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中国地震历史资料的信息开发与利用 总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7
本文对全国历史地震资料的有用信息作了进一步的开发和利用,按统一方法处理了大量有感以上地震的文字记载,确字每个独立地震的时间与地点;分区求得地震的有感区长半径与震级的关系式;确定了历史有感地震的最低震级为4;取得了8000余次有感地震垢基本参数;用等震线测定了巨大地震的参数;将有感强震目录统编成全国与几个大区M≥4.0地震目录,按《地震学地震预报实用程序系统》(EPSEIS)的格式要求建库;同时编制 相似文献
May Yuan 《Singapore journal of tropical geography》2021,42(1):13-30
The rise of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) technologies has been producing powerful tools for spatial data processing, management, analysis, modeling, and visualization. While supporting many tasks, GIS technologies have evoked new thinking and advanced intellectual inquiries in geography. Technological advances in other fields often stimulate new research questions and lead to revolutionary discoveries. The Hubble telescope revolutionizes our understanding of the universe, and 3D digital microscopes transform our knowledge of the coordination among biological, neurological, and physiological systems in living organisms. Can GIS claim similar revolutionary effects on geography? The answer is much up for debate. With GIS technologies, geographic studies can explore a broader extent across multiple scales in space and time and tackle problems through increasingly complex spatial statistics, visual analytics, computation, simulation, machine learning, and artificial intelligence. Both the Hubble telescope and 3D digital microscope were built based on scientific research that subserves the technological advances for inquiries into space and life systems. Likewise, GIScience research innovates GIS methods that enable novel geographic investigations and therefore contribute to geographic knowledge production. For the sake of simplicity, the term GIS used here represents both GIScience and GIS technologies. This essay attempts to clarify the intellectual contributions of GIS to geography on the following two questions: (1) What novel geographic thinking is driven by GIS? (2) How may GIS provoke new geographic inquiries and knowledge? Building on Nystuen's notion of four tensions that trigger geographic questions, the essay discusses how GIS innovations mediate historical tension, space‐time tension, dimensional tension and scale tensions. 相似文献
边境地区是重要的国家安全屏障和多重权力空间影响下的特殊脆弱地带。科学总结边境研究发展历程有助于厘清边境研究脉络,为实现边境长治久安与可持续发展提供科学支撑。论文以中国知网(CNKI)和科学引文索引(Web of Science)中人文地理学相关视域下的中国边境研究学术论文为依据,借助科学知识图谱方法,分析了1990年以来中国边境研究历程、趋势及热点等基本特征。研究发现:中国边境研究经历了“开放探索—社会建构—战略引领”的发展历程,研究热点区域逐渐由东北地区转向西南地区,“边境贸易”“边境旅游”“边境口岸”“一带一路”是4个核心关键词聚类。边境研究主要内容包括边境贸易与开发开放、边境旅游资源开发、社会建构与和谐发展、边境口岸与城市功能,以及地缘环境与边境安全。当前,中国边境研究在规律探索、定量总结等方面仍然不足,论文在构建多要素—多主体—多尺度集成的边境地理研究框架基础上,提出未来应加强边境风险与安全、跨境合作机制、边境效应理论、边境可持续发展等研究,为后续边境研究提供参考,支撑中国边境安全与现代化治理。 相似文献
GIS在历史、文化地理学研究中的应用及展望 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
李凡 《地理与地理信息科学》2008,24(1):21-26,48
通过对文献的综合分析,总结了GIS应用于历史地理学、文化地理学、考古和文化资源管理以及空间社会科学的研究进展,并介绍了我国历史文化地理信息系统的建设实践。尽管在历史地理和文化地理研究中GIS应用仍面临一些问题,但它拥有巨大的潜力。因此,国内历史地理和文化地理学者应该重新认识GIS的作用,开发适合的GIS应用软件,搭建跨学科的合作研究平台,争取将GIS在历史文化研究中的应用纳入数字城市计划之中。 相似文献
在对中国西部的区域划分进行界定并阐述中国西部区域特征的基础上,对中国西部的开发进行了历史回顾,并对中国西部开发的历史背景和现实基础、中国西部开发的优势和制约条件进行分析,最后提出了中国西部开发的发展战略和政策措施. 相似文献
《The Professional geographer》1986,38(3):295-316
