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基于阿拉斯加湾(Gulf of Alaska, GOA)2002—2020年的Argo浮标数据,本研究分析了该海湾逆温现象的时空变化特征,并探讨其年际变化与水体垂向位温异常的联系。结果显示,阿拉斯加湾逆温现象存在明显的时空变化。空间上,逆温幅度(ΔT)在湾北部最大,湾东南部次之,湾西南部最弱。逆温厚度(ΔD)在湾西南部最厚,湾北部和东南部依次变薄。在季节尺度上,湾北部逆温现象的季节变化最明显,冬季ΔT最大和ΔD最厚,随季节性的加热和混合作用,ΔT持续减弱,ΔD不断变薄。在湾东南部,ΔT分别在3月和9月具有0.46、0.40℃的峰值;ΔD在整个海湾中最薄,冬季最大为44 m,而秋季最小仅为23 m。在湾西南部,ΔT介于0.24~0.33℃之间,分别于4月和10月具有0.31、0.33℃的峰值;ΔD冬季最大超过100 m,秋季最薄约为57 m。年际变化上,ΔT在2002、2007—2009、2012、2017年表现为正异常,但在2003—2005、2010、2013—2016、2018—2020年表现为负异常;ΔD在2002、2007—2008、2012、2017—2020年主要偏厚,在2...  相似文献   
The large-scale (km) distributional patterns of juvenile bivalves are established by larval settlement and subsequently changed due to actively initiated postlarval migrations (byssus-drifting), resuspension during sediment disturbance, and local differences in mortality. Repeated mapping of 0-group bivalve distribution during two summers was combined with simultaneous registrations of the numbers of drifting specimens. Species differed in their susceptibility to passive resuspension and their activity in byssus-drifting, but the two ways of entry into the water column were independent of each other. As a result, the relative magnitude of byssus-drifting and passive resuspension varied with the species. While hydrographical conditions always determined the changes in the distributional patterns of passively eroded species, this was not the case in active migrations of byssus-drifting bivalves. A comparison of the distributional patterns of juveniles over two consecutive years showed similar patterns in the tellinid clam Macoma balthica and the razor clam Ensis americanus. In these two species spatfall mainly occurred around mean low-tide level. Subsequently, juvenile M. balthica rapidly accumulated in the upper intertidal, whereas juvenile E. americanus accumulated subtidally. In mussels Mytilus edulis the distribution of juveniles only changed in a longshore direction, not in the tidal level occupied. The spatial pattern of cockles Cerastoderma edule changed from aggregation of the early spat in the mid and lower intertidal towards a more uniform distribution of recruits over these tidal flats. There were only a few patches of high abundance left at the end of summer. Finally, in juvenile clams Mya arenaria the spatial patterns of both spatfall and redistribution were unpredictable.On a km-scale, abundance of some species correlated with sediment granulometry. Presumably, this does not reflect a causal relationship but is a consequence of the correlation between grain size distribution and tidal level within the area studied. On a scale of hundreds of metres, there were no consistent correlations between juvenile abundance and sediment granulometry in any species. In summary, it seems that hydrography ruled the initial settlement of larvae to the sediment and strongly influenced the subsequent redistribution of juveniles caused by passive resuspension. The outcome of actively initiated migrations, on the other hand, was only weakly influenced by hydrography. Therefore it is suggested that hydrography plays a dominant role in the initial development of km-scale distributional patterns of just-settled bivalves in the Wadden Sea, while habitat selection is delayed to the byssus-drifting postlarvae phase.  相似文献   
Since the advent of Global Navigation Satellite Systems, it has been possible to perform hydrographic survey reductions through the ellipsoid, which has the potential to simplify operations and improve bathymetric products. This technique requires a spatially continuous separation surface connecting chart datum (CD) to a geodetic ellipsoid. The Canadian Hydrographic Service (CHS), with support from the Canadian Geodetic Survey, has developed a new suite of such surfaces, termed Hydrographic Vertical Separations Surfaces, or HyVSEPs, for CD and seven tidal levels. They capture the spatial variability of the tidal datum and levels between tide gauges and offshore using semiempirical models coupling observations at tide stations with relative sea-level rise estimates, dynamic ocean model solutions, satellite altimetry, and a geoid model. HyVSEPs are available for all tidal waters of Canada, covering over seven million square kilometers of ocean and more than 200,000 kilometers of shoreline. This document provides an overview of the CHS's modeling approach, tools, methods, and procedures.

