Historical studies of the influence of imperialism and colonialism on climate science have yet to be brought together into a critical synthesis. This advanced review offers a critical overview of the key themes of this literature with the primary intention of enabling historians and other scholars to recognize, specify, and acknowledge the roles of imperial and colonial processes in shaping scientific framings of climate. Following a brief overview of debates in older literature over the significance of imperialism and colonialism in climate sciences, the article investigates the wealth of recent scholarship that demonstrates specific and diverse connections between empires and climate science. Major features of this scholarship include: the role and the erasure of Indigenous and local knowledge; imperial climate infrastructures and visions; and climate data and theories in land empires as well as in informal empires and neocolonial settings. Through critically engaging these themes, the article seeks to help historians identify avenues for future research. This article is categorized under:
Climate, History, Society, Culture > World Historical Perspectives
Climate, History, Society, Culture > Ideas and Knowledge
The Social Status of Climate Change Knowledge > Sociology/Anthropology of Climate Knowledge
系统地探明海岸带遥感的研究现状和发展趋势,对于应对海岸带地区面临的生态系统功能下降、自然岸线损失、水质恶化等问题具有至关重要的意义。为了充分明晰海岸带遥感研究现状及发展趋势,本文以“海岸带遥感”为主题,基于Web of Science数据库,筛选出1990—2019年发表的相关文献共6 083篇;从论文发表基本情况、科研合作和研究内容聚焦及主题演变方面进行了较为系统的文献计量评价和知识图谱分析。在文献发表基本情况方面,1990—2019年间海岸带遥感发文量呈现较为稳定的上升趋势;区域性特征明显,主要集中于各大洲沿海地区,发达国家在该领域的研究中占据主流地位;Remote Sensing of Environment是该领域刊文量最高的期刊,且具有最高的影响因子;美国、中国科学院和Hu C M分别为发文量最高的国家、机构和作者;根据H指数的分析结果,相关科研成果的学术影响力仍有待进一步提升。在科研合作方面,美、英等发达国家之间形成了较为紧密的合作网络;虽然中国科学院是发文量最大的科研机构,但是中介中心性仅为0.09,低于美国国家航空航天局(0.16)和美国国家海洋与大气管理局(0.12)... 相似文献