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依据信息安全等级保护有关政策和标准,结合费县国土资源局信息化建设中涉密计算机管理工作实际,探讨如何从计算机信息输入和输出2个方面有效预防计算机失窃密。从计算机身份认证与访问控制、网口、UBS口电磁辐射,办公设备5个方面分析泄密隐患,并提出相应的应对措施,强调了在国土资源系统涉密计算机管理方面要加强保密意识,提高防范技能。  相似文献   
In this paper a spatially distributed model of the hillslope sediment delivery processes, named the sediment delivery distributed (SEDD) model, is initially reviewed; the model takes into account the sediment delivery processes due to both the hillslope sediment transport and the effects of slope curvature. Then the rainfall and sediment yield events measured at the experimental SPA2 basin, in Sicily, are used both to calibrate the SEDD model and to verify the predictive capability of the distributed sediment delivery approach at event scale. For the SPA2 basin discretized into morphological units and stream tubes, the SEDD model is calibrated at event scale using the measurements carried out at the outlet of the experimental basin in the period December 2000–January 2001. The model calibration is used to determine a relationship useful for estimating the unique coefficient βe of the model by rainfall erosivity factor Re at event scale. To test the predictive capability of the βe = f(Re) relationship, 20 events measured in the period September 2002–December 2005 are used; the comparison between measured sediment yield values and calculated ones for all monitored events shows that the sediment delivery distributed approach has a good predictive ability at event scale. The analysis also shows that estimating βe by the relationship βe = f(Re) gives a better agreement between measured and calculated sediment yields than obtained with the median value βe,m of all 27 calculated βe values. Finally the analysis at annual scale, for the period 2000–2005, allows the estimation of the median value βa,m representative of the annual behaviour. This analysis shows that the sediment delivery distributed approach also has a good predictive ability at annual scale. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
The behaviour of suspended sediment in rivers is often a function of energy conditions, i.e. sediment is stored at low flow and transported under high discharge conditions. The timing of maximum sediment transport can, however, also be related to mixing and routing of water and sediment from different sources. In this study suspended sediment transport was studied in the River Rhine between Kaub and the German–Dutch border. As concentrations decrease over a runoff season and as the relationship between water discharge and suspended sediment concentrations during most floods is characterized by clockwise hysteresis, it is concluded that sediment depletion occurs during a hydrological year and during individual floods. However, analyses of the sediment contribution from the River Mosel indicate that clockwise hysteresis may result from sediment depletion as well as from early sediment supply from a tributary. Thus, although the suspended sediment behaviour in the downstream part of the River Rhine is partly a transport phenomenon related to energy conditions, mixing and routing of water from different sources also plays an important role. Suspended sediment transport during floods was modelled using a ‘supply‐based’ model. Addition of a sediment supply term to the sediment rating curve leads to a model that produces better estimates of instantaneous suspended sediment concentrations during high discharge events. A major constriction of the model is that it cannot be used to predict suspended sediment concentrations as long as the amount of sediment in storage and the timing of sediment supply are unknown. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
21世纪人地关系研究前瞻   总被引:56,自引:8,他引:56  
郑度 《地理研究》2002,21(1):9-13
人地关系包括人对自然的依赖性和人的能动地位 ,人与自然关系的内涵随着人类社会的发展而发生变化。人地关系研究是近代地理学发展的基础 ,地理学中流行的环境决定论、可能论、文化景观学和人类生态学等都是聚焦于人地关系研究的不同学派。地球系统科学领域的研究重心是揭示人与自然的相互作用及所应采取的对策。信息时代人地关系的特征与工业时代有较大差别。人与自然的作用方式和强度将有显著不同 ,人类将全面系统地深化对自然的认识 ,人类活动空间将发生巨大变化 ,时空观念正在发生转变。知识与科技的作用 ,正成为社会经济发展的主要驱动力。由于地球的整体性和地球各圈层的相互作用 ,许多全球环境问题成为世界各国和社会公众关切的热点。人地关系研究的重要前沿领域包括 :全球环境变化及其区域响应 ,区域可持续发展及人地关系机理调控 ,社会生态与环境伦理研究与体系构建  相似文献   
空间分析与自然地理综合研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
通过对空间分析技术和自然地理综合研究发展历程与趋势的分析,得出两个结论:1)现代地理学的快速发展越来越离不开空间分析的支撑,即空间分析技术在地理学中的应用空间愈来愈广,在自然地理综合研究中尤为如此,其主要原因就是空间分析在综合研究中的优势愈来愈明显;2)空间分析技术随其理论与实践的迅速发展及逐步拓展,愈来愈成为自然地理学发展的巨大推动力,也越来越离不开自然地理综合研究这个促使其发展壮大的空间和能发挥其主导作用的领域。空间分析技术和自然地理综合研究的结合已经成为现代自然地理学以及地球空间信息学研究的主要发展趋势之一。  相似文献   
以地震信息上报系统为例,从多源数据类型、数据库构建和信息服务平台建设等方面入手,剖析了多源空间数据整合存在的诸多问题,并给出相关解决方案。结果表明,多源空间数据的整合与挖掘提高了数据可视性和利用率,从而使地震数据更好地服务于地震科研预报与应急决策。  相似文献   
The paper considers the development of initially straight, steep rock cliffs, bounded above and below by horizontal surfaces, in which basal debris removal is zero and degradation occurs by the weathering away of fine debris from the cliff face to form a scree at its foot. Of the slope degradation models available, the two earliest and simplest, namely the Fisher–Lehmann and the Bakker–Le Heux models, are regarded as most relevant and are briefly summarized. The main purpose of the paper is to check the predictions of these models, particularly with regard to the shape of the rock surface buried beneath the scree, against field data. Such data are sparse. It is concluded that the best field case currently available, despite its small scale, is that provided by the 1·75 m deep ditch which forms part of the experimental earthwork in the chalk on Overton Down, Wiltshire. The predictions of the two models are checked against field measurements made of the stage of degradation reached on each face of the ditch by July 1968, eight years after its excavation. These stages were influenced to different degrees by the presence of a surface turf layer. For the NE face, where this influence was least, the agreement of the predictions of the Fisher–Lehmann model with the actual rock profile is excellent and that of the Bakker–Le Heux model only marginally less so. For the SW face, as expected, the agreements are somewhat less close. These results may be to some extent fortuitous because of the influence of the turves and because the scree slopes tend to be concave rather than rectilinear, as assumed. Also, the free faces decline with time in a manner intermediate between those assumed in the two models. Larger scale field checks are clearly desirable before firm general conclusions can be drawn. Rates of crest recession for the Overton Down ditch are logarithmic with time after a very rapid initial phase. Extrapolation from the early phase of this logarithmic behaviour leads to a close estimate of the time needed for the slope to develop fully. The associated ultimate crest recession is also closely predicted by equations derived from both models. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
遵义市海龙坝地下水水质评价与预测的GIS系统是以遵义市海龙坝地下水水质评价与预测为研究对象.介绍了基于GIS的地下水水质评价及预测系统的总体设计以及系统实现的功能。并以模糊综合评判模型为例,详细阐述了地下水水质评价与预测系统所实现的评价和预测功能。  相似文献   
本文基于非线性半参数模型最小二乘核估计的迭代解法,证明了非线性半参数模型最小二乘类估计法方程系数阵在一定条件下的非奇异性。这种性质可类推到非线性半参数模型的其他最小二乘类估计方法和其他非线性解算方法,这是对非线性半参数模型估计理论的初步推导。  相似文献   
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