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马云  钱俊希  唐雪琼 《热带地理》2022,42(6):997-1008
红色历史的集体记忆嵌入动态的地方建构和空间生产过程,成为地方性重构的有力素材。文章以云南省宾川县新庄红军村为例,通过参与式观察和访谈文本分析等质性方法,从地方性景观与话语的再建构,以及地方性情境创设的空间实践,探讨新庄村的地方性建构机制。研究发现:具体的地方要素在地方-记忆的互动关系中起中介承启作用。地方要素既促进红色旅游情境下记忆的唤起、存储与再创造,又对集体记忆重新建构的地方特质、意义与场所精神进行地方性元素表达。旅游情境创设与地方性展演使集体记忆不断得到投影、表达与重构,推动差异化的地方叙述与体验。  相似文献   
儿童是保护环境的积极行动者,激发其亲环境行为意愿是应对环境问题挑战的现实需求。然而,已有研究却很少关注儿童的亲环境行为意愿及其驱动机制。文章采用问卷调查和访谈相结合的混合研究方法,以南京市小学儿童为样本,旨在通过分析儿童自然经验图式的特点,探究日常和旅游两种情景的自然接触对儿童亲环境行为意愿的影响差异,并检验自然联结在其中扮演的中介角色。结果发现:① 与日常自然接触相比,旅游自然接触更能激发儿童的亲环境行为意愿;② 自然接触促进自然联结主要体现在情感维度,其次是认知维度,而自然联结促进亲环境行为意愿以认知路径为主,情感路径为辅;③ 情感型和认知型自然联结在自然接触与亲环境行为意愿间扮演双重中介角色,且认知型自然联结的中介效应高于情感型自然联结的中介效应。研究结果对科学制定面向儿童的自然空间规划和环境教育策略具有参考价值。  相似文献   
旅游背景下传统仪式空间生产的三元互动实践   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
孙九霞  许泳霞  王学基 《地理学报》2020,75(8):1742-1756
仪式因其符号性和社会性成为空间研究和理论阐释的绝佳场域,在仪式与仪式空间研究中,仪式背后的社会关系及其对仪式空间的影响尚未得到充分重视。本文以安顺屯堡地戏和芒康加达村巴玛巴典为例,运用访谈法、观察法和文献分析法,回溯并分析两种仪式空间生产的过程与特征,刻画参与和影响仪式空间生产的社会关系,深入解析仪式空间的各个维度及空间生产的三元互动实践,力图比较和呈现旅游发展对地方传统仪式变迁的影响。研究发现,传统仪式的空间是仪式主体社会关系织就的空间,其空间生产本质上是社会关系与空间秩序“重构或调适”的过程;在旅游影响下的仪式空间生产中,空间表征与表征空间之间差异化的互动关系造就了仪式中差异化的空间实践;此外,仪式的空间生产隐含着对现代性消解的抵抗。本文构建了传统仪式空间生产的理论框架,为解读列斐伏尔空间生产与空间三元互动提供了新视角,以揭示旅游与地方文化变迁之间更为深刻的联系。  相似文献   
I.EnvironmeotaICharacterishcsofChangliCountyChangliCoLmtyislocatedinthenortheastermendoftheNorthChinaPlain,nexttoBohaiSeaontheeastandthesouthemendofYanshanMountainsontl1enortl1.Luani1emverWhichrunsthroughthecouotyforn1sthewestemandsouthemboundaryoftitiscoastalcounty.ThenorthempartofthecoUnyishillywithaverageheigltrrangingfrom5oto5Oom,andmostportionintheeastemandsouflempartislocatedonthealluvialplainofLuani1eandYirunarivers,inclilungfromnorthwesttosoutieastwiil1heighrangingfrom2to3m.Tl1…  相似文献   
D T Tudor  A T Williams 《Area》2006,38(2):153-164
Questionnaires were completed by 2306 beach users at 19 Welsh beaches with respect to beach selection parameters. The modal group of respondents was female aged 30–39. Beach choice was primarily determined by clean litter-free sand and seawater, followed by safety. Refreshment facilities and beach awards were deemed minor considerations by the public when choosing a beach to visit. Approximately 58 per cent of respondents were aware of beach award and rating schemes. Of coastal visitors interviewed for this paper, 67 per cent rated a beach as 'important' or 'very important' to their holiday, with just 2 per cent replying that they were unimportant.  相似文献   
韩卢敏  陆林  杨兴柱 《地理科学》2016,36(3):431-438
借助于经济学供给需求分析视角,构建旅游政策变迁及其空间响应的理论框架,根据新制度经济学路径依赖理论和利益集团理论,探寻旅游政策变迁的路径和动因,揭示旅游政策变迁和旅游空间结构发展演化的内在联系。并以安徽省为例,根据改革开放之后安徽省旅游业发展的不同阶段,将旅游政策变迁划分为形成期、密集期和协调融合期3个时期,其空间响应状态分别为点状格局、单一板块格局和多板块空间格局。分析得出,在中国经济体制转轨的背景下,旅游发展由政府主导型向市场主导型转变,旅游政策在不同时期通过其作用机制引导、激励利益主体投资建设旅游节点、交通设施等行为,推动旅游空间格局由点状格局向板块格局发展演化,旅游政策的空间响应强度取决于政府对信息的掌握程度和政策对利益主体的激励程度。  相似文献   
:In the context of high-quality development, the conflicting relationship between tourist areas and surrounding communities has become a severe obstacle to the realization of high-quality economic development. As a theoretical tool to describe the relationship between tourist areas and surrounding communities, the concept of tourism island is of great value in identifying, assessing, and managing the conflicts between tourist areas and surrounding communities. Therefore, it has gradually become a new topic in geography, sociology, economics, and other related disciplines. On the basis of distinguishing and analyzing the three interrelated concepts of tourism enclave, tourism bubble, and tourism island, this article systematically reviewed the research progress from the four aspects of tourism island types, key characteristics, causes of formation, and impacts, and found that the current