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For lack of other widely available spatial information, topography is often used to predict water fluxes and water quality in mesoscale watersheds. Such data have however proven to be misleading in many environments where large and flat valley bottoms and/or highly conducive soil covers determine water storage and water transport mechanisms. Also, the focus is generally on the prediction of saturation areas regardless of whether they are connected to the catchment hydrographic network or rather present in isolated topographic depressions. Here soil information was coupled with terrain data towards the targeted prediction of connected saturated areas. The focus was on the 30 km2 Girnock catchment (Cairngorm Mountains, northeast Scotland) and its 3 km2 sub‐catchment, Bruntland Burn in which seven field surveys were done to capture actual maps of connected saturated areas in both dry and humid conditions. The 1 km2 resolution UK Hydrology of Soil Types (HOST) classification was used to extract relevant, spatially variable, soil parameters. Results show that connected saturated areas were fairly well predicted by wetness indices but only in wet conditions when they covered more than 30% of the whole catchment area. Geomorphic indices including information on terrain shape, steepness, aspect, soil texture and soil depth showed potential but generally performed poorly. Indices based on soil and topographic data did not have more predictive power than those based on topographic information only: this was attributed to the coarse resolution of the HOST classification. Nevertheless, analyses provided interesting insights into the scale‐dependent water storage and transport mechanisms in both study catchments. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
To date 19 cases of reservoir-induced seismicity have been acknowledged in China and 15 of them are associated with karst. The Wujiangdu case is a typical one induced in the karst area. The dam with a height of 165 m is the highest built in a karst area in China. Seismic activity has been successively induced in five reservoir segments seven months after the impoundment in 1979. A temporary seismic network consisting of 8 stations was set up in one of the segments some 40 km upstream from the dam. The results indicate that epicenters were distributed along the immediate banks, composed of karstified carbonate, and focal depths were only several hundred meters. Most of the focal mechanisms were of thrust and normal faulting. It is suggested that karst may be an important factor in inducing seismicity. It can provide an hydraulic connection to change the saturation and pressure and also weak planes for dislocation to induce seismicity.  相似文献   

This paper presents a viable approach for flood management strategy in a river basin based on the European Floods Directive. A reliable flood management plan has two components: (a) a proper flood management strategy, and (b) the determination of the flood-hazard areas. A method to evaluate the benefits of a flood warning system is presented herein, as well as a method to estimate the flood-hazard areas. Six factors were considered in order to estimate the spatial distribution of the hazardous areas: flow accumulation, slope, land use, rainfall intensity, geology and elevation. The study area was divided into five regions characterized by different degrees of flood hazard ranging from very low to very high. The produced map of flood-hazard areas identifies the areas and settlements at high risk of flooding. The proposed methodology can be applied to any river basin and here was applied to the Koiliaris River basin in Greece.

Citation Kourgialas, N. N. & Karatzas, G. P. (2011) Flood management and a GIS modelling method to assess flood-hazard areas—a case study. Hydrol. Sci. J. 56(2), 212–225.  相似文献   