Book Reviewed in this article: Marine Resources of Kuwait: Their Role in the Development of Non-oil Resources . Fatimah H. Y. al -Abdul -Razzak Recollections of a Revolution: Geography as Spatial Science . Mark Billinge , Derek Gregory and Ron Martin Entre l'Eden et l'Utopie . Luc Bureau Developments in Political Geography . M. A. Busteed The Elements of Graphing Data . William S. Cleveland Rural Resource Management . Paul J. Cloke and Chris C. Park Third World Atlas . Ben Crow and Alan Thomas Exploitation, Conservation, Preservation: A Geographic Perspective on Natural Resource Use . Susan L. Cutter , Hilary Lambert Renwick, and William H. Renwick . Wine Regions of the Southern Hemisphere . Harm Jan de Blij Regional Development: Problems and Policies in Eastern and Western Europe . George Demko The Geographer at Work . Peter R. Gould Change in the Amazon Basin . John Hemming Geography Since the Second World War . R. J. Johnston and P. Claval Urbanization in China: Town and Countryside in a Developing Economy 1949–2000 A.D. , R. J. R. Kirkby Transport and Communications for Pacific Microstates: Issues in Organisation and Management . Christopher C. Kissling Fluvial Forms and Processes . David Knighton The Urban Millennium . Josef W. Konvitz Technological Transition in Cartography . Mark Stephen Monmonier Field Guide to Soils and the Environment: Applications of Soil Surveys . Gerald W. Olson Northern Australia: The Arenas of Life and Ecosystems on Half a Continent . Don Parkes A Killing Rain: The Global Threat of Acid Rain . Thomas Pawlick From the Family Farm to Agribusiness: The Irrigation Crusade in California and the West, 1850–1931 . Donald J. Pisani Hybrid Maize Diffusion in Kenya . Franz -Michael Rundquist Warning and Response to the Mount St. Helens Eruption . Thomas F. Saarinen and James L. Sell Coastal Geomorphology in Australia . B. G. Thom Tropical Rain Forests of the Far East , 2nd ed . T. C. Whitmore The Dark Side of the Earth . Robert Muir Wood Categorical Data Analysis for Geographers and Environmental Scientists , Neil Wrigley 相似文献
梯田是人类几千年来利用和改造自然能力的象征,在人类社会发展中发挥了重要的作用。甘加盆地位于青藏高原东北部甘肃省夏河县,盆地内的丘陵、山麓地带分布大面积的层状梯形景观,疑似弃耕的古代梯田。本文在实地考察的基础上,基于卫星遥感资料,通过GIS手段分析发现古梯田面积为42.2 km2(约63000亩),主要分布在盆地内央曲河及其支流两侧海拔2936~3326 m间的山坡上。通过对3个古梯田剖面样品的磁化率、总有机碳/氮(TOC、TN)含量、孢粉、粒度等环境代用指标分析,同时对比具有准确年代控制的自然剖面磁化率与粒度。研究结果显示:梯田开垦于晚全新世(距今3000 a)古土壤,梯田剖面顶部25~35 cm不同于自然剖面而呈均一化的指标证实了耕作层的存在(距今约1000 a以下层位);但耕作层之上TOC、TN含量的增多,以及梯田剖面与自然剖面整体一致的指标变化趋势说明了梯田被短期利用后长期废弃;结合历史文献资料推断夏河古梯田是在北宋“弓箭手屯田”制度(1074—1125年)下开垦的;气候重建资料显示该时段温度较高、降水增加,整体有益于农业生产。本文提供了过去人类社会适应气候变化的典型案例。 相似文献
WILLIAM A. KOELSCH 《Geographical review》2012,102(4):510-524
The conventional narrative regarding the American reception of George Perkins Marsh, author of Man and Nature (1864), is that his work and ideas were “lost,”“forgotten,” or “neglected” until Lewis Mumford “rediscovered” him and introduced him to geographers at the University of California‐Berkeley through The Brown Decades (Mumford [1931] 1955) and until Carl Sauer made him known to the profession at large beginning in 1938. This article upends the conventional narrative by looking at earlier references to Marsh's later versions of Man and Nature, which were published as The Earth as Modified by Human Action from 1874 to 1907. Analysis reveals that a number of geographers and historians cited these editions between 1875 and the early 1950s. Examining the legend of loss and rediscovery suggests the value of methods utilized in reception studies for research on the history of geography. 相似文献
以佛山市“岭南天地”(祖庙-东华里历史文化街区)的“三旧”改造为案例,讨论历史文化名城核心区改造中城市更新概念的衍生、想象及认知局限性.尤其侧重于概念运用在历史文化名城老城核心区更新中的作用、价值及其在更新实践中的推动或限制因素.研究显示,“三旧”改造概念作为城市更新理念与佛山城市旧区改造的现实问题相互结合而衍生的“应景”产物,在运用中凝练了更新主体(地方政府)对旧区改造发展的愿望、想象和认知倾向.这使得“三旧”改造概念在历史文化名城城市更新中的应用存在部分的局限性.另一方面,“三旧”改造发展模式及其想象展望也可能只是地方政府及开发商谋求城市、产业发展和城市综合竞争力提升的一种手段.此外,研究显示,“三旧”改造概念只被地方政府和投资人用作组织与寻求他们各自关注点的一种达到目的的手段或技术,从本质上来说,这个概念对他们的吸引力在于与之相关联的资源,以及一种供使用、阐释、替换的语言.至于这个概念对历史文化名城城市更新的实用性,则似乎关注不够. 相似文献