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浅成天然气水合物呈致密块状赋存在海床面上或海床附近,在全球大陆坡上有广范的分布,由于其饱和度高及赋存部位浅因而被认为更适于开采。与甲烷渗漏、气体烟囱和水合物丘密切相伴的浅成天然气水合物,是在构造活动带由高通量的富甲烷流体以集束方式沿断层或断裂破碎带上升形成的。推测在我国南海北坡也可能存在浅成天然气水合物。  相似文献   
环境效应是天然气水合物科学体系中重要一环,同时,有关该领域的调查研究也是人类安全、环保、经济、科学地利用水合物资源的可靠保证。海底天然气水合物所孕育的独特的生态系统、与之关联的重大地学、环境问题以及资源的勘探开发均是充满魅力而又富有挑战的科学新领域。梳理了当前全球范围内有关水合物环境效应的大部分研究工作,综述了与天然气水合物环境有关的生物效应、化学效应和物理效应的研究现状及内容,着重强调了与该领域相关的基础问题和焦点问题,展望了该领域未来发展的趋势,希望藉此为我国的水合物环境效应调查与评价工作向纵深推进提供参考依据,并能引起广大研究者的兴趣与重视。  相似文献   
李宁 《地球物理学报》1989,32(5):580-592
本文导出了电阻率-孔隙度、电阻率-含油(气)饱和度关系的一般形式--两个对称的表达式,并给予了实验证明。同时,本文指出,Archie公式、Winsauer公式和双水公式都是一般形式在一定条件下的特例。在一般情况下,本文给出了14个能够逼近这两个表达式的函数类型,通过岩芯数据进行选优,可以得到适合不同地区或地层的最优方程。根据本文理论建立的解释方法和研制的软件已经在油田生产中推广应用并取得了良好效果。 由于涉及内容较多,全文分两部分撰写。以下是本文的第(Ⅰ)部分,即一般形式的导出及实验验证;而最佳函数类型的确定及其在生产中的应用将作为本文的第(Ⅱ)部分发表。  相似文献   
对台湾西南海域增生楔部位长排列多道地震数据进行地震成像、速度分析、AVO分析、AVO反演处理,获得了天然气水合物多属性地震特征.在偏移剖面上,BSR与海底近似平行,极性与海底相反,穿越沉积层.AVO分析显示,强BSR振幅部位,BSR振幅随偏移距增大而增大.精细速度分析表明强BSR振幅下方存在纵波低速层.对应于强BSR振幅部位,AVO反演的P波、G波为相对高负值区,位于P、G交会图的第三象限,该部位泊松比变化率为负值,横波反射系数接近于零.以上多属性地震特征均预示着该区域可能存在天然气水合物层,且天然气水合物层下方可能存在游离甲烷气层.  相似文献   
在获得含甲烷水合物多孔介质体系阻抗谱参数的基础上,通过计算得到了复电阻率数据,分析了复电阻率参数的频散规律;讨论了3种常用的复电阻率模型(Dias模型、Warburg模型、Cole-Cole模型),并采用实验数据对3种复电阻率模型的参数进行了拟合,进而对各模型的适用性进行了对比和评价。结果表明:Warburg模型对含甲烷水合物多孔介质的复电阻率数据拟合效果最好,该模型可应用于含水合物多孔介质电学特性的进一步研究;Warburg模型的参数与水合物饱和度之间存在明显的对应关系,随着水合物饱和度的增大,模型参数中的零频电阻率和时间常数均单调减小,这为下一步建立基于复电阻率模型参数的水合物饱和度计算模型提供了基础。  相似文献   
南海北部神狐海域与西沙海槽天然气水合物资源量丰富,但两地区天然气水合物成藏条件及成藏机制存在一定的差异。通过两海域水深、温度压力、气源、气体运移、储层等水合物成藏要素与成藏模式的分析对比,获取了3点新认识:①两地区海域水深、温压条件、气源类型、气体运移条件、水合物储层类型和成藏模式基本类似;②综合天然气水合物气源及供给运聚系统类型剖析,提出神狐海域主要以“自源与他源渗漏复合型”水合物成藏模式为主;③西沙海槽水合物成藏模式属典型的“他源渗漏型”。研究结果表明,落实气源与不同类型气体运移通道的时空耦合匹配关系是该区水合物勘探评价的关键。  相似文献   
Gas hydrate saturation estimates were obtained from an Archie-analysis of the Logging-While-Drilling (LWD) electrical resistivity logs under consideration of the regional geological framework of sediment deposition in the Ulleung Basin, East Sea, of Korea. Porosity was determined from the LWD bulk density log and core-derived values of grain density. In situ measurements of pore-fluid salinity as well as formation temperature define a background trend for pore-fluid resistivity at each drill site. The LWD data were used to define sets of empirical Archie-constants for different depth-intervals of the logged borehole at all sites drilled during the second Ulleung Basin Gas Hydrate Drilling Expedition (UBGH2). A clustering of data with distinctly different trend-lines is evident in the cross-plot of porosity and formation factor for all sites drilled during UBGH2. The reason for the clustering is related to the difference between hemipelagic sediments (mostly covering the top ∼100 mbsf) and mass-transport deposits (MTD) and/or the occurrence of biogenic opal. For sites located in the north-eastern portion of the Ulleung Basin a set of individual Archie-parameters for a shallow depth interval (hemipelagic) and a deeper MTD zone was achieved. The deeper zone shows typically higher resistivities for the same range of porosities seen in the upper zone, reflecting a shift in sediment properties. The presence of large amounts of biogenic opal (up to and often over 50% as defined by XRD data) was especially observed at Sites UBGH2-2_1 and UBGH2-2_2 (as well as UBGH1-9 from a previous drilling expedition in 2007). The boundary between these two zones can also easily be identified in gamma-ray logs, which also show unusually low readings in the opal-rich interval. Only by incorporating different Archie-parameters for the different zones a reasonable estimate of gas hydrate saturation was achieved that also matches results from other techniques such as pore-fluid freshening, velocity-based calculations, and pressure-core degassing experiments. Seismically, individual boundaries between zones were determined using a grid of regional 2D seismic data. Zoning from the Archie-analysis for sites in the south-western portion of the Ulleung Basin was also observed, but at these sites it is linked to individually stacked MTDs only and does not reflect a mineralogical occurrence of biogenic opal or hemipelagic sedimentation. The individual MTD events represent differently compacted material often associated with a strong decrease in porosity (and increase in density), warranting a separate set of empirical Archie-parameters.  相似文献   
