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This paper explores links between transport and housing security issues for the urban poor using the example of the Klang Valley in Malaysia. The interface between these issues is identified as a gap in the literature, including policy debates, on both housing and transport. A number of linkages are shown to be important and likely to be relevant in many cities of the South, especially those with rapid motorisation and large numbers of "squatters". A simple framework for understanding these linkages is presented. Key examples include displacement to make way for transport infrastructure and the impact on transport problems for the poor of policies affecting the location of urban poor housing, including relocation sites and transit accommodation. The case study of the Klang Valley is used to illustrate and test the relevance of a focus on this issue and the utility of the conceptual framework. Some policy implications of the investigation and case study are suggested.  相似文献   
Managed relocation is explained and examined as an option to add to the usual categories considered in relation to managing coastal erosion. The paper considers the relocation of buildings in one unit, as opposed to demolition and re-construction. The standard coastal erosion management options are briefly noted and how managed relocation can fit into these options is explained. This paper focuses on four case studies. Two examples are from the USA and two from the UK; of these, two (one in each of the UK and USA) took place during the nineteenth century. Managed relocation is proposed as being feasible in particular cases, particularly where there are isolated historic or high value buildings.  相似文献   
从洛杉矶地区地震实验计划说起   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
简要介绍了美国洛杉矶地震实验计划(LARSE)的研究目的、科学思路以及一些重要的研究成果。受LARSE计划实践的启发,文章对我国即将开展的城市活断层探测研究思路提出了几点科学认识:①进行深浅活动构造相结合的探测,建立直到震源深度的活动断裂立体图像;②实施折射/反射相结合的综合性探测,发展高分辨折射技术,弥补数百米-数千米深度范围成像的不足;③重要的活动断层常常具有一定的规模,在空间上构成复杂的构造格局,因此,活断层探测不能局限在城市,而应在一定的空间范围中进行。  相似文献   
The skill and efficiency of a numerical model mostly varies with the quality of initial values, accuracy on parameterization of physical processes and horizontal and vertical resolution of the model. Commonly used low-resolution reanalyses are hardly able to capture the prominent features associated with organized convective processes in a monsoon depression. The objective is to prepare improved high-resolution analysis by the use of MM5 modelling system developed by the Pennsylvania State University/National Center for Atmospheric Research (PSU/NCAR). It requires the objective comparison of high and low-resolution analysis datasets in assessing the specific convective features of a monsoon depression. For this purpose, reanalysis datasets of NCAR/NCEP (National Center for Atmospheric Research/National Centers for Environmental Prediction) at a horizontal resolution of 2.5‡ (latitude/longitude) have been used as first guess in the objective analysis scheme. The additional asynoptic datasets obtained during BOBMEX-99 are utilized within the assimilation process. Cloud Motion Wind (CMW) data of METEOSAT satellite and SSM/I surface wind data are included for the improvement of derived analysis. The multiquadric (MQD) interpolation technique is selected and applied for meteorological objective analysis at a horizontal resolution of 30 km. After a successful inclusion of additional data, the resulting reanalysis is able to produce the structure of convective organization as well as prominent synoptic features associated with monsoon depression. Comparison and error verifications have been done with the help of available upper-air station data. The objective verification reveals the efficiency of the analysis scheme.  相似文献   
Some achievements on the inhomogeneity test of climatological data series and some correlative conclusions were described,from which we concluded that it was very necessary to test the homogeneity of the Chinese climatological data series.Many techniques on this field developed by foreign experts are suitable for Chinese climatological series,and the main factors for the inhomogeneity of the Chinese climatological data are the relocation of stations and the change of instruments.  相似文献   
Three third-order sequences and about one hundred high-frequency cycles or Milankovitchcycles within the Late Permian Changxingian to Early Triassic Griesbachian are identified in theMeishan Section of Changxing, Zhejiang Province, southern China, the candidate stratotype sec-tion of the global Permo-Triassic boundary, based on a detailed study of the biological,ecological and high-resolution allochthonous cyclic events, microfacies and depositional systems.Furthermore, the stacking pattern of the depositional systems across various Changxingian andGriesbachian sedimentary facies of the Lower Yangtze and the sequence stratigraphic frameworkare outlined with the Meishan section as the principal section. In this paper the habitat types offossil biota are applied to semiquantitative palaeobathymetry and the study of relative sea levelchanges.  相似文献   
高分辨率卫星影像已经在一些国家的民用领域得到应用。利用高分辨率卫星影像来收集地震损失评价所需要的各类城市信息不仅高效和有较好的时间分辨率,而且它可以减少以往所必需的大量的代价高昂且费力的城市调查。基于在印度城市台拉登所做的研究,讨论了如何利用高分辨率卫星影像进行城市特征识别的一些问题,同时也简单论述了利用GIS/RS软件综合所得的数据以便用于地震损失评价的方法。  相似文献   
采用中国中西部地区(21~36N, 98~112E)193个地震台在1992~1999年间记录到的9 988次地震的Pg和Sg震相走时的读数资料,用Roecker的SPHYPIT90程序,反演了该地区三维地壳P波速度结构,并用SPHREL3D90程序进行了地震的重新定位.反演结果揭示了中国中西部地区地震P波速度结构明显的横向不均匀性,这些不同深度上波速的横向变化多以该地区的活动断裂为分界线.可以看出活动断裂两侧存在明显的速度反差.通过重新定位,得到了6 459次地震的震源参数,这些精确定位的地震震中明显沿该区活动断裂呈现条带状分布,其范围和尺度清晰地表示了这一地区地震活动与活动断裂的紧密关系.其中,82%重新精确定位的事件的震源深度在20 km以内. 这一结果与笔者用双差地震定位法得到的重新定位的震源深度分布相一致.   相似文献   
IntroductionUnderstandingthemechanismofcontinentalearthquakesisveryimportantforseismichaz-ardpreventionandearthquakeprediction.Themodernseismotectonictheoryandtheideaofearthquakepredictionaredevelopedmainlyfromthestudiesoninterplateearthquakes,whicharedifficulttoexplainthephenomenaofintraplateearthquakes,suchasthecontinentalearthquakesoccurredinChinesemainland.Whiletheinterplateearthquakesoccurredalongtheplatebounda-ries,theintraplateearthquakesdistributediffuselyintheinterioroftheplates.Thus…  相似文献   
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