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山地生态环境脆弱性是山地灾害形成的基础。通过太行山两个典型小流域在 1996年 8月的洪涝灾情形成的对比分析 ,揭示了人类活动在山地环境脆弱性方面所起的重要作用。合理的土地利用方式和水土保持措施可以有效地减轻流域对洪涝灾害的脆弱性。在相同的自然条件和致灾因子强度下 ,脆弱性强 ,灾情重。  相似文献   
Characteristics of climate change in the Changjiang Delta were analyzed based on the annual mean meteorological data since 1961,including air temperature,maximum and minimum air temperature,precipitation,sunshine duration and visibility at 48 stations in that area(southern Jiangsu and northern Zhejiang),and its adjacent areas(northern Jiangsu,eastern Anhui and southern Zhejiang),together with the environmental data.The results indicate that it is getting warmer in the Changjiang Delta and cooler in adjacent areas,thus the Changjiang Delta becomes a big heat island,containing many little heat islands consisting of central cities,in which Shanghai City is the strongest heat island.The intensity of heat islands enhances as economic development goes up.From the year 1978.the beginning year of reform and opening policy,to the year 1997,the intensity of big heat island of Changjiang Delta has increased 0.5℃ and Shanghai heat island increased 0.8℃.However.since 1978 the constituents of SO2,NOx and TSP(total suspended particles)in the atmosphere,no matter whether in the Changjiang Delta or in the adjacent areas,have all increased,but pH values of precipitation decreased.In the meantime,both sunshine duration and visibility are also decreased,indicating that there exists a mechanism for climate cooling in these areas.Our analyses show that the mechanism for climate warming in the Changjiang Delta may be associated with heating increase caused by,economic development and increasing energy consumption.It is estimated that up to 1997 the intensity of warming caused by this mechanism in the Changjiang Delta has reached 0.8-0.9℃,about 4-4.5 times as large as the mean values before 1978.Since then,the increase rate has become 0. 035℃/a for the Changjiang Delta.It has reached 1.3℃ for Shanghai in 1997,about 12-13 times as large as the mean values before 1978.This is a rough estimation of increasing energy consumption rate caused by economic development.  相似文献   
Discovery of high contents of methane gas in coals of the Mist Mountain Formation in the Elk River valley, southeastern British Columbia, Canada, has led to increased exploration activity for coal-seam gas (CSG). CSG production requires groundwater abstraction to depressurize the coal beds and to facilitate methane flow to the production wells. Groundwater abstraction will have hydrodynamic effects on the flow system, and an understanding of the groundwater flow system is needed to evaluate these effects. The purpose of this paper is to describe the groundwater flow system in the area by means of a groundwater flow model and interpretation of hydrochemical and isotopic analyses of groundwater and surface water. Groundwater flow for the Weary Creek exploration area is modeled in two vertical sections. The model domains, based on classic upland–lowland conceptual flow models, are approximately 10,000 m long and 4,000 m deep. Each consists of a fixed water-table boundary and no-flow boundaries along the traces of major faults. Steady-state groundwater flow is calibrated to hydraulic-head, streamflow, and groundwater-recharge data. Simulated steady-state velocity fields define regional and local flow components consistent with the conceptual model. The results are consistent with regional trends in δ2H, δ18O, tritium, and TDS, which define two distinct groundwater groups (A and B) and a third of intermediate composition. An active, shallow, local flow component (group A) is recharged in beds cropping out along subdued ridges; this component discharges as seeps along lower and mid-slope positions in the southern part of the study area. The waters are tritiated, relatively enriched in δ2H and δ18O, and have low TDS. A deeper regional flow component (group B), which originates at a higher altitude and which discharges to the Elk River valley bottom, is characterized by non-tritiated groundwater with relatively depleted δ2H and δ18O, and higher TDS. Groundwater contributes less than 10% of the total direct flow to the Elk River, as indicated by flow measurements and by the absence of group A and group B characteristics in the river water. Thus it is hypothesized that groundwater extraction during CSG production will have little impact on the river. The groundwater flow model developed in this work is used in a companion paper to further test this hypothesis. Electronic Publication  相似文献   
