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Thermal effects related to burial and hydrothermal alteration leads to chemical remanent magnetization (CRM). We present an experimental study of CRM production by heating claystones at 95 °C. A vertical magnetic field of 2 mT was applied to the claystones during heating and the evolution of the remanence during heating in air is monitored intermittently for up to four months. Solid fragments (9 to 26 g) of claystones are included in a Teflon holder that is placed in the oven under a controlled atmosphere. Newly formed grains acquire a CRM and a thermoviscous magnetization (TVRM), both being parallel to the applied magnetic field. CRM is related to the amount of newly formed grains that pass the critical volume during the reaction. To measure the acquired remanence, the claystones are first cooled in a zero magnetic field and then measured using a 2G SQUID magnetometer.In the frame of the research programme on the feasibility of radioactive waste disposal in a deep geological formation, we investigate the magnetic transformation of Mont Terri Lower Dogger claystones (Switzerland) due to thermal imprinting at 95 °C. We simulate the dehydration that occurs in the walls of galleries after excavation when interstitial water evaporates and rehydration when the galleries are refilled allowing water to move towards dehydrated zones. During dehydration, the remanence gains one order of magnitude at the beginning of the experiment and then it follows a linear rate of 0.23 ± 0.07 mA m− 1/day between 3 and 14 days. The magnetic susceptibility increases by a few percent. The increase of the remanence and of the magnetic susceptibility stops after 15 days. Mass monitoring indicates that interstitial water evaporates when remanence and magnetic susceptibility stabilizes. During rehydration, the remanence increases again whilst magnetic susceptibility drops by a few percent. After 20 days, the remanence during rehydration follows a rate of 0.42 ± 0.15 mA m− 1/day. By contrast, when rehydration takes place later, after 66 days, the rate is much lower (0.09 ± 0.04 mA m− 1/day). Low temperature investigation of magnetic properties indicates an initial magnetic assemblage of magnetite and pyrrhotite. Newly formed magnetite and hematite carry the remanence. We propose that magnetite is formed at the expense of pyrite. Hematite results from the progressive oxidation of newly formed magnetite. Our results suggest the possibility that any claystones that pass the oil window can be remagnetized due to the unique action of temperature.  相似文献   
We carried out thermomagnetic susceptibility analyses of fault rocks from core samples from Hole B of the Taiwan Chelungpu Fault Drilling Project (TCDP) to investigate the cause of high magnetic susceptibilities in the fault core. Test samples were thermally and mechanically treated by heating to different maximum temperatures of up to 900 °C and by high-velocity frictional tests before magnetic analyses. Thermomagnetic susceptibility analyses of natural fault rocks revealed that magnetization increased at maximum heating temperatures above 400 °C in the heating cycle, and showed three step increases, at 600 to 550 °C and at 300 °C during the cooling cycle. These behaviors are consistent with the presence of pyrite, siderite and chlorite, suggesting that TCDP gouge originally included these minerals, which contributed to the generation the magnetic susceptibility by thermomechanical reactions. The change in magnetic susceptibility due to heating of siderite was 20 times that obtained by heating pyrite and chlorite, so that only a small fraction of siderite decomposition is enough to cause the slight increase of the susceptibility observed in the fault core. Color measurement results indicate that thermal decomposition by frictional heating took place under low-oxygen conditions at depth, which prevented the minerals from oxidizing to reddish hematite. This finding supports the inference that a mechanically driven chemical reaction partly accounts for the high magnetic susceptibility. A kinetic model analysis confirmed that frictional heating can cause thermal decomposition of siderite and pyrite. Our results show that decomposition of pyrite to pyrrhotite, siderite and, to some extent, chlorite to magnetite is the probable mechanism explaining the magnetic anomaly within the Chelungpu fault zone.  相似文献   
The paper features data on thermomagnetic characteristics of the red-bed sediments of the Lower Cretaceous of the Tadjik depression which turned out to be somewhat anomalous. The thermomagnetic characteristics of monolithic samples are stable under long-term heating (2–3 hours) at high temperature (600°–700°C). At the same time, the thermomagnetic characteristics of the powders, obtained from heated monolithic samples, display instability under even lesser temperatures. During heating at 600°–700°C, part of the hematite, dispersed in the rock, turns into stable maghemite. Disintegration of the monoliths changes the properties of the secondary maghemite - it becomes unstable to heating and at temperatures of 550°-600°C irreversibly changes into hematite.  相似文献   
