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We present wide-field     multiband ( BVI ) CCD photometry (down to     of the very low surface brightness dwarf spheroidal galaxy Sextans. In the derived colour–magnitude diagrams we find evidence suggesting the presence of multiple stellar populations in this dwarf spheroidal. In particular, we discover (i) a blue horizontal branch tail that appears to lie on a brighter sequence with respect to the prominent red horizontal branch and the RR Lyrae stars, very similar to what was found by Majewski et al. for the Sculptor dwarf spheroidal, (ii) hints of a bimodal distribution in colour of the red giant branch stars, (iii) a double red giant branch bump. All of these features suggest that (at least) two components are present in the old stellar population of this galaxy: the main one with     and a minor component around     . The similarity to the Sculptor case may indicate that multiple star formation episodes are also common in the most nearby dwarf spheroidals that ceased their star formation activity at very early epochs.  相似文献   
Wave radiation stress is the main driving force of wave-induced near-shore currents. It is directly related to the hydrodynamic characteristics of near-shore current whether the calculation of wave radiation stress is accurate or not. Irregular waves are more capable of reacting wave motion in the ocean compared to regular waves.Therefore, the calculation of the radiation stress under irregular waves will be more able to reflect the wave driving force in the actual near-shore current. Exact solution and approximate solution of the irregular wave radiation stress are derived in this paper and the two kinds of calculation methods are compared. On the basis of this, the experimental results are used to further verify the calculation of wave energy in the approximate calculation method. The results show that the approximate calculation method of irregular wave radiation stress has a good accuracy under the condition of narrow-band spectrum, which can save a lot of computing time, and thus improve the efficiency of calculation. However, the exact calculation method can more accurately reflect the fluctuation of radiation stress at each moment and each location.  相似文献   
纤维增强聚合物(FRP)具有耐腐蚀、耐水、耐高温、高强度、高弹性模量、质量轻等优点,将其用作加筋材料不仅能显著提高加筋地基的加筋效果,还能有效解决传统加筋材料的耐久性问题。分别对纯砂和5种水平加筋方式进行了加筋地基模型试验,测试了各级荷载下的地基沉降、FRP的应变及土压力数值,并初步探讨了FRP加筋的作用机制。试验结果表明,加筋能显著提高地基承载力和减小地基沉降,特别是双层水平加筋方式的加筋效果更加明显,而锚固件的设置对加筋效果的影响并不大,水平FRP筋材主要起到了土压力扩散作用。  相似文献   
水平井和大斜度井中阵列侧向测井响应数值模拟   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对水平井和大斜度井中阵列侧向电极系的工作原理,利用多电场叠加方式进行电场合成,采用三维有限元方法模拟仿真各个分电场的场分布,进而利用电场线性叠加原理得到阵列侧向测井响应。在基于计算机仿真的基础上,得到阵列侧向五条测井曲线的径向探测深度,阵列侧向径向探测深度要小于深侧向探测深度。考察了三维地层模型下井斜和侵入深度变化对阵列侧向测井响应的影响,分析了水平井和大斜度井中阵列侧向测井响应特征。模拟结果表明,在井斜小于15°时,阵列侧向测井响应受井斜影响小,可以不进行井斜校正;井斜超过60°的大斜度井以及水平井中,阵列侧向测井响应视地层厚度逐渐增大,测井响应值与直井条件下响应值差别较大,必须进行井斜校正。  相似文献   