对南海东沙海域冷泉区DH-CL10和DH-CL5柱状样开展AMS14C年代学、高分辨率底栖有孔虫和沉积物同位素以及沉积学研究。结果表明:DH-CL10柱状样在全新统底部574 cm处出现沉积间断,间断面相邻沉积物AMS14C年龄分别为9 850/(9 680~9 950) cal.aBP和27 610/(27 500~27 700) cal.aBP,相当于MIS2期和部分MIS3期的沉积缺失。底栖有孔虫Uvigerina bifurcata的δ13C值为-0.37‰~-1.91‰,平均值为-1.11‰,沉积物全岩碳同位素值为-22.7‰~-23‰,均为正常的碳同位素值。尽管该柱状样未发现天然气水合物分解释放的地球化学证据,但相邻的DH-CL5柱状样相当于其所缺失的部分沉积中的自生碳酸盐岩和沉积物的δ13C负偏明显,分别为-55.24‰和-25.9‰~-27.9‰,表明与天然气水合物分解有关。推断DH-CL10柱状样沉积间断所缺失的沉积物可能记录了天然气水合物分解的证据,且沉积间断主要出现在末次盛冰期低海平面,与天然气水合物易分解的时间相吻合,因此,沉积间断的形成可能主要与下伏天然气水合物的分解导致沉积物的滑塌有关。  相似文献   
In 2006, the United States Geological Survey (USGS) completed a detailed analysis and interpretation of available 2-D and 3-D seismic data, along with seismic modeling and correlation with specially processed downhole well log data for identifying potential gas hydrate accumulations on the North Slope of Alaska. A methodology was developed for identifying sub-permafrost gas hydrate prospects within the gas hydrate stability zone in the Milne Point area. The study revealed a total of 14 gas hydrate prospects in this area.In order to validate the gas hydrate prospecting protocol of the USGS and to acquire critical reservoir data needed to develop a longer-term production testing program, a stratigraphic test well was drilled at the Mount Elbert prospect in the Milne Point area in early 2007. The drilling confirmed the presence of two prominent gas-hydrate-bearing units in the Mount Elbert prospect, and high quality well logs and core data were acquired. The post-drill results indicate pre-drill predictions of the reservoir thickness and the gas-hydrate saturations based on seismic and existing well data were 90% accurate for the upper unit (hydrate unit D) and 70% accurate for the lower unit (hydrate unit C), confirming the validity of the USGS approach to gas hydrate prospecting. The Mount Elbert prospect is the first gas hydrate accumulation on the North Slope of Alaska identified primarily on the basis of seismic attribute analysis and specially processed downhole log data. Post-drill well log data enabled a better constraint of the elastic model and the development of an improved approach to the gas hydrate prospecting using seismic attributes.  相似文献   
Targeting the methane hydrate (MH) bearing units C and D at the Mount Elbert prospect on the Alaska North Slope, four MDT (Modular Dynamic Formation Tester) tests were conducted in February 2007. The C2 MDT test was selected for history matching simulation in the MH Simulator Code Comparison Study. Through history matching simulation, the physical and chemical properties of the unit C were adjusted, which suggested the most likely reservoir properties of this unit. Based on these properties thus tuned, the numerical models replicating “Mount Elbert C2 zone like reservoir”, “PBU L-Pad like reservoir” and “PBU L-Pad down dip like reservoir” were constructed. The long term production performances of wells in these reservoirs were then forecasted assuming the MH dissociation and production by the methods of depressurization, combination of depressurization and wellbore heating, and hot water huff and puff. The predicted cumulative gas production ranges from 2.16 × 106 m3/well to 8.22 × 108 m3/well depending mainly on the initial temperature of the reservoir and on the production method.This paper describes the details of modeling and history matching simulation. This paper also presents the results of the examinations on the effects of reservoir properties on MH dissociation and production performances under the application of the depressurization and thermal methods.  相似文献   
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