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Two orca (Orcinus orca, Linnaeus, 1758), photo‐identified as part of an ongoing study in New Zealand waters, have a series of deep scars in their dorsal lumbar‐caudal regions which suggests they were caused by propellers. One of the animals, first noted to have the scars in 1982, is considerably smaller than an adult of similar age. The known home range of these orca are presented. A third orca hit by a boat is presumed dead.  相似文献   
Relative size is a spatial concept that can increase our understanding of environmental cognition. Data from questionnaires tested several hypotheses about size distortion of states. Subjects distorted sizes logarithmically except in a zone of indiscrimination that included eight states. Male subjects were more accurate than female subjects in the estimation of actual state sizes; however, a sex-linked territoriality was not identified.  相似文献   
国外旅游移民研究综述   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
旅游移民是近年来西方学者研究的焦点之一,它包括旅游劳工移民和消费导向移民两大类型。该文对西方旅游移民研究进行分析,包括4方面内容:1)旅游移民产生的宏观和微观条件;2)旅游劳工移民的转移模式、类型层次和功能作用;3)旅游退休移民的概念探讨、类型划分、动力因子、社会影响及与生活方式移民的关系;4)旅游和返回移民的关系。最后讨论今后进一步研究的重点。  相似文献   
滑坡预报国内外研究动态及发展趋势   总被引:44,自引:3,他引:44  
文章分析了大量的国内外相关研究报导,阐述了滑坡灾害给人类社会造成的重大危害.并对滑坡带来的直接损失与无形或隐伏的问接影响进行了归纳分析。从滑坡预报研究历程的角度,将滑坡预报研究的发展史划分为3个阶段,分别对滑坡预测预报的经验一统计学预报阶段、预测滑坡学形成阶段及现代科技全新预报阶段的国内外研究动态进行了分析。重点分析了目前滑坡预报研究所处的现代科技全新预报阶段之研究成果及方法,并归纳出目前滑坡预报研究领域中多种预报方法的综合应用、各种数理新理论引入、“3S”集成监测预报技术应用等3个特点。在此基础上,进一步分析了目前相关研究存在5个方面的不足,并结合最新研究成果,从滑坡预报理论方法、监测预报技术手段等方面对滑坡预报研究近期的发展趋势进行了初步预测。结论认为,滑坡灾害作为山区人类社会最为严重的自然灾害之一,其预测预报研究目前已进入现代科技全新预报研究阶段的鼎盛时期,计算智能集成预报方法的应用与“3S”集成监测预报技术的进一步应用研究是今后一段时期内滑坡预报研究发展的主题。  相似文献   
万蕙  朱竑 《地理科学进展》2020,39(11):1909-1922
新文化地理学视角下的空间不仅具有物质属性,也是社会关系的容器。家庭常被置于社会学的论述范畴,同时,家庭也以空间形式出现,并表征着家庭成员间复杂、细微的权力结构。论文以广东罗定市华石镇中越跨国家庭的家空间为分析样本,以家庭资源中的经济资源、情感资源和社会资源为分析框架,并结合家空间的实用性、装饰性和防御性等特点,考察越籍妻子在家空间中的占用、功能划分与使用、美学装饰,以及日常空间实践中自我赋权的方式与机制。研究发现:① 为家庭提供主要经济收入的越籍妻子在夫妻权力结构中占有优势,在家空间的设置和安排中持有更多的话语权;② 越籍妻子将家空间视为自我情感与认同的表达渠道,通过装饰家居环境以建立起对家空间的控制;③ 由于社会资源的缺乏,越籍妻子在公共空间中受到排斥,家空间成为越籍妻子回避邻里交往的防御性堡垒。研究认为女性跨国婚姻移民在家空间中获得了施展个人权力的契机,但其权力仅限于家空间内,现阶段难以拓展至家以外的更大区域。研究结果既是对家的地理学中性别话题的补充,亦是对它的拓展与深化。  相似文献   
A long-term mark-recapture study was used to assess the movement patterns of surf-zone fishes in the St Lucia Marine Reserve, a marine protected area within the iSimangaliso Wetland Park, a World Heritage Site on the east coast of South Africa. Between 2001 and 2013, 6 613 fish from 71 species, caught by hook and line, were tagged at four sites within and adjacent to a no-take marine sanctuary area. A total of 1 004 (15.2%) recaptures were made from 17 species. The majority (82.4%) of these species displayed station-keeping behaviour, whereas only three were classified as wider-ranging species, and no species with discernible migratory behaviour was observed. Findings for five species with the highest recapture rates, namely Pomadasys furcatus, Epinephelus andersoni, E. marginatus, Dinoperca petersi and Lutjanus rivulatus, are presented in greater detail. Recapture rates ranged from 7% to 50% and time at liberty from 0 to 3 163 days. Individuals of all five species displayed station-keeping behaviour, with the 95th percentile of intra-study-site movements varying between 200 and 1 025 m (linear distance). However, four of the five species also displayed some ranging behaviour and made exploratory excursions ranging from 3.5 to 125 km, in both northerly and southerly directions. The dominance of station-keeping behaviour suggests that the St Lucia Marine Reserve sanctuary zone provides an important refuge for these species, with some export to adjacent areas.  相似文献   
