度改革的功能体系,剖析了二者的互动机制,探讨了农村土地制度改革助推乡村振兴的发展路径与典型模式,并进行了研究展望。结论如下:① 农村土地制度改革是破解当前乡村发展困境、推进乡村振兴的突破口,本质是新时期为适应城乡生产力发展的生产关系再调整,二者均具迫切性、交融性与攻坚性的时代特征。1949年以来农村土地制度与乡村发展总体耦合联动、互促互馈。② 新时期,农村土地制度改革具有多功能价值,通过补短板促进乡村重构与乡村多功能发展,发挥制度联动、城乡融合与经济转型的乘数效应,助推乡村振兴,并带动城乡地域系统功能优化。③ 农村土地制度改革沿整合要素、重组结构、优化功能的路径,因地制宜、分类推进乡村地域功能演变与乡村振兴。④ 未来需发挥农村土地制度改革的制度联动作用,同时重视改革的政策性摩擦,深化乡村振兴对农村土地制度改革的正反馈,并权衡农村土地制度改革举措与乡村发展的适应性问题。  相似文献   
Liu  Qionghuan  Zhang  Yili  Liu  Linshan  Li  Lanhui  Qi  Wei 《地理学报(英文版)》2019,29(11):1841-1858

We analyzed the spatial local accuracy of land cover (LC) datasets for the Qiangtang Plateau, High Asia, incorporating 923 field sampling points and seven LC compilations including the International Geosphere Biosphere Programme Data and Information System (IGBPDIS), Global Land cover mapping at 30 m resolution (GlobeLand30), MODIS Land Cover Type product (MCD12Q1), Climate Change Initiative Land Cover (CCI-LC), Global Land Cover 2000 (GLC2000), University of Maryland (UMD), and GlobCover 2009 (Glob-Cover). We initially compared resultant similarities and differences in both area and spatial patterns and analyzed inherent relationships with data sources. We then applied a geographically weighted regression (GWR) approach to predict local accuracy variation. The results of this study reveal that distinct differences, even inverse time series trends, in LC data between CCI-LC and MCD12Q1 were present between 2001 and 2015, with the exception of category areal discordance between the seven datasets. We also show a series of evident discrepancies amongst the LC datasets sampled here in terms of spatial patterns, that is, high spatial congruence is mainly seen in the homogeneous southeastern region of the study area while a low degree of spatial congruence is widely distributed across heterogeneous northwestern and northeastern regions. The overall combined spatial accuracy of the seven LC datasets considered here is less than 70%, and the GlobeLand30 and CCI-LC datasets exhibit higher local accuracy than their counterparts, yielding maximum overall accuracy (OA) values of 77.39% and 61.43%, respectively. Finally, 5.63% of this area is characterized by both high assessment and accuracy (HH) values, mainly located in central and eastern regions of the Qiangtang Plateau, while most low accuracy regions are found in northern, northeastern, and western regions.

近几十年来,蒙古高原和青藏高原的增温速度高于全球变暖的平均水平,导致生态系统的结构和功能发生了显著变化。叶面积指数(LAI)和蒸散发(ET)在塑造陆地表面过程和气候方面发挥着重要作用。在文中,我们重点关注LAI和ET的时空变化及其相互关系。基于2000-2014年的MODIS产品,我们发现蒙古高原的LAI和ET之间存在普遍的正相关关系,而青藏高原则没有协同作用。总体而言,青藏高原LAI的显著增加(减少)区域占总面积的49.38%(50.62%),蒙古高原则为94.92%(5.09%);青藏高原ET增加区域面积占总面积的21.70%(124.10×10~3 km^2),蒙古高原为88.01%(341.60×10~3 km^2)。更重要的是,随着时间的推移,这种关系在整个空间中发生了很大的变化,并且在景观的某些部分发现了不匹配。需要通过观测和/或实验研究来探讨这些关系,包括植被特征及其干扰的影响。  相似文献   
Analysis of the nexus between vegetation dynamics and climatic parameters like surface temperature is essential in environmental and ecological studies and for monitoring of the natural resources. This study explored the spatio-temporal distribution of land surface temperature (LST) and Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) and the relationship between them in the Andassa watershed from 1986 to 2016 periods using Landsat data. Monthly average air temperature data of three meteorological sites were used for validating the results. The findings of the study showed that the LST of the Andassa watershed has increased during the study periods. Overall, average LST has been rising with an increasing rate of 0.081°C per year. Other results of this study also showed that there has been a dynamic change in vegetation cover of the watershed in all seasons. There was also a negative correlation between LST and NDVI in all the studied years. From this study we can understand that there has been degradation of vegetation and intensification of LST from 1986 to 2016.  相似文献   
