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随着第一次全国地理国情普查工作的全面开展,出现了众多地理国情信息数据处理软件,数据的采集和制作也遇到了各种各样的问题,我们利用MapGIS平台对软件的内部模块和功能进行了有效的利用,并得到了很好的应用效果。  相似文献   
基于WorldView-2的遥感影像预处理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
赵莹  王环  方圆 《东北测绘》2014,(6):165-167,170
对于国家新推出的地理国情普查项目,卫星遥感数据作为其基础数据有着至关重要的作用,直接影响着目视解译的结果。本文主要对WorldView-2影像进行分析,并对其整个预处理的流程进行分析整理。最终表明,WorldView-2影像可采取辐射校正-几何校正-影像融合-数据正射纠正的技术路线对整个影像进行预处理,为地理国情普查项目中的影像数据预处理提供了参考及依据,为后续的目视解译过程奠定良好的基础。  相似文献   
介绍了"数字重庆"地理空间信息定位基准建设的基本情况,着重阐述了CQGNSS、高精度GPS控制网、精密水准网和区域似大地水准面精化等方面的数据处理情况,展示了山城地区的基准体系建设特点。  相似文献   
地理格网模型研究进展   总被引:12,自引:2,他引:12  
地理格网系统起源于早期的制图研究,并发展成为表达复杂地理现象、综合分析自然与人文数据、模拟地理系统功能与行为的基本方法。地理格网系统的组成包括格元、格边和格点,格元代表了区域面状特征,格点确定了格元的基本位置和点状特征,格边用于度量格元间的通量关系。在现代地球测量技术驱动下,地理格网系统的功能从传统的地图定位框架与地理现象表达,进一步拓展出多源地理空间数据融合、地理综合分析等新功能。研究椭球空间下的地理格网系统构建模型、误差分布、地学计算等是地理格网系统研究的前沿和基础性科学问题。  相似文献   
海域地名采集编辑系统的设计与实现   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对我国S-57标准电子海图生产中海域地名数据修编存在的手工操作效率低、准确性不高现状,结合海洋测绘生产体系,研究开发海域地名采集编辑系统.系统在可视化显示基础上,实现地名实体数据多边形拓扑构造、编辑、修改,并实现地名属性与图形的双向查询.满足与目前S-57标准电子海图生产系统数据的互通、对接,可提高生产效率和自动化水...  相似文献   
基于球面六边形网格系统的空间信息处理方法   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
利用球面离散网格系统管理全球海量空间信息是一种受到普遍关注的新途径.文中提出的方法首先采用施奈德等积多面体投影将平面多分辨率六边形网格映射到球面构成网格系统;然后通过边界点四元组将球面六边形网格之间的空间关系转化为球面三角四叉树处理,利用扩展的QTM编码方案在3轴离散网格坐标系下实现了经纬度和单元地址码之间的转换;最后提出了单元分析和检索算法.实验结果表明,这种数据处理方法直接对单元地址编码进行操作,具有较高的效率.  相似文献   
To support Earth system modeling, we propose a discrete global grid system that expresses multi-resolution spatial data. Specifically, a unified coding model that expresses a grid of nodes, edges, and cells is constructed for a triangular discrete global grid system. To fulfill the requirements of practical applications, we design a code-based topological query method for this grid system and an algorithm to transform between grid codes and geographic coordinates. We evaluate the Global Finite Volume Community Ocean Model (Global-FVCOM) on the triangular discrete global grid system in the proposed uniform coding model. The ocean tidal waves simulated by the Global-FVCOM running on the coded grid are then compared with results obtained using a traditional irregular spherical grid system, and the results display comparable accuracy. The uniform coding model proposed in this paper provides a triangular discrete global grid system that can represent multi-resolution spatial data and can be used in Earth system models. This unified coding model can also be applied to the geographic coordinate system made up of latitudes and longitudes, as well as diamond and hexagonal grids.  相似文献   
To increase the monitoring potential of forest fires, an alert classification methodology using satellite-mapped hotspots has been established to help forest managers in the prioritization of which hotspot to be verified in the field, thus potentially improving the distribution of fire-fighting resources. A computer application was developed based on web-distributed geographical information technology whose main function is to interact automatically generated satellite hotspots and risk areas indicated in