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孙超  陈文  李计生  李斌 《水文》2018,38(2):53-58
流域生态健康评价是流域管理、水资源开发利用、生态保护的重要决策依据,也是促进流域社会经济可持续发展的重要措施。在确定石羊河流域生态健康评价指标体系和等级标准的基础上,采用组合赋权法确定评价指标的权重,建立了改进集对模型评价方法。定量评价结果表明,石羊河流域上游、中游、下游生态健康分别为基本健康、亚健康、病态等状态。  相似文献   
川西九龙地区是近年来中国关键矿产资源勘查的热点地区之一,区内锂铍等稀有金属矿产资源优势突出,有望逐步发展成为国家级大型资源基地。作为长江上游生态保护屏障,该区生态环境脆弱,面对矿业开发的巨大机遇,在当前“环保优先”的现实情况下,急需摸清该区环境家底,支撑国家能源战略发展。本文用ICP-MS方法检测了该区352件土壤样品中7种重金属元素(Cd、As、Pb、Cr、Cu、Ni、Zn)的含量,运用地累积指数法、污染负荷指数法、潜在生态风险指数法和健康风险评价模型,结合GIS空间分析,综合研究了该区土壤中重金属的空间分布特征和生态风险。结果表明:①研究区土壤7种重金属元素浓度的平均值均没有超过国家农用土壤污染风险筛选值。As和Pb平均含量低于四川省土壤背景值,Cd、Cr、Cu、Ni和Zn含量高于背景值,分别是背景值的2.44、1.04、1.15、1.28和1.17倍。②Cd、Pb、Cr、Cu、Ni和Zn六种重金属元素浓度的空间分布特征明显受到区内黑云母花岗岩的影响,Pb的高浓度中心以及Cr、Cu、Ni和Zn的低浓度中心与岩体的空间位置对应关系明显。③地累积指数法评价结果显示,研究区土壤区域整体上不存在重金属异常累积;污染负荷指数法评价结果显示污染负荷指数均小于1,不存在重金属的污染;除Cd存在轻微的潜在生态风险外,其余6种元素均不存在潜在生态风险。④健康风险评价模型分析结果显示,空间上,Cd元素的单元素潜在生态风险指数空间分布规律与岩体存在一定联系,无生态风险区域与黑云母花岗岩岩体位置对应。土壤中的重金属可以通过手口、呼吸和皮肤直接接触三种途径进入人体,其中手口途径是产生健康风险的最主要途径。在全部重金属元素产生的健康风险中,除Cr的手口途径会产生可以接受的正常的自然致癌风险外,其余元素均不存在致癌性和非致癌性。研究表明,当前研究区土壤不存在重金属污染,潜在危害程度较低,且不存在非致癌和致癌性风险。但基于土壤中重金属存在一定的累积效应,在今后矿业开发过程中要密切关注土壤重金属浓度的变化,防止重金属污染带来的风险。  相似文献   
平原河网地区河流曲度及城市化响应   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
河流曲度是河流平面形态的重要表征指标,以平原河网地区典型区域——上海为例,分析了20世纪50年代中心城区高密度河网的河流曲度特征,诊断了近60年以来快速城市化对区域河网及河流曲度的影响。研究认为:①近60年来上海中心城区河网密度下降幅度达67.22%,高强度人类活动导致区域河网水系分枝结构与自然规律完全相反;②平原河网地区是顺直型河流的典型发育区域,研究初期上海中心城区顺直型河流占85.40%,进一步分析表明曲度小于1.1的河流比例高达70.57%,河流形态接近于直线型;③上海中心城区消亡河流以顺直型为主,其消亡速率约为较高曲度河流的12倍,采用加权平均曲度指标描述区域河网萎缩对河流曲度的影响具有更好的直观性和科学性;④上海城市河流综合整治实践中,工程水利的倾向性强于生态水利,60.9%的河流整治项目开展了裁弯取直工程措施。  相似文献   
Not only the nutritional status and biological activity but also the soil ecological functioning or soil health has been impacted profoundly by land degradation in the karst area of southwest China where the karst ecosystems are generally considered as extremely vulnerable to land degradation under intensified land-use changes. The objectives of this study are to elucidate the changes in overall soil quality by a holistic approach of soil nutritional, biological activity, and soil health indicators in the karst area as impacted by intense cultivation and vegetation degradation. Topsoil samples were collected on selected eco-tesserae in a sequence of land degradation in a karst area of southwest Guizhou in 2004. The soil nutrient pools of organic carbon (Corg), extractable extracellular carbon (Cext), total soil nitrogen (Nt), alkali-hydrolyzable nitrogen (Nah), total phosphorus (Pt), available phosphorus (Pa) were analyzed by wet soil chemistry. The soil biological properties were studied by means of measurements of microbial biomass carbon (both by fumigation–extraction, FE-Cmic, and by calculation from substrate-incubation respiration, SIR-Cmic) of respiration [respiration without addition of substrates, basal respiration (BR), and potential respiration (PR) with substrate-incubation] and of soil enzyme activities (invertase, urease, and alkaline phosphatase). Soil health status was assessed by simple indices of Cmic/Corg and BR/Cmic in conjunction with bacterial community structures determined by polymerase chain reaction and denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis. While the nutritional pool parameters, such as Corg and Cext, described basically the changes in soil life-supporting capacity with cultivation interference and vegetation declined, those parameters of biological activity such as FE-Cmic, SIR, and SIR-Cmic as well as bacterial community structures measured by molecular method evidenced well the changes in soil functioning for ecosystem health with the land degradation.  相似文献   
