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1.INTRODUCnONSAn~sizeplaysanimpo~roleinmanyfields,SUChasinndmeDt-laden~ordebrisflow.TheStateofsedimentmovementwhateVertheyaresugunded.jUInpingorbed-loading,isoftencloselyrelatedtOtheirSizes.Thebodyor~forcesbornacaglainareOftendiredproponionedtotheabcorSq~sizeofthisgrain.Thereforesedimentsizeisanimpohalltindextoesedimentcharacteristics.Besides,depositsizeanditsdistributionimplysome~infonnationdepositingfonnationenvironmentandcauseing~hyandgeqlogy.Ina~on.thesizeanditsdistributionareeac…  相似文献   
选取浙江省测震台网景宁、北仑、南麂岛地震台井下地震计观测数据,采用地震数据波形相关性分析法,与地表地震计同步观测数据进行相关性分析,检测并校正井下地震计方位角,结果发现,3个地震台井下地震计方位角实际偏差分别为82.2°、-22.8°、32.2°。分析认为,井下地震计安装易受线缆应力影响,导致方位角与实际偏差过大,应在应力释放完成后固定地震计,并架设地表地震计进行数据相关性分析,以确定方位角可靠性。  相似文献   
INTRODUCTIONFuzhou basin is a faulted basin developed during the mid-late Quaternary,filled with marine ,terrestrial and alternating marine-terrestrial facies sediments (Lin,1979 ;Lan,et al .,1986 ; Han,etal .,1992 ;Ding,et al .,1992 ; Wang,et al .,2000 ; Wang,et al .,2002) .Inthe basin,concealedfaults are distributed. With the support of a project entitled“Testing exploration of active fault inurban area”of the National Development and ReformCommission,two drill holes (SZK1 and S…  相似文献   
目前天然橡胶支座(NRB)的性能研究大多未考虑尺寸效应,在前期开展的近海桥梁隔震支座和材料老化时变规律研究的基础上,同时考虑支座直径尺寸变化和老化作用时间的影响对NRB的性能进行研究。首先采用ABAQUS有限元软件对不同直径尺寸NRB的性能进行分析,得到了NRB性能随直径尺寸的变化规律;然后结合前期老化作用对NRB及其橡胶材料性能时变规律的影响研究成果,分析了直径尺寸及老化作用时间共同作用下,NRB性能的变化规律,并通过ABAQUS有限元分析,验证了该变化规律的准确性。结果表明:NRB的水平刚度和竖向刚度均随其直径尺寸的增大呈正比例增大趋势;NRB水平刚度比和竖向刚度比均随老化作用时间的增长呈线性增大趋势;且直径为150mm的NRB在实际环境老化60a后,其水平刚度和竖向刚度的增长幅度分别为:30.8%和16.41%,由此可见老化作用时间对NRB水平刚度的影响较显著,对其竖向刚度的影响较小。研究内容可为隔震桥梁结构中支座缩尺模型试验的相关设计提供参考,并为将实验室缩尺橡胶隔震支座的相关成果较好地应用于实际工程计算及设计中提供依据。  相似文献   
An experimental investigation on flow fields within the scour holes upstream and downstream of circular piers positioned in tandem and staggered arrangements is reported and compared with isolated piers on mobile beds with uniform sediment. The instantaneous bed elevations and instantaneous three dimensional (3D) velocities were measured using a 5 MHz Ultrasonic Ranging system and 16 MHz micro down looking acoustic Doppler velocimeter, respectively. The velocity and flow depth were measured at different locations under near equilibrium bed scour conditions. The measured 3D velocities were processed for the computation of flow parameters, such as velocity fields, streamline patterns, vorticity fields, and circulation. Furthermore, turbulence intensities, turbulent kinetic energy, Reynolds shear stresses, and bed shear stresses around the piers for all three pier configurations were computed from the detrended velocity signals to identify significant differences in the flow parameters and turbulence in the tandem and staggered pier arrangements as compared to those for an isolated pier. A recirculation zone was found near the bed in front of the rear pier in the tandem case from the streamline patterns. The vortices in the bi-vortex system were observed to be opposite to each other in the gap between the three piers in the staggered case. A strong secondary vortex also was observed apart from the primary vortex at the foot of the pier (θ = 0°) in all the three configurations. The strength of the horseshoe vortex (combination of primary and secondary vortices) was found to be higher at the front piers of the staggered arrangement as compared to those of the tandem piers, followed by the isolated pier. The bed shear stresses were found to be higher for the staggered piers than for the tandem piers in the direction of flow (θ = 0°). However, a 50% reduction in the bed shear stresses was observed behind the tandem piers at θ = 180°. The study reported in this paper provides the foundation for further investigation of countermeasures against local scour around tandem and staggered bridge piers on a mobile bed with non-uniform sediment.  相似文献   
本文通过改变云峰井孔径试验,探讨了提高地下水观测井映震能力的一种途径。  相似文献   
试验井位于汕头市衡山路,观测系统为井下宽频地震计TBG-60B和地面宽频带地震计TDV-60B,频带为60S~50 Hz,选取的地面观测数据与对应的井下观测数据都是同一时间的,使用童汪练研究员的地噪声分析软件和MATLAB绘图工具,研究台站环境地噪声随观测井深度的变化特征,得到井深与观测地噪声之间的对比关系,为井下地震台站勘选和工程建设提供基础数据。发现地噪声水平从覆盖层进入到基岩有很大变化,从强风化层进入到中微风化层也有明显变化,考虑钻井建设成本和台站建设地噪声水平要求之间的综合效益,在粤东地区典型的地质结构条件,较佳的平衡点应该是至少需要进入完整中微风化层基岩10 m。  相似文献   
本文采用两自由度的裂纹扩展模型,以桅杆结构纤绳拉耳孔边裂纹前缘最深点和表面点的裂纹扩展增长量来追踪裂纹扩展。基于最小二乘法原理对通过有限元法所获得的各种裂纹形状所对应的裂纹前缘最深点和表面点的无因次形状因子进行多项式曲线拟合,用拟合曲线上的值代替离散的无因次形状因子扩充插值数据库,采用拉格朗日插值法计算任意形状裂纹前缘最深点和表面点无因次形状因子,并计算得到确定裂纹扩展速率所需要的应力强度因子幅度。最后根据裂纹前缘最深点和表面点的裂纹扩展速率确定桅杆结构纤绳连接拉耳孔边裂纹的扩展特性。  相似文献   
通过对比两次快速晕状日冕物质抛射(CME)事件,分析相应的日面和行星际的观测资料,发现源区距离冕洞较远的CME引起了极强的太阳高能粒子(Solar Energetic Particle,SEP)事件,而源区非常靠近冕洞的CME则没有引起大的SEP事件.该结果表明,冕洞可能对CME形成SEP事件有阻碍作用.继而分析1997~2003年所有爆发在冕洞边缘的快速晕状CME,发现源区离冕洞距离小于0.2Rs(太阳半径)的CME均没有引起大的SEP事件.从而进一步证实了冕洞可能对邻近CME形成大SEP事件有影响,它阻碍SEP事件的形成.最后讨论了冕洞阻碍CME形成大SEP事件的可能原因.  相似文献   


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