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This article presents a research study of complex limestone karst engineering-geological conditions in the municipality Valaská near Banská Bystrica in Slovakia. The aim of the study is to demonstrate the impossibility of spatial identification of cave spaces using surface geophysical methods due to the specific engineering-geological conditions of a thick surface layer of anthropogenic fill containing highly heterogeneous anthropogenic material. Its maximum thickness is 3 m. Another specificific condition of the study area is its location in the built-up area, due to which the applicability of geophysical methods was limited. The article contains methodological recommendations to be used in analogous geological conditions with karst structures topped with anthropogenic fill, which complicates the identification of cave spaces. The recommended solution herein is the identification of the cave system using underground mapping of the karst and its projection onto the surface for which surface geophysical methods have been combined.  相似文献   
为了深入认识济南岩溶泉水及地热水循环过程,本文以泰山北翼碳酸盐岩含水介质空间分布特征为研究出发点,分析其埋藏条件和连续性特征,并利用数理统计、空间插值、Piper三线图、概念模型等方法,结合水动力场、水化学场、水温度场和水年龄场“四场”分析,揭示区域地下水循环规律。结果表明:地表分水岭与齐广断裂、禹王山断裂、聊考断裂等深大断裂控制了泰山北翼地区岩溶含水介质空间展布,大致呈现由南向北埋藏深度逐渐增大的变化趋势,受马山断裂、东坞断裂、文祖断裂等次级断裂影响岩溶含水介质上下盘有不同错动,但东西展布仍具有较好连续性;区域地下水循环过程极其复杂,泰山岩群、寒武纪及奥陶纪各类含水岩组通过排泄 渗漏、断裂垂向径流、水平地下径流等形式发生水流交汇,并在山前局部地区与第四纪松散孔隙水产生水量交换,最终通过泉或人工开采形式排泄。区域地下水流具有统一的“四场”,并且呈现明显的水平与垂向分带特征,大致沿东阿断裂及其延长线—吴家堡—华山—章丘区—淄博磁村一线划分冷泉与地热水的分界线,以600 m、1000 m划分出浅、中、深循环深度分界线;冷泉以浅循环为主,中、深循环为辅,地下水矿化度、温度、年龄偏低,而地热水以中、深循环为主,浅循环为辅,地下水矿化度、温度、年龄偏大。不同含水介质水流具有一定内在关联,构成一个完整的岩溶水系统。  相似文献   
在岩溶地区,地下水的超强度开采与工业“三废”及生活废弃物不合理的排放,造成了地下水较严重的污染。用动态系统方法建立的地下水污染时间序列递推预测模型,在岩溶地下水环境质量预测与管理方面都具有指导意义。  相似文献   
Environmental and legal aspects of karst areas   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
 Environmental impacts on karst settings are common as they are more sensitive than those of other rock terrains. Regulatory procedures that are effective in other rock terrains are not necessarily applicable to karst settings. Development and exploitation by man that affect the karst hydrology regime can trigger catastrophic events and result in numerous legal actions where the effects of changes go beyond property boundaries. A great variety of regulations and examples of litigation exist for karst areas. Received: 25 October 1994 · Accepted: 17 October 1995  相似文献   
通过对流域内不同类型水取样分析,发现流经不同岩层的地下水具有不同的ρ(Sr2+)、ρ(Sr)/ρ(Ca)、ρ(Sr)/ρ(Mg)值.一般来说,流经砂岩层的基岩裂隙水ρ(Sr2+)低,而ρ(Sr)/ρ(Ca)、ρ(Sr)/ρ(Mg)值较高,当砂岩中的基岩裂隙水受到灰岩岩溶水或煤系地层水补给时,其ρ(Sr2+)、ρ( Sr...  相似文献   
罗小杰  罗程 《中国岩溶》2021,40(2):171-188
为了给岩溶地面塌陷预测、监测、防治和应急措施提供理论依据,全面总结了岩溶地面塌陷的发育规律,认为岩溶、土体和诱发因素是岩溶地面塌陷的三要素。岩溶为土体丧失提供通道和储藏空间。土的工程地质性质决定了土体塌陷方式:“黏土块”坍塌、砂颗粒漏失、软弱土流失;土体塌陷方式决定了土体塌陷机理;据土体塌陷方式提出了由“土洞型塌陷”“沙漏型塌陷”和“泥流型塌陷”构成的岩溶地面塌陷三机理理论:黏性土和密实砂性土层中,在外力作用下,土洞顶板拱效应失效而产生的地面塌陷现象称为土洞型塌陷;由于诱发因素的触发导致可溶岩上方松散砂层中砂颗粒漏失而产生的地面塌陷现象称为沙漏型塌陷;可溶岩上方软弱土体在外力作用下向可溶岩中流失而产生的地面塌陷现象称为泥流型塌陷。三机理理论关注土体塌陷方式,既解释了岩溶地面塌陷现象,更回答了土体“如何塌”的问题。诱发因素是塌陷的外部影响因素,不是塌陷机理的构成要素;诱发因素产生作用力;作用力改变土颗粒运动状态,使土颗粒由“静止→运动”,土体由“稳定→塌陷”。依据三机理理论,提出了岩溶地面塌陷综合地质预测方法,建立了基于三个塌陷机理的土体塌陷确定性预测模型,系统总结了岩溶地面塌陷监测、防治和应急措施方法,形成了从理论到实践的、完整的岩溶地面塌陷思想体系。  相似文献   
