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The South African coastline has been invaded by numerous alien species. Rare pre-invasion (1980) and post-invasion datasets (2001 and 2012) exist for Marcus Island, a small land-tied island in Saldanha Bay, South Africa. These snapshot datasets of the island’s intertidal invertebrate community were complemented with monitoring across seasons, from 2014 to 2016. Invertebrate communities were compared among the summers of 1980, 2001, 2012, 2014, 2015 and 2016 to assess interannual differences, while invertebrates and algae were monitored quarter-annually to assess seasonal changes. In addition, the population dynamics of the alien mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis were monitored. Differences in invertebrate communities between consecutive summers were significant but much smaller than changes induced by the arrival of alien species. Invertebrate and seaweed communities differed among years and shore zones but not among seasons, whereas species diversity differed among years, seasons and shore zones, with zones having the strongest influence. The invasion by M. galloprovincialis, and ensuing spatial and temporal variability in its recruitment, emerged as the most important factor influencing community composition, overshadowing interannual and seasonal changes. This work highlights that the impacts of alien species can be distinguished from natural variability by combining long-term monitoring with surveys at finer temporal scales. This is an important step in extending our understanding of the impacts of marine alien species.  相似文献   
青藏高原对全球气候研究具有重要意义,而降水数据对水文、气象和生态等领域的研究也至关重要,且随着研究内容和尺度的变化,对高时空分辨率的历史降水数据的需求越发迫切。本文基于TRMM 3B43降水数据,采用随机森林算法,引入归一化植被指数(AVHRR NDVI)、高程(SRTM DEM)、坡度、坡向、经度、纬度6个地理因子,建立历史降水重建模型,获得1982-1997年分辨率为0.0833°的青藏高原年降水数据,然后根据比例系数法计算出月降水数据。为提高精度,利用站点数据对月降水数据进行校正。结果表明,该方法能简单有效地获得高时空分辨率的历史降水数据,决定系数R2大部分在0.4~0.9之间,平均值为0.6767,其中夏季效果最好,冬季效果最差;均方根误差RMSE和平均绝对误差MAE均在50 mm以下,RMSE均值为22.66 mm,MAE均值为15.97 mm;偏差Bias较小,基本在0.0~0.1之间。  相似文献   
利用山东省59个国家级气象观测站1961—2018年逐日日照时数及32个设施农业小气候观测站2008—2018年逐日气温观测资料,采用线性回归法、Mann-Kendall突变检验法及反距离权重插值法等分析了设施农业生产季连阴天时空分布和变化规律及其对设施内气温条件的影响。结果表明,时间上,过去58 a山东省连阴天年总发生次数和总连阴天数分别以1.7次·a~(-1)和6.5d·a~(-1)的趋势增加,且年总发生次数在1999年发生突变;空间上,过去58 a连阴天总发生次数和总连阴天数均呈"东北—西南"向增多分布,聊城和德州地区的增加较其他区域更为明显,单站年发生次数和连阴天数增加超过0.06次·a~(-1)和0.2 d·a~(-1),且变化趋势在聊城等15个和13个站点通过显著性水平为0.05的显著性检验;随着连阴天数增加,设施内气温降温幅度会增大;相同连阴天数时,平均气温和最低气温降幅春秋季大于冬季,分析其原因可能是春秋季基础温度高于冬季,从而更容易引起温度的剧烈变化所导致。研究结果可为有关部门研究设施农业种植布局和指导设施农业生产及防灾减灾提供理论支持。  相似文献   

The reassessment of flood risk at York, UK, is pertinent in light of major flooding in November 2000, and heightened concerns of a perceived increase in flooding nationally. Systematic flood level readings from 1877 and a wealth of documentary records dating back as far as 1263 AD give the City of York a long and rich history of flood records. This extended flood record provides an opportunity to reassess estimates of flood frequency over a time scale not normally possible within flood frequency analysis. This paper re-evaluates flood frequency at York, considering the strengths and weaknesses in estimates resulting from four contrasting methods of analysis and their corresponding data: (a) single-site analysis of gauged annual maxima; (b) pooled analysis of multi-site gauged annual maxima; (c) combined analysis of systematic annual maxima augmented with historical peaks, and (d) analysis of only the very largest peaks using a Generalized Pareto Distribution. Use of the historical information was found to yield risk estimates which were lower and considered to be more credible than those achieved using gauged records alone.

