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Comparative study of the inelastic response of base isolated buildings   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This article presents a numeric comparative study of the inelastic structural response of base isolated buildings. The comparative study includes the following isolation systems: laminated rubber bearings, New Zealand one, pure friction and the frictional pendulum ones. The study is based on obtaining non‐linear response spectra for various design parameters using six earthquake records. Usually the base isolation of a new building seeks to maintain the structure in the linear elastic range. The response of old weak buildings or the response of new ones subjected to extreme earthquakes may not be, necessarily, in the aforementioned ideal elastic range. Consequently, it is important to characterize the response of isolated buildings responding inelastically. A conclusion from this research is that the isolators affect significantly the structural response of weak systems. Rubber isolators seem slightly less sensitive to plastification that may occur in the structure compared to friction isolators. Ductility demands in the structure are affected significantly by friction and neoprene protected systems, in particular sliding ones where larger demands are obtained. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
中国银矿的资源特征及成矿规律概要   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国银矿资源丰富,成矿地质条件优越,主要以共伴生为主,近年来独立银矿找矿也取得一些进展。本文系统搜集了国内外银矿数量与规模、储量和分布等内容,梳理了中国银矿资源分布及储量分布规律,总结了中国银矿资源特点。在对全国490处银矿矿产地资料系统梳理的基础上,深入总结了中国银矿的成矿规律,划分了海相火山沉积型、陆相火山次火山岩型、矽卡岩型、热液型(脉型和层控型)、沉积变质型、沉积型和新生风化淋积型等7个银矿预测类型,其中前4个应该作为重点预测类型,并划分出32个成银带,编制了"中国成银带分布图",为中国银矿资源潜力评价和勘查部署提供了理论依据。  相似文献   
珠江口盆地存在丰富的油气资源,勘探前景受到越来越多的关注.局部磁异常往往与含油气局部构造密切相关.通过对珠江口盆地大比例尺高精度航磁资料处理和分析,识别出5种航磁局部构造异常:基岩凸起局部构造异常、与基性侵入岩有关的局部构造异常、与中酸性侵入岩有关的局部构造异常、与火山岩有关的局部构造异常、与沉积层有关的局部构造异常.对各种局部构造异常进行了较细致的描述,并结合地震、重力、钻孔等资料对典型异常进行了地质解释,为油气勘探提供了依据.  相似文献   
刘健  史杰  姚鑫  李钦  常志勇 《中国地质》2018,45(4):681-692
帕米尔东北缘位于青藏高原西北部,是新构造运动最强烈的地区之一。受控于公格尔拉张断裂作用的塔什库尔干盆地,活动构造强烈,高的大地热流值和丰富的地下水,使其具备地热资源形成的地质构造和水文条件。基于塔什库尔干盆地北部的曲曼地区地质构造、湖相地层年代学调查研究,该地区发育晚更新世的NNE向f_1和f_2正断层以及第四纪沉积物之下存在隐伏的近EW向的断层f_3。这3条断层是塔什库尔干断裂在不同构造演化时期形成的次级断层。结合EH-4电磁成像和钻孔及抽水试验等资料表明NNE向f_1和f_2正断层是地热系统的导水通道,而近EW向f_3断层为导热通道。该地区地热模式是大地热流为热源-地下水深循环逐渐加热-构造控水和控热。  相似文献   
甘肃省金矿资源预测模型及潜力评价   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
为了更加科学有效地部署甘肃省金矿勘查找矿工作,必须对全省金资源总量作出定量预测,对省内各成矿带的金资源潜力作出定量评价。文章对甘肃省已发现的429处金矿床(点)的资料及全省1∶20万区域化探资料进行了统计和研究,建立了甘肃省金资源总量丰度估算模型、品位-储量回归预测模型及全省各成矿带金资源潜力分布模型。通过定量预测得知,甘肃省金资源总量的上限值为3166t,金资源总量为2420.6t;西秦岭成矿带的金资源潜力最大,占全省金资源潜力的37%,祁连成矿带次之,占24%,扬子成矿带占15%,北山成矿带占13%。据甘肃省岩金资源回归预测模型,岩金矿床在甘肃省具有极大的资源潜力。  相似文献   
农业自然资源据其在农业利用过程中的地位可分为两类:一类是生成农业自然资源的环境,另一类为可资直接利用的自然生成物(即狭义的农业自然资源)。陕西秦巴山区自然环境的主要特点是:复合山体高峻庞大,地跨暖温带和北亚热带,垂直分异明显。区内有:森林、草场、野生生物、林特产与农作物等多种农业自然资源。据此,提出了本区农业自然资源的开发利用途径。  相似文献   
鲁北临盘地热资源丰富 ,热储层为新近纪黄骅群馆陶组 ,热储盖层为新近纪黄骅群明化镇组和第四纪平原组 ,热源主要来自地壳深部正常热流传导。目前已钻凿 2口地热井 ,开发利用效益显著。地热开发要避开油气层 ,石油开发要防止污染地热储水层。  相似文献   
双宝  王力  孙英男 《吉林地质》2009,28(1):42-45
云南个旧锡铜多金属矿集区是中国最重要的锡、铜多金属矿集区之一,本文从多方面对该矿集区的资源潜力进行了分析,并指明了找矿方向。  相似文献   
Wang  Yutian  Tan  Bingqi  Wang  Yifeng  Wu  Jiangtao 《Natural Resources Research》1994,3(4):284-294
We propose an information-structure-analysis (ISA) method to quantify the correlations between quantitative and qualitative variables as well as within each type of variable. This method is applied to the evaluation of mineral resources in the western Zheijiang Province of China. The district contains a number of silver-bearing Fe–Cu–Pb–Zn mineral deposits near igneous complexes and FeCuPbZn zones away from the complexes. Silver anomalies occur not only in the known Fe–Cu–Zn–Pb deposits, but also in the country rock, suggesting the possible existence of silver deposits far from the igneous complexes.The tonnage distribution of silver is modeled by Monte Carlo simulation. This simulation is conducted on the basis of the correlations between silver (Ag) and lead (Pb), since no known data on silver is available. The known tonnage distribution of lead in 11 control cells was used to approximate the tonnage distribution of silver in the Monte Carlo simulation. With ISA and Monte Carlo methods, the total amount of potential polymetallic resources in 49 cells in the western Zhejiang Provice is predicted. Significantly, a deposit with about 24 tonnes of silver has been found within our exploration target area.  相似文献   
在矿区地质模型建立及边界条件限定的基础上,提出了基于网格剖分积分计算富钴结壳资源量的评估计算方法,推导了相应的计算公式,设计了相应的模块界面,并在"海底地形地貌自动成图系统"中实现了这种计算方法.这种资源量计算方法可应用于富钴结壳资源研究和评价计算.  相似文献   
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