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转型期广州市居民职住模式的群体差异及其影响因素   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张济婷  周素红 《地理研究》2018,37(3):564-576
职住关系是城市研究领域重要的议题之一。体制改革后中国社会分层结构特殊,检验不同阶层居民在职住地选择偏好的差异,有助于理解居民职住格局形成的内部机制。利用广州市入户问卷调查、建成环境和人口普查等数据,采用两步聚类和多项logistic回归,对广州市居民进行阶层划分,对比居民职住模式的群体差异及其影响因素。结果表明:职住决策时,体制外工薪阶层追求低生活成本,受职住地建成环境影响显著;体制内阶层习惯于传统单位制下社会关系密切的社区,受邻里环境影响显著,还受个人属性影响;无固定工作者决策自由和平衡程度高,受少量建成环境因素影响。研究有助于了解居民职住格局形成的制度性机制,为优化居民职住格局提供思路。  相似文献   
This study investigates the effect of non-linear soil deformation on the displacement interaction among energy piles. The work is based on interaction factor analyses of full-scale pile group tests, whose results are compared with experimental evidence. The results presented highlight the tendency of interaction factor analyses that ignore non-linear soil deformation to overestimate the interaction and the displacement of energy pile groups. This outcome, in accordance with previous studies for conventional pile groups subjected to mechanical loads, may be considered in the analysis and design of energy pile groups subjected to thermal (and mechanical) loads through the interaction factor method.  相似文献   
罗布泊东阿奇克谷地雅丹地貌与库姆塔格沙漠形成的关系   总被引:13,自引:15,他引:13  
阿奇克谷地位于罗布泊洼地之东, 93°E以西, 东西长约150km, 南北宽20~30km。为新生代北山与阿尔金山之间的地堑凹地的一部分, 与东面河西走廊的地堑凹地相通。根据出露的雅丹地层河湖相沉积样品所作的ESR测年(2272~10094kaBP)和本区的地质地貌特征可将阿奇克谷地演化与库姆塔格沙漠的发育史归纳为4个时期。①早更新世至中更新世罗布泊古湖扩大时期, 东部湖湾宽约50~60km, 向东延伸至93°15′E或更东; ②中更新世晚期山地上升与古湖湾退缩消失时期, 距今30万年前左右, 青藏高原强烈隆升, 阻挡了海洋水汽的进入, 亚洲内陆加速变干, 由于阿尔金山的左旋向东滑动, 在北面古湖区地层发生了与阿尔山斜交的羽毛状断裂谷群, 并因东北向的断裂上升与东西向的河西地堑谷地斜交, 阻断了疏勒河水不再向西流入罗布泊, 使东部湖湾向西退缩并逐步消失; ③中更新世晚期至晚更新世初, 暴雨径流与强烈的风蚀作用时期, 阿奇克谷地北部的洪积湖相沉积台地支沟口形成雅丹土丘群, 谷地南面库姆塔格沙漠北面羽毛状断裂谷群形成雅丹垄脊和风蚀谷, 谷地中央呈现出季节性的盐碱沼泽和零星雅丹土丘; ④晚更新世末至全新世库姆塔格沙漠扩大, 向北埋没了羽毛状断裂谷(风蚀谷)和雅丹垄脊, 形成了世界上独特的羽毛状沙丘。  相似文献   
The notion of vulnerability has acquired a significant role in discussions around reducing risk and identifying vulnerable groups, which is particularly important for targeting risk‐reducing policy and practice. Through ten semi‐structured interviews with 24 stakeholders, this study collected local perceptions on the following groups considered most vulnerable in Laamu Atoll, Maldives: youth and children, women, the elderly, people with disabilities, displaced persons and migrants, and farmers. In doing this, the significance of intersecting categories of identity for understanding vulnerability emerged and was explored; an approach that is often absent or scarcely applied in studies that identify vulnerable groups in the Maldives and elsewhere. Intersections between location, youth and gender or disability, as well as gender and marital status emerged as relevant for the Laamu Atoll context. Although this study acknowledges the incompleteness of its intersectional analysis, these findings provide important preliminary insights into the role of intersectionality in shaping vulnerability experience. To enhance scholarship on vulnerability, future studies could further explore intersectionality in Laamu Atoll and the Maldives using this study as a base and also improve its practical applicability for policy and practice.  相似文献   
科尔沁沙质草地优势多年生植物氮素回收效率的分异特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李玉霖  崔夺  陈静  毛伟  赵学勇 《中国沙漠》2013,33(3):688-695
养分回收是多年生植物重要的适应策略,通过这种方式可以使植物重新利用体内养分。尤其在养分贫瘠的环境中,养分条件的微小变化都会影响植物的生长、竞争和适合度。但是,不同物种和不同生活型植物的氮素回收效率具有较高的变异,这对理解不同物种或生活型植物在生态系统功能中的作用具有重要意义。本研究分析了科尔沁沙质草地生态系统中39种多年生植物成熟绿叶和枯叶的氮素含量和氮素回收效率,以揭示不同物种或生活型植物氮素回收效率的分异特征。结果表明:科尔沁沙质草地优势多年生植物成熟绿叶氮素含量的变化范围在12.2~33.4 mg·g-1,平均值为23.3 mg·g-1;与全国及全球尺度上的研究结果相比,科尔沁沙质草地成熟绿叶氮含量平均值偏高,说明干旱荒漠环境植物叶片平均氮含量相对较高;多年生植物枯叶的氮素含量明显小于成熟绿叶氮素含量,变化范围在6.2~18.8 mg·g-1,平均值为11.3 mg·g-1;多年生植物氮素回收效率的范围在29%至74%之间变化,平均值为50.3%。这说明氮素回收是科尔沁沙质草地生态系统多年生植物重要的养分保留策略之一。另外,沙质草地不同生活型植物的氮素回收效率存在显著的差异。固氮植物和禾本科植物的氮素回收效率显著低于灌木和杂类草植物。这一结果间接说明植物氮素保持能力的分异是半干旱沙质草地植物共存的机理之一。  相似文献   