We conduct the wave field separation of the gravity field for northern Henan Province and adjacent areas by the wavelet multi-scale decomposition method, and obtain multi-order gravity wavelet details and regional gravity field information. Then the Parker density surface inversion is used to invert the Moho interface. Based on the analysis of wavelet details in different orders and results of three seismic sounding profiles available in this area, we attempt to reveal the deep crustal structure of the study area. Research results show that the crustal structure is dominated by uneven density distribution accompanied by uplifts and depressions in the region with obvious heterogeneities of the density in horizontal and vertical directions. The gravity field characteristics in the middle-upper crust correspond to the surface topography, the lower crust is dominated by the large-scale high-low gravity anomalies, and several major depression basins show the characteristics of low velocity and low density. At the same time, the depth of the Moho interface changes greatly, which forms the block structure pattern of the regional crustal thickness. Among these features, the area with relatively large variations of the Moho is located in the transition zone of the basin to the Taihang Mountains, or exactly the Moho mutation belt. The Moho interface of the basin area as a whole is dominated by the uplift intertwined with local variations, of which the least and largest depths are 31km and 37km, respectively. Due to the gravity isostasy, the crustal thickness is larger(about 41km)in the northwest of the Taihang Mountains, with less average crustal density. In the study area, earthquakes tend to occur around the transition zone with density changes where the Moho is locally convex. The seismogenic mechanism may be associated with upwelling of upper mantle materials, low-velocity and low-density structures in the middle-lower crust and connection of deep large faults. Moreover, the deep large faults play a controlling role in the distribution of regional earthquakes.  相似文献   
朱鹤  刘家明 《地理研究》2018,37(12):2490-2502
随着乡村旅游的快速发展,传统乡村发生了巨大变化,尤其在山区地区,受自然环境、资源条件的影响,其乡村聚落的重构更具有独特性和典型性。采取深度访谈、全样本问卷调查、遥感影像解译与GIS分析等方法,以云丘山旅游景区中的两个自然村落为例,从微观尺度研究乡村聚落的多维重构过程,研究发现,在景区建设推动下,云丘山景区内两个村的“空间—经济—社会”三个维度均发生了重构:空间层次上,土地利用状况和三生空间的规模均发生变化,生产、生活空间减少,生态空间增加,空间格局上从“生活—生产—生态”的环状模式转变为生活、生产空间在生态空间中镶嵌的模式;经济层次上,村民的收入提升,生计模式发生改变,对旅游业的产业依赖度升高,传统生产模式改变;社会层次上,人口回流,劳动力显著增加,社会阶层的空间差异被打破,乡村组织方式逐渐向旅游生产方式上转变。乡村的“空间—经济—社会”多维重构之间存在相互影响关系,在景区旅游发展的推动下形成新的乡村地域系统。  相似文献   
尹君锋  石培基 《中国沙漠》2022,42(5):158-166
乡村振兴是实现城乡融合发展的重要路径,是国家继城乡统筹和新农村建设之后农村发展面临的又一重要创新和机遇。通过构建乡村振兴发展综合评价指标体系,从产业兴旺、生态宜居、乡风文明、治理有效、生活富裕五个维度对2019年甘肃省86个县域单元进行了评估。结果表明:甘肃省县域乡村振兴发展水平存在显著空间差异。不仅乡村振兴综合发展水平存在差异,分维度发展水平也存在较大差异。河西地区乡村振兴水平凸起明显,南部民族地区凹进严重。县域城市等级作用显著,区域振兴水平优劣不等,区域冷热点分布与地区经济社会发展趋势较为一致。甘肃省乡村振兴发展需要充分考虑自然环境条件及农村经济发展状况,因地制宜,依据当地实际情况制定详细化精准性政策促进区域乡村发展。  相似文献   
贵州乌蒙山区资源相对承载力的时空动态变化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
李旭东 《地理研究》2013,32(2):233-244
贵州乌蒙山区是国家划定的18片贫困区之一,随着人口增长和社会经济发展的加速,山区人地资源矛盾日趋突出,已严重阻碍了乌蒙山区社会经济的可持续发展。运用并改进了相对资源承载力的研究思路和计算方法,研究了1995~2006年贵州乌蒙山区自然资源、经济资源、生活水平的相对承载力和综合承载力的时空动态变化过程。对于认清和把握乌蒙山区资源承载力变化规律,完善山区资源环境承载力研究成果具有重要指导意义。研究表明:贵州乌蒙山区人口严重超载,而承载人口的主要资源为土地资源,经济资源和生活水平承载力偏低;相对资源承载力空间差异显著,绝大多数县域综合承载力均处于超载状态。  相似文献   
大兴安岭火烧迹地土壤动物生态地理分析   总被引:20,自引:2,他引:20  
不同恢复年份森林火烧迹地的土壤动物群落特征明显不同。火烧过后的前13年,大型土壤动物的种类和数量很少,特别是常见类群中的线蚓所占的比例很小,但运动能力较强的蜈蚣、蜘蛛等所占比例较高。火烧35年后,土壤中线蚓数量才逐渐增多并趋于稳定。中小型土壤动物中的原尾虫只出现在16年迹地和对比样地中,表明原尾虫确是稳定生境的指示动物。火烧过后,土壤环境中最先侵入的是运动能力较强的大型土壤动物,之后中小型土壤动物才逐渐得到恢复。火烧后67年是中小型土壤动物发展的盛期,随后土壤动物种类和数量开始减少并趋于稳定。火烧的强度对土壤动物群落的恢复有一定的影响,轻度火烧影响地区的土壤动物恢复较快,经过67年,土壤动物种类和数量能超过未受火烧影响的地区;而中、重度火烧地区,土壤动物恢复到正常水平则需要超过16年的更长的时间。  相似文献   
孙平军  宋伟  修春亮 《地理研究》2014,33(10):1837-1847
基于产业空间聚集分布情况探寻城市结构特征,是当前大都市区实证研究中的聚焦点所在,但由于方法论的限制而无法真正揭示产业地理集聚之间的内在关联性。基于已有研究基础,试图通过完善潜力模型、设置距离参数、结合主成分分析法实现对产业地理集聚测度方法论的完善与发展,并选取极具代表性大都市区核心城市——沈阳市为样本单元,以2008年的经济普查部门企业数据开展实证检验。结果表明:沈阳市部门企业之间除了交通运输、仓储和邮政中心产业属于地方化经济外,其余的均为企业关联;水利、环境和公共设施管理业产业依附于制造业呈临街抑或隔街集聚,而与公共管理和组织产业之间同街道集聚;支配主角之间,存在中心CBD主宰制造业的布局,而制造业又在很大程度上影响着交通运输、仓储和邮政中心的布局;企业地理集聚形成的城市结构依然是一个明显的“单中心圈层”结构,没有表现出“去中心化”抑或多极化或分散化演变趋势。研究成果与现实情况基本吻合,侧面说明该模式对揭示城市产业地理集聚模式以及由此形成的城市结构特征具有一定的解释力。  相似文献   
孙翊  钟章奇  徐程瑾  王铮 《地理科学》2015,35(9):1067-1076
基于SAM均衡建模方法,建立面向居民福利研究的中国动态多区域社会公平CGE政策模拟模型,对比分析自然情景、生产控制型减排政策情景和最优增长情景下的区域和居民福利变化。研究发现减排政策存在明显的增长率区域分异,这将破坏在自然增长下存在的区域收敛力,导致中国区域之间的差距再度被拉大。面向减排的投资控制政策短期对于居民收入的不利影响较小,但长期影响不容忽视,需要进行居民收入保护。由于城镇退休居民和农村劳动居民已经具备针对性的养老保障政策和“三农政策”保护收入增长,其总体福利受减排政策的冲击较小,因此缺乏相应政策支持的城镇劳动居民应该是收入保护的优先考虑群体。模拟显示减排政策更有利于代际和城乡人均收入差距的缩小,但考虑到减排带来的绝对收入水平下降,不能过于乐观估计这种差距缩小效应。  相似文献   
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