采用断层位错模式,考虑了具有一定宽度的断层在其粘滑过程中,断层摩擦应力和滑动速度随粘滑过程的变化情况,由此计算了粘滑所产生的摩擦增温,并将结果与不考虑摩擦应力变化、不考虑滑动速度变化或忽略断层宽度时的情况作了比较。结果表明:断层滑动时,摩擦应力和滑动速度随时间的改变及断层的宽度将对断层摩擦增温产生较大影响。由于岩石中孔隙和孔隙流体的存在,摩擦应力在断层粘滑过程中有较大变化。取断层滑动速度为Brune 震源时间函数形式,考虑摩擦应力的变化及一定的断层宽度,计算得到的摩擦增温值较以往的计算结果偏小。这个结论对测定断层活动年代的热释光(TL)和电子自旋共振(ESR) 法具有一定的理论指导意义  相似文献   
长白山天池火山在全新世曾多次喷发,以往研究结果基本上认定至少有3期喷发物:距今约5,000a前淡黄色碱流质浮岩、距今约1,000a前灰白色碱流质浮岩和碎屑流以及距今约300a的黑色粗面质浮岩和熔结凝灰岩。喷发物斑晶矿物中含有众多熔体包裹体,形貌特征各有不同。经Leitz1350高温热台对天池火山全新世3期喷发物长石中熔体包裹体的均一法测温实验,结果表明第1,3喷发期的岩浆温度相差不大,而千年大喷发期较为复杂,揭示当时有2个不同温度段的熔体存在,为大喷发可能由2种岩浆注入和混合而触发的论点提供了线索。实验还证实,个体小的熔体包裹体易于均一,而个体较大的、尤其是含有大量子晶的熔体包裹体则很难均一;均一温度与熔体包裹体大小、何时从较快升温速率变为较慢升温速率、是否为初次升温时测量得出有关。同一颗熔体包裹体多次数升温至均一,每次得到的均一温度不同,而且每升温一次得到的均一温度均比前一次高,证实了均一过程中的确有H扩散的现象  相似文献   
电离层化学物质释放能导致释放区域电子密度的损耗,从而产生明显的电离层空洞现象.高频电波通过电离层空洞时,由于电子密度不同,对电波产生折射效果进而形成聚焦效应.本文利用射线追踪方法,评估高频电波通过空洞形成聚焦加热的效果.结果表明,释放水分子与SF6都能对电离层产生明显的空洞,空洞半径约为25~50 km,电子密度的损耗率10%以上,在释放点附近有时能达到90%.不同摩尔数的化学物质释放能带来不同的效果.在300 km高度释放100 mol的水分子并且高频电波频率为15 MHz时聚焦效果最好.聚焦后电波能量吸收可增加10 dB左右,增幅达两倍左右.加热后的温度可以提升约20%.  相似文献   
The temperature rise caused by frictional heating during seismic slip is able to indicate dynamic frictional properties of the seismic fault,which provides an approach to understand the dynamic process and energy budget of an earthquake.The residual indicators of frictional heating within the fault zone also can be taken as an evidence for seismic events.The vitrinite reflectance is a commonly-used geothermometer in the coal,oil and gas industries.It also has some potential applications in the studies of fault rock and fault mechanics.We studied vitrinite reflectance (VR) of fault rocks collected from surface outcrops of the Wenchuan earthquake fault zone in this paper.The measured data reveal that the VR of fault rocks are affected by fault motion,and there is a trend that the VR increases towards the fault core,which indicates the effects of frictional heating.The VR of fault rocks from the Bajiaomiao outcrop is much higher than those from the Shenxigou outcrop,which probably suggests the difference in fault activity at the two outcrops.Our study also suggests that systematic measurement of VR across the fault zone is helpful in identifying slip zones and determining their widths.From the VR measurement on an oriented specimen containing the slip surface of the Wenchuan earthquake from the Shenxigou outcrop,we observed anomalous high VR values in two black-colored slip zones of about 2mm in width near the slip surface.The numerical calculation shows that the maximum temperature rise on the fault plane near Shenxigou was probably less than 162℃ during the Wenchuan earthquake,which means the dynamic fault strength was quite low.These estimations are roughly in accord with the results from the high-velocity frictional experiments.  相似文献   

We derive an equation governing the nonlinear propagation of a linearly polarized Alfvén wave in a two-dimensional, anisotropic, slightly compressible, highly magnetized, viscous plasma, where nonlinearities arise from the interaction of the Alfvén wave with fast and slow magnetoacoustic waves. The phase mixing of such a wave has been suggested as a mechanism for heating the outer solar atmosphere (Heyvaerts and Priest, 1983).

We find that cubic wave damping dominates shear linear dissipation whenever the Alfvén wave velocity amplitude δvy exceeds a few times ten metres per second. In the nonlinear regime, phase-mixed waves are marginally stable, while non-phase-mixed waves of wavenumber ka are damped over a timescale kuRe 0|δ vy/vA |?2, Re 0 being the Reynolds number corresponding to the Braginskij viscosity coefficient η0 and vA the Alfvén speed. Dissipation is most effective where β = (vs /vA) 2 ≈ 1, vs being the speed of sound.  相似文献   
We describe an experiment in satellite radio-wave probing of the ionosphere, modified by powerful waves from the HF heating facility at Tromsø (Norway) in May 1995. Amplitude scintillations and variations of the phase of VHF signals from Russian navigational satellites passing over the heated region were observed. We show that both large-scale electron density irregularities (several tens of kilometers in size) and small-scale ones (from hundreds of meters to kilometers) can be generated by the HF radiation. Maximum effects caused by small-scale irregularities detected in the satellite signals are observed in the directions sector approximately parallel to the geomagnetic field lines although large-scale structures can be detected within a much larger area. The properties of small-scale irregularities (electron density fluctuations) are investigated by applying a statistical analysis and by studying experimental and model mean values of the logarithm of the relative amplitude of the signal. The results indicate that satellite radio probing can be a supporting diagnostic technique for ionospheric heating and add valuable information to studies of effects produced by HF modification.  相似文献   
利用1979—2019年多年平均5—8月的逐日气象资料,采用EOF,MV-EOF、相关分析和合成分析等方法,对夏季青藏高原-孟加拉湾的大气热源与中国东部暴雨的时空演变特征及两者之间的联系进行探讨。研究结果表明:MV-EOF能够很好地表现不同要素的空间分布特征及其时间演变之间的联系。结果显示:在气候平均状态下,强降水事件分别发生在华南地区、华西和长江中下游地区时,青藏高原东部和孟加拉湾的大气加热出现相反的变化趋势,说明青藏高原东部和孟加拉湾之间的海陆热力对比很可能是导致中国东部强降水事件在不同地点发生的关键因素之一。合成分析结果揭示可能物理机制:青藏高原和孟加拉湾的热力对比变化通过调制大气垂直环流,影响南亚高压和西北太平洋副热带高压的位置和强度,改变水汽输送,最终对中国东部暴雨事件的时空变化产生重要的影响。  相似文献   
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