The HyVSEP for CD defines the new hydrographic datum for the tidal waters of Canada. HyVSEPs for other tidal levels are fundamental for coastal studies, climate change adaptation and the definition of the Canadian shoreline and offshore boundaries. HyVSEPs for inland waters are not discussed.  相似文献   

Based on the interactive development of new industrialization, rapid urbanization and agricultural modernization (IUAM), and from the viewpoint of interactive responses and supply-demand relationships between regional water resources carrying capacity and economic-social development, this paper puts forward the concepts and characterization methods of water resources relative intensity (WRI), water resources carrying rate (WCR) and sustainable index of water resources system (WSI). Considering the catastrophic trait of water resources carrying capacity and its contradictory relationship with WRI, a modified Catastrophe Model, which combines Catastrophe Theory and Fuzzy Mathematic Theory, was introduced to perform a multi-objective and multi-criterion comprehensive assessment of the sustainability of water resources carrying capacity (WSCC) based on benchmarking. According to these concepts and models, land WSCC for the China mainland was set as an example for empirical analysis. The results showed that at the scale of first-grade water regions, Liaohe River, Yangtze River and Pearl River regions had high WRI of domestic water, while Northwestern Rivers, Southeastern Rivers regions and Yangtze River region in some years had high WRI of eco-environment water. However, they were all in a downtrend, while the other four northern regions had low WRI in an uptrend. The agricultural WRI in Songhua River, Yellow River and Northwestern Rivers regions were relatively high and industrial WRI in Songhua River, Yangtze River and Pearl River regions were also relatively high. At the provincial scale, WSCC of urban domestic water was relatively stable, WSCC of eco-environment was obviously fluctuating, and WSCC of agriculture and industry were constantly rising. Overall, WRI in the China mainland generally decreased. The convergence of provinces with high consumption intensity of water resources and spatial spillover of WUE in high WCR provinces promotes water resources development and utilization, progressing toward doubly sustainable development. In the future, China should try to find new ideas and methods of dynamic management of regional water resources and unified management of basin water resources, building on the foundation of traditional water resources planning. Meanwhile, water resources should be considered in regional PRED (population, resources, ecology and development) systems for integrated dispatching and optimizing configuration so that the improvements of WSCC and harmonious development of water resources and regional populations, eco-environment, economy and society can be achieved.  相似文献   
Havstens Fjord on the Swedish west coast is a silled fjord that is characterized by strong stratification and stagnant bottom-water with periodically occurring hypoxic (0–2 ml l−1) or anoxic (≤0 ml l−1) conditions. Renewal of Havstens Fjord's deep-water occurs every year, mostly during winter or spring. The aim of this study was to discover how living benthic Foraminifera respond to hydrographic variations, periodic oxygen deficiency and variations in primary production. A long series of monthly hydrographic measurements combined with sediment sampling were performed from August 1993 to December 1994. Sampling was carried out at four different sites along a depth transect (12, 20, 30 and 40 m). Monthly values of chlorophyll a from the water surface down to 15 m were obtained. With increasing water depth, the foraminiferal fauna changed from a low diverse brackish fauna, through a diverse and abundant fauna, to a low diversity and sparse fauna characterized by species tolerant of oxygen depletion. At the deepest site (40 m) Elphidium magellanicum and Stainforthia fusiformis survived five months of anoxic or near anoxic conditions. At 30 m the periodic hypoxic conditions were severe enough to prevent a rich benthic macrofauna establishing, but there was enough oxygen for an abundant and diverse foraminiferal fauna to thrive. Under oxic conditions, freshly sedimented phytoplankton seem to be an important food source for the Foraminifera.  相似文献   
