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根据对基线数据的特点分析,运用面向对象的编程方法,对GPS控制网图形应用程序进行了类设计,包括类层次划分、各类的数据成员及其函数的设计。基于类开发的GPS控制网图形应用程序,实现了对基线数据及其操作的封装,有利于程序对基线数据的处理。同时,利用父类与子类间数据成员、成员函数的继承关系,可以优化GPS控制网图形应用程序的整体设计。  相似文献   
Removing the Tertiary and Quaternary Periods whilst conserving the Paleogene and Neogene Periods in The Geological Timescale 2004 caused a storm of protest. One response was to advocate restoring an enlarged Quaternary and consigning the Neogene to a minor role within the Tertiary. Amongst an array of practical, traditional, sentimental and anthropocentric reasons for this response, the one hard-core justification was that the rigidly nested hierarchy of the geological timescale must be preserved.The central objective of this paper is conserving the historically legitimate, Miocene-present, Neogene Period and System. There are two options for conserving the Quaternary concurrently with the Neogene: (i) an inclusive compromise in a flexible hierarchy, and (ii) an upgrading of Pliocene and Pleistocene divisions to the level of epoch.In the inclusive compromise there coexist alternative pathways through the hierarchical ranks. Thus geohistorians and biohistorians have two options for traversing the hierarchy from era to age, as in this example using the hierarchical positioning of the Calabrian Age and Stage:either Cenozoic [era]↔Neogene [period]↔Pleistocene [epoch]↔Calabrian [age],or Cenozoic [era]↔Quaternary [subera]↔Pleistocene [epoch]↔Calabrian [age].We reaffirm that the inclusive compromise is entirely viable. In so doing we (i) challenge the necessity of the rigidly nested hierarchy, which should be capable of a little flexibility; (ii) reject all analogies of the arbitrary and conventional chronostratigraphic hierarchy with three natural biological hierarchies; (iii) reaffirm the integrity of the Neogene extending to the present; and (iv) see no reason to doubt the harmonious coexistence of the two options preserving the Quaternary and Neogene traditions in an orderly working and stable time scale.In the alternative schema conserving the Neogene, divisions of the Pliocene and Pleistocene are upgraded, so that the Late Pleistocene, Early Pleistocene and Late Pliocene Epochs comprise the Quaternary Subperiod, itself equivalent to Late Neogene. The inflexibly nested hierarchy is preserved but the Tertiary is lost.  相似文献   
利用城市POI数据提取分层地标   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
为了获取能够用于智能化路径引导的层次性空间知识,提出了一种依据显著度的差异从城市POI数据中提取出分层地标的方法。首先,通过从公众认知、空间分布和个体特征3个方面分析影响POI显著性的因素,构造了包括公众认知度、城市中心度和特征属性值3个指标向量的POI显著性度量模型;然后,分别讨论了利用问卷调查、多密度空间聚类和数据规格化的方法计算POI对象的各项显著性指标值的过程;最后,选择武汉市武昌地区的POI数据进行显著度计算,从中提取显著度较高的对象构成若干层地标,并以各层地标为种子生成加权的Voronoi图,用来反映各地标的空间影响范围并建立了同层和上下层地标之间蕴含的关系。  相似文献   

Increasing wolf populations are a concern for wildlife managers in the Midwestern U.S. Understanding the psychological mechanisms that contribute to public perceptions of risk will enable development of strategies that seek to mitigate these risks, and suggest where outreach efforts may facilitate acceptance of wolves. We examined the psychological factors that influence Illinois residents’ perceived risks from wolves. We hypothesized that individuals’ perceived risks from wolves were a function of their attitudes toward wolves, negative affect toward wolves, and basic beliefs about wildlife. Data were obtained from a survey of the Illinois public (n?=?784). Negative affect and attitudes toward wolves were direct predictors of perceived risks. Basic beliefs predicted attitudes and negative affect toward wolves. Negative affect predicted attitudes. Basic beliefs had direct and indirect effects on perceived risks.  相似文献   
