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Public concern about earthquakes linked to wastewater injection from fracking operations is rising. However, few have examined how “induced seismicity” is acted upon by state officials. For some, an incremental response to smaller quakes can be viewed as an acceptable risk policy orientation because of the sizeable economic benefits that accompany drilling activities while others prefer risk mitigation policies (such as the use of “threshold policies”) as a better way to address quake-related problems. To account for state response to induced seismicity impacts, we examine three factors: the emergence of quakes as focusing events, the economic importance of oil and gas to state jobs and revenue, and selected characteristics of earthquakes as a policy issue, i.e., complexity and categorical precedence. Using information drawn from documentary sources, we consider which factors are most helpful in accounting for agency decisions aimed at reducing seismic risks linked to nearby injection wells.  相似文献   
黄颖敏  薛德升  黄耿志 《地理科学》2017,37(12):1831-1840
21世纪初,在对非正规经济研究的二元主义、新马克思主义和新自由主义理论解释基础上,出现了批判管治主义理论,重点关注国家权力与制度对非正规性产生的影响。基于该视角,以东莞市长安镇为例,运用质性研究方法,分析了改革开放先行区的珠江三角洲,其基层非正规土地利用实践的产生、表现及其与制度创新之间的关系。研究发现:改革开放以来,在国家土地制度缺失、正规土地管理制度颁布和实施阶段,以及省级政府主导的土地制度创新阶段,非正规土地利用实践经历了被政府鼓励、包容和默许及正规化的过程。部分非正规土地利用实践成为制度创新的根源。土地制度的演变经历了由乡村基层“自下而上”式向地方政府“自上而下”式推动的转变,在演变过程中具有非正规性特征,并服务于各个时期的城市与经济发展需求。未来的研究中,应更多的关注“自下而上”的制度创新和地方实践。  相似文献   
Near real-time quantitative precipitation estimates are required for many applications including weather forecasting, flood forecasting, crop management, forest fire prevention, hydropower production, and dam safety. Since April 2011, such a product has been available from Environment and Climate Change Canada for a domain covering all North America. This product, known as the Regional Deterministic Precipitation Analysis, is generated using the Canadian Precipitation Analysis (CaPA) system. Although it was designed for near real-time use, an archive of pre-operational and operational products going back to 2002 is now available and has been used in numerous studies. This paper presents a review of the various scientific publications that have reported either using or evaluating CaPA products. We find that the product is used with success both for scientific studies and operational applications and compares well with other precipitation datasets. We summarize the strengths and weaknesses of the system as reported in the literature. We also provide users with information on how the system works, how it has changed over time, and how the archived and near real-time analyses can be accessed and used. We finally briefly report on recent and upcoming improvements to the product based, in part, on the results of this literature review.  相似文献   
近30年来国外国家公园研究进展与启示   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
国家公园是自然保护和旅游研究领域的重要内容之一。本文以Web of Science数据库收录的近30年国外国家公园相关文献为基础,对筛选的451篇英文文献运用可视化软件CitespaceⅢ及系统综述的方法,从资源评估、环境影响、发展模式、规划、运营管理5个方面对国外国家公园研究主要内容进行述评,并对研究方法进行系统分析。最后,从国家公园立法、发展模式构建、管理内容与方法、社区参与模式与机制、环境监测与评估5个方面提出未来中国国家公园的研究方向。总体上看,国外有关国家公园的研究具有研究对象复杂、视角多元、方法综合的特征。在构建国家公园体制的大背景下,借鉴国际经验构建中国国家公园研究体系将对完善中国保护地相关研究、指导国家公园建设具有重要意义。  相似文献   
国外教育地理研究回顾与借鉴   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
教育地理研究作为地理学和教育学的交叉研究出现于20世纪中叶,早期教育地理研究主要是借助地理学的视角和工具解决教育的空间问题,包括教育规划、教育土地利用、学校选择以及与居住地相关的教育机会和结果差异等;1990年代以来的教育地理研究注重从社会空间的角度来解析教育,关注教育与社会、经济、政治和文化等的内在联系,并建立起了以尺度为框架的研究体系。在最初的研究中,教育空间被当作既定的客观空间;1990年代以来,受社会科学空间转向的影响,教育空间被看成是与经济、社会、文化、政治等相互塑造的空间。当前,教育地理研究已经建立起了知识体系和研究框架,研究尺度包括微观(学习者、学习空间、学校与社区等)、中观(区域、国家等)和宏观(国际)的空间尺度研究,教育地理的研究范围得到扩展。国内教育地理研究可以从不同尺度上加强空间的研究以及空间之间的联系讨论,扩展非正式教育这一广阔的领域,加强教育公平的社会空间解释。  相似文献   