中国作为世界第一大发展中国家,近年来城镇化发展迅速,大量自然地表转化为人工地表,从而引起了一系列环境问题,其中以城市热岛问题最为显著。因此如何缓解因城市化进程的加快引起的城市热岛效应已成为热门研究方向。为精确分析城市空间格局对热集聚的影响,本研究利用2000年5月4日的Landsat ETM+和2016年7月27日获取的Landsat OLI两期遥感影像,获取福州市的土地覆盖信息并进行精度验证。在地表温度(Land Surface Temperature, LST)反演基础上通过热点分析(Getis-Ord Gi*),并结合不透水面(Impervious Surface Area, ISA)信息来研究城市化进程中福州市16 年来 LST的变化特性,空间集聚特性及其产生的尺度效应。热点分析结果显示:① 通过分析福州市内各地和热点中心的距离与LST的关系可较好地反映空间热聚集。2000 年在距热点中心0.97、1.03、0.95 km范围内热聚集明显;2016 年则增长到分别在距热点中心半径1.89、2.01、2.10、2.05、2.13 km范围内热集聚显著且热点区数量也从3 个增加至5 个。热集聚区(热点区和较热区)总面积在此期间从15.7%增至47.3%;② 由于热点图中的热点区和冷点区的形成不单取决于LST的高低,因此热点分析与空间自相关分析方法相比,能更直观地分析土地覆盖变化对LST的影响,了解城市内部热强度变化的细节。本研究采用的热点分析方法可用于城市环境保护与规划,将来还可作为城市土地规划与热环境影响的分析依据。同时可利用热点分析图模拟城市微气候,估算城市绿地降温程度等。此外,未来还可基于此进一步探讨更多时相以及不同城市的对比分析,特别是对不同城市类型如带状城市,多中心城市及中心城市等的研究。  相似文献   
针对西南丘陵地区农用地利用效率低、耕地质量锐减、人地关系逐步恶化等问题构建了基于AHP-PSR模型的西南丘陵地区农用地集约利用评价系统。采用专家打分法进行指标筛选后,基于AHP-PSR模型进行农用地集约利用动态评价,对系统内部协调及稳定性进行分析、评估,较深入地研究农用地集约利用驱动因子,并采用最优子集选取策略分析集约利用驱动力,以避免仅以简单相关性就加入或剔除驱动力因素导致回归系数不符合实际内涵的现象。实验表明:可利用系统调整指标间权重,动态展示人地关系协调可持续发展关系,其分析结果可供有关部门决策参考。  相似文献   
Urban planning construction land standard is the technical specification for scientifically allocating various types of urban construction land, and it is the basis for drawing up and revising the overall urban planning scheme. Considering China's current urban planning construction land standard, many problems exist, such as the gap in the land use control threshold, the lack of regional differences in the climate revision, and failing to consider the topographic factors. To resolve these problems, this study proposed a step-by-step process framework and quantitative calculation method for the establishment and revision of standards in accordance with the principle of Total-Structure control. By setting the conditions, a universal basic standard for construction land was established. Quantitative analysis was then conducted on the relationship between the basic standard and the selected key indicators, such as urban population size, sunshine spacing coefficient, the width of river valleys or inter-montane basins, and terrain slope, among others. Finally, revised standards were formed for climate conditions, topography, and geomorphologic conditions, which were matched with the basic standards. The key results are three-fold:(1) The per capita construction land standard of 95 m~2/person can be used as the total indicator of China's urban planning basic standard, and the corresponding per capita single construction land comprises 32.50% of residential land, 7.42% of public management and public service land, 22.50% of industrial land, 17.50% of transportation facilities, 12.50% of green space, and 7.58% of other land-use types. The results of the revision of the urban population size indicate that the difference in population size has little effect on the total amount of per capita construction land.(2) The climate revision results of per capita residential land and per capita construction land in major cities reveal that the revised climate value varies greatly between north and south China. The revised climate values of the per capita area of construction land vary by latitude as follows: the value at 20°N is 93 m~2/person, the value at 30°N is 97 m~2/person, the value at 40°N is 103 m~2/person, and the value at 50°N is 115 m~2/person. The basic standard land value of 95 m~2/person is generally distributed across the Xiamen-Guilin-Kunming line.(3) The cities located in mountainous areas, hilly valleys, or inter-montane basins can reduce the allocation of community parks and comprehensive parks when the average width of an existing river valley or inter-montane basin is less than 2 km. When the average width of the valley or inter-montane basin is between 2 km to 4 km, the allocation of the comprehensive parks can be reduced. The revised results of per capita sloping construction land reveal that the terrain slope greatly affects the revised value of per capita construction land. Specifically, the revised value at 3° is 3.68% higher than the basic standard value, and the increase rates at 8°, 15°, and 25° are 11.25%, 26.49%, and 68.47%, respectively.  相似文献   
从1988年建设部颁布《关于开展建设监理工作的通知》算起,在我国工程建设领域推行工程监理制度已有三十多年历史.工程监理在工程建设过程中发挥了重要作用,我国目前在工程领域建立了完善的监理法规及标准体系,形成了较为完整的工程监理机制.但在测绘领域,全面推行测绘监理仍尚需时日,有待健全.湖南省各市州第三次国土调查项目引入了监...  相似文献   
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