云南白牛厂银多金属矿区位于红河与南盘江两大水系分水岭东侧的德厚河水文地质单元的补给区,属红河流域。为确保矿山的安全高效开采,须对矿床的充水通道、充水因素等进行分析。通过对云南白牛厂银多金属矿进行水文地质条件调查,详细分析矿区的水文地质特征,认为矿区充水通道主要为矿区的构造破碎带;矿床充水因素主要为大气降水、地下水、地表水:地下水是矿床充水的主要水源,大气降水与地表水是矿床充水的影响因素;该矿床为顶板和地板直接充水的水文地质条件中等-复杂的岩溶裂隙含水层充水矿床。预测了矿山开采可能会遇到的危险(如雨季发生突水等),提出了防治措施及建议。  相似文献   
王建谱 《铀矿地质》1994,10(3):175-180
本文介绍了土壤样氦气测量方法勘查隐伏陷落柱及其找深部铀矿的简要原理和应用效果。通过对5个实例的氦异常特征研究,表明在陷落柱边缘及其中部氦含量变化明显;在隐伏铀矿体的垂直投影部位,地表有较好的氦异常。从而说明:用该法可为煤矿寻找隐伏的陷落柱,可以探测与成矿有关的岩溶塌陷构造,寻找铀矿及各种断裂构造,可以为各种受断裂控制的热液矿床指明远景地段,为勘探设计提供依据。  相似文献   
Dedolomitization is a common diagenetic process in shallow burial environments and is often associated with sulphates in mixed carbonate‐evaporite successions. In these settings, elevated Ca2+/Mg2+ ratios necessary for dedolomitization result from the dissolution of sulphate phases by the incursion of undersaturated groundwater. Reported dedolomite textures from other studies are varied, but the most prevalent is a rhombic texture interpreted to result from the partial to complete pseudomorphic replacement of secondary dolomite rhombs formed in the burial diagenetic realm. In this study of primary cryptocrystalline to finely crystalline dolomicrites in the Prairie Evaporite Formation of north‐eastern Alberta, dedolomitization has resulted in sutured to loosely packed mosaics of dedolomite that range from subhedral to distinctly euhedral (rhombic) crystal fabrics; however, no prior aggrading neomorphism producing dolomite rhombs is evident in the precursor dolomicrites. Non‐pseudomorphic dedolomitization of the dolomicrites results in textures that include rhombic dedolomite crystals with cloudy cores comprising remnant dolomicrite and clear rims. These textures are similar to those observed in the pseudomorphic dedolomitization of secondary dolomite rhombs. The Prairie Evaporite Formation of north‐eastern Alberta has experienced extensive karstification near the erosional margin of the sedimentary succession. Dedolomitization of dolomicrites occurs in marker beds within the Prairie Evaporite succession associated with evaporite karstification. Along with stratigraphic and petrographic considerations, stable isotope results support the interpretation of a shallow dedolomitization event influenced by meteoric waters derived from the basin margin. Negative δ 18O and low δ 13C values (averages of −13·6‰VPDB and 0·5‰VPDB, respectively) of the dedolomite, compared with those of the primary dolomicrite (averages of −6·0‰VPDB and 1·2‰VPDB, respectively), point to isotopically light diagenetic fluids. These results show that rhombic dedolomite textures can form through shallow, non‐pseudomorphic dedolomitization of dolomicrites by meteoric fluids in the presence of sulphates, with resulting textures that are similar to the pseudomorphic dedolomitization of secondary dolomite rhombs.  相似文献   
为了揭示不同发展模式下土地利用变化对碳储量的影响,以桂林市阳朔县兴坪镇西塘村的岩溶峰丛洼地为对象,采用InVEST模型对岩溶峰丛洼地的碳储量进行评估,并模拟2种情境(生态保护模式、经济发展模式)下植被类型对碳储量的影响。结果表明:研究区碳储量总量是16 641.68 t,碳密度是221.30 t·hm−2,经济总价值是1 997.00 万元,单位面积价值是26.56 万元·hm−2;人工林、自然林、经济林生态系统碳储量分别是339.38 t·hm−2、261.79 t·hm−2、150.34 t·hm−2,经济价值分别是40.72 万元·hm−2、31.42万元·hm−2、18.04万元·hm−2,且土壤碳储量是生态系统中最大碳库;自然林和经济林中土壤是最大的碳汇,而人工林中土壤和地上植被的碳汇较大;生态保护模式下研究区碳储量经济价值是2 252.14 万元,相比于现状增加了254.89 万元;经济发展模式下研究区碳储量经济价值是1 595.30 万元,相比于现状损失了401.95 万元。该研究成果为桂林漓江风景名胜区核心景区和桂林喀斯特世界自然遗产地确定未来发展模式和石漠化治理提供参考。  相似文献   
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