鄂尔多斯盆地周边地区野外溶蚀试验结果讨论   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1  
2003到2004年,在国土资源部地质调查项目“鄂尔多斯盆地地下水勘查”工作中,作者在鄂尔多斯盆地周边地区建立了8个野外溶蚀试验站,采用不同岩石的600多枚试片开展了为期1年的野外溶蚀试验观测。通过试验并结合前人的野外溶蚀试验成果分析,得出了如下几个重要的结论: ( 1)试验区灰岩较白云岩的溶蚀量大20%以上; ( 2)与我国南方的试验结果相反,即北方土下碳酸盐岩样品溶蚀量远远小于地上样品的溶蚀量; ( 3)从华北到西北存在一个碳酸盐岩样品由溶蚀变为沉淀的地带;同理,从我国北方碳酸盐岩样品土下溶蚀量小于地上溶蚀量到南方土下溶蚀量大于地上溶蚀量区域变化过程中,又存在土下与地上溶蚀量接近的地带,这两个地带是控制我国现代岩溶作用机制的重要分界线,对岩溶地貌的发育与演化研究具有重要意义。   相似文献   

复杂含煤地层顶板水平井射孔压裂是增加煤层透气性、提升瓦斯抽采效率的关键,而地层结构和射孔位置影响裂缝扩展形态。考虑地层结构特征及射孔位置,建立压裂工程地质模型;基于有限元方法构建数值模型,研究射孔位置、地层条件、垂向应力与水平应力差对裂缝扩展的影响,并进行工程验证,提出施工建议。结果表明:射孔孔眼位置存在全部位于煤层中、全部位于顶板岩层中和部分位于顶板部分位于煤层3种情况。孔眼位于煤层中,裂缝受到界面的“阻隔”作用,对煤层改造有利;孔眼位于顶板,当顶板层理发育,垂向应力与最小水平主应力差大于2 MPa时裂缝能够穿越层理和界面进入煤层,而顶板完整时,应力差大于−2 MPa裂缝即可在孔眼诱导作用下进入煤层,顶板层理和界面对裂缝垂向扩展具有“阻挡”作用,结构完整地层有利于裂缝的垂向穿层扩展;孔眼部分进入煤层,对裂缝起裂、扩展产生明显诱导作用,形成沿界面的水平缝和进入煤层的垂直缝,无论顶板是否完整,都能形成有效改造裂缝。当射孔孔眼距煤层较远、孔眼与煤层间弱面发育、水平应力大于垂向应力或压裂施工规模不足时,建议采用深穿透射孔、分支孔等能够沟通煤层的工程措施,以保证压裂效果。研究结果在陕西韩城某煤矿的井下分段压裂施工中进行了应用,试验孔瓦斯抽采效果良好,可为类似地质、工程条件下的压裂施工提供借鉴。

桩基础在水平荷载或地震作用下的承载力计算一直是工程界的一个研究难点,近年来随着建筑、桥梁桩基础的规模大幅增加,基于小规模、小比例尺群桩基础水平承载力试验得出来的结论和计算方法可能会不适应新的计算要求,相关的认识和计算方法需要重新论证和更新。本文针对大规模群桩基础水平承载力效应系数的计算问题,首先对国内外研究进展进行调研,发现现有的规范计算方法可能会高估群桩基础的水平承载力。针对这些问题,对大规模群桩基础的水平承载力效应系数进行有限元数值计算分析,探讨水平承载力效应系数的规律,给出相应的计算方法,并与规范计算方法结果进行对比。本文的研究结果可为相应的工程设计问题提供依据,结果的适用性需要今后进一步的检验。  相似文献   
R/S analysis of the oxygen isotope curve of Pacific core V28-239 yields a fractal dimension of 1.22. This value is considered to characterize global climatic change over the last 2 million years as expressed by changing O18 ratios and confirms that climatic variations are characterized by long-term persistence. The fractal dimension of 1.22 compares favorably with the approximate fractal dimension of 1.26 for annual precipitation records for nine major cities in the United States. Although the precipitation and oxygen isotope data are measured in different physical units and recorded at different time scales, fractal analysis allows for a mathematical comparison of the two phenomena. Additionally, since the fractal dimensions of the oxygen isotope and precipitation records are similar, it is implied that such fractal dimensions are characteristic of climate change over the spectral range of 10 to 106 years. Given this temperature curves based on fractal parameters of long-term O18 data could be constructed which would allow examination of characteristics of temperature variation over tens and hundreds of years. Such studies may allow the establishment of limits on natural temperature variation and document the persistence of temperature trends through time. If these trends and limits can be resolved, long-range climatic prediction is feasible.  相似文献   
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