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Sanjiang and Jiaodong areas are the important gold regions in China. The gold mineralization is cor- related with the Mesozoic faults and its derivative faults in the granite or the contact zone between granite and base rock. The mineral mapping is one of the important approaches of prospecting mineralogy. The temporal and spatial band distribution of mineral, mineral combination and mineral typomorphism features are natural regularity rules, but this kind of band feature is sometimes hidden and thus in need of mineral typomorphism re- search and mapping to disclose this band feature and to serve for the prospecting of mineral. The changes of the mineral typomorphism feature are often embodied in the " through" mineral, the typomorphism features of the through mineral change like the gradient toward the ore body, and the changes of the features are most obvious and strongest toward the orebodies. The new American mineralogy mapping indicates the weak change of the mineral composition or structure will lead to the change of the shape and wave length position of the specific ab- sorbent feature. Australian experiment lab investigation has held the reason of a series of mineral. The progress achievement of the remote sensing and computer analysis technology now permits a direct comparison directly between the lab and remote sensing data, so the good feature database of the experiment light spectroscopy can serve for drawing of the spacial distribution and remote sensing material. Mineralogy mapping raised the exten- sive emphasis in the international earth arena.  相似文献   
近5年国际地球科学领域发展态势文献计量分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
史静  朱薇薇  王鑫  肖仙桃  刘振锋  王欢  柴新夏 《地质学报》2017,91(12):2881-2888
本文基于Web of Science平台,以SCI-E数据库2012~2016年地球科学领域各年度居前10%的高被引论文为统计分析源,从国际地球科学研究论文的总体概况、研究的主要国家和机构、研究热点等方面对近年来地球科学发展态势进行文献计量分析,旨在为相关管理部门了解地球科学研究发展态势提供参考。  相似文献   
山西国际旅游市场营销目标选择研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在梳理旅游市场营销目标选择方法的基础上,对原有竞争态模型进行扩展,分析山西省主体客源国的亲景度和市场发展指数,并基于两个指数的组合,建立旅游市场相对竞争态模型,将山西的主体客源国市场分为兴旺型、崛起型、成熟型和停滞型,并结合旅游市场绝对竞争格局,依据各类型市场的特征,确定山西省国际旅游市场的营销目标。  相似文献   
With intense urbanization and sustained population growth, securing food production with limited land sources has increasingly become a pressing issue. Based on an analysis of international cereal (i.e., barley, buckwheat, maize, oats, rice, rye, sorghum, soybean, and wheat) trade and differences in yields of the cereal between export and import countries over the period of 2007 to 2011, we explore the great potential of land saving through the international cereal trade. By ‘land saving’, we refer to the reduced global total of lands required to produce a necessary amount of cereal when cereal is exported from a country with relatively large yield of the cereal to a country with relatively small yield of the cereal. Our scenario analysis suggests that international cereal trade would help mitigate the shortage of domestic arable land for many island countries (e.g., Japan) and countries in the arid Middle East and