充分考虑主客观因素,运用粗糙集和层次分析法研究农村居民旅游目的地选择影响因子,确定农村居民旅游目的地选择指标体系,并通过评价方法将指标合理化。研究结果表明: 判断矩阵计算的各因素权重结果较为接近,比较理想。农村居民旅游目的地影响因子中的消费水平、旅游景观、旅游氛围均超过0.1,排在前3位,较以往学者研究结果有所变化。农村居民出游对旅游资源偏好较以往有很大改观。旅游目的地的旅游氛围营造等影响因子已经超过了之前农村居民优先考虑的距离因素。对交通条件,住宿水平的影响因子考虑的较少。相对传统的农村居民旅游目的地出游影响因素的研究方法,该方法可以最大限度的避免层次分析法所依赖的专家经验,避免出游因素评价指标设计中出现的重复性。  相似文献   
中国城市规模划分新标准的适用性研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
2014年11月,国务院发布《关于调整城市规模划分标准的通知》,将城市规模等级划分为“五类七档”,受到广泛关注。但因对新标准的理解存在歧义而出现各种划分结果,引起误解与混乱。在对比新旧标准的基础上,以第六次人口普查数据为基础,分析2010年中国城市规模等级结构,评价新标准的科学性和局限性。结果显示,新标准在空间口径、人口口径、分级标准等方面进行了实质性的改进;按照新标准划分的2010年中国城市规模等级结构,相对于旧标准及其他标准而言,特大城市和大城市数量大幅缩减,而中小城市数量相应增多,呈现出显著的金字塔结构特征,更加符合中心地理论模型和位序—规模法则,更有利于科学地实施城市与人口的分类管理。但同时,新标准也存在“城区人口”数据难以获取、受行政区划调整影响较大等局限性,亟待加强实体城区识别研究和推进数据共享。  相似文献   
区域可持续发展研究中的几个问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文在剖析了区域发展,持续发展和可持续发展关系的基础上,探讨了区域的层次性及其可持续刀菜的目标模式,区域的类型及其可持续发展的要求等问题,按照主导因子的原则,将区域划分成自然区域,经济区域,政治区域和文化区域等,讨论了不同类型区域可持续性发展的要求。  相似文献   
The long-term average annual soil loss (A) and sediment yield (SY) in a tropical monsoon-dominated river basin in the southern Western Ghats, India (Muthirapuzha River Basin, MRB; area: 271.75 km2), were predicted by coupling the Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation (RUSLE) and sediment delivery ratio (SDR) models. Moreover, the study also delineated soil erosion risk zones based on the soil erosion potential index (SEPI) using the analytic hierarchy process (AHP) technique. Mean A of the basin is 14.36 t ha?1 year?1, while mean SY is only 3.65 t ha?1 year?1. Although the land use/land cover types with human interference show relatively lower A compared to natural vegetation, their higher SDR values reflect the significance of anthropogenic activities in accelerated soil erosion. The soil erosion risk in the MRB is strongly controlled by slope, land use/land cover and relative relief, compared to geomorphology, drainage density, stream frequency and lineament frequency.  相似文献   
This paper assessed the socio-economic implications of climate change and vulnerability of fishing communities known as “Koli” living in Mumbai, India. The vulnerability indicators are derived from sustainable livelihood literature and use of multi-criteria analyses and are validated with expert opinions. A survey of two hundred fishermen from five fishing villages in Mumbai was conducted to collect data. The results demonstrate that vulnerability perpetuates due to physical and financial resource constraints among the fishing community. Fishermen from Madh and Worli villages are observed to be more vulnerable and less adaptive due to their inability to use efficient mechanized boats and advanced fishing implements, such as fish finders and GPS (Global Positioning System). The divergence in the vulnerability scores among fishing villages is attributed to the coping strategies, resource availability, knowledge and the benefit derived from the local government. Fishermen have been observing the negative impacts of climate change on their fishing livelihoods. Adaptation strategies to maximize fish catch are observed in such practices as targeting different species and fishing intensively for several days. However, these practices are leading to an imbalance in the common resource pool and biased resource sharing among different groups of fishermen.  相似文献   
干热岩是一种新型清洁能源,其开发利用区的确定十分重要。笔者首先通过对松辽盆地热源、资源量、导热、聚热、地震活动5个方面资料的收集,提出了松辽盆地增强型地热系统开发选区适宜性评价方法;然后选取8项评价因子,利用ArcGIS 10.2平台将松辽盆地划分为26个评价单元,根据打分法和层次分析法(AHP)求取每个因子的权重;最后,对26个选区进行综合评价,将其分成适宜、较适宜、一般适宜、较不适宜和不适宜5个等级。结果表明:松辽盆地干热岩开发适宜区和较适宜区主要集中在盆地中部的大安—大庆一带,确定的适宜选区范围对今后干热岩开发工作具有一定指导作用。  相似文献   
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