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隧道超前地质灾害预报综述   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
隧道超前地质灾害预报在隧道施工中是十分重要的环节。文章对隧道超前地质灾害预报内容、原则、形式、方法、流程方面的研究现状进行了论述。着重对隧道超前地质灾害预报的各种方法进行了分析对比。隧道超前地质灾害预报的方法各有优缺点和局限性,应该取长补短,综合分析,根据实际情况确定应该采取的方法及其组合。在隧道超前地质灾害预报工作中,必须处理好与施工单位的关系。  相似文献   
In the application of 3D Geoscience Modeling,we often need to generate the volumetric representations of geological bodies from their surface representations.Linear octree,as an efficient and easily operated volumetric model,is widely used in 3D Geoscience Modeling.This paper proposes an algorithm for fast and dynamic generation of linear octrees of geological bodies from their surface models under hardware acceleration.The Z-buffers are used to determine the attributes of octants and voxels in a fast way,a...  相似文献   
本文着重论述了碎裂蚀变花岗岩型铀矿的赋矿岩石特征:即岩石原始铀含量高;岩石碎裂强度大;岩石蚀变强烈;岩石组分简单,有利于铀的浸出(有害元素含量低)。这些特征可以作为识别与寻找该类型铀矿床的岩石学依据。  相似文献   
The planktonic community of freshwater Rotifera in 27 subtropical lakes was studied to assess the relative importance of physicochemical factors and crustacean zooplankton as determinants of rotifer density and species distribution. Factor analysis and multiple linear regressions showed that 21.9% and 29.9% of the variance in rotifer density was explained by physicochemical factors and crustaceans, respectively. Larger rotifer density was possible in shallower lakes with higher concentration of inorganic nitrogen and less herbivorous crustaceans such as Sinocalanus dorrii and Daphnia. Redundancy analysis showed that the variances of rotifer species distribution explained by crustaceans and physicochemical factors were 26.9% and 31.0%, respectively. Further analysis demonstrated that the variances explained by pure crustaceans and pure physicochemical factors were 12.5% and 16.6%, respectively. However, these two percentages were not statistically different. Rotifer species distribution was strongly associated with Chl a and Moina micrura. Their coexistence with crustaceans seemed to be determined by their defense against potential predators and competitors.  相似文献   
为精细解剖西非油气富集的 Rio Muni 盆地复杂盐拱构造带上的油藏特征,为其他相似地区油藏评价提供一定参考,以位于复杂盐拱构造带上的 H 油藏为例,利用地震、测井、录井、钻井和 MDT 测试等资料分析 H 油藏的构造、沉积、储层和油层分布特征及成藏主控因素等。研究得出,H 油藏属于典型的构造岩性复合油藏,为构造背景下的岩性边水油藏,具有多套油水系统,构造高部位发育盐刺穿,储层既有浊积砂岩储层又有滑脱灰岩储层,主要分布于构造的翼部低部位,滑脱断层和盐拱是油气成藏的主控因素。  相似文献   
侯明才 《铀矿地质》2000,16(4):199-203,232
本文通过对河道和河谷两个不同地貌单元特征的界定 ,澄清铀矿地质领域中对古河道型砂岩铀矿床与古河谷型砂岩铀矿床概念上的混淆。同时就河道与河谷对基准面变化的响应及充填序列特征作了探讨 ,为确定古河道在平面上的展布提供依据。  相似文献   
黑北公路冻土路基设计原则及病害特征   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
依据位于小兴安岭地区的黑北公路沿线退化多年冻土特征,以及地质、水文、气候等工程环境条件,分析了黑北公路路基可能会发生的病害和发展过程,提出了适合于黑经公路的路基设计与病害防治措施,以便比选与优化退化型多年冻土地区的路基稳定性设计原则及结构形式,同时在路基设计形式和病害处理上提出了一些初步设想和建议。  相似文献   
在隧道施工期地质超前预报中采用综合的预报方法对隧道开挖工作面前方地质条件(情况)进行及时准确的预报,TSP超前地质预报是目前应用最为广泛的长距离预报手段,本文主要从原理,数据采集和数据处理等方面进行了介绍,并结合工程实例分析说明其应用效果。  相似文献   
Gas Hure Oilfield is the biggest one in the Qaidam Basin.Through intensive sampling and GC-MS analysis,the authors analyzed the geochemical characteristics of the crude oils in the Gas Hure Oilfield.The results show that the crude oils have even-odd carbon predominance for n-alkanes.In shallow reservoir,part of crude oils suffered biogenic degradation.As for normal oils,they have low Pr/Ph ratios with abundant gammacerane and C35 homohopane,which indicate that the crude oils are formed in strong reducing sa...  相似文献   
During the seismic wave propagation process, as for the anisotropic lower medium, the speed is a function of the propagating direction. This article focuses on solving the problem how to get the transmittance angle and speed, knowing the upper seismic wave propagation velocity and the angle of incidence conditions. The main theories used Snell law, Christoffel equation and speed characteristics. Taking the HTI medium as an example, the authors give the detailed solving process and draw the space velocity characteristic curve.  相似文献   
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