research still has obvious deficiencies in theoretical framework, empirical research, and governance system. Finally, this article proposed three specific directions for further research based on the shortcomings of the current research. Based on the practice of Chinese tourism development, a theoretical framework of tourism island should be constructed, the formation processes and impacts of tourism island should be explored using diversified methods of analysis, and a multi-dimensional, multi-level, and multi-process regulatory mechanism should be developed. Overall, this article presented a systematic review of the previous research literature on tourism island to show their results and quality; it also clarified the starting point for further research and laid a foundation for new research works. © 2023, Editorial office of PROGRESS IN GEOGRAPHY. All rights reserved.  相似文献   
选择旅游酒店数、旅行社数、旅游酒店从业人员数和旅行社从业人员数为旅游投入因素,旅游总收入为产出变量,运用数据包络分析方法中的 C2 R 模型分析2001-2010年中国区域旅游效率及其空间格局和变化趋势。中国四大区域的平均旅游效率由高至低依次为东部地区、东北地区、中部地区和西部地区。在31个中国大陆省级行政区中,天津在2001-2010年期间每年都为旅游效率最高的省份。从时间的角度,中国区域旅游效率经历了一个波浪式变化过程,2003年和2008年是2个明显的波谷。2001-2005年四大区域旅游效率的变化过程基本一致。2005-2010年四大区域旅游效率变化各不相同,东部地区呈逐步下降趋势,中部地区先增长、2010年开始下降,西部地区为起伏不定,东北地区为持续增长。  相似文献   
本文通过对近二十年来国际著名旅游学术期刊《Annals of Tourism Research》、《Tourism Management》所刊载的有关非物质文化遗产旅游文献的学术梳理发现,国外研究主题主要集中在非物质文化遗产旅游的真实性与商品化、政治性质、旅游影响、立法保护、动力机制等方面。研究方法多采用民族志田野调查法、参与观察法、问卷调查法、深度访谈法等,理论探索多基于文化人类学和社会学等相关理论。其学术取向明显不同于国内非物质文化遗产保护与旅游开发的应用对策研究视角,具有一定的启发意义。  相似文献   
One main argument for modeling socio-ecological systems is to advance the understanding of dynamic correlations between various human and environmental factors, including impacts and responses to environmental change. We explore the shift in skier distribution among ski resorts taking into account the behavioral adaptation of individuals due to the impact of climate change on snow conditions. This analysis is performed at a regional scale by means of a coupled gravity and georeferenced agent-based model. Four different scenarios are considered. Two scenarios assume an increase of winter mean temperature of +2°C and +4°C, respectively, taking into account only natural snow conditions. Two additional scenarios add the effect of snowmaking to enhance the natural snow depth and extend the skiing season in the +2°C and +4°C base scenarios. Results show differing vulnerability levels, allowing the classification of ski resorts into three distinct groups: (1) highly vulnerable ski resorts with a strong reduction in visitors attendance for all climate change scenarios, characterized by unfavorable geographical and attractiveness conditions, making it difficult to ensure snow availability in the future; (2) low vulnerability ski resorts, with moderate reduction in season length during a high climate change scenario but no reduction (or even an increase) in a low one, characterized by ski resorts with a medium capacity and attractiveness to ensure enough snow conditions and capture skiers from other ski resorts; and (3) resilient ski resorts, with good conditions to ensure future snow-reliable seasons and outstanding attractiveness, allowing them to offer longer ski seasons than their competitors and potentially attracting skiers from other closed or marginal resorts. Ski resorts included in this last group increase their skier attendance in all climate change scenarios. Although similar studies in the literature foretell a significant reduction of the ski market in the near future, another probable effect outlined in this study is a redefinition of this market due to a redistribution of skiers, from vulnerable ski resorts to more resilient ones.  相似文献   
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