fire-susceptibility maps and classify them into five alert levels. The location of the hotspots is available continuously every 4 h, and a susceptibility map is produced daily through map algebra algorithm, which uses static (topography, vegetation and land use) and dynamic (weather) variables. Every process runs through automated geoprocessing routines. The methodology was tested during the dry period of 2007 in the Carajás National Forest, in the Brazilian Amazon, within an area of 400,000 ha. It is a critical area constantly threatened by fires caused by invasions and deforestation owing to intense agribusiness advances and mining activities in its surroundings. This situation results in observations of many hotspots inside the study area for the same day and almost the same time period, in places of extreme opposites, demanding complex rapid analysis and hindering the decision of the displacement of fire-fighting teams. Further, a major mining company operates within the National Forest area, maintaining actions of protection as part of its environmental mining license. Results are presented under three aspects: (i) the credibility of the daily susceptibility map (algorithm), which showed strong correlation between areas of greatest risks and the confirmed forest fires; (ii) the reliability of hotspots (alert levels), confirming 71% of fires; (iii) accuracy in the decision of which hotspot to be checked, which revealed the same number of verifications at different alert levels, 82% confirmed alert 5 hotspots (maximum) and only 50% from alert 1 (minimum), resulting in faster fire-fighting actions, minimizing burned areas and, in some cases, allowing fire control before its spreading. Therefore, the methodology demonstrated that GIS routines are able to determine the relationship between a reality-based, interpreted susceptibility map of the area and satellite-generated hotspots, highlighting the ones of highest hazard level through the alert classification, becoming an important tool to help decisions from the fire-control center, especially for high-risk regions. The methodology may be extrapolated to other forested areas.  相似文献   
广州市登革热时空传播特征及影响因素   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以广州市主城区为研究区,着眼于街道等微观尺度,首先通过实地调查分析法、核密度分析法、标准差椭圆法,探究登革热时空传播特征;其次结合交叉相关性分析法与地理探测器,分析温度、湿度、气压、用地类型对登革热传播的影响,讨论了不同用地类型交互作用与登革热扩散的关系。研究表明:1)登革热时空传播具明显的阶段性特征,多发生于居住环境较差、人口密度较高的区域,并快速向外扩散;2)登革热发展初期,以输入型病例为主;3)环境较差、老年人口众多、人员构成复杂、交通便捷的老城区是登革热高爆发风险区域;4)温度、湿度、气压对登革热传播存在显著滞后性影响关系,温度、湿度与登革热传播呈正相关关系,气压与登革热传播呈负相关关系;5)居民人口分布与登革热传播关系最为密切,池塘、农田、草地、公共绿地交互地区会增加登革热传播风险。  相似文献   
基于Whittaker滤波的陕西省植被物候特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张晗  任志远 《中国沙漠》2015,35(4):901-906
运用Whittaker滤波重构MODIS NDVI时序数列,利用地理探测器对比滤波前后影像信噪比,采用动态阈值法获取2000-2012年陕西省植被的3个关键物候参数(返青期、枯黄期和生长周期),在此基础上分析了该区植被物候参数空间分布特征。结果表明:(1)Whittaker滤波能够平滑原始NDVI曲线,有效减少原始影像的噪声,提高影像辨识度,并且参数设置简单;(2)陕西省植被物候地区分异明显,不同气候区划类植被物候表现出中温带半干旱区-暖温带半干旱区-暖温带半湿润区-北亚热带湿润区的递变规律:返青期逐步提前,枯黄期逐步推迟;(3)植被物候受高程和纬度影响,并且纬度影响更显著。海拔每升高200 m,返青期推迟1.3 d,枯黄期提前0.6 d;纬度每升高0.5°,返青期推迟3.6 d,枯黄期提前1.2 d。  相似文献   
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