The variability of the New Guinea Coastal Current (NGCC) and New Guinea Coastal Undercurrent (NGCUC) were examined from one year time series of current data from ADCP moorings at 2°S, 142°E and 2.5°S, 142°E. Change in the hydrographic structure induced by monsoonal wind forcing was also examined from hydrographic data along the 142°E covering consecutively two winter seasons and two summer seasons. The westward NGCUC was observed to persist year around. The annual mean depth of the current core was 220 m, the mean speed of the zonal component was 54 cm/s with a standard deviation of 15 cm/s at the 2.5°S site. Velocity fluctuations at 20–30 day period were observed year around. Seasonal reversal of the surface intensified NGCC was clearly observed. In the boreal summer characterized by the southeasterly monsoon, westward currents of over 60 cm/s were dominant in the surface layer. The warm, low-salinity layer thickened at this time and sloped down toward the New Guinea coast from the equator. This surface water accumulation may be caused by onshore Ekman drift at the New Guinea coast, combined with weak Ekman upwelling at the equator. In the boreal winter, an eastward surface current developed to 100 cm/s extending down to 100 m depth in response to the northwesterly monsoonal winds. Coastal upwelling was indicated in this season and the surface water accumulated at the equator due to Ekman convergence. Shipboard ADCP data indicated that the NGCUC intensified in boreal summer as the width and depth of the NGCUC increased.  相似文献   
Stream networks expand and contract through time, impacting chemical export, aquatic habitat, and water quality. Although recent advances improve prediction of the extent of the wetted channel network (L ) based on discharge at the catchment outlet (Q ), controls on the temporal variability of L remain poorly understood and unquantified. Here we develop a quantitative, conceptual framework to explore how flow regime and stream network hydraulic scaling factors co-determine the relative temporal variability in L (denoted here as the total wetted channel drainage density). Network hydraulic scaling determines how much L changes for a change in Q , while the flow regime describes how Q changes in time. We compiled datasets of co-located dynamic stream extent mapping and discharge to analyze all globally available empirical data using the presented framework. We found that although variability in L is universally damped relative to variability in Q (i.e., streamflow is relatively more variable in time than network extent), the relationship is elastic, meaning that for a given increase in the variability in Q , headwater catchments will experience greater-than-proportional increases in the variability of L . Thus, under anticipated climatic shifts towards more volatile precipitation, relative variability in headwater stream network extents can be expected to increase even more than the relative variability of discharge itself. Comparison between network extents inferred from the L -Q relationship and blue lines on USGS topographic maps shows widespread underestimation of the wetted channel network by the blue line network.  相似文献   
自容式压力验潮仪是目前海道测量水位观测的常用设备。在实际应用中,由于忽略了环境因素及其变化对水位观测精度的影响,可能获取不到高质量的水位观测数据,进而影响到海道测量成果的数据质量。在简要分析自容式压力验潮仪水位测量原理的基础上,利用数值计算方法,探讨了气压、密度和重力加速度变化对自容式压力验潮仪观测水位的影响规律,并提出了提高自容式压力验潮仪水位观测精度的一般改正方法。  相似文献   
顾纳  周星 《测绘科学》2003,28(4):72-74
美国国家水文数据是美国最新的数字地理空间数据库内容之一 ,是一种基于要素的复合矢量数据产品。美国国家水文数据为数据的增加、删除和改正设计了专门的方法 ,同时还涉及有自动识别和追踪更新数据的功能。介绍了美国国家水文数据的数据源和数据用途 ,分析了其数据特征 ,描述了其独特的数据更新方法 ,可供国内同行设计此类基础地理信息产品时参考。  相似文献   
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