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The total suspended particulate (TSP) levels at Delhi (north India) were measured on 116 days between February and October 1980. The observations were stratified according to season and the values of cross-correlation of the TSP and its components were evaluated. High TSP (209 g m-3) levels were found during the summer period associated with hot and dry weather in the region and low TSP (109 g m-3) were found during the monsoon period. Most of the TSP mass was associated with natural soil elements, such as Fe, Al, Mn, Ca, and K. Only a fraction of the mass of the TSP was comprised of elements from anthropogenic sources, e.g., Pb, Ni, Cd, Sb, Cu, and Zn. The aerosols at Delhi were potentially basic in nature, unlike those in European countries which are acidic in nature and cause acid rainfall.  相似文献   
本研究以取暖期和停暖后北京市主要功能区及郊区的可吸入大气颗粒物为研究对象,重点对比了市区与郊区、市区内不同功能区的PM10、PM25的浓度分布特征以及重金属元素Pb在其中的浓度分布特征。结果表明:可吸入大气颗粒物的浓度在取暖期间远高于停暖后的浓度,雾霾天气时可吸入大气颗粒物的浓度是非雾霾时的174~256倍。取暖期间,Pb在PM10中的浓度明显远高于PM25中的浓度,北京市区内Pb浓度较郊区要高,尤其是建材厂区可吸入大气颗粒物中的Pb浓度最高,商业区次之;停暖后,Pb在PM10和PM25中的浓度相当,建材厂区可吸入大气颗粒物中Pb浓度依然是功能区中最高的,但整体上郊区可吸入大气颗粒物中Pb的浓度和市区相差不大。对比分析2007年和2013年的数据,可以估算出,可吸入大气颗粒物PM10中Pb的浓度以每年978%的速度在增长,PM25中Pb的浓度以每年1145%的速度在增长。因此,北京市可吸入大气颗粒物中Pb的增长问题应引起相关部门的重视。  相似文献   
Asian dust storm (ADS) samples were collected on March 20,2002 in Beijing,China. High-resolution field emission scanning electron microscopy with energy dispersive X-ray detector (FESEM-EDX) and X-ray diffraction (XRD) were used to study the morphology,chemical compositions,number-size dis-tributions and mineralogical compositions of ADS particles. The mineral particles were major compo-nents in the ADS samples,accounting for 94% by number. The XRD analysis indicated that the dust particles were dominated by clay (40.3%),and quartz (19.5%),followed by plagioclase (8.4%),calcite (7.5%),K-feldspar (1.5%),hematite (0.9%),pyrite (0.9%),hornblende (0.4%) and gypsum (0.3%),with a certain amount of noncrystalline materials (20.3%). Clay minerals were mainly illite/smectite mixed lay-ers (78%),followed by illite (9%),kaolinite (6%),and chlorite (7%). In addition to these main minerals,FESEM-EDX also detected some trace minerals,such as dolomite,pyrite,thenardite,as well as heavy minerals represented by rutile,ilmenite and apatite. The mineralogical compositions of the 2002-03-20 Asian dust storm and the Saharan dust plumes were similar but the clay mineralogy showed a great distinction,with the illite/smectite mixed layers being common in the Asian dust storm but illite being common in the Saharan dust plumes.  相似文献   
选取我国四大矿区主产地的温石棉,制备成粒径小于10μm的可吸入纤维,采用非暴露式气管滴注法染毒Wistar雄性大鼠,分别于1、3及6个月时称重并处死,迅速分离肺组织,观察肺形态并称量,计算肺脏器系数,并采用HE染色法利用光学显微镜观察肺组织病理改变,RT-PCR法测定p53、p16基因表达,探讨我国温石棉可吸入纤维的生物安全性。结果表明,四大主矿区的温石棉纤维粒度基本小于10μm,符合可吸入纤维粉尘标准,研磨前后纤维粉尘的结构和活性基团无破坏;染毒组Wistar大鼠体重明显减轻,肺重量显著增加,肺脏器系数变大;染毒组Wistar大鼠肺组织发生严重病理改变,出现不同程度的充血、水肿、炎性细胞浸润和纤维增生;染毒组Wistar大鼠肺p53、p16基因表达均降低。综合以上结果,发现我国四大主矿区温石棉的可吸入纤维粉尘均对Wistar大鼠肺组织呈不同程度和方式损伤。随着染毒时间延长,Wistar大鼠肺组织的抑癌基因p53、p16表达显著降低,推测我国四大矿区温石棉的可吸入纤维粉尘具有致肺癌的风险。  相似文献   