Background: Radiographic signs of Pneumoconiosis found in farming Ladakhi despite absences of mines and industries were believed to be due to exposure to frequent dust storms and domestic fire pollutions. Seasonal Koilonychia (spoon nail) occurring predominantly in farming women in absences of iron deficiency anaemia was thought to arise from exposure to water made alkaline by weathering of hornblende minerals. The relation of these health conditions to environmental geohydrochemistry is postulated as the source of irrigation water in the affected population originates from glaciers in trans-Himalaya range of sedimentary geology and steep landscape favouring flushing of silica/silicate containing silts. Methods and results: Survey in two central Ladakh villages revealed radiographic evidence of silicosis in all middle aged women and half in middle aged men. In a large-scale study of 3105 subjects aged over 30 years from three villages; 101 (22.5%) of the 449 radiographed showed signs of pneumoconiosis (ILO 1980 criteria) including eggshell calcification of hilar gland and progressive massive fibrosis. Indoor dust analyzed using Philips 400T electron microscope with energy dispersive analysis system attached showed SiO2 levels upto 53.27% with particle size of 0.5 to 5.0 microns and the concentration during cooking period in the worst affected area was 7.495 mg/m^3. Microscopy and histopathology from the subject was characteristic of pneumoconiosis. Analysis of the inorganic dust in the lung showed 40.2% muscovite, 37.3% quartz with the extracted dust wt 147.9 mg/gm of dry tissue. Prevalence of chronic cough with chronic phlegm and percentage of villagers with FEV1/FVC ratio of less than 65% rose with age. Of 70 subjects studied 19 women and 2 men had Koilonychia with incidence being highest in summer. Absence of seasonal Koilonychia in villages fed by water derived from northern mountain range glaciers with mainly igneous geology supports our hypothesis.  相似文献   
Chromium pollution were investigated by sampling the abandoned chromium contaminated sites in Chongqing. Its health risk was assessed following the procedures made by USEPA. The results showed that the most seriously polluted land was found at the former production area (G4) with average Cr(VI) concentration of 3369.2 mg kg-1 on the surface soil. The assessment indicated that there was high risk of non-carcinogens for children. The assessed risk of the first layer of office area (G1) for children, chromium slag transition (G2), drainage pipeline chromium slag transition (G3) and production area (G4) for both children and adults were not acceptable (〉1.00× 106). It was strongly suggested that the accessible measures of remediation should be taken for a portion of contaminated sites before the reuse of abandoned lands.  相似文献   
对古代墓葬出土人骨的研究,可以了解古代人群的健康状况,并可以探讨不同生业模式对古代人群健康状况的影响。中原地区是中国古代文化最发达的地区,也是古代人骨出土最多和考古研究最充分的地区。本文对中原地区比较典型的河南舞阳贾湖遗址和河南灵宝西坡墓地出土人骨进行了全面的骨骼健康状况研究。贾湖遗址以渔猎采集为主要经济形态,距今9000~7800年;西坡墓地以农业为主,距今约5000年。骨骼研究显示,贾湖遗址和西坡墓地的两性身高呈逐渐降低的趋势;口腔疾病研究显示,在龋齿、牙周病、齿根脓疡、牙结石、釉质发育不全等疾病的发病率上,西坡墓地的发病率都明显高于贾湖遗址;身体骨骼研究显示,西坡墓地在退行性关节病、骨质疏松症和贫血等的发病率也明显高于贾湖遗址。这些可能暗示了,古代人群的健康状况在从渔猎采集经济向农业经济转变过程中呈逐渐恶化的趋势。但同时,作为健康指标的重要特征,西坡墓地较贾湖遗址的平均寿命有了明显的提高。结合考古学研究成果,我们认为农业经济虽然在一定程度上对古代人群的健康有一定的负面影响,但农业经济的发展,提供了更稳定的食物供应,养活了更多的人口,使得古代遗址规模不断扩大,社会复杂化逐渐深化,也创造了更多的社会财富,为向文明社会的转化奠定了物质基础。因此,农业经济的转变总体上促进了古代人群的健康状况的发展和文明的进步,农业经济对人类的进步做出了巨大贡献。  相似文献   
生态系统健康:理论/概念与评价方法   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
生态系统健康研究是目前生态与环境领域兴起的研究热点之一。在阅读和分析大量国内外文献的基础上,系统总结了健康和生态系统健康的概念,指出引入生态系统健康概念的目的是要得到一个重要生态指标清单,以此开展生态系统健康评价。然后,总结出生态系统健康评价的3种主要方法:指示物种法、指标体系法和指示区域法,并以代表实例阐述了此3种方...  相似文献   