跨界族群以及由此造成的分离主义运动一直是民族学、社会学与国际关系等学科研究的重点议题。本研究对安哥拉卡宾达飞地分离主义运动的研究着重探讨特殊地理位置为安哥拉政府带来的治理困境。对卡宾达分离主义运动的发展历史进行回顾,发现跨界族群问题是卡宾达分离主义运动产生的根源,而飞地属性则从不同角度增加了安哥拉在治理该问题上的难度,主要表现为未能使当地人产生对安哥拉的国家认同,大幅降低了外部干涉难度以及难以满足该地居民的发展诉求。本研究还认为跨界族群的分离主义思潮看似合理,但其文化特殊性并不一定能转化为分离主义运动的政治合理性。虽然非洲国家很多现有边界存在不合理之处,但对它的改变未必能让跨界族群获得更好的社会经济发展。另外,边界对分离主义组织运行模式的影响也是一个值得深入研究的议题。  相似文献   
本文研究桩基-非线性框剪结构相互作用体系的地震反应。其中上部框架和剪力墙结构分别用门型单元和四弹簧墙单元进行分析;桩基阻抗函数通过单桩阻抗和动力相互作用因于求得。采用频-时域混合法求解体系的动力方程,本文研究了在桩基-框剪结构相互作用体系地震反应分析中,桩基阻抗的频率相关性对结构地震反应的影响,并从土体剪切波速和地震波强度两个方面,研究了土-桩-结构相互作用对框剪结构地震反应的影响。  相似文献   
The preproposal stage of the rulemaking process is notoriously understudied, but enormously important in determining regulatory outputs. Recently, Rinfret (2011c Rinfret , S. R. 2011c . Frames of influence: U.S. environmental rulemaking case studies . Rev. Policy Res. 28 ( 3 ): 231245 .[Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]) analyzed the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) rulemaking process and developed a frame analysis model to interpret stakeholder influence during the preproposal stage. Rinfret argues that stakeholders use three frames to influence agency rulemaking, including an expertise, a fiscal feasibility, and an information frame. This article tests this model to determine whether it is applicable to other federal agencies such as the National Park Service (NPS). Through an analysis of stakeholder framing within the 2012 NPS Yellowstone Winter Use Rule, this research confirms that Rinfret's model is indeed applicable to the NPS process. Therefore, this research suggests that this theoretical model examining stakeholder influence is applicable to other public land agencies, and arguably can be applied across the bureaucracy.  相似文献   
Malaria is one of the most widespread diseases in the world. Endemic malaria no longer occurs in many temperate zones as a result of social and economic improvement. At present malaria is the Third World's most dreaded killer. It kills over 1 million people and causes 300–500 million episodes of illness. In India, malaria-reported deaths have shown an upward trend. In 1955, a drive to eradicate malaria was launched in India. But after initial success it failed and malaria made a comeback. Malarial mosquitoes generally prefer unpolluted natural breeding sites but now they have adapted to the changed urban environment. In this paper, an attempt has been made to examine the occurrence of malaria and related environmental issues in a small town of India. Aligarh city, lying in the shadow of the country's capital New Delhi, was selected as a case study. Data were collected mainly from household surveys with the help of questionnaire interviews. About 2,185 households belonging to different income groups were sampled. The differences in the occurrence of malaria in the different income households (in 87% low, 69% lower-middle, 65% middle, 14% upper-middle, and 5% upper) suggest that most of these differences are related to the environmental conditions existing inside and outside their homes, such as poor drainage system, poor sullage disposal, open blocked drains, waterlogging and indoor water storage in open containers. Commitment both by the Government and local residents is needed to improve the environmental conditions and eradicate malaria.  相似文献   
采用动力文克尔地基模型模拟均质粘弹性土层,推导出了均质土中单桩动阻抗;引用桩-桩动力相互作用因子,得到了刚性承台下群桩的动阻抗;而且建立了柔性承台与桩基础的竖向振动模型,该模型考虑了筏板自身的变形,并导出了其共同作用的运动方程。最后对柔性承台与刚性承台的计算结果作了对比分析。  相似文献   
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