利用银川市1983-1987年常规环境监测资料,系统分析了银川市大气可吸入颗粒物IPM的质量浓度特征。结果表明,银川市大气中PM2.5占IPM的比例,冬季采暖期明显高于春季风沙期和非采暖期;城市各功能区在春季、夏秋季和冬季,其IPM质量浓度谱均在0.58μm处出现峰值;冬季IPM中约有50%以上来自PM2.5的贡献,说明冬季燃煤采暖是细粒子的重要排放源之一,是细粒子污染最严重的季节;不同李节各功能区IPM谱分布出现多个峰值,是来自不同模态粒子相互作用的结果;春季风沙期、夏秋季非采暖期IPM的质量中值直径D均大于冬季;而冬季采暖期σg。最小,说明该季节颗粒物分散程度最小。  相似文献   
海口市PM_(10)、PM_(2.5)和PM_1质量浓度的变化特征分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用2013年在海口市气象局地面气象观测站采集的PM10、PM2.5和PM1质量浓度数据,分析了2013年可吸入颗粒物质量浓度的变化特征,并对其成因进行了初步分析。结果表明:2013年海口市PM10、PM2.5和PM1质量浓度的变化趋势基本相同,PM10、PM2.5质量浓度的超标率低,达到一级标准的概率分别为74.0%和68.8%,超过2级标准的天数分别为1和9 d,ρ(PM2.5)/ρ(PM10)与ρ(PM1)/ρ(PM2.5)的比例平均分别为78.1%和85.1%;海口PM10、PM2.5和PM1质量浓度冬季最高,夏季最低,春、秋两季处于冬夏之间;PM10、PM2.5和PM1质量浓度的日变化呈双峰现象,一个峰出现在上午,一个峰出现在夜间;颗粒物质量浓度的变化主要受到气象条件和污染物排放的影响。  相似文献   
以美国EPA TO-13A标准为基础,研究了气相色谱-质谱法测定大气颗粒物中18种多环芳烃(PAHs)的分析方法,对内标的选择、数据稳定性进行了探讨,对替代物回收率进行统计分析。从内标物和目标化合物的响应衰减相关性、响应因子等确定了各化合物的内标物,BghiP、DBahA、IP、COR的内标物由EPA方法TO-13A中的d10-AC改为d10-PYL,并考查了7天内测试数据的稳定性和365件分析样中替代物回收率。该分析方法的仪器检出限为8~12 pg,目标化合物日常校准测定平均误差为-11.21%~12.12%,相对标准偏差(RSD,n=7)为4.12%~14.27%。替代物的回收率为64.35%~127.94%,平均回收率为76.95%~79.71%,相对标准偏差(RSD,n=365)为7.15%~9.66%。方法数据的稳定性有较大的提高,替代物的回收率等参数符合美国EPA要求,可用于批量或连续分析大气颗粒物中的18种PAHs。  相似文献   
We describe a remote sensing and geographic information system (GIS)-based study that has three objectives: (1) characterize fine particulate matter (PM2.5), insolation and land surface temperature (LST) using NASA satellite observations, Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) ground-level monitor data and North American Land Data Assimilation System (NLDAS) data products on a national scale; (2) link these data with public health data from the REasons for Geographic And Racial Differences in Stroke (REGARDS) national cohort study to determine whether these environmental risk factors are related to cognitive decline, stroke and other health outcomes and (3) disseminate the environmental datasets and public health linkage analyses to end users for decision-making through the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Wide-ranging Online Data for Epidemiologic Research (WONDER) system. This study directly addresses a public health focus of the NASA Applied Sciences Program, utilization of Earth Sciences products, by addressing issues of environmental health to enhance public health decision-making.  相似文献   
南沙珊瑚礁生态系中元素的垂直转移途径   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
于1993年和1994年用沉积物捕捉器采集南沙永暑礁和渚碧礁内的沉降颗粒物,用中子活化法分析元素的含量并计算通量,通过对生源要素的统计相关分析,垂直沉降颗粒物中的元素人,非生源要素在泻湖中的停留时间的探讨,研究了南沙珊瑚礁生态系中元素的垂直转移途径,结果表明,在南沙珊胡礁泻湖中元素的停留时间较海水中短,元素的循环速率高,且尤以与生物作用有关的元素为甚;颗粒物中非生源要素的垂直转移主要是通过生物过程  相似文献   
崔娟  王浩  刘杰  王越  卢立栋  陈洁 《中国沙漠》2021,41(2):59-66
基于2013-2018年榆林市沙尘天气和环境空气质量逐日数据,定量分析了沙尘天气对榆林市空气质量指数(AQI)、可吸入颗粒物(PM10)和细颗粒物(PM2.5)的绝对贡献和相对贡献率.结果表明:沙尘天气对榆林市AQI的贡献率为0.7%-11.1%(平均值±标准差6.4%±3.8%);对PM10的绝对贡献为 1.0-13...  相似文献   
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