Possible refugia for reefs in times of environmental stress   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This paper investigates the refuge potential of (1) upwelling areas, (2) coral areas at medium depth, and (3) offshore bank and island reefs in a scenario of increased global warming, and thus increased sea surface temperature (SST) and increased solar UV radiation. (1) Observations on coral health and water temperature in the subtropical Atlantic (Eleuthera and Cat Island, Bahamas) and Indian Ocean (Sodwana Bay, South Africa) suggest a link between cool water delivered by upwelling and coral health. After the 1998 bleaching event, caused by strong SST anomalies, coral health and recovery from the previous year's bleaching was significantly better on the narrow southern Cat Island shelf (70% of corals healthy) where the presence of cold water was observed, which was attributed to small-scale upwelling, than on the wide northern Eleuthera shelf (44% of corals healthy), where downwelling of hot bank waters was believed to have damaged corals. In South Africa, regular, short-term upwelling events in five summers reduced SST to well below bleaching level. (2) In the northern Red Sea (Safaga Bay) and in South Africa (Sodwana Bay), wide areas with either coral frameworks or non-framework communities exist. Calculations show that if the top 10 m (20 m) of the ocean became inhospitable to corals, still 50.4% (17.5%) of the coral area would remain intact in the Red Sea and 99% (40%) in South Africa. (3) Offshore bank and island reefs investigated in the Turks, Caicos, and Mouchoir Banks and Grand and Little Cayman showed high rates of mortality and coral diseases. The most remote sites (Mouchoir Bank) were not the healthiest. Refuge areas appear to exist in (1) and (2), but in (3) only if vigorous water-circulation is encountered.  相似文献   
One branch of structural health monitoring (SHM) utilizes dynamic response measurements to assess the structural integrity of civil infrastructures. In particular,modal frequency is a widely adopted indicator for structural damage since its square is proportional to structural stiffness. However,it has been demonstrated in various SHM projects that this indicator is substantially affected by fluctuating environmental conditions. In order to provide reliable and consistent information on the health status of the monitored structures,it is necessary to develop a method to filter this interference. This study attempts to model and quantify the environmental influence on the modal frequencies of reinforced concrete buildings. Daily structural response measurements of a twenty-two story reinforced concrete building were collected and analyzed over a one-year period. The Bayesian spectral density approach was utilized to identify the modal frequencies of this building and it was clearly seen that the temperature and humidity fluctuation induced notable variations. A mathematical model was developed to quantify the environmental effects and model complexity was taken into consideration. Based on a Timoshenko beam model,the full model class was constructed and other reduced-order model class candidates were obtained. Then,the Bayesian modal class selection approach was employed to select the one with the most suitable complexity. The proposed model successfully characterizes the environmental influence on the modal frequencies. Furthermore,the estimated uncertainty of the model parameters allows for assessment of the reliability of the prediction. This study not only improves the understanding about the monitored structure,but also establishes a systematic approach for reliable health assessment of reinforced concrete buildings.  相似文献   
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