回顾了改革开放以来不同时期制度变迁及其对城乡发展差距的影响。采用30年省际动态面板数据,实证分析了制度演变与城乡发展差距的关系,发现了省域城乡发展差距由沿海向内陆逐级扩大的阶梯状分布规律。政府财政支农制度、乡镇非农产业发展制度均能有效促进农村地区发展,有助于缩小城乡发展差距。然而,户籍制度的存在制约了城乡一体化发展,随着经济发展的不断深入,户籍制度对农村发展的束缚作用开始显现并逐渐加强。未发现农产品价格体系改革对城乡发展差距的影响。在不同时期、不同区域(东部、中部、西部省份),制度演变对省域城乡发展差距的影响具有差异性。针对快速城镇化过程中出现的城进村退问题,建议继续强化对落后地区的支农惠农政策,加大对乡镇工业、服务业的扶持力度,深化户籍制度改革,加快构筑村镇建设格局,为促进城乡互动发展搭建平台。  相似文献   
高精度曲面建模方法(HASM)作为新一代的曲面模拟方法,经过20多年的发展,其理论体系不断完善,算法体系不断丰富,应用领域不断拓广。然而,目前HASM方法尚未建立科学的分类体系,仅依据求解算法为标准进行简单区分,忽视了HASM所研究问题本质上的差异,阻碍了HASM方法在相关领域的进一步应用。为此,本文在总结HASM方法发展过程的基础上,按照研究问题的本质特点,以输入数据的类型为依据,将HASM分为空间插值方法和空间数据融合方法。其中,HASM空间插值方法是根据离散采样点得到目标曲面,而HASM空间数据融合方法则是融合多源数据,并综合各个数据源优势而得到新曲面的过程。该分类科学、合理,为今后HASM方法的进一步应用提供了理论指导。最后本文叙述了应用两种HASM方法求解问题时的一般步骤,同时还对两种方法的发展前景进行了展望。  相似文献   
高原多年冻土地区公路修筑技术研究的回顾与展望   总被引:11,自引:6,他引:5  
章金钊  武敬民 《冰川冻土》1999,21(2):187-191
通过大量的研究课题实例,回顾了高原多年冻土地区公路修筑技术研究的各个历史阶段,综述了公路修筑技术的研究内容和成果。高含冰量冻土分布规律及工程地质研究、冻土路基设计与冻土路基变形规律研究及保持冻土路基稳定性的路基设计原则和工程措施研究、路面修筑技术研究、桥涵基础研究等。随着高原多年冻土地区公路路面等级的提高和路面使用时间的延续及人为因素的不良影响,高原多年冻土地区的公路路基、路面和桥涵等出现了一些新  相似文献   
中国冰川温度研究40年回顾与建议   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
黄茂桓 《冰川冻土》1999,21(4):310-316
Many temperature measurements have been made on 29 glaciers in China since 1959. The regional thermal features of glaciers are now revealed. It is distinguished that there are three categories of temperature distribution in China, i.e., cold, temperate and polythermal. Temperate glaciers are located in the southeastern Tibetan Plateau. The heat conduction in the surface layer and the heat transfer within a glacier can be quantitatively described. Two-dimensional temperature distributions are gained for the Glacier No.1 at the headwaters of the Urumqi River in the Tianshan Mountains and for the Chongce Ice Cap in the West Kunlun Mountains. Geothermal flux is derived from measurements down to or closed to the bottom. The Tibetan Plateau is an area with high geothermal flux. The author suggests to measure more ice temperature by using the boreholes for extracting ice core, however, there is no need to repeatedly measure the temperature within the near-surface layer.  相似文献   
Mount Pinatubo volcano erupted in June 1991 in the main island of Luzon belonging to the Philippines archipelago. Huge economic losses and population exodus have followed. This major crisis has been relayed with other crises due to rain-fed lahars which have been supplied with eruption deposits. These lahars have occurred every year since 1991 during the rainy season. They will probably last until 2005. After a brief presentation of the Philippine official response system to disasters, this paper draws up a critical analysis of the different kinds of institutional and social responses deployed to manage the different crisis and post-crisis phases of this event. Based on three viewpoints: from population, media and other actors, this analysis attempts to point out the strengths and weaknesses of the official management system, especially by studying the efficiency and the range of the solutions taken. So, it appears that the management of the June 1991 main crisis (eruption) was a success. On the other hand, difficulties have occurred with lahars risk management. Indeed, these lahars have obliged the authorities to protect and relocate thousands of people. In spite of persistent problems, the management system (monitoring/warning/evacuation) of lahar crises improves year after year. Failures appear especially within the rehabilitation program (protection/rehousing). Many direct (lack of means, preparedness, coordination, dialog, etc.) and indirect (politico-administrative, socio-economic, cultural contexts) factors come together to lock the wheels of the institutional response system. They defer the socio-economic start of this vital northern Philippines area. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   
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