Citation Macdonald, N. & Black, A. R. (2010) Reassessment of flood frequency using historical information for the River Ouse at York, UK (1200–2000). Hydrol. Sci. J. 55(7), 1152–1162.  相似文献   
中国地震历史资料的信息开发与利用   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
宋治平  梅世蓉 《地震》1995,(1):12-19
本文对全国历史地震资料的有用信息作了进一步的开发和利用,按统一方法处理了大量有感以上地震的文字记载,确字每个独立地震的时间与地点;分区求得地震的有感区长半径与震级的关系式;确定了历史有感地震的最低震级为4;取得了8000余次有感地震垢基本参数;用等震线测定了巨大地震的参数;将有感强震目录统编成全国与几个大区M≥4.0地震目录,按《地震学地震预报实用程序系统》(EPSEIS)的格式要求建库;同时编制  相似文献   
Cryophenological records (i.e. observational series of freeze and breakup dates of ice) are of great importance when assessing the environmental variations in cold regions. Here we employed the extraordinarily long observational records of river ice breakup dates and air temperatures in northern Fennoscandia to examine their interrelations since 1802. Historical observations, along with modern data, comprise the informational setting for this analysis carried out using t-test. Temperature history of April-May season was used as cli- matic counterpart for the breakup timings. Both records (temperature and breakup) showed seven sub-periods during which their local means were distinctly different relative to preced- ing and subsequent sub-periods. The starting and ending years of these sub-periods oc- curred in temporal agreement. The main findings of this study are summarized as follows: (1) the synchrony between the temperature and river ice breakup records ruled out the possibility that the changes would have occurred due to quality of the historical series (i.e. inhomoge- neity problems often linked to historical time-series); (2) the studied records agreed to show lower spring temperatures and later river ice breakups during the 19th century, in comparison to the 20th century conditions, evidencing the prevalence of cooler spring temperatures in the study region, in agreement with the concept of the Little Ice Age (1570-1900) climate in North-West Europe; (3) the most recent sub-period demonstrate the highest spring tem- peratures with concomitantly earliest river ice breakups, showing the relative warmth of the current springtime climate in the study region in the context of the past two centuries; (4) the effects of anthropogenic changes in the river environment (e.g. construction and demolition of dams) during the 20th century should be considered for non-climatic variations in the breakup records; (5) this study emphasizes the importance of multi-centurial (i.e. historical) cryo- phenological information for highly interesting viewpoints of climate and environmental his- tory.  相似文献   
中国农业文化遗产研究的进展与展望   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
中国农业文明历史悠久,勤劳智慧的劳动人民在长期的生产实践过程中一直在探索适应不同自然条件的农业生产方式,创造了灿烂的农业文化遗产。当今农业发展所面临的面临生态系统退化、面源污染严重、遗传资源丧失、食品安全问题严重等问题,促使人们转而学习传统农业的智慧与经验。本文从基于文献的传统农业文化遗产研究和基于实践的动态保护与适应性管理研究两个方面,较为系统地回顾了中国农业文化遗产研究的主要进展。指出,积淀深厚、成果丰富的农业历史和农业考古研究,为农业文化遗产保护实践和发展生态农业奠定了坚实的基础。2002年联合国粮农组织(FAO)发起的全球重要农业文化遗产(GIAHS)项目,则极大地提高了人们对农业文化遗产价值的认识,使农业文化遗产保护研究与实践进入了一个新阶段,在农业文化遗产的概念与内涵、农业生物多样性、多重价值、替代产业发展以及法律与政策保障等方面都有新的探索。未来研究中应进一步丰富研究内容,改进研究方法,深入开展农业文化遗产的保护和利用的探索等。  相似文献   
分析了现有灾异史料所覆盖时段(1803-1958年)西藏水灾的时空变化特征。研究指出:①1803-1958年,西藏水灾发生(县)次数波动比较大;19世纪40-80年代为西藏的水灾多发期;1924、1954年为严重水灾发生年;②西藏水灾空间分布差异显著,主要分布在“一江两河”地区。其中,日喀则、山南地区的水灾(县)次最多,其次为拉萨市、林芝地区,昌都、阿里、那曲地区则水灾发生相对较少;③高强度的持续降水为西藏水灾发生的关键诱导因子,河流暴涨、漫溢、改道为重要媒体,山崩、雪崩、山洪及泥石流等要素为特定地貌条件下的主要致灾因子,雹灾、地水上涌等也是不容忽视的致灾因子;④19世纪40-80年代西藏气候湿润。  相似文献   
以佛山市“岭南天地”(祖庙-东华里历史文化街区)的“三旧”改造为案例,讨论历史文化名城核心区改造中城市更新概念的衍生、想象及认知局限性.尤其侧重于概念运用在历史文化名城老城核心区更新中的作用、价值及其在更新实践中的推动或限制因素.研究显示,“三旧”改造概念作为城市更新理念与佛山城市旧区改造的现实问题相互结合而衍生的“应景”产物,在运用中凝练了更新主体(地方政府)对旧区改造发展的愿望、想象和认知倾向.这使得“三旧”改造概念在历史文化名城城市更新中的应用存在部分的局限性.另一方面,“三旧”改造发展模式及其想象展望也可能只是地方政府及开发商谋求城市、产业发展和城市综合竞争力提升的一种手段.此外,研究显示,“三旧”改造概念只被地方政府和投资人用作组织与寻求他们各自关注点的一种达到目的的手段或技术,从本质上来说,这个概念对他们的吸引力在于与之相关联的资源,以及一种供使用、阐释、替换的语言.至于这个概念对历史文化名城城市更新的实用性,则似乎关注不够.  相似文献   
环境地球化学在农业和生命科学上的应用研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
在地质背景和和现今环境双重作用影响下,通过水载体,生命元素从岩石到土壤经农作物最后到人体流动过程中,不同介质的含量,赋存形态及其转移方式等综合因素,阅览室了区域生物环境地球化学特性。由于生命元素分布不均和活度的差异影响了农业生产,并诱发了一些地方性疾病。  相似文献   
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