North Africa (e.g., Syria and Morocco). Furthermore, international cereal trade has the potential to generate ‘land saving’ of 50,092,284 ha of land per year, which is roughly the size of Spain. Drawing upon the definition of a similar concept — virtual water (Hoekstra and Hung 2002), we define virtual land as the area of land resources used for the production of goods. Through introducing the concept of virtual land, we believe land resources that are traditionally considered as stationary resources can flow with anthropogenic socioeconomic activities. The largest virtual-land flows (> 3,000,000 ha/year) exist between the United States (US) to China, Brazil to China, the US to Japan, the US to Mexico, and Argentina to China. However, not all virtual-land flows necessarily result in land saving. Thus, more endeavors are needed to plan the virtual-land flows for a larger land saving at the global scale.  相似文献   
Financial services are undergoing a major period of internationalization. National markets are interlinked by telecommunications, a process induced through deregulation and new communications technologies. This paper reviews the recent, intertwined trends in the finance and telecommunications industries in light of urban and regional restructuring theory, cites several company-specific examples, explores the impacts on the international urban hierarchy and the labor process (e.g., back offices), and assesses the role of teleports. Finally, it offers an agenda for further research.  相似文献   
从国际司法判例和国际海洋法看中日海洋区域的划界   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
《联合国海洋法公约》规定,海洋划界争端应在有关国际法的基础上,以和平的方式加以解决,中、日两国的海洋介应该按照国际法的规定,找到适合两国情况的比较公平的原则和方法。  相似文献   
在旅游场景中,旅游交往与凝视无处不在。国际游客来华旅行,接触普通的中国游客、百姓,在最生活化的凝视中强化对中国社会、生活、文明各个方面的认知。本研究以中国最知名的山水实景演出——"印象·刘三姐",为研究场景,以国际游客的自由评论为数据来源,利用Leximancer分析国际游客的"印象·刘三姐"观看体验。研究表明,东道主与在场观众的互动是国际游客体验的重要部分。进一步分析发现,国际游客对演出感到满意,对东道主(当地农民、渔民)的表演大加赞赏。可是,不少国际游客对在场的部分中国游客行为,特别是观演礼仪,感到不满。本研究对旅游资源开发、游客教育、塑造公民文明旅游行为起一定的借鉴意义。  相似文献   
赵昭  张朝枝 《热带地理》2018,38(5):707-716
中国数量众多的租界本质是殖民统治时期的空间遗存,但随着时间的推移,一些历史背景已经被遗忘。以广州沙面为例,利用情感量表问卷对具备不同历史知识的340个样本进行认知与情感体验评价,探索历史背景认知对旅游者情感体验的作用与情感体验差异的产生原因。研究发现:1)愉悦、目标一致性与新奇/确定决定积极情感,自我投入决定消极情感;2)接受沙面历史背景介绍的旅游者情感体验更消极,认知评价具有显著差异。殖民历史背景认知通过降低旅游者的愉悦、目标一致性,减弱积极情感欢乐、喜爱,提升自我投入从而增强消极情感气愤、悲伤、畏惧;3)殖民历史认知是否导致情感体验趋于消极由个体的评价所决定。历史背景知识为旅游者带来深入旅游体验的同时不会影响旅游追求愉悦的本质,这为殖民遗产旅游的展示与管理带来新的启示。  相似文献   
进一步认识地球、关注地球发展规律, 保护人类共同家园已成为世界各国政府的共识。共同发展地球观测技术, 提高对地观测能力成为新世纪世界各国的共同要求。2003年发起, 2005年由欧盟组织的地球观测部长级峰会上通过了全球综合地球观测系统(Global Earth Observation System of Systems, GEOSS)十年执行计划, 构成了世界范围内地球观测领域国际科技合作的主流。中国地球观测领域呈现出快速发展的趋势, 并提出了该领域的全球性发展战略, 预示着中国将在国际地球观测领域发挥越来越重要的作用。文章介绍了中国地球观测领域发展现状和趋势, 在分析中国参与全球地球观测领域国际合作现状及目前存在问题的基础上, 提出进一步促进中国参与该领域国际合作, 为中国乃至国际社会发展做出重要贡献的建议。  相似文献   
世界大洋底蕴藏着丰富的金属矿产资源,其所含的锰、钴、镍、稀土等矿产是陆地含量的数十倍乃至数百倍或更高,因此是未来矿产资源的接替区。本文介绍了世界大洋多金属结核、富钴结壳、多金属硫化物及深海稀土等资源现状、分布及潜力,分析总结了21世纪以来国际海底区金属矿产勘查合同现状,并介绍了俄罗斯、巴布亚新几内亚、日本、中国等国家在其专属经济区内进行多金属结核、多金属硫化物开采实验的情况。由于世界大洋金属矿产资源丰富,潜力巨大,其勘查开发日益受到世界各国的重视,国际海底勘探合同不断增加,商业开发提上日程,但国际海底区的金属矿产资源开发仍面临技术、规章、环境等方面的制约和挑战。  相似文献   
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