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从立法、法制宣传、建立健全规章制度和科学规范的管理程序、公正严格执法、执法监督和法制工作队伍建设等6个方面,论述了做好防震减灾依法行政工作的重要性,指出。只有依法行政,才能保障防震减灾工作的顺利发展。  相似文献   
粤港澳大湾区知识网络空间结构演化特征与影响机制   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
高爽  王少剑  王泽宍 《热带地理》2019,39(5):678-688
以2000—2018年国内外期刊数据库合作论文数据为基础,借助社会网络分析和空间结构指数法分析了粤港澳大湾区知识空间网络结构演化特征与影响因素,结果发现:1)知识网络格局由广州的“一家独大”逐渐演变为广州、深圳、香港“齐头并进”的发展态势。香港虽然处于知识网络的核心位置,但受行政壁垒的影响,主要与广州、深圳高等级的城市建立紧密的知识合作联系。2)粤港澳大湾区知识联系网络呈现“核心—边缘”结构,西部地区知识联系远低于东部地区,虽然研究期内湾区的知识网络的极化特征得到一定的缓解,但不均衡性仍然显著。3)湾区知识活动主体的自身需求是促进城市间知识合作的内在驱动力,知识环境和知识联系通道是区域知识合作网络外在推动力,在内生作用和外生作用的共同影响下,知识合作产出得以实现,粤港澳大湾区知识网络得以发展。  相似文献   
Laboratory experiments have been carried out for the flow along isobaths of simulated shelf-continental slope geometry. Cases of both homogeneous and linearly stratified fluids are considered and the background flows are sufficiently strong to have the flow near the bottom boundary range from transitional to fully turbulent. The background motions are impulsively started and flows with a coast on the right (spin-down) and on the left (spin-up) are considered. The homogeneous spin-down and spin-up processes are smooth in the sense that no vortical structures were found to be of the order of the slope width or larger. Flows reach equilibrium more quickly for spin-down cases, and this is attributed to secondary flows forced by the basin geometry. All of the stratified experiments exhibited large-scale instabilities as evidenced by the generation of slope and basin scale eddy structures and a much slower decay than their homogeneous counterparts.  相似文献   
The Eibiswald Bucht is a small subbasin of the Western Styrian Basin exposing sediments of Lower Miocene age. In the past the entire sequence exposed in the Eibiswalder Bucht has been interpreted as being of fluvial/lacustrine origin; here, results are presented of detailed sedimentological investigations that lead to a revision of this concept. The lowermost siliciclastic sedimentary unit of the Eibiswalder Bucht sequence is the Radl Formation. It is overlain by the Eibiswald Beds, which are subdivided into the Lower, Middle and Upper Eibiswald Beds. The Radl Formation and the Lower Eibiswald Beds are interpreted as a fan delta complex deposited along NNW-SSE striking faults. Based on the sedimentary facies this fan delta can be subdivided into a subaerial alluvial fan facies group, a proximal delta facies group and a distal delta/prodelta facies group. The Radl Formation comprises the alluvial fan and proximal delta facies groups, the Lower Eibiswald Beds the distal delta/prodelta facies group. The alluvial fan and the proximal delta consist of diverse deposits of gravelly flows. The distal delta/prodelta consists of wave-reworked, bioturbated, low density turbidites intercalated with minor gravelly mass flows. The prodelta can be regarded as as the basin facies of the small and shallow Eibiswalder Bucht, where marine conditions prevailed. The basin was probably in part connected with the Eastern Styrian Basin, the contemporary depositional environment of the Styrian Schlier (mainly turbiditic marine offshore sediments in the Eastern Styrian Basin). Analysis of the clast composition, in conjunction with the paleotransport direction of the coarse delta mass flows of the Radl Formation, shows that the source rocks were exclusively crystalline rocks ranging from greenschists to eclogites.  相似文献   
An extreme value analysis of the flow of Burbage Brook is carried out by modelling peaks over a high threshold. The aims are to illustrate recently developed statistical techniques and to report on interesting features of the flow of the brook over a 58-year period. Peak flows are found to show marked seasonal variation and a downward trend. Then-year return level is estimated for various values ofn, and the reliability of the estimates is assessed.  相似文献   
We present a two-dimensional, two-phase model for non-cohesive sediment transport. This model solves concentration-weighted averaged equations of motion for both fluid and sediment phases. The model accounts for the interphase momentum transfer by considering drag forces. A collisional theory is used to compute the sediment stresses, while a two-equation (kε) fluid turbulence closure is implemented. A benchmark sediment transport problem concerning the scouring downstream of an apron is carried out as an example and numerical results agree with existing experimental data.  相似文献   
V. P. Singh 《水文研究》1995,9(7):783-796
Error equations for the kinematic wave and diffusion wave approximations with lateral inflow neglected in the momentum equation are derived under simplified conditions for space-independent flows. These equations specify error as a function of time in the flow hydrograph. The kinematic wave, diffusion wave and dynamic wave solutions are parameterized through a dimensionless parameter γ which is dependent on the initial conditions. This parameter reflects the effect of initial flow depth, channel-bed slope, lateral inflow, infiltration and channel roughness when the initial condition is non-vanishing; it reflects the effect of bed slope, channel roughness and acceleration due to gravity when the initial condition is vanishing. The error equations are found to be the Riccati equation. The structure of the error equations in the case when the momentum equation neglects lateral inflow is different from that when the lateral inflow is included.  相似文献   
In Malawi, production from subsistence rain fed agriculture is highly vulnerable to climate change and variability. In response to the adverse effects of climate change and variability, a National Adaptation Programme of Action is used as framework for implementing adaptation programmes. However, this framework puts limited significance on indigenous knowledge systems (IKS). In many parts of the world, IKS have shown potential in the development of locally relevant and therefore sustainable adaptation strategies. This study was aimed at assessing the role of IKS in adaptation to climate change and variability in the agricultural sector in a rural district of Chikhwawa, southern Malawi. The study used both qualitative data from focus group and key informant interviews and quantitative data from household interviews and secondary data to address the research objectives. The study established that the local communities are able to recognise the changes in their climate and local environment. Commonly mentioned indicators of changing climatic patterns included delayed and unpredictable onset of rainfall, declining rainfall trends, warming temperatures and increased frequency of prolonged dry spells. An analysis of empirical data corroborates the people’s perception. In addition, the community is able to use their IKS to adapt their agricultural systems to partially offset the effects of climate change. Like vulnerability to climate change, IKS varies over a short spatial scale, providing locally relevant adaptation to impacts of climate change. This paper therefore advocates for the integration of IKS in programmes addressing adaptation to climate change and vulnerability. This will serve to ensure sustainable and relevant adaptation strategies.  相似文献   
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