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21世纪以来生态系统服务退化与人类需求提升间的矛盾愈发激烈,如何有效推进生态系统服务与人类福祉的协调平衡成为当前可持续发展的核心主题.论文通过梳理生态系统服务与人类福祉关系研究的阶段演进发现,现有研究主要从服务对福祉的影响与福祉对服务的反馈切人,逐步聚焦到供需关系与空间流动、权衡/协同的利益博弈、文化服务的价值化、生态...  相似文献   
Aerial images are valuable products when dealing with both geospatial and geotemporal analysis. Nowadays, they are widely used for many different purposes and by an extensive public, including private companies, official administrations and individual users. Although in the past few years there has been an increasing interest in showing all kinds of geographical information on the World Wide Web, access to aerial imagery and its dissemination are still difficult and lack flexibility. This paper introduces an aerial imagery management system based on client–server principles, operated so as to allow users quick and efficient queries, processing and management of huge sets of photogrammetric imagery stored on raster servers. It is a novel product that is ready to provide image-based cartographic data available in public and private digital warehouses, facilitating all the required visualisations and queries, as well as geometric and radiometric processing on the fly. This paper shows the design, system architecture and various functionalities of the system in a real-life scenario.  相似文献   
地理信息服务的思考与探索   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
GIS正在从传统意义上的地理信息系统向地理信息服务发生偏转,地理信息服务已成为信息服务业中的一个重要组成部分。文中归纳总结了地理信息服务概念、技术体系、服务模式以及我国地理信息服务发展的差距、对策与建议。  相似文献   
Producer Services Research in the United Kingdom   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper reviews recent research in the United Kingdom on producer services and suggests directions for further research. A recurrent theme in UK-based geographic research into producer services is the role of service activities, establishments, and trade in uneven development of the UK space economy, a role manifested in uneven provision and quality of services in peripheral regions. During the 1980s, overall growth in demand for producer services and the rapid rise in metropolitan London real estate costs reduced London's dominance, but these trends moderated by the end of the decade. In the absence of adequate government statistics, regular and standardized surveys are needed to compile a time series of service change in the United Kingdom. Directions for continued empirical research include the role of producer services in innovation and technology transfer, the implications of information technology for the location of employment in the sector, and the impacts of productivity increases on employment and wages.  相似文献   
The purpose of this research is to analyze the composition and distribution of Department of Defense (DOD) services procurement. The results indicate producer services comprise 53% of DOD services outlays. Defense expenditures for services are particularly important in the Washington, D.C., region and in states that either produce weapons or house defense-related R&D facilities. Defense expenditures are providing impetus to service sector growth in Virginia and, simultaneously, are providing the initial stimulus for development of producer services in states such as New Mexico.  相似文献   
贵州省矿业开发引起的环境问题及其成因探讨   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
矿业开发给贵州省造成严重的生态环境问题,主要包括环境污染,矿业荒漠化和环境地质灾害。虽然贵州省矿产开发的历史比较悠久,但解放前的生态破坏和矿业污染仅局限在个别地区,解放后出现的三次大规模资源环境破坏,给贵州省矿业可持续发展带来严重影响,特别是改革开放以来矿山资源的无序开发对环境的危害最重。导致贵州省矿业环境问题的主要因素包括:矿产资源价值的严重扭曲,乡镇企业的超常规发展,部分政府官员的权力寻租,以及资源导向型的脱贫模式等。  相似文献   
Very little is currently known about the globalization of the temporary staffing industry, a strategically significant sector given its role in promulgating wider labor market flexibility. This article starts to rectify this research lacuna in four ways: by conceptualizing the international expansion of temporary staffing and comparing it to other business service sectors, by identifying and mapping the top twenty transnational staffing agencies, by offering a typology of the leading transnational agencies based on their functional and geographic characteristics, and by charting a research agenda for future work on this sector.  相似文献   
在现阶段由计划经济转向社会主义市场经济的新形势下,本文就地市地震局(办)的自身性质,提出了弱震区地震局(办)改革的总体构想和思路,并从管理理论出发就人才生命周期的特点,提出拓宽业务领域,强化科研意识,引进竞争机制,完善服务手段等对策。对目前地方地震队伍的发展提出了方向性意见和预测。  相似文献   

Climate change is today one of the biggest issues for farmers. The increasing number of natural disasters and change of seasonal trends is making insurance companies more interested in new technologies that can somehow support them in quantifying and mapping risks. Remotely sensed data, with special focus on free ones, can certainly provide the most of information they need, making possible to better calibrate insurance fees in space and time. In this work, a prototype of service based on free remotely sensed data is proposed with the aim of supporting insurance companies’ strategies. The service is thought to calibrate annual insurance rates, longing for their reduction at such level that new customers could be attracted. The study moves from the entire Piemonte region (NW Italy), to specifically focus onto the Cuneo province (Southern Piemonte), which is mainly devoted to agriculture. MODIS MOD13Q1-v6 and Sentinel-2 L2A image time series were jointly used. NDVI maps from MODIS data were useful to describe the midterm phenological trends of main crops at regional level in the period 2000–2018; differently, Sentinel-2 data permitted to map local crop differences at field level in 2016 and 2017 years. With reference to MODIS data, the average phenological behavior of main crop classes in the area, obtained from the CORINE Land Cover map Level 3, was considered using a time series decomposition approach. Trend analyses showed that the most of the crop classes alternated three phases (about 7 years) suggesting that, presently, this is probably the time horizon to be considered to tune mid-term algorithms for risk estimates in the agricultural context. Crop classes trends were consequently split into three phases and each of them modeled by a first-order polynomial function used to update correspondent insurance risk rate. Sentinel-2 data were used to map phenological anomalies at field level for the 2016 and 2017 growing seasons; shifts from class average behavior were considered to locally and temporarily tune insurance premium around its average trend as described at the previous step. Synthesizing, one can say that this approach, integrating MODIS and Sentnel-2 data, makes possible to locally and temporarily calibrate premiums of indexed insurance policies by describing the average trends of crop performance (NDVI) at regional level by MODIS data and refining it at field and specific crop level by Sentinel-2 data.  相似文献   
厦门旧城建设步行街区的初步研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以厦门旧城区西南部为例,对商业街土地利用和商服业现状作了详尽的调查和分析,在阐述旧城区商业街存在总体地位下降,以服装店为主的零售商业功能过于突出,购物环境容量不足等现实问题的基础上,提出以“步行街区”作为厦门旧城商业街更新发展的对策,并据此对步行街区建设涉及到的部分问题进行了探讨。  相似文献   
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