土体应力-应变关系转型问题分析   总被引:14,自引:2,他引:12  
王成华  李广信 《岩土力学》2004,25(8):1185-1190
通过对土体应力应变试验结果的分析,明确指出了土体普遍存在的应力-应变关系转型现象。提出了按后破坏模量和临界围压两个参数判别土体应力-应变关系转型的方法,对影响土体应力-应变关系转型的因素包括土的类型、围压、初始密度或含水率、排水条件及应力路径等进行了简要分析。最后,对砂土初步提出了一个能反映转型现象的组合应力-应变关系模型的理论框架。  相似文献   
基于3S技术的朝阳港潟湖湿地景观格局演变研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
在朝阳港潟湖湿地景观分类体系基础上,利用3S技术对多时相的潟湖湿地景观格局进行了定量分析,结果表明,从1954年到2002年人工景观面积增加了532 hm2,景观格局指数呈现出景观多样性和均匀度增加、优势度下降的趋势;潟湖总体斑块密度从0.017 4个/hm2增加到0.034 6个/hm2,廊道密度从0.69 54 m/hm2增加到22.05 640m/hm2,景观破碎化程度逐渐增强. 潟湖湿地景观格局变化与人类的干扰活动密切相关,因此在潟湖湿地资源保护中合理调控人类的干扰活动尤为重要.  相似文献   
航道疏浚是海岸带人类活动的重要形式之一,对近岸海洋环境有着重要的影响。本研究以葫芦岛航道疏浚为例,通过X射线衍射物相分析、放射性同位素分析和激光粒度分析等方法,对航道疏浚区及邻近海域沉积物进行了系统的研究,结果表明:(1)航道疏浚产生的沉积物与现在海底沉积物在粒度组成、黏土矿物组合和210 Pb、137 Cs放射性强度等方面具有显著的差异,可以作为示踪航道疏浚物质扩散和影响范围的指标;(2)葫芦岛海域的航道疏浚物在潮流的作用下沿西北和西南2个方向扩散,不同程度地加入到表层沉积物中,个别地方疏浚沉积物直接覆盖到原沉积物之上,导致海底原地沉积物属性的改变。  相似文献   
Static lattice energy calculations, based on empirical pair potentials, were performed for a large set of structures differing in the arrangement of octahedral cations within the garnet 2 × 2 × 2 supercell. The compositions of these structures varied between Ca3Fe2Ge3O12 and Ca4Ge4O12. The energies were cluster expanded using pair and quaternary terms. The derived ordering constants were used to constrain Monte Carlo simulations of temperature-dependent mixing properties in the ranges of 1,073–3,673 K and 0–10 GPa. The free energies of mixing were calculated using the method of thermodynamic integration. The calculations predict a wide miscibility gap between Fe-rich (cubic) and Fe-pure (tetragonal) garnets consistent with recent experimental observations of Iezzi et al. (Phys Chem Miner 32:197–207, 2005). It is shown that the miscibility gap arises due to a very strong cation ordering at the Fe-pure composition, driven by the charge difference between Ca2+ and Ge4+ cations. The structural and thermodynamic analogies between Ca–Ge and Mg–Si systems suggest that a similar miscibility gap should exist between pyrope and Mg–Si-majorite.  相似文献   
植被区面积对局地气候影响的数值研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
用一个三维模式实施了5个数值试验,研究了植被覆盖与裸土之间的非均一性对局地气候的影响。结果指出:存在着一个最适宜的植被区面积S_c,当S=S_c,这种非均一性激发的上升运动最强,上升气流区的空间范围最大。  相似文献   
侯家窑遗址位于泥河湾盆地西北部,自发现至今,历经40余年,但遗址年代和古人类生存环境问题仍悬而未决。本文基于地质地貌观测、电阻率测深、高程测量等工作,试图通过遗址区地层结构和古河流发育情况研究,阐释上述问题。结果如下:①伴随着泥河湾古湖的快速萎缩,在侯家窑遗址区发育了一条源自北部熊耳山、宽逾1 km的古河流。它形成于240 ka B.P.前,消亡于晚更新世初,发育历史贯穿了侯家窑古人类生存阶段的始终。②遗址古文化遗存不是埋藏在湖相泥河湾层中,而是埋藏于距今约224~161 ka的牛轭湖沉积层和壤化黏土层内,表明古人类在此倚河而居长达6万年。③遗址区面向东南的宽阔圈椅状地形,为古人类生存造就了相对温和舒适的地理环境;古河流既为古人类提供了水源,良好的流域生态环境也给古人类提供了富足的食物;熊耳山既是古河流源地,也是优质石料产地,古河流将石料搬运至遗址附近,石器制作便利。因此,在寒冷气候条件下生活的古人类,选择生境较好的侯家窑遗址区倚河而居势成必然。④遗址区古河流发育在易遭侵蚀的泥河湾湖相沉积层之上,河水泥沙含量高、浑浊,唯有遗址附近的牛轭湖区水流缓滞、清澈,而且植物繁茂,是各类动物优先猎食和饮水的地方。但牛轭湖独特的地貌特点,使动物们在急迫情况下难以逃脱,古人类此地围猎,远较他地成功率高。  相似文献   
Petrogenetic grids in the system NCKFMASH (Na2O–CaO–K2O–FeO–MgO–Al2O3–SiO2–H2O)and the subsystems NCKMASH and NCKFASH calculated with the softwareTHERMOCALC 3.1 are presented for the PT range 7–30kbar and 450–680°C, for assemblages involving garnet,chloritoid, biotite, carpholite, talc, chlorite, kyanite, staurolite,paragonite, glaucophane, jadeite, omphacite, diopsidic pyroxene,plagioclase, zoisite and lawsonite, with phengite, quartz/coesiteand H2O in excess. These grids, together with calculated compatibilitydiagrams and PT and TXCa and PXCa pseudosectionsfor different bulk-rock compositions, show that incorporationof Ca into the NKFMASH system leads to many of the NKFMASH invariantequilibria moving to lower pressure and/or lower temperature,which results, in most cases, in the stability of jadeite andgarnet being enlarged, but in the reduction of stability ofglaucophane, plagioclase and AFM phases. The effect of Ca onthe stability of paragonite is dependent on mineral assemblageat different PT conditions. The calculated NCKFMASH diagramsare powerful in delineating the phase equilibria and PTconditions of natural pelitic assemblages. Moreover, contoursof the calculated phengite Si isopleths in PT and PXCapseudosections confirm that phengite barometry in NCKFMASH isstrongly dependent on mineral assemblage. KEY WORDS: phase relations; metapelites; NCKFMASH; THERMOCALC; phengite geobarometry  相似文献   
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