人才是乡村地域空间发展的基础,鼓励在外务工人员回流就业是推进乡村振兴的重要举措,也是实现共同富裕的保证。论文采用多变量交互作用的模糊集定性比较分析方法,以乡村旅游地居民回流就业意愿为结果变量,构建地方参与、地方情感、感知获益、风险承受能力、政府信任、支持度为前因变量的研究模型,探索居民回流就业的驱动机制与多元影响路径。研究结果表明:(1)所有单项因素均不构成乡村旅游地居民回流就业的必要条件;(2)满足条件的组合路径共7条,总体一致性为0.876,总体覆盖率为0.862;(3)在所有路径组合中,支持度和政府信任出现的频率最高,包含地方情感的路径覆盖率较高;(4)7条路径构成了情感主导路径、信任主导路径、支持主导路径,以及知—情—意—行综合路径4大类路径模式;(5)当同时包含情感、信任、支持和参与因素时,路径具有最高解释力;(6)不同类型的乡村旅游地在回流就业影响路径上显示出差异。研究结论可为鼓励和吸引乡村旅游地在外务工人员回乡参与旅游发展提供参考,也可为更广泛的乡村地区鼓励人才回流提供理论依据。  相似文献   
Share house living arrangements are increasingly popular for young Australians as a result of a variety of economic and social changes such as the declining affordability of home ownership and delayed and decreasing marriage rates. Despite this rise, share housing is little researched. This paper considers the idea of ‘home’ as it exists in Inner Sydney's share houses, by examining the motivations underlying the decision to live in a share house as well as the relationships between housemates, in a sample of households. Share housing was utilised mainly as a response to social factors, such as the attraction of the lifestyle and something of a rite of passage, but was also shaped by economic considerations. Share housing was viewed by most people as transitional yet still meaningful. The vast majority considered their current dwelling to be ‘home’, mainly as a result of the intimacy of relationships between housemates, and the attainment of a sense of comfort and equality.  相似文献   
丁传标  赵永琪  陶伟 《地理科学》2017,37(9):1326-1336
基于家的地理学视角,运用空间句法的基本理论与方法,把传统村落及家空间的重构现象放置在快速城市化进程中进行思考, 既重视文化的空间分析又强调空间的文化研究。在微观空间中,揭示了快速城市化进程中家空间物质形态变迁的文化观念表征和空间形态重构过程中的社会文化逻辑。主要结论如下:快速城市化进程中,个体家庭的响应遵循着不同的空间生产逻辑。家屋空间产生了家庭现代化、从家到户、家与房子的分离3种不同的重构模式。 在家屋物质空间重构过程中,家中人与自然的关系、祭祀空间、内外关系、家庭关系、代际关系、性别关系等均发生着重构。区位和大量外来人口是珠村家屋空间重构的外在动力;村民家庭的现代化诉求和家空间的经济需求是家屋空间重构的内在因素。城市化带来的新的社会经济关系是珠村家空间重构的内在逻辑。  相似文献   
Three lakes, informally named Lakes Inqua, Instaar and Mercer, from the Jackman Sound area in Southern Baffin Island were cored. The elevation of the three lakes are 36 m above high tide (aht), 10 m aht and 1 m aht. The cores from Lakes Inqua and Mercer penetrated the marine/lacustrine boundary; the core from Lake Instaar is estimated to have come within ca. 5 cm of this boundary. In addition, grab samples and water samples were retrieved from the lakes. The cores have been 14C dated (AMS). Emergence of the three lake basins from the sea occurred approximately 8650 BP (Lake Inqua), 8630 BP (Lake Instaar) and 7900 BP (Lake Mercer, averaged date). This suggests a very rapid rate (>5 m/100 yrs) of glacio-isostatic rebound for this area. Down-core analyses of diatom assemblages indicate that the paleolimnology in the three lakes was similar. The diatom analyses suggest a change in climate between approximately 8000 and 6000 BP, which is also reflected in the marine record from the same area, and the onset of the neoglacial period around 4500 to 3800 BP. A decrease in diatom-inferred pH is evident in the lakes' development and can probably be related to the general change of the watershed vegetation with time.  相似文献   
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